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Text Chapter 524 Old Cowboy Grandpa

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    "As a smart cowboy, I will definitely not try things that I am not sure about. In fact, I have always been very smart, so I won't do it. This is not in line with my style. -{2}{3  }{w}{x}" Weida, who was drinking beer and crossing his legs, was also chatting with Old Fox and his friends.

    "You've always been too smart, so you always look too stable. Boy, you need some different stimulation in your life, which will make you have more different manifestations."  Fox said with a look of resentment, and it was obvious that he felt that Weida did not have much youthful vigor at times.

    "I won't go, I definitely won't go." Weida shook his head, he would definitely not be instigated by Old Fox; maybe those things are more interesting, but those things are really not suitable for Weida.

    Although Old Fox seems to be a little regretful, he still thinks that this is also very good; he often feels that the young man Weida does sometimes look a bit old-fashioned, but this is better.  Because Weida is his son-in-law, of course he hopes that his son-in-law will be more down-to-earth and stable, not some hippie or restless guy who likes excitement.

    It¡¯s good to be like this now. Weida is very family-oriented, and although this guy seems a little unambitious, his family values ????are very strong.  Maybe Weida wouldn't be a good playmate, he wouldn't be the best friend; but as a son-in-law, someone like Weida is naturally the best, because it can make Angela happier.

    ??And the old Fox also admitted it.  That is, given Weida's current status and worth, some activities are really not suitable for Weida.  Although my son-in-law has always been an easy person to get along with, many people would not even think that this guy is a billionaire; but in fact.  Old Fox knew very well that this was an amazingly wealthy man, a super rich man.  So there are some things that are not suitable for this rich man and a great scientist.

    When people think of cowboys in the American West, they will think of Texas. This is not only the cowboy state of the United States, but also the hometown of cowboys in the world.  Although the cowboy days are over.  But the cowboy spirit and culture it gave birth to have survived.  Many of today's cowboys in Old Forks don't seem to be real cowboys, but there are still many cowboys. In addition to working on the ranch, some cowboys also participate in rodeo; many cowboys are professional rodeo competitors.

    Texas has a lot of cowboy culture.  Houston is a city that embodies cowboy culture. The largest rodeo festival in the United States is held here every March, and the horse and buffalo taming performances are quite exciting.  The Fort Worth Livestock Exchange, not far from Abilene, also retains its true character as a "cattle" city, where large-scale equestrian shows are held regularly.  There are also parades and cowboy-style gatherings.

    Old Fox is now encouraging Weida.  Because there are still some small self-entertainment rodeos and other activities in Abilene.  Many times, some of the contestants here are small ranchers and cowboys working on the ranch; now Old Fox and his friends are encouraging Weida, because they all know that this young guy has never participated in any cowboying.  This is not what a rancher should do, especially since this guy still thinks he is a cowboy.

    "I can't throw a lasso, and although I'm a pretty good horse, it's really hard for me to control those soft ropes. So I often go to your games, and it's fun and interesting; but I'm definitely not going to ride.  , That will really make me the worst cowboy in the game. I know this feeling is really uncomfortable." Weida revealed his shortcomings, and he still knows his abilities very well.

    "It's not that you don't know how to use a lasso. You don't know some of the basic skills of a cowboy. I don't think you have anything that can compete with a cowboy except that you are familiar with riding a horse. Besides, except for the dark horse prince and  A smart horse like Chiji can cooperate with you, but your riding skills are really bad. Although you have won the Breeders' Cup championship, it does not mean that you are a good rider." Although it seemed to be a blow to Wei.  Da, but in fact the old Fox was also showing off.

    Weida chuckled and said nothing. Of course he knew his own affairs very well. It is true that Weida is very good at riding horses now, but compared with those cowboys who make a living on horseback, it is really difficult.  is far inferior.  Wei Da is a good rider, and this is also because he has the help of two smart and psychic guys, Prince Dark Horse and Chi Ji. Wei Da will not forget about it just because he won a top-level championship with Chi Ji's strength.  .

    Old Fox¡¯s birthday party is still very interesting. First of all, the whole family is happily enjoying the birthday together.  And old Fox?The people invited were all his old friends and old cowboys, and everyone chatted and bragged together. This was actually a very interesting thing.  Anyway, Weida thought it was very interesting to chat with these cowboys, whom many people thought were uneducated and vulgar. It was much more real than the cocktail parties held by businessmen and celebrities who seemed to be very high-end.

    "Grandpa, I want this trouser pocket button. I have a very cute work clothes, but it doesn't have the most beautiful buttons." Xiaoli, who just ran into his grandpa's office to play, ran out holding a small button.  The craftsmanship of the buckle is relatively rough, very bold and grand; but Weida guessed that the fat son was attracted by the Texas Longhorn pattern on the buckle, which is a great discount.

    "Lian is really good. You will be an excellent cowboy. Grandpa brought this back after he won first place in the rodeo. But if Ryan likes it, then I will give it to Ryan. I hope Ryan can become a  A braver and stronger cowboy." Old Fox was very happy. Although his collection was 'robbed' by the little guys, even though it was his favorite collection, it was obvious that his baby grandson's liking was the most important thing.

    Seeing Old Fox holding the little guy in his arms and carefully explaining the origin of this discount and how to match it, Weida felt speechless.  Xiao Li doesn't have any belt now.  Obviously, this discount is a toy that the little guy likes. Maybe he will like it for a while and then collect it.  That's probably it.

    Old Fox is in a good mood, and old friends can sit here, drink and chat, without him deliberately greeting them.  So now he needs to take the children to see his room of honor, and he needs to introduce the children to the life of a traditional cowboy.  He still has a lot of good stuff, and kids will definitely like it.

    Xiaoyou ran out wearing a big cowboy hat. This was not a fashionable cowboy hat from a souvenir shop. This was a functional hat that old cowboys liked.  It can keep out wind and rain, and can block the scorching sun This is a brown linen hat.  Although it is not very delicate, it still has a rough charm.

    ?????????????? Xiao Xin didn¡¯t steal grandpa¡¯s collection, but that¡¯s not because the little guy felt sorry for his grandpa.  It's because those collections of grandpa's collections don't fit Xiao Xin's hobbies.  So now, Xiao Xin is lying in his grandfather's arms; it doesn't matter that his brother and sister both have gifts, because grandpa promised to go to Dallas to watch the Mavericks game with Xiao Xin, and this is Xiao Xin's favorite gift.  He is going to watch the basketball game live!

    "They took away all my dad's collection. And I also know that dad will need to be busy after his birthday. When is the next Dallas Mavericks game? Dad may need to be busy ordering tickets, but  I hope York can help him book the tickets online, the old cowboy doesn't know how to use a computer." Angela, who came out with delicious pizza, seemed to be gloating, the children had already told her.

    "I think I'm very happy, actually. The children like my collection, which shows that I have a good interest and I will leave more interesting collections for the children. Of course. Kristen,  If Robin comes here, he can also go to my office, I think he will also like this cool grandpa!" Old Fox was indeed very proud, although the little guys took away some of his collections, but these collections  Not as cute as my precious grandchildren.

    "Robin likes his grandpa very much. I know that he often talks about this coolest cowboy grandpa in school, which will make him the envy of other students. But Dad, I just realized now that you are so fond of Angie and me.  La and York are very strict, but when it comes to children, you have become a doting grandfather," Kristen said jokingly. Old Fox is indeed a bit doting on children.

    "If you were so cute when you were little, I think I would also love you very much. But unfortunately, I didn't find out. I am your father, and I know what you were like when you were little." Old Fox will never admit that he is  A generation apart, he seems to have seen too many shortcomings in his daughters and sons; but in his grandchildren, even if they have some small flaws, they are still adorable.

    Sisters Christine and Angela shrugged, they already knew the answer; as for York, although he is the youngest son in the family, he has never had much status in the family.  So now, the siblings feel very speechless, just because their father is too partial; but one thing needs to be admitted, that is, the little guys are really cute, and it is not difficult to understand that they are favored by their grandfather.  things.

    Old Fox was very happy. His daughter and son were by his side, and his naughty grandchildren also came to celebrate his birthday.  Of course??It was also because of the arrival of his good friends that Old Fox felt that his birthday could not be more wonderful; although he was often an old cowboy who did not pay much attention to such things, such a beautiful moment  , for the old Fox, he is also very looking forward to and happy.

    This is a very interesting and great birthday party, drinking, chatting, chatting with friends about things in life and the troubles encountered at work.  You can also discuss horse riding, herding or hunting skills together. This is something that is very popular for Old Fox. He likes to chat with a group of like-minded guys because they have such a tacit understanding.  There are so many interesting topics, which are rare.

    Of course, the most important thing to him is actually being together as a family. This is the most precious thing.  Especially these cute little guys running around or being mischievous, but in the eyes of old Fox, the little guys are so cute, and he feels that he really wants to see the little guys always be.  Running around.

    As for the collection robbed by the little guys, the little guys have already set a schedule for the next period of time; Old Fox thinks this is completely fine. The ranch is now running well and the family has no financial problems.  pressure.  Then you can completely relax. There is no need to work all day long. It is also very important to enjoy quality time with your family.

    So not only did he take Yang to watch a basketball game in Dallas, but he also made an appointment with Ryan to go horseback riding at the ranch; as for Ellie, although the old Fox tried hard to have a good relationship with Ellie, Ellie seemed to prefer  Discussing clothing matters with Grandma is something that Old Fox feels he is really not good at and has no way to intervene in.

    "Grandpa, you have to pick me up tomorrow and we'll go to the game. I already have pocket money. I can treat Grandpa to a beer and a lot of popcorn." Xiaoxin kissed his grandfather and then reminded him again.  .

    "No problem, I'm ready. But Young, the Dallas Mavericks won't have a game tomorrow, and we need to wait for two days. I promise you, we will go to the game together." Old Fox laughed and got the invitation from his grandson.  He won't be absent.

    "Then grandpa, go ride a horse with me tomorrow. The White Rabbit is very powerful." Xiao Li also kissed his grandpa. If he couldn't go to the game, he would ride a horse. Xiao Li liked his grandpa very much because he could run very fast when riding with him.  .

    Old Fox nodded repeatedly, this proposal is great, he likes it very much!

    "Grandpa, goodbye. You should dream about the lovely Ellie and your brother at night." She hugged grandpa's neck with a sweet voice. When the little girl acts like a baby, she can make the family completely melt. My cute little princess!

    "Grandpa dreams about the lovely Ellie every day, I can guarantee that! Grandpa is very happy today because of the cute children!" Old Fox kissed the little girl hard. Although the little girl seemed to like her grandma more,  The little girl still liked grandpa very much, which made old Fox happy.

    He is the most popular old cowboy grandpa!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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