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Volume 1 Is this the world of Marvel?  Chapter 207 Returning Memories

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    Nanao's guess seemed to be wrong. The crazy guy's reckless threat seemed to make SHIELD choose to compromise. At least, after returning to the United States from Paris, SHIELD released Nanao, and no one was arranged.  Monitoring Nan Ao, it seems that Nan Ao has been completely discarded as a taboo that cannot be touched.  The days just returned to peace, but for some reason, Nan Ao began to feel that there seemed to be another soul in his body, as if he was ready to wake up at any time.  It is not the alternative existence that brought him all kinds of magical feelings before, but something that is about to mutate.  Suddenly, Nan Ao thought of the monster leader and those guys who were a little exaggerated after mutation but retained their human appearance and original thinking. Could it be that this is mutation? However, if there is an extra soul in the body, then even if it is retained  Without the original memory, how could I still be myself?  It¡¯s like a computer that has been loaded with a new program. Although all the files in it are retained, it is no longer the same computer after all.  However, not to mention the soul, even the body cannot be controlled by humans. Even if it is a normal disease, humans cannot completely solve it with all their efforts. Don't talk about this kind of soul, Nan'ao has no idea about the changes in the body.  There was no way around it, which made Nan Ao feel quite uncomfortable.  What¡¯s even more helpless is that Wayne in Gotham City traveled around the world for some reason, while Star City suffered a large-scale earthquake, half of the city was in ruins, and then Quinn disappeared.  To be honest, what Nan Ao misses more about Quinn is his little assistant.  The computer expert was a bit silly and a little cute. It was a pity that after Quinn disappeared, the little assistant also disappeared with him for some reason.  Nan Ao suspected that Quinn abducted this little assistant and traveled around the world.  However, the resentment was followed by even greater resentment, because things seemed to come together after Wayne and Quinn disappeared.  Tony didn't know what was going on, he started to evade like a lunatic, and he didn't see him once in ten and a half months.  It seems that after he came out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, he got involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. and regained his freedom.  Everyone Nan Ao knew had experienced great changes. Even the Media Empire Emperor Reed could not be found for a while.  In short, during this originally difficult time, Nan Ao found that he had become lonely.  No matter how many beauties there are around him, they can't make his empty heart feel even the slightest bit satisfied.     in this way.  About a month passed in a hazy state. Every time Nan Ao fell asleep at night, he seemed to be able to resurrect in another world and live another life. In that dream, he seemed to be a warrior from some barbaric era.  Extremely powerful, wielding a stone ax and moving wildly.  Sometimes, I wake up from a dream like this.  Nan Ao could even feel the muscles contracting and condensing after holding the ax handle in his hand for too long.  This feeling made Nan Ao even more tempted to go crazy.  The nightmare seems to be moving from fantasy to reality.  However, Nanao has no way to prevent this nightmare from becoming a reality.  More than a month passed, and the scene in the dream began to develop continuously. From the beginning, he traveled in all directions, to conquering the land, and then a powerful enemy appeared, forming an alliance with others to fight against the powerful enemy.  Dreams are extremely realistic, but the enemies in the dreams are anything but realistic. Those things are definitely not human beings, but creatures that don¡¯t know what they are.  After waking up from the nightmare, Nanao began to search for these creatures in the dream, and then finally found information about these creatures in some ancient books. They were monsters that were not recorded in any religious books such as the Bible, because those monsters  It once wiped out most of the religions on the earth.  The ancient books that Nanao found through Osborne Enterprises are just sporadic ones. Religion plays a very important role in any era. Neither ancient emperors nor modern governments dare to intimidate this existence too much.  Therefore, even though Osborne has strong financial resources, he can only collect a little information on this aspect. However, even this little information caused a huge shock in Nan'o's heart. Suddenly he felt a strange feeling.  feeling.  His nightmare was probably a reality, and the powerful warrior in the nightmare was slowly waking up in his body. Unfortunately, this was not a good thing for her, because when the warrior woke up, it represented  But he was about to fall asleep.  This body can only accommodate one soul at most.  What should we do? This makes Nanao suffer every day. A new soul wakes up in the body. This is definitely not a good thing. During this time, even Harry andIt's like Mando disappeared. Not only is there no trace, but he can't even get through the phone.  For a moment, Nan'ao seemed to be in a situation where he had no way to turn for help. A few days later, the scene in the dream changed again. After forming an alliance, Nan'ao in the dream seemed to have finally defeated those monsters with the help of his allies.  However, in the dream, he had a greedy desire for the power of his allies.  Finally, a conspiracy emerged. During a certain banquet, in his dream, he used some toxins to kill his allies and seized their allies' weapon, which was a spear. Even in the dream, Nan Ao also  You can feel that when you hold the spear, a feeling of power instantly spreads throughout your body.  The past days came back again. With the help of this spear, I became invincible in my dream, and the whole world seemed to be trembling under my feet.  Days passed day by day, and finally, one day, the frighteningly powerful self in the dream began to grow old. Even though he defeated the monsters, even though he dominated the world, he could not escape the judgment of time after all.  Death seemed to be coming at any time, but in the dream at this time, he still did not let go of his pursuit of rights.  Vaguely, Nan Ao could feel his own thoughts in the dream, which was that one day he would return from the abyss of death and come to this world again.  Become the Lord of eternity.  This thought made him divide the spear into several parts in his dream and store them in different places.  This dream seems to have ended here, and it is of little value to Nanao.  However, for some reason, Nan Ao always felt that those last few dreams contained some information that could solve his current distress.  Nan Ao began to read a lot of religious books about the soul, rebirth and so on. Another half month passed intermittently. Even during the day, Nan Ao would switch to the mind of the invincible warrior in his dream at any time.  His mind was completely confused.  Finally, one day, Nan Ao saw a story about a magic weapon and its master protecting each other.  It is said that the magic weapon can not only protect the body, but also the soul. When the magic weapon gives birth to a guardian spirit, it can resurrect its former owner thousands of years later.  This is the so-called magic weapon.  The human soul will gradually be washed away in the endless reincarnation.  Completely forget everything about the past life, but if you have a magic weapon in one life and store part of your soul in the magic weapon, then, thousands of years later, the soul in the magic weapon is warm enough to be strong enough, but it can awaken another person.  A soul that has been reincarnated for thousands of years.     Then.  When the divine weapon and the soul after reincarnation become one, then.  People who have been dead for many years will be reborn.  This is just a legend in itself, but when Nan Ao saw this legend, his eyes suddenly lit up. Divine weapon, isn't the spear in the dream exactly a divine weapon, and it is also an extremely powerful magic weapon.  The divine weapon, the divine weapon that protects the soul, if you want to completely destroy the soul protected by the divine weapon, you can only destroy the divine weapon.  Struggling to close the book in front of him, Nan Ao stood up with difficulty. The world in front of him suddenly blurred. There seemed to be countless roars and the sounds of clashing swords, guns and halberds. He shook his head hard and finally felt better.  But it's still a little unclear.  Helplessly taking a few deep breaths, Nan Ao knew in his heart that he was probably running out of time. He stood up and walked towards the door in embarrassment, but it was too late. According to the last memory in the dream, he felt that he should be able to find out.  Where was the spear finally separated and hidden?  As soon as he turned around, his shadow was already reflected on the door behind him. He was a strong man wearing armor with most of his muscles exposed. His face was full of arrogance and majesty, and his eyes were as powerful as a tiger's.  "Asshole, you are already dead. Now I am Nan'ao Osborne, not some bullshit king." Nan'ao angrily smashed the heavy books on the table, and the huge force immediately smashed the door down, Nan'ao  Ao's face turned pale, and he looked at the collapsed door with cold sweat.  This is not his power. Although his grades in SHIELD Academy are frighteningly good, smashing down a door with a book should definitely not be the power of an ordinary person. Maybe Captain America should have it.  This power may be, but it is only possible.  He staggered out and rushed out. Outside, a group of bodyguards had surrounded him. These guys had just heard the noise and gathered around them. They were warriors trained by the Osborne Enterprise, but they followed the orders of the Osborne family.  When Norman and Harry were missing, the lives of these guys belonged to Nanao, and they all followed Nanao's orders.  "Contact the plane for me and book a few routes. I want to go out." Looking at the group of bodyguards, Nan Ao's expression was:Immediately calming down, he pulled his collar and said, and then naturally the bodyguard leader began to arrange the things Nan Ao told him.  At this moment, what Nan Ao didn¡¯t know was that about hundreds of kilometers away from him, in a certain plane, Fei¡¯er and others were gathering together to watch a live broadcast about him.  "Are you sure it's useful to monitor this guy? After a few months, this guy looks more normal than a normal person." Skye stretched helplessly and joined SHIELD. Skye was looking for excitement, and  He was looking into things about his parents. For Skye, these past few months were simply boring and dazed time. The schedule in Nanao was more normal than that of the most ordinary American teenager.  ¡°In fact, during this period of time, I no longer even go to bars, and I no longer date any women. I have almost become a good student who studies hard.  "Is it normal? Haha, I don't know what normal people would read religious books so seriously every day." Grant chuckled next to him, and then stretched out his hand to enlarge a portrait in the corner of the virtual screen in front of him. There were a few words on it,  Divine weapon.  Soul, protection, rebirth.  These words are enlarged.  Mayfair and others all had serious expressions of thinking on their faces. SHIELD itself is an agency responsible for abnormal human beings. Therefore, these words may seem like feudal superstition to others, but in their eyes,  But it is an absolute clue.  "Those monsters in Paris seem to have never appeared in any religious books. They should not belong to any ghosts in the world." Skye frowned.  She was so proficient in computers, so she was certainly not a brainless woman, but she also saw something.  However, in connection with the words in front of me, Nan Ocha may be about the rebirth of someone in ancient times, and the most likely ones are the gods and demons in religious legends.  This way.  The monster that seems to be able to lock Paris is also the rebirth of a certain god and demon.  However, no matter which country or which religion it is, there seems to be no monsters similar to those monsters in the records.  "Many things will not be recorded. Do you think that the burning of witches in the Middle Ages was just for witches and vampires, or that the so-called destruction of the four olds in that ancient country in the East was just to show the majesty of their founding president." Grant gently  Patting Skye's head, his eyes suddenly became sharp. No matter what, they had been confirmed.  South Austria is problematic, and.  The problem is not small, at least not as big as the problem of the monster leader in Paris.  "Check what Nan Ao told his subordinates and see where he is going next." Mayfair ordered calmly, and then Skye started to quickly make inquiries. Osborne Enterprise's military industry and scientific research capabilities are extremely  Strong, but after all, Osborne is not the president of the country, so the phone calls of Nao and his group of bodyguards are only simply encrypted, but they have not been raised to the same level of encryption as the president of the United States.  ¡° And Skye is one of the top hackers in the world, so soon, Nan¡¯o¡¯s instructions to his bodyguards were no longer a secret to Mayfair and others.  At the same time, in an underground laboratory, Harry stood outside the nutrition cabin with sweat on his face. He quickly prepared different potions and injected them into the nutrition cabin. Norman, who was soaked in the light blue nutrient solution,  His body was constantly trembling.  The meridians like small snakes swelled from Norman's body, then quickly subsided, swelled again, and so on.  Next to them, there were several authoritative scientists, constantly calculating all the data, and then reporting the data to Harry. And not too far away from them, there was a place that looked ordinary, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel it.  In a sealed cabin full of mysterious atmosphere, a tentacle-like biological leg was placed there quietly.  "It's not enough. The lost life information cannot be compensated at all. The measurement must be increased." Looking at the data in his hand, Harry roared like crazy, but the scientist next to him hugged him.  "Too much, the measurement exceeds the standard, and Mr. Norman's gene chain will collapse." The scientist roared loudly, and when he looked carefully, he discovered that this man actually only had one arm. His eyes were wide open, and he was holding the hand with one hand.  Holding Harry's collar.  "I know what you are thinking. I also want to succeed as soon as possible. Don't forget, if it succeeds, my arm will be able to grow back. However, we cannot be too hasty. If the injection is overdosed at one time, Norman will die.  " Kurt roared loudly. This violent sound finally made Harry wake up slightly, and his whole body bent slightly as if he was shrinking.  "I have no time, my father has no time, the organs in his body have begun to stop working, he will die at any time.  " Harry's eyes slowly dropped from the corners of his eyes. At this moment, in the nutrition cabin, Norman's eyes had been opened and he was looking at Harry calmly. A trace of love could be vaguely seen in his eyes. "Mrs. Norman  He is weak. If there is a way to make Norman stronger, maybe he can try injecting a large dose of genetic program, so that Norman can completely get better.  " Kurt sighed and said. "He knows the situation of his boss and old friends. The organs in the body are dying very quickly. This is a disease more terrible than any disease in the world. In this era, whether it is cancer or AIDS, or  They have the financial resources and technological means at their disposal to find ways to extend the patient's life. However, there is no way to deal with the rapid death of the organ. Even replacing the organ is useless, because the new organ will soon die again, and the patient will die again soon.  , it is impossible for one person to endure multiple organ replacements. Therefore, the only way is to find a way for Norman to regenerate his own organs, which requires changing Norman's genes.  sample, however, there was no way to graft it into Norman's body. This man was too weak. Even a small genetic instability could cause his genes to completely collapse. At that time, even the legendary gods  Even the advent can¡¯t save this man. ¡°It¡¯s impossible to get stronger, medicine is impossible, and father can¡¯t bear it. Unless we find those mythical treasures, and we need treasures that humans can control, instead of trusting hammers, even the so-called gods can only have certain things.¡±  It can only be picked up by its existence.  "A hint of helplessness flashed across Harry's face. With the strength of Osborne Enterprises, there is no chance of finding such a treasure. However, the key issue is time. You must know that such a thing cannot be found easily.  Even if Osborne Enterprises is powerful, it still needs time to find it. ¡°I¡¯m going to find Umbrella and ask them to help steal the three artifacts of the Japanese royal family.  " Harry's face suddenly turned cold, and he turned around and walked outside. Although there are not many artifacts in the world, there are some on the surface. The Pope has a few, and the eagle in the north is probably in the royal treasury.  There may be a few of them in the Forbidden City of that big country in the East, but it is impossible to get these. In comparison, it seems that the three items in the hands of the island country¡¯s royal family are the best, and Chali has not yet done it for the previous time.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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