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Volume 1 Is this the world of Marvel?  Chapter 216 Integrating Resources

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    , a gentle-looking white man posed in a weird posture. Anyone who is proficient in ancient Chinese culture will definitely recognize it. This posture is a kind of Chinese religious blessing posture. However, this kind of blessing is a bit  Strangely, it is not about praying for wealth and longevity, nor about blessing future generations for prosperity, but about praying for supreme peace of mind.  This is a pursuit of spiritual power. Of course, this pursuit cannot give you magical power. This ancient Chinese spiritual practice is not about cultivating special powers, but about sincerely cultivating a kind of spiritual peace, which is like getting  Although the eminent monks and masters are also weak, they can remain unmoved by the eight winds even if death is right in front of them.  In ancient China, many scholars, monks and Taoist priests were able to reach such a state. Those who died peacefully in the history books were those who had reached this level of spiritual cultivation. Since ancient times, there have been countless heresies and uneducated people.  The true spiritual cultivation method, but using heretical ways to instigate people's hearts without fear of life and death, also comes from this spiritual cultivation method.  "Bruce, controlling anger does not mean that you give up your anger, but that you can control your anger. You have to understand that anger is an emotion, and its manifestations are accelerated heartbeat, accelerated blood flow, increased body temperature, and increased adrenal gland secretion. However, it does not  If you have these characteristics, you must be angry. "Besides, a man who looked to be in his twenties said loudly, and Bruce, who was in a Jing: Long: Wind God cultivation posture, responded loudly to the man.  Indeed, Bruce is a biologist.  He naturally understood that physical characteristics were not a harbinger of emotions, just that.  Human beings cannot control their emotions, so when a certain emotion goes out of control, the body will naturally react.  However, the reactions of anger and excitement are basically the same, with increased blood flow and increased adrenal gland secretion.  These two emotions are actually not necessarily related.  "Bruce has always relied on controlling the body's natural metabolism to control his transformation and emotions over the years, however.  That kind of life is not what Bruce wants. He has his own lover, and he can't live like this for the rest of his life, a man and a woman.  Especially a European and American man and woman.  If you can only study Plato, then it will obviously not last long.  Therefore, as soon as he knew that China had a way to help him control these, Bruce almost immediately abandoned his work and ran away.  Speaking of which, Bruce¡¯s luck and character are quite good. Not long after he arrived, he was attacked by a pack of wolves. Then, he was coincidentally rescued by a group of Chinese people holding bows and arrows, and then.  He was taken to this place where the Chinese people lived in seclusion, and met a large group of Chinese people with special skills.  And the thing that makes Bruce happiest is.  Some of these reclusive Chinese actually knew how to help him control his body, including his emotions.  The body can be controlled, and the emotions can also be controlled, so that when the blood flow accelerates and the adrenal gland secretion increases, one does not transform. What a magical ability this is. Bruce dare not say it, but these Chinese people have simply  The exploration of the body is treated like a machine. The engine can run anyway, but the kinetic energy is not output, so it is disassembled part by part.  This is simply a miracle. In these days of training, Bruce has not transformed once. Bruce once again lost control. However, what Bruce did not expect was that after he transformed into the Hulk, he was forcibly killed.  Fight back to ordinary people.  Damn it, the Hulk has been restored to ordinary people. Bruce can't imagine what kind of power it is. He can only be sure that if these Chinese people go to the United States, every one of them will be a superhero, and they will still be the strongest.  The big wave.  China is really a country full of legends. Bruce sighed, and then continued to practice hard under the command of the young man. Speaking of which, he learned to control his body, hoping to master the body quickly, and then go back to live with his lover.  The motivation possessed by Sweet Day is probably even greater than when Bruce was studying biology in school.  "Elder, something strange has happened. At the junction of Europe, Africa and Central Asia, there is a very powerful movement. It feels like a god from an ancient period has briefly awakened." And there was a cave not far from Bruce's training place.  Inside, several old people wearing traditional Chinese costumes were sitting cross-legged. In front of them, a young man wearing modern clothes was kneeling on one knee. At this time, the young man was casting some kind of water spell, causing some special fluctuations to appear on the ground.  Showed in front of an old man.  "The place where the three continents meet, the catastrophe of that year seems to have started to spread from there. I just hope that the catastrophe of that year will not happen again. Send people to keep an eye on the place at all times, and report it immediately if there is any situation again."  oneThe old man sighed helplessly and said, but one thing Bruce didn't know was that the old man was actually no longer there. After encountering the wolves and being rescued, Bruce had already been taken hundreds of kilometers northward.  At this time, Bruce should be located in Central Asia. If you draw the horizontal line, it is probably already in the mountains level with Lanzhou in China.  And this mountain range in China has a name that resounds throughout the world, Kunlun.  Ancient wonderland, Kunlun Mountain.  Of course, since the vitality of the earth disappeared thousands of years ago, the Kunlun Wonderland has become worse with each generation. Up to now, not many people in Kunlun Mountain still have the power to fly to the sky and escape from the earth. However, even so, these so-called immortal practitioners  The Taoist guy still sticks to his ancient responsibilities.  "Bruce, that guy doesn't have a good temper, and what kind of shit registration system do you think that guy would be willing to accept, haha." The American captain looked at Tony mockingly. At this time, the atmosphere between the three of them was also a bit weird.  When it comes to hatred, the three of them don't have any hatred. Moreover, the three of them can be regarded as friends. Not to mention Nao and Tony, Nao and the captain of the United States, and the captain of the United States and Tony seem to be friends.  After all, this circle is not small.  It's not a big deal. This is not only the secret of high-level government, but also the circle of the underground world around the world.  Anyway, so many people know about the comings and goings, and anyone who can be in it without being a life-and-death enemy can be counted as a friend.  It seems that Tony, Captain America and Nanao don¡¯t have any need to fight to the death. Anyway, Captain America never planned to fight Tony before SHIELD introduced that bullshit registration system, and even if SHIELD introduced that damn registration system,  Registration system, the American captain has no intention of fighting Tony to the death.  If he hadn't been forced to have no way out, the American captain would probably have chosen a small city to live in seclusion.  "Steve, let's put it this way. There is one thing that may lead to the destruction of all mankind if it is said. If it were you, you would not say it." Tony looked at the American captain helplessly.  This guy was from decades ago.  His character is very old-fashioned, but his sense of justice is something that people born in today's society do not have. You must know that this guy is a real ancient, and has not experienced the influence of several character liberations in modern society.  For the captain of the United States, life in the 1920s still seems to be right in front of him, and ordinary people in that era were still extremely simple. ??????????????????? After Tony said these words, the American captain's expression became slightly serious.  He had met Tony during the Battle of New York, and had a general understanding of Tony's way of doing things, his conduct, his personality, etc. He was a bohemian man. If things hadn't come to a point where things really burned his ass, this guy would probably have said something about it.  There would be no serious words, but at this time, this guy's words were clearly extremely serious. ???????????????????????????????????? It is very possible that there is really something serious going on, and it is very likely that this matter is really, as Tony said, related to the survival of all mankind.  The anger in the American captain's heart calmed down slightly, and he began to worry about Tony. However, Nanao couldn't help but groaned beside him.  "You think you can shoulder such a heavy responsibility and keep such a secret alone, but you don't even think about what else you can rely on besides that huge turtle shell. If you are accidentally killed, or  , someone had your memory extracted, hehe, I'm afraid things will get serious." Nan'o looked at Tony with a sneer, "Think about it, if someone extracts your memory and learns this secret, and then uses some evil method.  The spell tampered with your memory, and then only the evil being knew this secret that was related to the survival of all mankind, and you, the person who was supposed to keep this secret, became a bad person because you were instilled with incorrect secrets. "  These words were extremely terrifying for Nan Ao, but Tony's brows also wrinkled. As people in this circle, he and the American captain both knew that Nan Ao's words were definitely not lies. In fact, in this world, what can  There are definitely people who can read other people's memories and tamper with other people's memories.  Not to mention evil spells, technology alone can do this. According to Tony's knowledge, it seems that technology that can modify memory already exists within S.H.I.E.L.D., and there is also technology that can read other people's memories.  In other words, if he is caught, it is possible that someone has read the secret and then injected a wrong secret into it.  "You bastard, I know you want to know this secret, but have you ever thought that if you knew this secret, your safety problems would be very serious from today on. There will be countless monsters in this world who want to know  I want to kill you,I'm afraid there are countless people within SHIELD who want to kill you. Hydra is lurking in SHIELD.  " Tony sighed helplessly and spoke. When he spoke, he looked at Nan'o angrily. For his best friend, Tony was really angry and funny. He himself didn't want to drag his best friend into the water, but this bastard did.  He just jumped into the water desperately and couldn't stop him. "Idiot, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you, and Steve won't tell me. I know who knows this secret. Tell me and Steve."  My husband¡¯s secret is always a kind of insurance, or do you think Steve and I can¡¯t afford this secret?  " Nan'o said with a smile. He was originally a person with no curiosity. However, since the training at SHIELD Academy, then the monster riot in the underground laboratory, and then another person appeared in his soul, finally he found that he seemed not to be  Complete. In short, after a series of events, Nan Ao became more curious even if he was not curious. Anyway, now Nan Ao has the urge to find out all the secrets. God can't stop Nan Ao's curiosity at this time.  Tony¡¯s little threat naturally failed to make Nan Ao stop being curious. ¡°Okay, I¡¯ll tell you.  In fact, humans are not the masters of the earth, they are just a group of experimental subjects. The earth is just a testing ground. There is a certain unknown race in the dark that has been observing and studying the evolution of humans, just like  How about we catch mice and study it.  Now that you know this secret, do you feel happy?  " Tony smiled bitterly and told the biggest secret in his heart, but the expressions of Nanao and the captain of the United States were already stiff. This secret was really unacceptable to the two of them. Come to think of it, whoever suddenly finds himself becoming the protagonist of The Truman World is afraid  There is no way to accept it. Wait. It seems that he is not the protagonist, because others are studying a group, and he is only a member of this group. "Wait, research, according to normal research behavior, I will make some."  Death events to observe the reaction of experimental subjects, and.  If the experiment reaches a certain stage, there will be no valuable discoveries.  They will also destroy all the experimental subjects and start a new experiment again. Or, after completing the entire experiment, they will also destroy the experimental subjects because they are afraid that others will discover their research results.  "Nao seemed to have thought of something. His expression changed and he continued to speak. When he said this, he looked at Tony quietly. "If there are so many things happening in SHIELD these days, it is because they secretly use humans as experimental subjects.  If the existence of the human being intends to destroy the experimental subject, then the situation may be quite bad. ¡°You are very smart, Nanao, the answer is correct. Now you know why SHIELD wants all special humans to register, because that is.  It is very likely to be humanity's last bargaining chip, the only possibility to fight against being destroyed.  " Tony laughed helplessly. Nanao and the captain of the United States were also speechless for a moment. Who would have thought that the truth of the matter would be like this. " However, after knowing the truth of the matter at this time, the two of them discovered that Bi did not know.  It seems that they are still helpless, because they can't do anything. Since the existence in the dark can use humans as experimental subjects and the earth as a laboratory, what a powerful existence it must be. It is completely unimaginable by humans.  Even gods can't compete with that dark existence, Nan Ao thought helplessly and bitterly, but then he thought of the other self he vaguely saw when his soul was deprived of his soul. That other self was also extremely powerful.  It's terrifying. The guy who deprived himself of his soul is already incredibly powerful. The army he summoned is even like angels and gods. However, in comparison, the other self is the real terror. Although it is just a trance, Nan.  Ao can feel that the other self definitely has the power to destroy everything with a wave of his hand. If the other self can fight against the existence that secretly uses the earth as a laboratory, maybe, there should be a chance to fight against the other self.  I don¡¯t know how to wake up, let alone how to become one with myself. ¡°Your method is wrong.  " Suddenly, Nanao raised his head and looked at Tony. The latter was slightly startled. This registration method was proposed by Fury to find out how many special humans there are on the earth. Only then will he have the details in his mind when he confronts the existence in the dark in the future.  However, at this time Nanao said that the method was wrong, which made Tony a little unacceptable. "Forcing people will only create a confrontational mentality. Your method is very unreasonable, if I were you.  , it will definitely not be mandatory for those special humans to register. You must know that all special humans have strong strength and special power. They??A proud person will never approve of 2 mandatory measures.  " Nan'o said lightly. He didn't know how he knew these words. It seemed that he could understand those special humans. Perhaps, because he himself was also a special human being, especially when another person appeared.  , after possessing another part of his own power, Nan Ao is more able to understand this mentality. Previously, he slapped a combat robot into molten metal. Although it was for revenge for the new friend, it was not because of it.  The robot didn't take him seriously, so it made him angry. "If the existence in the dark really intends to destroy mankind, then we don't have much time left, and our only chance is.  It is to integrate all human combat forces before the final moment. However, actions like yours not only fail to integrate the forces, but are very likely to waste the energy in self-infighting.  " Nan Ao spoke lightly, Tony showed a look of disapproval in his eyes, but said nothing and continued to let Nan Ao talk. "Actually, human beings are very strange creatures. We may not all belong to the same ethnic group.  They may not even be of the same species. After all, the existence of the four major categories of white, yellow, black, and brown people has long shown that our ancestors may not be the same species, but humans are actually the same species.  of a race.  " A serious expression appeared on Nan'o's face, "Thousands of years of evolution, or the secret existence using certain means, have already led us to the same civilization, the same values, world view, and outlook on life. Therefore, human beings  If they are from the same clan, then, when life and death are at stake, human beings will spontaneously unite together to fight against destruction.  " This time, Tony didn't think anything was wrong with what Nan'o said, but nodded lightly. It's true. Human beings are the same kind of creature. When destruction comes, they will spontaneously unite. "Before, Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.  The registration I came up with is precisely to unite the power of all mankind at the last moment and make a last ditch effort. ¡°But one thing you have to know is that the unity of mankind can only be achieved when there is no hatred. Otherwise,  Emotional conflicts will make many people prefer destruction to compromise. The registration system itself is fine, but if it is enforced, it will produce hatred, and this kind of hatred can only be achieved even when there is a secret intention to destroy the world.  It will be seen as a relief by some humans who are suppressed by SHIELD and can't breathe. When the time comes, it may not be a united confrontation, but it may drag SHIELD and some of the hatreds in the past to die together.  " Nan'o continued speaking calmly, and Tony's body trembled. It seems that humans may indeed do this. In history, many humans did seem to do this during the wars of annihilation. What country and family hate, what race  Life and death seem to be insignificant in the face of personal hatred. Although not all human beings are so selfish, many times a selfish person will kill a large group of people.  However, time is no longer enough. How much time do I have to slowly absorb the power of all mankind?  " Tony cursed bitterly. It's not that he hadn't thought about the problem Nan'o said, but subconsciously he didn't want to think too much, because time was really running out, and no one knew when the secret existence would take action. " Not to mention.  No one knows what will happen if the being in the dark takes action. Either the sky will collapse or the earth will break apart. The only thing that no one can be sure of is that once the being in the dark takes action, it will definitely be extremely terrifying and beyond belief.  The horror of imagination. "You don't need to integrate, you just need to make friends. There is no point in forcing it. As long as you make friends with them and get to know each special existence, or know most of them, then if there is any major change, it will affect the whole world.  In the event of a disaster, those special beings will contact you spontaneously.  " Nan Ao continued calmly. This time, Tony finally couldn't help but look at Nan Ao with wide eyes. " This method seems ordinary, but in fact it is an absolutely confident method. No matter how many friends you have, you can do it alone.  , However, it is difficult to be sure that you can respond to everything at once, unless you are a born king or a hero. But just now, Nan Ao said such words without any emotion. It seems that it should be like this. You know, like this.  Even Tony has never had self-confidence. There are many superheroes in the United States, but theoretically there is no such person. You know, aliens, gods, dark creatures, the United States is full of superheroes of all kinds and emotions.  , many superheroes are not used to each other, and are even hostile to each other, and there are a few who dare to say that they can have a good relationship with all influences.?'s.  (To be continued)
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