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    Li Han is not someone who clings to the past. Now that he has avenged Gavin, he has completely let go of the matter.  You only need to keep your deceased friend in your heart. If it affects your life because of him, I'm afraid Gavin will feel uneasy in heaven.  It¡¯s just that he doesn¡¯t want to be alone yet, so he goes directly to Oxford.  Although Lidya had a heavy study load, with countless books to read and papers to write, they would eat dinner together every day, and Li Han would not skip lunch.  Lydia was too tired from studying, and she usually had to get sandwiches, fish and chips to cope with it when she was alone. As soon as Li Han came, he fed her until her face was glowing, and her plummeting weight slowly began to gain back.  Li Han felt distressed and guilty at the same time. He ignored Lidya too much some time ago. Fortunately, she has always been considerate. If it were other girls, she might have broken up long ago.  But Lidya has always been very understanding of him. Although she is very tired from studying every day, she still takes time to call him to comfort him.  He looked at the calendar and saw that Valentine's Day had passed long ago, but he didn't forget to send Valentine's Day gifts.  It was now the end of March, Li Han's eyes lit up, Easter was coming soon, and he had to think carefully about what gift he should give her to make up for his mistakes during this period.  As for normal times, he cooked more and more sumptuous dinners, striving to raise Lydia back to her original level.  She wasn't fat to begin with, but now that she's thin, she looks haggard, which makes people feel distressed just looking at her.  If the Earl of Reims knew that his daughter was so thin, he wouldn't know how distressed he would be, and he might get angry.  He was about to cancel his engagement with Lydia.  Thinking about it, Li Han drove to the supermarket and bought more ingredients.  I am going to feed my girlfriend until she is fat so that she will not have difficulty explaining to my father-in-law when I see her again.  He is going to try Korean barbecue. In the past, he only cooked Chinese food and occasionally fried steaks, but recently he suddenly wanted to learn a little bit of food from all over the world.  Even if Bangzi Country, which only has kimchi, also has delicious barbecue and slate tofu, there is no need for him to confine himself to a circle.  Beef marinated in sauce for several hours, pork belly with the right amount of fat and leanness.  There are also fresh lamb, various mushrooms and several cold dishes made by myself.  Not much variety but plenty of portions.  The stove is a specially found charcoal stove. The fine charcoal burns without any smoke. When paired with the fragrant and soothing barley tea and the lettuce with water droplets, it will whet your appetite.  Lydia sat in front of the fire.  Watching Li Han take a tong to pick off a piece of roasted beef, dip it in the sauce, then wrap the meat with a piece of lettuce, and then handed it to her: "Try it, the sauce I made myself, maybe  It won¡¯t be as delicious as the ones in Korean barbecue restaurants. ¡°The beef is very tender, almost melting in your mouth, and the sauce is moderately salty, which fully enhances the flavor of the beef.  Coupled with the refreshing lettuce, Lydia narrowed her eyes happily.  She tried her best to swallow the food and gave a thumbs up: "It's great. Very delicious." Li Han turned over a piece of pork belly that was grilled until it was sizzling and oily, and wrapped another piece for Lidya until it was browned on both sides.  Pork belly: "Try this again." Pork belly has a different texture. It is not as tender as beef, and it has not been marinated, but the fat part is grilled until it melts in your mouth, and the lean part is not as tender as beef.  None of them are firewood.  Take a bite and your mouth will be full of oil.  Served with lettuce leaves, it's not greasy at all. Instead, it fills your mouth with the aroma of meat and makes you want to eat it again.  Thinly sliced ??various mushrooms are wrapped in tinfoil and placed on a grate to roast until brown. After tearing off the tinfoil, the fresh aroma of the mushrooms comes to your nose. Just smelling it makes your mouth water.  There is also a special stone pot. After it is heated, put a whole piece of tofu on it, then pour it with spicy sauce, and use the residual heat to fry the tofu until it is browned on one side. It is fragrant and spicy, and your mouth is full of bean flavor.  Having a bite of barbecue, a bite of mushrooms, and a piece of tofu with barley tea made Lydia extremely satisfied.  She smiled and said: "Sure enough, it's better for you to be at home. Am I getting fat again? Don't dislike me. I haven't had time to exercise recently." Li Han smiled: "You are good-looking even if you are fat or thin. I am watching your body. Study  I can't help, but the logistics can still be ensured. I will ensure that you eat well, sleep well, have enough energy to study, and get your degree successfully." "It's really virtuous." Lidya can speak Chinese very well now.  , even Xian Hui knows this joke.  Li Han sighed: "Nowadays, unvirtuous men can no longer find wives. My dear, when will you marry me?" Lidya laughed, stretched out her hand to hook his chin and said, "Beauty, come home with me.  I'll give you the hot drink." Li Han was sweating profusely. He really couldn't show her domestic movies. He had learned this badly.  Just after finishing the meal, Lidya was sipping tea and watching Li Han clean up the mess. She suddenly said: "Tomorrow morning I want to eat soup dumplings, fried dough sticks and small wontons." "Okay, what kind of filling do you want for the wontons?" "Celery and pork."  Okay, come onThe shepherd's purse and pork I ate were also good, but the shepherd's purse was hard to buy.  "Lidya wanted to drool when she thought of the taste. Even if she was full, she couldn't resist the temptation of shepherd's purse wontons. "There are also fruit dumplings. Make them tomorrow and bring them to school as a drink.  ¡± The main body of fruit soup is actually coconut milk, and then put diced fruits of various colors and sago. Li Han made it after reading the recipe last time, and Lidia liked it very much. She already loves to eat fruits, and the mellow flavor  She drinks the coconut milk directly as water, and can drink one liter a day. ¡°No problem, if you like it, I will make it every day.  "This thing is not troublesome. It is always a good thing to eat more fruits. Coconut milk and sago are also good things. If you like to eat, naturally make more of them. Li Han also likes it. It's almost Easter in a blink of an eye. Li Han buys it  She brought back a lot of chocolates to make Easter eggs. In addition to eating them herself, she also wanted to give them to others. However, Lydia didn't have time to attend Easter activities. She was so busy writing the paper that she revised the outline many times for reference.  There were hundreds of books. Later, Li Han came to help her and made an index for her to refer to. Making chocolate Easter eggs became Li Han's job alone. He has been in the UK for three years and is considered an old hand.  The easter egg was no longer a problem for him, but in order to surprise Lidya, he still put in a lot of effort and even went back to the castle, not to go back to find those great chefs for help, but to do this.  The Easter egg took a long time. If he made it in that small house in Oxford, there would be no surprise. Sooner or later, he would be caught by Lydia. In order to make this Easter egg, he worked alone in the kitchen for three days.  After using up dozens of pounds of chocolate and wasting who knows how much, it was finally finished and I secretly transported it back to Oxford on Easter morning (to be continued)
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