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Text Chapter 113 The war begins

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    All right!  Although things are incredible, the final result is indeed like this.  At the juncture of possible alien invasion, the Obama administration's first thought was not how to fight the aliens. Instead, it convened an emergency Congress, and only a major general commander was appointed to hold the tank.  But this is also understandable. As a country, the good thing is that when something goes wrong, you can always find a group of people to take the blame. The bad thing is that no one will ever be willing to take the biggest blame.  Because these guys live by votes, whoever takes the biggest blame will mean the end of his political career.  But in fact, it would be a real mistake for Obama not to convene Congress at this time.  Because assuming those dogs are really aliens, and Mr. Obama launched a war without notifying Congress, his end will definitely not be good.  If you lose the fight, then naturally there is nothing to say.  But even if he wins the fight, I'm afraid his end will not be much better. There may be a bunch of American people who are eager to kill him and eat his meat.  Because the aliens were not the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor back then. The United States was actually certain to win against the Japanese at that time, so Roosevelt won the honor in the end.  But aliens are different. Who knows how powerful they are?  If we really want to go ahead and do it directly, we would be betting on all the Americans.  Do you really think that ordinary people in the United States believe that aliens are like those in Hollywood movies, and they all look like they have eaten brain fragments?  So it's understandable that Obama brings a bunch of big guys to the meeting. ? But it¡¯s all understanding, Obama and the others went to the meeting.  The commander who stayed behind was in trouble.  A few minutes ago, he was just a minor general.  In a Pentagon filled with stars, it was an insignificant role.  The reason why he was able to serve as the interim commander was entirely because he had just returned from Afghanistan and had the latest actual combat experience.  But at this moment, he actually has the highest military rank in the entire Pentagon, because the military bosses have rushed to Capitol Hill. It is said that they want to provide the most detailed suggestions to the members of Congress so that the members can make the most effective decisions.  The right choice God knows, these big guys have some shitty detailed advice.  Really need advice.  You just told the president, why do you still need to go to Capitol Hill?  Moreover so many generals have gone to Congress, by the way are they going to provide one-on-one military knowledge coaching to members of Congress?  "I didn't expect that one day I would take the blame," the major general commander couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "and I would take the blame for the future of the entire United States. Of course, it could also be the whole world. In other words I should do this.  Are you excited? " "Sir! This is AH-641680." At this time, the commander on the scene called again, "All snipers are in place, AH-641680 is requesting attack again," the major general said impatiently.  Said, "Wait for the order!" "What? Sir!" AH-641680's surprised voice came from the loudspeaker, "Are you sure?" "Yes! You heard that right." The major general commander shrugged, "This  It's the wish of Mr. President and all the big guys. Ha! Colonel, can you imagine what it would be like to have all the big guys go to the meeting at such a critical time? Damn it! The highest-ranking person in the Pentagon is actually this major general.  Damn it! " "Haha" AH-641680 was silent for a moment.  Then he laughed dryly and said, "Congratulations to you, then, General. Well. Should I call you the King of the Pentagon? Hahaha!" "Please call me the King of Blank Pots!" The major general rolled his eyes, "  Colonel! Tell your boys to exercise restraint, at least until the big guys come back. Otherwise, the best outcome for me is to go back to my hometown farm to dig cow dung. Well, if that happens one day, I think.  You can come with me. I still need a cow-scrubber. I don¡¯t mind hiring you.¡± ¡°General! Your cows are really famous.¡± AH-641680 said with a black look on his face. ¡°They are almost as good as Obama¡­  ¡­Okay! I¡¯ll try to get the boys to restrain themselves!¡± In the center of New York, four Apache helicopter gunships were hovering in the air.  "Damn politicians! A bunch of stinky shit!" Inside the cabin of the helicopter numbered 1680.  A colonel swore hard and tossed a pair of headphones aside.  "Sir! What does it say above," a major shouted, "can we attack? The boys can't wait." "Continue to wait for orders!" The colonel said with a dark face, "Tell the boys to exercise restraint.  , No one is allowed to open fire! Otherwise, I will let him wash the toilet until he retires.¡± ¡°Hey! Sir! Are you crazy?¡±  There are casualties, why don't you open fire? Our snipers are already in place, maybe?We can kill them with just a few bullets.  " "Major!  Don't ask me that question," the colonel rolled his eyes. "You should ask those sons of bitches in the Pentagon and the White House.  Well, these sons of bitches are holding a congress about this thing right now, do you want to go sit in on it?  "    "All right!  I understand." The major shook his head wildly, "Sorry!  Sir!  My father has taught me since I was a child to be an upright person and just sit in on the sidelines.  If he found out that I actually went to sit in on a meeting of a bunch of politicians, he would be so angry that he would crawl out of his grave.  "    "Um!  I very much agree with your father's point of view." The colonel shrugged and spread his hands. "The problem is that we can only follow the orders of these politicians, okay!  Major, go give orders to all units!  " "Obey, sir!  The major saluted casually, and then began to issue orders, "Attention all units, continue to be on alert. Do not fire without orders."  I repeat, no firing without orders.  "    "receive!  ""receive!  ""receive!  "Responses kept coming from the headphones. "Hey!  Sir!  "At this time, a voice complained, "What's going on with this? Why aren't you allowed to open fire?  Damn it.  I took off my pants, but you came running to tell me that your aunt was here.  God!  Are you playing with me?  " "Shut up!"  Martin!  "The major's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. "If you like my aunt so much, I will let you clean the toilet for female soldiers until you retire. Are you willing?  "    "Ha ha!  Of course he is willing," a playful voice interjected, "Martin likes this the most.  Isn't that right, Martin!  "    "Shut up!  Justin!  You disgusting guy," Martin scolded him. Then he asked the major, "Okay!  Sir!  Since we can't fire, what do we do now?  Is it difficult for us to watch helplessly as these dogs use the city center as their playground?  " "Martin!  That's not a bunch of dogs," the major rolled his eyes, "that could be some kind of monster.  Well, maybe it's aliens or something.  It is said that Mr. President is holding an emergency meeting to discuss strategies for this matter, so they are definitely not dogs.  Even ifit was the case before, it is not the case now.  "    "Ha ha!  Sir!  Can I interpret your statement as some kind of sarcasm?  "Whatever these guys are, to me they are just a bunch of dogs," Martin said.  I bet if I threw a stick to them right now, they would pick it up with their tails wagging.  oh!  Justin what are you doing?  Stop it!  " "It's just like you said.  Justin laughed, "I'll throw them a stick."  " "What happened!  "The major called out, and then he and the colonel poked their heads out of the cabin at the same time, and saw an armed helicopter that was originally hovering in the air suddenly moving. The armed helicopter suddenly sank down, and then  He accelerated and flew towards the dogs. "Damn it!"  Lieutenant Justin!  cried the colonel angrily. "What are you doing?"  Come back quickly and stop messing around!  This is an order!  "    "take it easy!  Sir!  Lieutenant Justin laughed. "I won't fire!"  I just went to say hello to these guys. The dignity of the United States of America is not something that a group of dogs can challenge, so I have to show them some color!  " Finished! The patriotic lieutenant drove an armed helicopter, skillfully drew a beautiful arc, and then passed over the heads of the dogs like a gust of wind. The sudden roar of the propellers shocked the dogs  They were startled. They barked instinctively, and then fled in panic. They were no different from how ordinary dogs behave when they encounter danger. After the helicopter flew away, the group of dogs immediately started again.  They gathered together and started shouting at the plane in the sky, "Haha!"  Justin laughed wildly, "Sir!"  Did you see it?  Martin is right, they are just a bunch of ordinary dogs and there is nothing they can do to us.  Hey!  Martin, don't you want to do it again?  " "Justin shut up!  The colonel said angrily, "Who asked you to do that?"  Are you disobeying my orders? Do you want to be imprisoned or court-martialed?  " "Hehehehe!  Take it easy, sir!  "Justin said hurriedly, "I just want to confirm whether these guys are real dogs.  Now it seems I was right, they were just a bunch of dogs, just a little bigger.  I guess we don¡¯t have to be too¡­¡± ¡°Justin!  Shut up!  "The colonel said, "I am the highest officer here!  I don't care what they actually are, but you violated my orders.  Now!  Get out of there right away, or I'll send you to the military, I promise!  Do you understand?  "    "All right!  Got it sir!  "Justin, who was driving the helicopter, curled his lips when he heard this., and then said to several soldiers in the cabin, "Hey! Guys! It seems that the colonel didn't like our performance and went back!" "Hey! Justin!" A black captain said with an ugly face, "We also  I don¡¯t like this either, please tell me before you do this next time, I will shoot you first. Damn it, thank you for not going to Afghanistan, otherwise you will kill everyone.¡± ¡°Hey.  "Don't be nervous!" Justin laughed dryly, "Martin! I was just joking" "Please call me Lieutenant!" Martin interrupted him and said in a deep voice, "Lieutenant!"  It's not a pleasant joke, so you'd better remember what I said. "Okay! You're the boss, you have the final say!" Justin rolled his eyes and said with a smile.  Are you ready now? " "Just go back the same way!" Justin laughed, "Hold on guys Uncle Justin is here."  He pulled the joystick and flew quickly toward the dogs again.  "Justin!" Martin roared.  He quickly grabbed the armrest and shouted, "You son of a bitch, I will shoot you, I swear!" But unfortunately, he was destined to have no chance to shoot Justin, because he didn't know that the action Justin made was actually very dangerous.  Deadly.  Although as he guessed, the creatures on the ground were indeed dogs, their strength was not at the same level as the dogs.  When Justin first did that.  The fact that the dogs were frightened by the helicopter and scattered was actually more of an instinctive reaction to being caught off guard, so after the helicopter flew over, they immediately returned to their original place.  After all, in terms of body shape, these armed helicopters were actually similar to them now, so these dogs were not afraid of them, but regarded these helicopters as some kind of birds.  How will a dog react when a bird flies overhead?  The answer is simple: jump down.  Then have a hearty meal.  So a tragic thing happened. Just when the helicopter passed over the heads of the dogs, a dog that may have hound blood couldn't hold it any longer. Suddenly it jumped up from the ground and opened its mouth.  He rushed towards them while drooling.  This dog's jumping ability was completely out of proportion to its pig-like figure. It jumped more than fifty meters high.  Then he jumped directly onto the helicopter passing by at low altitude.  The high-speed rotating propeller cut into the dog's front paws like a sharp blade, and then the dog screamed, shaking the entire helicopter and falling to the ground.  "God!" Justin yelled in horror.  "Boom!" The helicopter touched the ground and there was a violent explosion. It was the air-to-ground missile on the launcher that was detonated.  "Boom!" There was another series of explosions, and the helicopter's fuel tank and other ammunition exploded.  The dog let out a scream.  The one who was bombed flew out, and then his whole body burst into flames.  It looked like he was no longer alive.  Various gunshots rang out immediately. When the soldiers who were on standby saw this, they instinctively shot out the bullets without much thought.  These bullets hit "Damn it!" The colonel cursed when he saw this, and then shouted, "Fire, fire with all your strength! Kill them all for me." He knew that since the fighting had started, it would be a shame to stop if he wanted to.  It was impossible. Only by eliminating these dogs could he explain to his superiors.  "Ouch!" The dogs immediately screamed and ran around with their heads down. They were blinded by the sudden bullets.  These soldiers are not like the men in black who fight them in close combat. When they are attacked by the men in black, they can turn around and bite them.  But the enemy at this moment is not the man in black. The only people who can come here are experienced special forces. They will not run to the monster like the heroes in the movie and shoot at close range with their guns.  In the movie, it was to show the bravery of the American army, but in actual combat, when faced with a group of dogs without long-range weapons, these people were not that stupid.  They either found a hiding spot or shot at the dogs from the commanding heights on the roof. The large-caliber bullets hit the ground and the dogs howled.  The reaction of the dogs is also normal, because although this group of dogs have been modified, it is mainly physical. Their brains are not much smarter, and they have not received military dog ??training to deal with guns, so they are expected to  Being able to find enemies hiding a few hundred meters away and shoot them is really embarrassing for them.  Fortunately, most bullets do little harm to dogs. Only those large-caliber sniper rifles have some effect. Each of these large-caliber bullets hits them, like hitting them with a heavy hammer, causing them to lose their original strength.  His bloated body was quickly covered with bruises.  "Whoosh!" Two fire shadows shot at the two dogs. It turned out that the colonel saw the effect of the bullets on the dogs.Not big, two air-to-ground missiles were immediately launched.  ¡°If Zhu Runfa had discovered it, he would have immediately escaped at the speed of sound and then fought back.  But dogs are different. They are animals after all, so after being angered by the bullets, the two dogs bit two missiles without dodging.  "Boom!" Two times, the jaws of the two dogs were blown away immediately. Their brains were shattered by the powerful explosion, and they fell to the ground without saying a word.  Although these dogs are physically strong, they are not strong enough to withstand the explosion of a missile in their mouth.  "Good job!" The colonel happily gave a thumbs up to the helicopter pilot, "Just do it, do it again!" "It's sir!" The helicopter pilot agreed, and immediately launched two more missiles.  .
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