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Text Chapter 645 Fishing is difficult

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    "Today I want to put an end to all the bad experiences I had when fishing before. I must catch a big fish today!" Weida is ambitious now. He wants to go fishing at sea and prove that he is a great father.  "Dad, are there any dolphins here?" Weida was about to express his heroic ambitions in high spirits, but when Xiaoyou hugged his legs, Weida felt that fishing was secondary now and he was playing games with the children.  That's the most important thing.  "There are actually dolphins here, but they don't seem to be easy to find. But we can go to Hawaii, which is very beautiful. There are dolphins everywhere. Dad has never been there. How about we go there as a family for a vacation sometime?" Wei  Da smiled and hugged the little girl. Going to Hawaii to see dolphins is still worth looking forward to.  "Dad, let's go there tomorrow. Let's make our family's airplane. I like airplanes!" Xiao Li immediately became energetic. He likes his family's airplane very much.  Weida and his family are all on the boat. Naturally, the big guys can't follow them. Once those heavyweight guys get on the boat, it will be a disaster.  But it doesn't matter, the Anderson family now likes Big Guy and Pooh very much, and almost approves of taking care of them for a day.  Weida doesn¡¯t need to worry about anything. Weida knows the personalities of Big Guy and Pooh very well. Moreover, the Anderson family now knows how to take care of Big Guy and they will definitely not deliberately do anything to make Big Guy and them angry.  There is no need to worry at all. Weida and the others can go out and play without worries.  "It's okay to go to Hawaii. I'll go and have a look when the time comes. I just heard that it's fun there. I'll try to visit more while I'm still young." Wei Guanghui took over the conversation.  He is also very open-minded now; although sometimes he still has a small farmer mentality, he now knows that his family is still very powerful, so he will definitely not object to things like traveling around.  "I hope this time it can be a little more interesting. Fishing is one thing, but going to sea is another thing. We have gone to sea many times, so I won't talk about fishing. Why haven't we encountered something more interesting?"  Weida felt a little dissatisfied.  The Gulf of Mexico is not without dolphins, but it seems that Weida is just unlucky.  "Then let's drive the boat deeper today and go to a clearer and quieter place. Although the water quality here is not bad, that is, not bad, I guess dolphins don't like it." Wei Guanghui took over the steering wheel smoothly as he spoke.  , now go to the deeper sea area.  There are basically no boats here.  Wei Guanghui can now show off his skills.  Weida feels that this trip to sea is worth looking forward to. The most interesting thing last time was encountering some flying fish, which was very interesting.  Now, Weida is also looking forward to it. He hopes to encounter more interesting things, such as the dolphins that his daughter is looking forward to.  "Dad, we are here, I like it here!" The sound of trotting footsteps came from the deck.  Xiaoli lay at the door of the cab and shouted to his father, he liked it here.  "It's very beautiful here, it's all blue!" "No problem, we'll stop here!" Of course Wei Da and Wei Guanghui have no objections, and this place is indeed good; the little ones don't necessarily have to listen to all their opinions.  , but to a certain extent, you can still adopt some of the little guy's opinions. This is also a very good thing. Weida doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.  After dropping the anchor, Weida also walked out of the cab; this sea area is very nice, calm and clear.  Weida also knew now that the little ones not only liked the sea here, but also because there was a group of seabirds circling here.  Obviously, the little ones still like these seabirds very much, and they are trying to say hello to them.  "I won't bully Apollo and Diana anymore. I definitely won't bully them anymore!" Angela came over with some drinks and looked at her fat son lying on the deck mumbling. She also  laughed.  "They don't like me, they only like my younger brother and sister, because they don't bully them. The bully is a bad guy, but I'm not a bad guy." "Ryan is right, you are not a bad guy, you just committed a crime  Some small mistakes. But you need to know where you made a mistake and then correct it. And you know, Apollo and Diana don't dislike you, they are just a little shy and don't know how to get along with you.  When you feed them cow offal, they all take it, but they ignore the food they feed Grandpa and Apollo," Angela explained while holding Xiaoli who was like a little doormat. This thing is really true.  There is no way; but we can't let Xiao Li always be worried about it, so this is the most true lie.  ? ?Polo and Diana are indeed not hostile to Xiao Li, but they can't say they have deep feelings; Xiao Xin and Xiao You can let two big golden eagles fly down from the sky to play games with them, but even if Xiao Li  No matter how hard Apollo jumped, they still wouldn't pay attention. This is the most direct proof.  And one thing is certain, Xiaoxin and Xiaoyou can hug, hug and kiss the golden eagles affectionately, but Xiaoli is a bit resisted by the golden eagles.  Although they often accept Xiao Li's closeness, they still seem to be reluctant. This can only mean that the golden eagles just don't want to hurt Xiao Li, and their feelings for him are not deep.  "Mom, but why don't I remember that I bullied Apollo and Diana?" Xiaoli scratched his head. The little guy was also confused now. The animals at home have a good relationship with him, and he is also very  Love these cute animals; but when it comes to bullying Apollo and the others, Xiao Li feels that there must be a misunderstanding, and he will not do it.  "You were still young at that time, just like Uncle Wang's little Tiantian. You were not sensible at that time, and Apollo and Diana couldn't fly. You always chased them around, and there were  I pinched them secretly several times. You didn't mean to hurt them, but you really didn't know that at that time." Weida smiled and kissed the fat son's face.  There's really nothing we can do about these little things.  Xiao Li sat on the deck with a sad face. Xiao Li was shirtless in beach shorts. Although his belly and arms were still round, they were not puffy.  The flesh on the little guy's body is still very solid. If he eats well, drinks well, practices, and plays games, it will be difficult for him to become strong.  "Well, Brother Tiantian is really ignorant. He doesn't listen to what we say. So it's not that I made a mistake, is it, mom?" Xiaoli pretended to think deeply for a moment.  The little guy finally found the answer.  "Yes, Ryan made some mistakes when he was ignorant. But you can't find various excuses to evade. You need to face up to these mistakes and correct them. This is how you are a good child." Angela kissed her fat son and pouted.  With his little mouth, he patted the little guy¡¯s little butt and asked him to play games with his younger brothers and sisters.  The big turtle Leo may be a little seasick now. He is not big and is only about the size of a small face; but tortoises basically cannot paddle.  But it is not kind to its owner.  Xiao Xin stubbornly believed that Leo must also like the sea.  I wanted to take Leo to swim in the sea two days ago, but forget it, because when I was at Abilene's house, I knew that Leo was not old enough to swim.  So crawling around on the beach and riding on the waves is actually a good thing; but suddenly he was picked up by the little master again, and Leo was swaggering around along the way, and he was brought to the boat.  The boat was ups and downs, and Leo really felt that this was not his favorite place; but there was no way, he was the only pet brought out of the house.  Now the children are also surrounding Leo.  "Grandpa, Leo doesn't like to eat meat. He likes vegetables and fruits. You don't need to catch a lot of fish." Just now he turned Leo over and looked at Leo's cute somersaults. Xiao Xin suddenly remembered something.  .  "No, Big Man and Pooh both like to eat fish, and the prince and prince also like to eat fish, and the big cats all like to eat fish. Grandpa, you have to work hard and catch a lot of big fish!" Xiao You ran over to sing the opposite,  Grandpa must catch a lot of fish; it¡¯s just that Leo doesn¡¯t like to eat fish, but big guys like them.  Wei Guanghui naturally nodded repeatedly. The fishing rod hasn't been thrown down yet, but the precious children have already come over to assign tasks.  Although the task seemed a bit difficult and arduous, Wei Guanghui was still very confident. He believed that he would be able to do it well and catch a lot of big fish because he had received good wishes from the children.  Weida smiled and put sunscreen on Angela, and then started to prepare for fishing.  If Wei Da wants to catch a big fish, he needs to avenge his shame.  "Children, daddy is fishing!" Angela's words were a little strange. Anyway, Wei Da felt very awkward listening to them. "Children, you need to cheer for daddy. He may be able to catch a big fish today." "Mom.  "Daddy can't catch any fish, not even a small fish, I know it!" Xiaoli, who was lying on the ground and pushing the cow with Leo, didn't look back. Regarding the matter of daddy fishing, the children subconsciously believed that daddy was fishing.  Even if Wei Da couldn't catch any fish, his record was still reasonable, but it was obvious that this concept was deeply ingrained among the children.  Weida is very resentful. He feels that he must avenge his shame now and he needs to prove himself again. Although fishing is a matter of luck, it is still capable. Weida believes that his strength is pretty good.  .  Wei Da, who was very shocked, is holding back a sigh of relief.He has to prove his strength; it's just fishing, it's not difficult.  Moreover, my own strength is good, I just had some bad luck the first few times; but the situation is changing, now may be the moment when Wei Da's fortune will skyrocket, and I am still very confident about fishing!  Weida now feels more and more that he and fishing seem to be incompatible, and this is not without reason; for example, Xiaoli hugging his father's leg and saying that he needs to pee is just making trouble.  But there's nothing I can do about it. Xiaoli is now a big kid, and he knows he's shy, so he still hopes his dad or grandpa will help him take off his pants to pee. As for wiping his butt, the little guy also needs help now.  Smiling, he patted the little guy¡¯s little butt. This naughty kid really needs to learn more things now.  It's just that for a five-and-a-half-year-old little guy, it's really hard to ask him to do everything by himself, so Weida will do his best. Who makes him the little kid's father? He can do anything for the little kid.  Weida will be willing.  "Dad, I don't wear crotchless pants anymore. You can wear them at home, otherwise I will be embarrassed." Just as Wei Da picked up his fishing rod, Xiao Xin immediately ran over; as soon as he leaned against him, the little guy also started  He kept talking, "I like basketball jerseys. I can take off my pants without wearing a belt and pee!" Xiaoxin pulled off his basketball pants while talking. The little guy was very proud, especially  Now my brother can't even take off his pants by himself, but Xiaoxin has learned how to do it now, and he is the best!  Weida kissed the little pistachio in a funny way. The little guy's world is too simple, and it's hard to know what the little guys think.  What Weida hopes he can do is to keep the children's innocence as much as possible and let them grow up slowly.  Weida is still very confident. He and Angela did very well.  Fishing is still going on, but from time to time there are children who feel sorry for their father that he cannot catch any fish, so they come to talk to his father to comfort him. This also makes Weida feel sad and happy at the same time.  It seems that he is really not suitable for sea fishing. He seems to be unable to catch fish at all.  As for happiness, looking at his son and daughter who are so cute and caring, Wei Da feels that there is no need to worry if you can¡¯t catch fish. The little ones are the source of Wei Da¡¯s happiness.  "Grandpa, why is this fish so flat? Was it also crushed by the door, like Tom?" The little guys raised their buttocks and looked at the big fish caught by their grandfather. They must also think that this fish was actually crushed by the door.  It's been squashed, and when it recovers, it may not be as wide or as big as it is.  Weida was speechless. The classic cartoon "Tom and Jerry" produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has indeed brought a lot of happiness to the family, but it has also caused a lot of misleading to the little ones.  Weida is no longer surprised now, and the children's whims are no longer a matter of a day or two. Weida has long been immune.  Stay patient and continue fishing, this is what Weida is looking forward to most now. If he can catch a big fish and feel proud, Weida will naturally be even happier!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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