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Volume 1 Is this the world of Marvel?  Chapter 213 Parting ways

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    In a video, two grown men, Fury and Harry, were sitting on opposite sides of the video. At this time, both of them had extremely ugly expressions.  "Are you sure my brother can't be saved?" Harry's tone was more like roaring than talking. There are two people Harry cares about most in the world, one is Norman and the other is Nanao.  , for the sake of these two closest people, the innocent Harry can even turn into a devil.  At this time, Fury told Harry that his brother was dead and possessed by a demon. It was impossible to save him. The only way was to kill him as soon as possible. How could Harry continue to listen?  "You have to know that if we can save him, even if he is not your brother, SHIELD will not give up on any ordinary person." Fury's eyes widened, but it was obvious that Harry did not believe Fury's words at all.  The purpose of SHIELD's creation is to resist evil. This purpose has existed for thousands of years. However, in modern times, SHIELD became semi-official and countless purposes began to change.  The S.H.I.E.L.D. branches within each country increasingly began to become the private military force of each country. Slowly, the agents within S.H.I.E.L.D. also began to differentiate. Protection was no longer the purpose, but combat was the real purpose. It seemed that it had become  Just like the violent organs of the state.  Fury is the most typical example of this. In this guy's eyes, there is nothing related to guardianship. Any powerful weapon, whether it is alien or demonic, this guy seems to want to have it in his hands.  Yes, what happened in New York was caused by this guy coveting the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.  In the end, it even directly led to an alien invasion.  Fortunately, there were no irreparable consequences in the end.  "However, after that time, everyone who knew this guy already knew his character.  At the same time, because Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., doubts have begun to arise about the purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D.  "I don't care what you do, but if anything happens to my brother, I guarantee you will regret it." Harry glared at Fury angrily, and then closed the computer with a slap.  Here, Fury jumped up and swept the computer on the table to the ground.  Today, Fury came to ask Harry if there was any progress in the research on the virus.  The monster possessing Nanao is probably related to the virus. If the secret of the virus is studied, a solution to the monster may be found, even if the solution cannot be found directly.  but.  If the virus is deciphered, SHIELD will be able to create super soldiers on a large scale.  Judging from the monster possessing Nanao and the monsters possessing the mercenaries, the genetic mutation induced by the virus is almost as good as the enhanced serum injected by the American captain, and even far exceeds it.  ¡°If we can produce that kind of super soldiers on a large scale, no matter what kind of monster you are, SHIELD will have the confidence to directly attack them.     only.  The development of things was a bit beyond Fury's expectation. Fury had always dealt with Norman in the past.  Although Norman is smart, he is far inferior to Fury in this kind of human sophistication, so Norman will be fooled by Fury every time.  However, Harry's ability to deal with the world was obviously far better than Norman's, and even far better than Fury's. Therefore, the two chatted closely for a while, but Fury had been lured out of South Austria by Harry.  The truth about what happened.  This incident completely sent Harry into a state of rage. To put it bluntly, if Harry hadn't been in a place that was almost isolated from the outside world, maybe Harry would have rushed out. Of course, the most important thing was that No.  Mann's situation is not pretty.  "Tony, things have changed greatly. We must integrate all the forces as soon as possible. I don't know when those monsters will appear again, and I don't know if those monsters are still the same as the records, or whether they have become stronger.  , I just know that we have too much time." After sweeping the computer to the ground, Fury finally calmed down slightly. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Tony's number, and Tony's tone on the other end of the phone was extremely unpleasant.  In fact, even the employees of Stark Enterprises have not seen their boss for a long time. During this period, Tony seemed to have lost his trace. No one was there in the company, the mansion, or the places where he had fun.  Saw signs of Tony.  "Fury, the situation is very bad. Those bastards seem to be specifically against God. Damn it, I met a group of lunatics, and these lunatics seem to be interested in the expensive Italian designer leather shoes on my feet." On the phone.  , Tony's free and easy voice sounded, followed by a series of explosions.  Vaguely, Fury could even hear Tony's slight cry of pain. Obviously, the situation on Tony's side was not all smooth sailing, but Tony's? He is a genius, not only in science, but also in combat. Although there are some minor injuries, he still seems to have the upper hand.  "I hate magic. Damn it, Jarvis. Transfer it to me." A sound like a whirring fan suddenly came from the phone. Fury took the phone away from his ear expressionlessly and waited for about ten seconds.  At this time, Tony's excited shouts sounded again.  Fury¡¯s expression became even more grim, and he exhaled slightly. Among the people he could use at this time, one was an idealist like Captain America, and the other was a playboy like Tony. None of them could stand alone.  "Tony, Steve probably won't fight with us to the end. It's even possible that Steve will become our enemy." Finally, Tony over there cheered, and Fury spoke with a hint of helplessness, calling the phone  Here, Tony's cheers finally turned into deep breathing. Although he is a playboy, Tony is not a fool. On the contrary, this guy has extremely powerful organizational and commanding abilities.  Without any explanation from Fury, Tony could naturally imagine how big of a problem they would face if Steve did not cooperate but fought.  "Didn't you tell Steve all the reasons for the matter?" Tony's tone calmed down and he spoke extremely calmly.  Here, Fury smiled faintly, the cause of the matter.  He wanted to say it, but Steve didn't give him a chance, and he didn't think he was the best person to say it.  "I think the best person to talk about this matter is not me, but you." Fury said calmly, he is a commander after all.  If he had said it, Steve would have thought it was bureaucratic.  It's using one's status as a boss to scaremonger people, and it's brainwashing like fascism during World War II.  "However, if there is Tony who has fought side by side with him, and Tony's father and Steve were also friends.  It will definitely be more effective than what Fury said.  "Okay. Let me go and tell you, Steve should figure it out. In fact, he can't help but understand. This matter can't be delayed. Recently, I also feel that the activities of those guys are becoming more and more frequent. Most superheroes even  I¡¯m so busy that I can¡¯t even imagine when there will be countless more powerful and evil creatures on the earth. What a tragic situation it will be.¡± Tony actually showed a hint of helplessness in his tone.  However, the guy then made another little joke and the call was hung up.  SHIELD, on the edge of the nearly 100-story building, Fury looked at the streets with people coming and going below. For a moment, he didn't know what he was feeling. Although the earth now has various problems, most of them  People are still happy.  However, once those nightmarish things wake up again, what will the world look like? The world is full of chaos and war. People in every corner of the world and every country are living in precarious conditions.  How could something like this happen again.  A trace of absolute despair flashed in Fury's eyes. Countless people thought that he had forgotten the original purpose of SHIELD, but he had not forgotten it. However, he had always believed that only by allowing an organization to control the most powerful force could it be possible.  Able to protect the safety of the entire earth.  Just like in ancient times, a powerful empire can protect a country, and a powerful organization can protect a world. S.H.I.E.L.D. is that organization.  Of course, when he was thinking about this, Fury never thought about whether he just wanted to recreate the supreme authority of SHIELD, the kind of authority that surpassed all emperors in the world and was used in Christianity, Buddhism and other religions.  Before it fully prospered, S.H.I.E.L.D. already dominated the underground forces of the entire earth.  Not to mention Fury's side of things, on the other side, the monster possessing Nan'ao has another problem. Under the sea, in a hidden ravine, here, even the best underwater reconnaissance equipment in the world  All are invalid.  At this moment, there are countless nests erected densely in the ravine. At the exit of one of the nests, the monster possessing Nan'ao is sitting cross-legged. A little water pattern spreads from his side, and there seems to be a vague  Countless elemental fluctuations appeared on him.  "Impossible, why are the souls never completely merged into one? It seems that there is another stronger soul secretly." The monster possessing Nanao suddenly opened its eyes. Thousands of years ago, among the Vikings,  He was the strongest warrior in the Greek world. If Greece had not dissipated at that time, he would have become the strongest hero after Heracles. However, unfortunately, Greece was finished.  However, later on, the Romans rose and the Vikings spread across the world. He was called??The strongest Viking, during those hundreds of years, countless people called him Barca, the strongest Viking, the strongest warrior, the warrior who can kill gods, Barca.  According to what his mother left behind, in the language of the gods, Bassa means the child of the king of the gods. He knew the meaning of this name. His mother once told him that his father's story was to keep the gods away.  A man who is far from eclipsed.  And now, under his butt, this large group of monster men were able to be subdued by him so smoothly because of his father.  He doesn¡¯t know who else in the world can control his soul. You know, part of his soul comes from his father.  Or, you should not seize the body of your reincarnation. After all, this body is not the same body that has been there for thousands of years, so it cannot fully accommodate your soul.  A faint thought flashed in Barcelona's eyes, and then he looked down at his body. Looking at today's society, this body is considered strong, at least it is well-proportioned, a handsome guy, and several months of training at the SHIELD Academy.  I built a lot of muscles.  ¡°However, in Barcelona¡¯s eyes, this body is really thin.  It can be called extremely weak.  Reshape a body.  A faint impulse flashed in Barcelona's eyes. If the feeling of not being able to fully control his body had not recurred, I'm afraid Barcelona would not have thought of this idea.  Although this body is too thin, it is his reincarnation after all, so the degree of fusion must be extremely high, and it is the best way to quickly restore the strength he had thousands of years ago.  But, at this time.  If the feeling of being unable to fuse reappears, the problem with this body will be huge, and the problem of thinness will immediately be magnified without limit. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Thin.  It cannot be fully integrated, and recovery of strength is far away, so naturally this body will be in very bad shape.  Reshape your body.  As soon as this idea appeared.  Immediately out of control.  Barcelona didn't hesitate at all and began to rush into the bottom of the sea. Human beings have made countless guesses about the bottom of the sea. Some of them are extremely ridiculous, but some of them are extremely correct.  There are indeed countless powerful creatures under the sea, but it is impossible for those undersea monsters in Hollywood to break out of the sea.  With the Jiuding seal, the entire earth is in a state of energy imbalance.  These powerful monsters can barely survive hiding under the sea, but.  Once they reach the surface of the sea, the power in their bodies will dissipate instantly, and these old monsters that have lived for millions of years will turn into ashes in an instant.  Barcelona suddenly rushed into the seabed and immediately saw countless huge undersea beasts floating quietly there. This is already the deepest seabed on the earth. Further down in the Great Trench is an abyss that humans have never been to. These  Undersea creatures have also lived here for thousands of years, some even tens of thousands of years.  Barcelona didn¡¯t dare to rush deeper. You must know that although these creatures have been sinking for thousands of years, they still have their own strength.  Such creatures that have lived for endless years, even if they are not human beings, are no longer as intelligent as humans. To put it bluntly, they should be the real masters of this earth, and humans are just catching up from behind, taking advantage of the fact that they cannot set foot on land.  They just occupied their territory.  Of course, Barcelona is absolutely not interested in the topic of who is the master of the earth. At this time, Barcelona is only interested in the many creatures below.  Soon, Barcelona's eyes were set on a strange creature that looked like a millipede, but it was unknown whether it was millions or tens of billions times larger than an ordinary millipede.  And the condition of this creature is not very good at this time. Perhaps the seabed also lacks energy. This monster is motionless and swaying slightly with the current on the seafloor, looking as if it is just a corpse.  As soon as Barcelona turned around, he quickly leaned over. Immediately, a faint light wave appeared on Barcelona's hands, and for a moment, the light wave had turned into a cold spear.  The old man Aisca still made one thing wrong, that is, his desperate fight not only did not cause any harm to Barcelona, ??but instead provided Barcelona with the best weapon.  At this moment, the spear in Barcelona's hand is not Eskar's spear. Although Eskar's weapon is psychic, it is obviously not Barcelona's favorite.  The spear that Barcelona was holding at this time was his own weapon, a weapon that he had treasured back then. After the old man Aiska was killed and the weapon of Aiska was finally complete, Barcelona did not continue to use that weapon.  , but let his weapon swallow up the Eskar spear.  With a flash of cold light, the spear in Barcelona's hand was immediately poured into the body of the huge millipede-like creature.An invisible wave spread out.  The creature immediately let out a shrill howl when it was pierced by Barcelona's spear. Even under the water, the sound spread rapidly.  Barcelona's face changed slightly. The biggest danger on the seabed is of course the strength of these individual creatures, but more importantly, the help between these creatures. As long as one of them is in trouble, there will soon be a lot of creatures.  Surround them.  However, the expression on his face changed, but Barcelona's movements were not slow at all. The spear suddenly flashed in rapid succession, and in the blink of an eye, Barcelona did not know how many times he stabbed the creature's body.  At this time, we can see Barcelona's bravery. The creature started to struggle after being stabbed for the first time. However, Barcelona pulled the monster with one hand and stabbed it straight with a spear. In the process, the creature began to struggle.  The creature actually couldn't break free from Barcelona's control at all, not to mention other things.  Just this brute force is really scary.  After at least one or two hundred blows, the creature was no longer able to struggle, and this large area of ????the sea was stained red with blood.  Even if he stretched out his hand, he couldn't see his own fingers. To put it more closely, this huge creature was not stabbed to death, but died of excessive blood loss.  At this moment, waves of terror were coming from all directions. Barcelona's expression became more serious, but there was still no panic in their actions.  He held the creature's tail with one hand, turned around, and rushed towards a long strip of faint light above.  This is the abyss under the trench. It can be said to be another layer of sea bottom under the trench on the sea floor.  Only such a place can temporarily preserve these creatures that completely destroy the balance. Therefore, Barcelona only needs to cross the sky above and go under the trench to avoid the pursuit of these creatures.  Although the bottom of the trench is extremely far away from the sea surface, it is.  But there already needs to comply with the energy balance of the outside world.  As for the creatures that are destroying the balance now, not to mention whether they still have the power to penetrate the sky and rush out, even if they can still rush out, the balance outside will immediately deal with them.  The creature that looked like a millipede had just crossed the sky. Suddenly, a rolling wave of water came from behind. The speed was many times faster than Barcelona. It almost instantly hit Barcelona who had just rushed out of the sky.  roll.  When he opened his mouth, a stream of blood spurted out.  The figure steadied slightly, and Barcelona did not dare to stay.  Start escaping faster. You must know that energy balance is not only for living creatures, but the attacks of those creatures can also be attributed to energy balance. The power just now has exceeded Yixiantian. It can be said that most of it has been balanced out, but  He can still put Barcelona in such a mess.  Barcelona simply can¡¯t imagine what a terrifying scene it would be if they were blocked by those creatures in the front line.  It's a pity that he couldn't get those stronger biological bodies, otherwise the body he created would definitely be greatly strengthened. However, after arriving at the safe area, Barcelona turned his head and glanced at the line of sky below, but couldn't help but sigh, seriously  The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.  In the laboratory, Harry Twilight stared blankly at Norman lying in the nutrition cabin. The latter no longer had the strength to even open his eyes.  Harry's face was ashen. He turned around and strode out of the room where Norman's nutrition cabin was. Outside, Kurt's face was also extremely ugly. Norman and his lifelong friends, and the two were not that simple friends.  They are both geniuses who have been competing and competing against each other since college.  It can be said that the two of them are sympathetic to each other. If Kurt hadn't joined the army in those years, perhaps with Norman's support, there would have been another big scientist boss in the world.  "We can't wait any longer. We must give Japan a warning. Nils, help me send a notice to the Japanese government. Within 24 hours, if they do not agree to our request, then all four Japanese islands will become the next Raccoon City.  " Harry said with extremely cold eyes. As soon as he said this, Kurt's face suddenly changed. He seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated when he opened his mouth. This is the only way to save Norman.  method.  Finally, Kurt sighed deeply and withdrew his plan to persuade. Besides, he could no longer think of the possibility of saving Norman. He was also present at the video conference between Harry and Fury not long ago. Something happened to Nanao.  There was no way Harry would let anything happen to Norman again, he knew this better than anyone.  He knows Harry well. This young man cares about family ties more than most people imagine.  "Your Excellency Harry, we have just received the latest news that SHIELD has been disbanded." Over there, Nils had just spread Harry's words, but here, a senior executive from Osborne Enterprises had already rushed in.  He said to Harry in a hurried tone.  "How is this possible."? Harry stood up suddenly. Although he had an extremely bad impression of Fury, Harry still knew the importance and significance of SHIELD's existence, and the disintegration of SHIELD at least meant mankind's fight against evil forces.  and the disappearance of official organizations of alien invasion.  "It's internal strife. I heard that there is internal strife in SHIELD. Captain America has rebelled, Iron Man has quit, Black Widow has rebelled, and Hawkeye has quit. The entire SHIELD is now fighting internally, and Fury has been killed." Naos  Ben's top brass were obviously extremely horrified, and their words were all a bit awkward. Harry and Kurt were even more horrified, listening blankly as this guy talked about SHIELD in a messy order.  "Ask Niels to send another message to Japan. If they don't accept our request, then within 24 hours, the virus from Paris will be spread evenly in the sea around Japan, and then spread to the main island of Japan, which will definitely destroy all four sides of Japan.  Everyone on the island has no way to escape, and there is no way to survive. " Kurt's eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked at Harry. The latter's expression gradually calmed down, and he quickly asked Niels to go again according to Kurt's words.  Send this threat to the Japanese government.  Harry is not stupid. If something happens to S.H.I.E.L.D., then at least it means that there is another great danger among mankind. Then, whether it is self-protection or doing something to save mankind, there must be a powerful person.  Power, Osborn has invested all his energy in genetic research in recent years. Even Raccoon City and the current laboratory account for half of Osborn's financial resources. If he cannot successfully develop the genetic potion, Osborn will be finished.  .  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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