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Text Chapter 133 Liangshan Hero Obama

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    It's really simple, so simple that you can't believe it.  The reason why Americans launched nuclear weapons on their own soil is that Zhu Runfa ran in the wrong direction.  That¡¯s right!  Believe it or not, this reason is just so fucked up.  When Zhu Runfa ran away in a panic, he never thought that the direction of his escape would be the Hudson River, let alone Manhattan on the other side.  The Hudson River is not wide, only a few hundred meters wide at its narrowest point. Judging from the speed shown by Zhu Runfa, it is easy to perform a "water float" and then rush across the river in a hurry.  Usually it doesn't matter if you run the wrong way, but sometimes it can be very fatal, especially when the road ahead is Manhattan.  Where is Manhattan?  There is probably no need to explain.  But who Manhattan belongs to needs to be explained - Manhattan belongs to the bankers.  What is a banker in the United States?  From a biological point of view, it is the top predator in the entire United States.  In more traditional terms, they are the emperors of the United States. They use money to rule the most powerful country on earth.  If SHIELD represents the top military force and industrial capital in the United States, then bankers represent financial capital, and since the de-industrialization of the United States, financial capital has occupied a truly dominant position.  As for SHIELD It's a pity that no matter how powerful they are, they are a minority after all. They can't take care of everything at the same time, so finding agents is a must.  Perhaps in the beginning, SHIELD was the master of the bankers, and the bankers were just their tools, used by them to better rule the United States.  But to this day.  Who is the master and who is the tool?  I'm afraid even SHIELD itself can't explain it clearly.  So just pretend that a bunch of American soldiers are fighting imaginary aliens.  That is to say, when the customer service girl was risking her life in the battle, the bankers in Manhattan also decided to risk their lives and forget their lives - to sacrifice the lives of others and forget the deaths of others.  This group of guys immediately received the information that was supposed to be strictly confidential through various channels, and then fled Manhattan in a private helicopter without saying a word, and then reached a collective consensus without delaying a second -  Decisive to preserve Manhattan at all costs.  The consequence of reaching this consensus is that it took less than half an hour.  Members of Congress from the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate crowded into the Pentagon like a burning buttock. This group of guys totaled 535 people, accounting for 100% of the total number of members.  And thenthen Obama suddenly found himself starting to feel happy.  That¡¯s right, Okusoko, who originally thought he would be saddled with a huge blame and then step down sadly, suddenly found that he had become the most beloved president in the history of the United States.  The members of the two parties, who had always been distinct from each other, suddenly seemed to have become a family, and there was a tendency to merge into one party under the wise leadership of Okuroko.  Both groups of guys clapped their chests and pledged their unanimous support for Mr. President's leadership. All those who had opposed him in the past expressed their repentance in front of him with tears in their eyes, and almost knelt down to write a pledge. ???????????????????????????????? I will absolutely fully support Obama's work during his upcoming term and will not do anything to hinder him.  Health care reform?  rest assured.  We will not say a word about this matter in the future.  migrant?  Don¡¯t worry, you can immigrate all Kenyans together.  Where to place it?  Come to Alaska!  The air there is fresh, the summer is cool, the winter is even cooler, and it¡¯s tax-free, so great.  finance?  This don't ask for money. Asking for money will hurt your feelings.  financial?  ¡­¡­All right!  Then hurt your feelings a little, let's give in a little, but don't go too far In short, at that moment, Okuros couldn't help but have an illusion. He even felt that he seemed to be on the verge of becoming emperor.  As long as they stand high and shout, these congressmen who represent the will of the entire United States will push themselves to the throne of the Emperor of the United States of America.  Because someone has suggested that Okuriz can enjoy the treatment of Mr. Roosevelt - to be re-elected as the third president of the United States.  ¡°But when all the promises were made, this group of congressmen plunged Ouhoko from the paradise of happiness into the mud pit of hell with just one sentence.  Because they made a unified demand - to defend Manhattan decisively and at any cost.  Defending Manhattan at all costs is a matter of course.  Manhattan is known as the economic and cultural center of the United States. It is not only the center of the American economy, but also the vane of the entire world economy.  It is the headquarters that brings together most of the Fortune 500 companies. As long as something goes wrong, the whole world will be shaken.  And culturethe birthplace of the "American Dream" is here. The Statue of Liberty stands at the mouth of the Hudson River. If this place is destroyed, then the so-called "American Dream" will also be destroyed.  So even if they didn't mention it, Oguroko would still defend Manhattan with all his strength.  Well, if the aliens weren't so powerful.  But the problem lies in the two aspects of "decisiveness"??Above, what does "decisive" mean?  That is decisiveness and no hesitation, which can be said to be a compliment.  However, at this moment, this compliment sounds like a ghost crying and a blood-drenched feeling to Obama's ears.  Originally, when all the special forces and the two F22s of the Air Force were wiped out, Obama had already received the assessment from the generals that the opponent's weapons technology far exceeded his own, and the United States should treat it with caution.  So after thinking about it for only half a second, Obama decided to temporarily give up using military means to solve the problem, and instead released his big killer, Secretary of State John Kerry, to negotiate with aliens.  Well, he is a dead Taoist friend anyway, not a poor Taoist.  However, what he didn't expect was that before the ashen-faced Mr. Kerry agreed, he himself would become everyone's Taoist friend.  This group of congressmen unanimously believe that in order to avoid accidents, Obama needs to take more "decisive" measures to ensure the safety of Manhattan.  Now that conventional weapons are considered by the generals to have no effect on the opponent, what else can decisively organize the opponent?  Without a doubt, only nuclear weapons!  ¡° Nuclear weapons, and the use of nuclear weapons on their own soil, this big black pot, Ou Heizi, will not bear it even to the death.  Because if he takes the blame, then don¡¯t say he wants to be president for three consecutive terms.  Even whether he could survive for three consecutive days afterwards was also a question.  Cowboys in America would probably line up to practice marksmanship with his head.  So when these MPs made this suggestion in a veiled way.  Okuoko could only pretend that his IQ dropped below 70, and then innocently said he didn't understand anything.  But the next second, these congressmen told him with practical actions that there was no need to pretend to be naive. He was already naive enough.  He thought he could get away by pretending to be stupid, but this group of congressmen did not hesitate to drag the president into the conference room that had been prepared early in the morning, and then it took ten seconds to pass the proposal to use nuclear weapons with a 100% vote.  Finally, the authorization letter was handed over to Okurizi.  A congressman immediately handed over the pen for signing with a look of shamelessness.  General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, thoughtfully handed the nuclear button to his hand, and then Then ten minutes after entering the conference room, Mr. Zhu Da met again on the video data collected by the customer service girl.  Here comes Mr. President.  Within ten minutes of entering the conference room, Zhu Runfa didn't know what happened specifically, but when all the senators walked out of the conference room with satisfied faces, Okurizi, who was walking in the front, had changed from black to white.  Mr. Zhu Da almost didn't recognize him.  Well, the president's face was completely drained of blood at the moment, and it was almost as white as lime.  It looked like he was possessed by Jackson.  "Gentlemen!" Obama finally stood in front of the podium and said in a trembling tone.  "Remember your promise, I don't need to be re-elected for three terms, but this thing this thing" "Don't worry! Mr. President," a congressman laughed, "You are one of us, so   This has never happened in the world, it has always been done by terrorists. "Well, he is the TV station owner.  "That's right!" Another congressman said with a sad face, "Today's terrorists are so arrogant that they actually transported nuclear weapons into New York, causing so many casualties.  Well, who do you think did this?  The best? My newspaper needs headlines. " "Who else?" a congressman sighed, "We have sufficient evidence that it was the IS. As for the origin of the nuclear weapons, it must be from the former Soviet Union.  , the CIA will have the evidence we need. "This guy is a network operator.  "Really? That IS is so hateful," someone sighed, "They are simply declaring war on the entire United States. We should resolutely attack them, and if necessary, we should also carry out nuclear retaliation. Well, they  Everyone must be silenced. ""This seems to have some technical issues," a congressman said after thinking, "The international community may well, ignore him, we are the United States, and we have the right to retaliate, don't we?  "Yes!" All the congressmen shouted, "We are the United States, and we have this right, because we are the most powerful on the planet!" "That's right!" Obama.  At this time, he finally calmed down. Since these guys who can control public opinion in the entire United States are on his side, he has nothing to fear.  Of course, it is more likely that he also knows that at this juncture, it is probably useless.  He has no way out. If he really wants to go against these people, he probably won't be able to return to Kenya alive even if he wants to.  Well, it is easy to buy other insurance for the President of the United States, but it is difficult to buy accidental death insurance because the casualty rate is too high "Gentlemen," Obama said with an ugly smile on his face, "Terrorists are cruel  Yes, but God is merciful. I propose that we pray for the innocent Americans who died under nuclear weapons.??Three minutes of silence.  May they rest in peace in heaven, Amen!  " "May they rest in peace in heaven, Amen!  "After hearing this, all the congressmen lowered their heads with a heavy look on their faces, and then they actually observed a three-minute silence. Many people even shed tears. "Uh" The customer service girl looked at the guys in the video who bowed their heads in silence.  Then he looked at Zhu Runfa, his small face shrunk into the word "‡å" "Khan ~ Zhu Moumou, did I see it wrong?  "The customer service girl wiped the cold sweat on her head, "They probably hadn't launched a nuclear bomb at that time!  Before the person died, they began to mourn in silence, and their expressions were so sad, as if their biological father had died.  By the way, what kind of divine logic is this? Is my own logic process confused?  "No," Zhu Runfa said with a black line on his face, "These guys are not mourning. They are looking for moral integrity with their eyes closed. Didn't you see that all the moral integrity fell to the floor?"  Huh, my krypton gold dog eyes are really blinded. Uncle Deng wasn't killed in the same way back then, was he?  "Well, no one will probably know whether Uncle Deng was really killed like this back then, but now it is obvious that these guys are planning to kill a few of them. "I propose," said Demp, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  General Xi suddenly raised his head and said, "All the generals and military commanders present today need to be assigned to more important positions, but they need to undergo strict scrutiny.  As for the officers and soldiers who performed the launch mission I think they should be placed in more important positions.  "Well, the more important position of the generals and officers in the Pentagon is definitely promotion, of course, provided that they can pass the review. As for the officers and soldiers who perform the launch mission, their positions are even more important, and their souls will be  They will always be at the mercy of God, and their bodies will rest in Arlington Cemetery, immortalized together with the heroes - just add a few names to the list of the dead. Anyway, they were originally classified units, and their families will not  Know what kind of army they are from. ¡°I agree!  "A congressman raised his hand. "I agree!  "A general raised his hand. "We agree too!  "All the congressmen and generals raised their hands together. "Well, I agree too!  "Obama nodded. So the fate of these soldiers was happily decided in a friendly atmosphere. Well, I don't know if these soldiers will learn the truth when they know the truth in heaven in the future.  Like the Chinese, they complained to God that they were being represented. ¡°Okay!  Then let¡¯s get started!  "Obama took a deep breath and began to unlock the nuclear button - he had been forced to climb the mountain, although he did not know what the mountain was in his life. One minute later. A missile carrying a nuclear weapon with an equivalent of 100,000 tons emerged from  A certain base soared into the sky, targeting New York City. Along the way, all early warning radars were shut down for maintenance, and became blind (To be continued)
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