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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Interstellar online shopping era

Text Chapter 110: Live well

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    "What's wrong with you, Zhu Runfa?" the customer service girl said in shock, "Wake up! Damn it! We're in big trouble now Hurry up, damn it! Purchase confirmation, hurry up and ship the goods, bastard!"  Fear is innate. Zhu Runfa is neither a born warrior nor a superman. The only thing he relies on is actually the high-tech protective clothing on his body.  But when the protective clothing became thinner than paper under the bite of the tenth-level modified beast, his mind was completely shrouded in fear.  However, no one in the world dares to deny that they are afraid of death, and Zhu Runfa is certainly no exception. So this is not the biggest problem now. The biggest problem lies in the medical module of the protective clothing itself.  You must know that this upper protective clothing was actually made by aliens commissioned by Skaron, so in fact, except for conventional medical components, there are no drugs for the human body.  It is impossible for those aliens to be kind enough to develop special medicine for humans specifically for such a protective suit, so Zhu Runfa has always used high-energy repair agents as universal special medicine.  But the problem is that there has never been a medicine in the world that is a panacea. When certain special circumstances arise, a panacea becomes a panacea, as it is now.  The hormones in the human body are very special. Each hormone has a corresponding normal level. If this level is exceeded, the human body will not be able to bear it.  Take adrenaline, for example. The sharp secretion of adrenaline in a critical moment can make a person instantly become a superman, but when the crisis is over, the person is likely to die suddenly.  Many people say this is because of overdrafting the human body's potential, but in fact it may not be entirely true.  It is more likely that he died of organ failure due to excessive secretion of adrenaline.  Zhu Runfa was originally just an ordinary person, so the levels of various hormones his body could secrete could not be too high.  If it is too high, you will die due to organ failure.  But it's different when high-energy repair fluid is involved. High-energy repair fluid repairs all damage to the body, just like repairing a machine. As long as the machine can operate normally, the repair is successful.  Therefore, when the medical module of the protective suit only has high-energy repair fluid and no hormone inhibitors, things become troublesome. Whenever the hormones in his body reach the critical point of organ failure, the high-energy repair fluid will repair it instantly.  that organ.  Make it work properly.  But if these organs are normal, the hormone levels in his body cannot be normal.  As long as he is alive and as long as the crisis has not been resolved, the various hormones in his body will increase without limit until they increase to the point where his body can no longer bear it.  But now, these hormones have affected his consciousness, making him completely confused.  His fear was magnified a thousand times.  Then this fear will make him secrete more hormones, which completely becomes a vicious cycle.  "Ding! Nine level six combat robots have been purchased! Each of them is 20,000 star coins, deducting a 2% handling fee, and the total payment is 183,600 star coins."  With 8 million star coins, deducting 2% handling fee, the total payment was 73.44 million star coins. "At this time, Xiaoshan finally completed the purchase of weapons.  She couldn't help but perked up.  "Okay!" The customer service girl appeared on Zhu Runfa's back out of thin air, like a ghost behind her back, waving her little fist at the teacup dog viciously and yelled, "Then let me get rid of you first, and then save Zhu Runfa. Robot."  "Get ready!" With a sound, nine grotesque robots appeared out of thin air.  Stopped behind Zhu Runfa.  The level 10 individual weapon equipped on his body shone with an icy cold light.  "Roar!" The teacup dog was startled by the sudden appearance of the nine robots and the customer service girl. He froze for a moment, then flexibly turned his body and went around them without hesitation, chasing after them again.  To Zhu Runfa.  "Damn it!" the customer service girl yelled, "Robot, fire! Kill it for me." But something tragic happened "Beep! The robot started," the nine robots suddenly burst out with a burst of cheerful music.  voice, and then said in an alien language that only Xiaoshan could understand: "Welcome to the Welsh Civilization Level 6 highly intelligent robot. Please follow the voice prompts to identify the owner for the first time! The interface is being initialized During this process, for you  It¡¯s not too boring. Please listen to an introduction about Wells¡¯ civilization. Wells¡± ¡°Damn it! I¡¯m so boring!¡± Xiaoshan jumped angrily, his whole face turned black, ¡°This  At this time, let me listen to Mao¡¯s introduction! Damn it!¡±  It went up, and then there was a series of loud "rumbling" sounds, which was the sound of the wall being smashed through.  "Oops! He's completely unconscious and can't even walkI won¡¯t watch it anymore.  "The customer service girl was so shocked that she didn't care whether she recognized the owner or not. She quickly put away all nine robots and appeared next to Zhu Runfa in a flash. "I saw that Zhu Runfa had a gray face at this moment. He looked as bad as he could be.  How bad. His eyes turned completely blood red, and the skin inside could be seen from the damage in the protective clothing. The skin was glowing with a strange dead gray color. The customer service girl knew that this was caused by the abnormal secretion of adrenaline and other hormones by Zhu Yunfa.  Hormone poisoning. If the medical module of the protective suit had not been injecting him with high-energy repair fluid to repair his organs, he would have died of organ failure by now.  warn!  warn!  Strong warning.  "The warning from the auxiliary chip was unprecedentedly urgent, "The user's adrenaline hormones have exceeded the detection range of the auxiliary chip, and the hormones have begun to invade cells throughout the body drip!  warn!  The user's genes are about to collapse!  Please change the genetic medicine for humans quickly" "What?  "The customer service girl was shocked, "Gene collapse?  "    "warn!  The user's genes are about to collapse!  Please replace the genetic medicine for humans as soon as possible!  repeat!  Please quickly switch to genetic drugs targeting humans." "Drugs targeting human genes?  "The customer service girl yelled, "Asshole!  Where could such a thing exist in the universe?  Where do you want me to buy that thing now?  Auxiliary chip.  Speed ??up repairs immediately.  " "Dip!  Protective clothing cannot carry out deep repair of genes," the auxiliary chip said in a mechanical voice. "Please purchase professional equipment for repair as soon as possible.  Beep beep beep!  The ultimate warning!  The ultimate warning!  The user's genes begin to collapse, and the brain secretes large amounts of death hormones!  The user will die after ten seconds.  Warning! The user will die after ten seconds.  Entering the countdownten, nine, eight" "What?  Ten second countdown?  How could it be so fast?  "The customer service girl immediately felt as if she had fallen into the ice abyss. A 3D projected face had almost no pixels and became completely transparent. "Zhu Yunfa!  Wake up," the customer service girl yelled, "Asshole!  How could you die like this?  Do you want to be the shortest-lived client holder in the history of Interstellar Taobao?  Wake up.  Didn¡¯t you say you want to lead humans into the universe?  Didn¡¯t you also say that you want to become the king of the universe?  How could you die here?  " But at this time, Zhu Runfa was completely confused. All the sensory organs were completely paralyzed by hormones. How could you hear what she said. " Bastard!  Wake up.  "The customer service girl couldn't think about it, so she had to send her voice directly into his mind in the form of brain waves, and it exploded in his mind like thunder, "Zhu Runfa, you big bumpkin!  Didn¡¯t you also say that you want to become the king of the universe?  Why did you die like this?  You can be killed by a nuclear bomb, blasted to death by a spaceship, and killed fighting aliens, but how can you run to death because you're being chased by a dog?  asshole!  If you die like this, you will be laughed at by the whole universe.  " Finally. Zhu Runfa tried his best to open his blood-red eyes, and his eyes were filled with confusion: What happened? Thunder? Wellit seems like someone is talking. Being laughed at by the whole universe? Who is it? Are you talking about me? Me  Being chased by a dog? But why am I being chased by a dog? It¡¯s so noisy! His mind was confused, and he closed his eyes again and continued running.  Zhu Runfa, don¡¯t die!  "The customer service girl started to cry, "What should I do if you die?  Woooooooo.  Zhu Runfa, you big bumpkin!  Bad guy!  Big idiot!  Who would tolerate a smart customer service like me?  Who will give commissions to smart programs?  Who would consider a smart program as a friend?  Zhu Yunfa!  Wake up!  The Queen doesn¡¯t want to be alone!  Woohoo!  " Zhu Runfa? This name is so familiar! Is it me? But who am I? Oops! I told you not to bother me! It's so noisy! It's so noisy. Why are you shouting so loudly?  ? Bastard! Every word spoken by the customer service girl was as loud as thunder in Zhu Runfa's mind, causing his whole brain to tremble and start running rapidly, and some memories buried deep in his brain began to emerge in a daze.  He seemed to really hear thunder "Stab!  boom!  "A bright light flashed in the sky. Then a dull thunder sounded. Zhu Runfa suddenly felt that his eyes were dark, and he was wrapped in a piece of cloth. There was a sticky feeling all over his body, which made him extremely uncomfortable. "I  Where is this?  Who am I?  "He struggled to open his eyes, but couldn't, and then he heard a noisy sound. "Ah!  it hurts!  "A woman not far away screamed loudly. "Harder!  "A female voice shouted, "If you push harder, you can almost see the head.  " At this time, a female voice suddenly screamed in panic: "??Doctor!  Come here quickly!  The mother in bed No. 2 is bleeding heavily and can¡¯t stop it!  "    "What!  "The female voice from before shouted, "I'll be there right away, you guys take care of her.  Wang Hongmei, it's okay, I'll go and be right back.  " Wang Hongmei? This name is so familiar! Isn't that my mother? Huh? Wang Hongmei is my mother, so who am I? How strange! I can't remember Hiss! My head hurts! "Ah!  how so?  Zhu Runfa, the previous Dr. Jin, exclaimed next to him, "The color of her blood is wrong. Is it coagulation disorder?"  Head nurse!  What's going on?  Why was it not detected prenatally?  " "Doctor!  This woman was brought here unexpectedly today, and she was about to give birth, so she didn't have time to check.  "A woman whispered, "Besides, a town health center like ours" "Okay!  I understand," Dr. Jin interrupted her, "Give me the gauze, 15 mg of oxytocin, and 250 ml of 5% glucose solution for intravenous infusion.  What is the patient's blood type?  Prepare for blood transfusion.  Go quickly!  " "Doctor Jin!  Not good!  "The head nurse said in panic. "The patient's blood type is a rare blood type, and our blood bank does not have it in stock.  "    "What!  "Doctor Jin, Doctor Jin said anxiously. "How could it be such a coincidence?  What about the patient¡¯s family?  Inform the patient¡¯s family quickly?  Give them a blood test.  What's the matter?  Why not go yet?  Nurse, what are you still doing?  " "Doctor Jin!  The patient came on his own!  No family accompanying me!  "The head nurse whispered. "This" Doctor Jin stopped abruptly, and the scene immediately fell into silence. "Bang!  "The door to the delivery room was pushed open hard, and a male voice rang: "Doctor, what happened to my wife?  " This voice is my father? Who am I? I feel so dizzy! " Who are you?  Get out!  This is not a place you can come in.  " "I am Wang Hongmei's husband," the male voice said, "What happened to her?  "    "go out!  Doctor Jin said coldly, "Why are you coming in when your wife is giving birth?"  Get out quickly.  "    "ah!  oh!  sorry!  "The visitor smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry!  I just heard someone say something happened to the mother?  Sohaha!  You guys are busy! I'll be out right away!  Get out now!  "    "Wait!  "Dr. Jin shouted. "Are you from this town?  Do you know someone namedLiu Yue?  Do you know where his family is?  "Liu Yue? Who is Liu Yue? Why do I want to cry when I hear this name? Zhu Runfa desperately wanted to open his eyes to take a look at her, but his eyelids were as heavy as mountains, and he couldn't open them no matter what. "Hey  ?  Liu Yue?  What's wrong with her?  " "She suffered from postpartum hemorrhage!  Dr. Jin said hurriedly, "She has a rare blood type and is in urgent need of blood transfusion. We must find her family members as soon as possible."  "    "What?  Liu Yue suffered from massive postpartum bleeding?  Where is she?  Liu Dalin, this bastard!  "The man shouted loudly, "Liu Yue!  Liu Yue!  " "Hey, hey, hey~!  Don't scream!  "The head nurse shouted. "Do you know where Liu Yue's family is?  " "I" the man stamped his feet, "I don't know, Liu Yue has never talked about her family members, and her man alas~!  " At this time, a weak voice sounded from beside Zhu Runfa: "Brother Zhu, you are here!  " "Liu Yue!  How are you?  doctor!  Take my blood!  I have type O blood, I know.  " "Brother Zhu!  Don't bother.  "Liu Yue said weakly, "It's useless. Our whole family has rare blood types. It's too late now.  Give me the child and let me take another look at him.  " "Liu Yue!  " Zhu Deming choked and shouted. "Hurry up!  Brother Zhu.  Liu Yue said weakly, "I'm dying."  Let me take another look at him.  "    "Um!  "Zhu Deming agreed. Then Zhu Runfa felt himself being picked up by a pair of big hands, and then sent into a warm embrace. For some reason, he felt himself crying suddenly, but the strange thing was that the cry he made was that of a baby.  What¡¯s going on? I¡¯m a baby. This is ridiculous. I¡¯m Zhu Yunfa. What¡¯s wrong with me?  I can't think of anything. "Don't cry!"  child!  Mom, I'm sorry for you." Liu Yue struggled to pick him up, tears falling heavily on his face, "Mom will leave you soon, you must live well in the future!  You must!  Brother Zhu help me I can't do it anymore, let me feed him a mouthful of milk" "Liu Yue?  "Zhu Deming lost his voice in pain.cry.  Then there was something in Zhu Runfa's mouth, and a sweet liquid flowed into his mouth. Zhu Runfa felt that he was involuntarily and greedily "yunxi".  But for some reason, he felt in his heart that his "yunxi" was the most bitter thing in the world, which was ten thousand times bitter than tears.  "Eat! Child!" Liu Yue's weak voice was filled with relief, "This is the only thing momcando for you. ZhuBrother Zhuthischildis entrusted to you.  "Okay! Don't worry!" Zhu Deming choked, "I will definitely treat him as my own" "I, I have no education," Zhu Deming said.  "Then call him Zhu Runfa! I hope he will nourish and develop him. If you don't like it I'm thinking of something else." "No! This name" Liu Yue gasped, "Very good!"  Brother Zhu! Promise me not to tell him about me and his father. I hope that he can be happy for the rest of his life. " "Yes!  I'll let him know!" Zhu Deming said, "I promise!" "Thenthen I'lldon't worry." Liu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, then gently patted Zhu Runfa and sang a song intermittently.  It may sound French, but Zhu Yunfa doesn't understand the meaning of the lyrics.  Liu Yue's voice became lower and lower, and finally she could no longer be heard Everyone in the delivery room couldn't help but sob softly.  "Zhu Runfa!" Zhu Deming held Zhu Runfa in his hand, "Remember! Your life was bought by your mother. You must live well." "Beep¡ª¡ª!" There was a long beep, and the electrocardiogram monitor showed up.  The ripples turned into a straight line, and Liu Yue's heart stopped beating.  It turns outI am Zhu Yunfa!  Zhu Runfa suddenly opened his eyes.  "3, 2, 1 beep¡ª¡ª!" The auxiliary chip emitted a long beep, "The user's genes have collapsed, his heart has stopped, and he has officially died." Zhu Runfa's running footsteps stopped suddenly, and then he hit hard  On the wall of a building, the whole person is embedded in the wall.  "Dead, dead? Zhu Runfa!" The customer service girl looked at him embedded in the wall in disbelief, and then suddenly cried and cursed, "Zhu Runfa, you big idiot! How are you really dead? How are you?  Can you just die like this? Come back to life! You bastard! Ouch" She cried and fell to the ground.  "Yes! How could I die like this?" A low voice sounded from Zhu Runfa, who was theoretically dead.  "Zhu Runfa" The customer service girl suddenly raised her head and looked directly at Zhu Runfa's body.  "Yeah! How could I die like this! Especially when I was chased to death by a dog." Zhu Runfa broke free from the wall with a "crash", then turned around and punched out, yelling, "Me!"  Zhu Runfa! Live well!" "Boom!" There was a bang, and the level 10 modified beast that exceeded five times the speed of sound flew backwards and hit a building hard.  The wall suddenly penetrated.  The next moment, it came out from the other end of the building with several broken human bodies, then penetrated another building, and finally became embedded in the wall of the third building.  At this time, the voice of the auxiliary chip of the protective clothing rang again: "Beep! The user's vital signs have recovered, the gene collapse has stopped, the user's genes have undergone unknown changes, and the calculation is being carried out" "Bang!" Zhu Runfa fell to the ground with his back,  Fell into coma.  "Zhu Runfa" the customer service girl shouted anxiously.
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