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Text Chapter 314 Chess Pieces

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    Just when Duke woke up from the Shatlans chess game due to the influence of the fragment of God, at this moment, a billowing black mist suddenly rose up all over Arthur's body, and something hanging around his neck suddenly appeared.  reaction.  That is a dark statue pendant, engraved with the image of Tempest. It is the soul of Tempest that he obtained after fusing eighteen demon seeds from eighteen secret places on the mainland.  "What's going on? What's going on?" Arthur's face looked horrified, and he finally realized that something was wrong with his state, "Okay, I almost got killed!" Arthur, who woke up, understood immediately with his wisdom.  Realizing how dangerous he was just now, I couldn't help but feel shocked. Looking at the black and white grid around me, my eyes were completely different.  "What should we do?" Arthur's expression became extremely solemn. "It seems that there is something weird in this divine realm. So, what should we do now? How to get out of this chess game that looks a bit like Chartreuse?" Arthur was trapped in this game.  Meditated.  "What should I do?" Duke was also asking the same question.  Having seen the weirdness of this Saudi Blues chess game, Duke still dares to study the formations.  However, after entering the Saudi Blues chess game and becoming a chess piece, Duke really didn't know what to do next.  Just as he was thinking about it, at this time, there was a buzzing sound in the space, and a strong force came from the space, but Duke involuntarily took a step on the black and white grid.  "Boom!" Light flashed in front of his eyes, and his consciousness became confused for a moment.  When everything returned to normal, Duke found that he was already on a battlefield.  "Boom!" The fireworks danced rapidly, and the thunderous shock shook the earth. The light released by countless magics in the sky illuminated the horizon blood red, and the shouts of killing were deafening. Countless warriors in armor were fighting hard around them, with swords and swords, shadows of flesh and blood.  Flying horizontally, what a tragic scene.  "What's going on?" Duke subconsciously slapped his face, thinking he was in some illusion. However, the pain in his tentacles suddenly woke Duke up, and it turned out that all of this was real.  Not only that, Duke also suddenly discovered that at this moment, he was no longer the one with the word "soldier" marked on his chest before, but a warrior wearing the same armor as the people around him and holding a broad sword in his hand.  Blood was dripping from the broad sword. On the ground in front of him, a man whose arm had been chopped off was howling miserably. Judging from the different military uniforms he wore, this should be an enemy, and he was also an enemy who was chopped by himself.  "What's going on? What's going on?" Duke was really surprised and couldn't figure out his situation for a while.  However, what surprised Duke even more was what happened later, because he could vaguely see his own face on the broadsword he held in his hand.  It was a face with a beard, covered with blood, and looked very ferocious.  "Who is this?" Duke's face became extremely ugly. The face reflected by the broad sword was not his own face at all, but a completely stranger.  In the midst of shock, at this time, there was a bang in his mind, and countless information suddenly came in, but Duke once again exclaimed, "Jesse Farois, a captain of the Eighth Legion of the Siwa Empire!  " "Oh my God!" Duke was stunned. How could he become a person named Jesse?  And he is also the captain of the Eighth Legion of the Siwa Empire.  The Siwa Empire, weren¡¯t they the three ancient empires more than 7,000 years ago?  How could he go back more than 7,000 years ago and become a sergeant in the Gusiva Empire?  There was more information coming to his mind. Duke could clearly remember everything about this man named Jesse, including his family and his life. This man named Jesse had already taken a wife and had children.  of.  Not only that, Duke also knew his situation from the information. It seemed that there was a war on the border between the Siwa Empire and the Naga Empire. The brigade he led happened to be one of the participating troops.  "No, this is definitely not true. I am Duke Daniel!" Duke suddenly roared, and an extremely strong thought suddenly arose in his heart, "No, I am Duke Daniel, and my wife is  Ah Li, she¡¯s still waiting for me to come back!¡± ¡°Boom!¡± The light in front of me danced violently again, and everything in the scene rippled like water, and my consciousness became confused for a moment again.  When Duke fully recovered, he found that he was still standing in the black and white grid, and he still seemed to have a soldier marked on his body.  It¡¯s just that my position is one step further than before.  &nbspNot only that, but the memories of Jesse were still so clear in Duke's mind, as if they were what he had experienced.  "Could it be?" Duke narrowed his eyes and looked around, but he had a vague guess in his heart, "Is it because he took a step that he had an hallucination?" As he was thinking about it, at this time, the space  There was another shock, and an unrivaled force came. Duke couldn't help but took a step forward again.  "Boom!" Suddenly, just like before, his consciousness was blurred again. The next moment, Duke found that he had become another person again.  And, this time it¡¯s a general, commanding a battle.  However, it seems that the general himself is from the Dort Empire, and the battle he is commanding is to encircle and suppress a group of bandits.  Countless messages came again, but Duke stayed on the spot.  If it was a hallucination the first time, then it would be incredible to have a similar hallucination again.  With the power of reaching the holy level, there are actually very few things that can make you hallucinate.  More importantly, if it was a hallucination, how could he have such a clear memory of the characters in the hallucination and clearly remember everything he had ever experienced?  "Isn't this an illusion?" Duke's heart suddenly froze, and a vague concept came to his mind. When he once again used his strong will to awaken himself and returned to the Shatterans chess game, Duke found that he  Although it is still the same chess piece with the word "pawn" on it, its position has changed again.  Everything seemed to be entering a nightmare, and Duke experienced the transformation of different identities again and again.  Often when he returns to the game of Chartreuse, there is a strong force that forces him to move forward.  One step forward, and Duke will immediately enter a world that seems both real and illusory, and become another person.  The most peculiar thing is that every time he experiences it, Duke can clearly remember everything about that person, as if that person is his own life.  It has been experienced five times. At this moment, Duke has taken five steps forward in the chess game, and has the memories of five more people in his mind. The original fog in Duke's heart has now vaguely disappeared.  A glimmer of understanding.  "Isn't this an illusion, but this strange Saudi Blues chess game that allowed me to experience another reincarnation of life?" Duke suddenly realized something, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his heart was shocked beyond measure.  Having experienced five identity changes and five more life experiences, if Duke believes that this is just an illusion, Duke will never think so.  So, since it is not an illusion, there is only one explanation, which is the memory of the reincarnation of life.  Especially when I think that every time such a change occurs, it happens after I am forced to take a step forward by a strong force in this Saudi Blues chess game.  This means that in this chess game, every step you take is experiencing a reincarnation of life.  When thinking of this, how could Duke not be horrified?  ¡°What on earth is this Saudi Blues chess game, and how can it have such a strange effect? ??????????????? More importantly, what does this really mean?  Duke¡¯s heart was racing. He was getting more and more confused now. He really didn¡¯t understand what the Saudi Blues chess game he was in was going to do to him.  In other words, what does the person who arranged this chess game want to do and what is his purpose?  Just as Duke was experiencing such an incredible reincarnation of life, Arthur also fell into the same predicament.  However, unlike Duke, Arthur has not experienced so many reincarnations of life. He is still in the first reincarnation until now.  The life cycle that Arthur experienced happened to be in the era when the first generation of Emperor Shiva of the Shiva Empire was born, and the incarnation of his reincarnation was the first generation of Emperor Shiva.  Starting from a little-known soldier, the first emperor of the Siwa Empire is going through a journey of expanding his territory.  Killing, killing, endless killing, every growth and expansion starts with killing.  This kind of pleasurable killing completely aroused the demonic nature deep in Arthur's heart, making him forget everything and completely immersed in the pleasure of killing, unable to extricate himself.  "Bang!" Another strong force came, and Duke couldn't help but take a step forward.  The sixth cycle of life has begun.  However, this time it only took a moment, and Duke immediately woke up.  Having experienced the previous five times, Duke is not willing to fall into this endless cycle of life and experience the life trajectory of another stranger.   "This chess piece is so strange, it still maintains self-awareness." At this time, a sigh suddenly sounded in the air, and a somewhat ethereal voice suddenly came over and sounded in Duke's mind.  ¡°Who is it?¡± Duke suddenly raised his head, with a look of horror on his face. He never dreamed that someone would speak.  However, there was nothingness above, and nothing could be seen. It was as if everything was shrouded in a layer of fog. All he could see was the black and white chessboard spreading beneath his feet.  "Who is it? Who is it?" Duke was really shocked. The chess piece really regarded himself as a chess piece.  So, what kind of person can treat a saint like himself as a chess piece?  Could it be the owner of this place, the sun god Kaos?  Or" Countless questions were bubbling in Duke's heart like boiled rice porridge, but Duke didn't have any answers at this moment. "More importantly, what should I do next? Is it right?  Follow that person's will and continue to be a chess piece in this Saudi Arabian chess game, going through life reincarnations again and again? Or do something else? Or, how should I get out of this Saudi Arabian chess game?
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