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Text Chapter 1321 The End of the Road

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    "SS action! Anyone who blocks the way, kill!" roars rang out in Berlin, reminding people of the recent curfew.  Everyone couldn't help but feel frightened and stayed at home shivering.  From time to time, bursts of gunshots and cries came from the streets.  The night sky is filled with sirens.  On the front lines, there were also large-scale arrests.  List after list was sent to the heads of each military region.  The military law enforcement team began to arrest people according to the list, and a large number of mid-level and high-level officers were thrown into prison and sent to Berlin.  But fortunately, there were no shootings on the front line, and army officers at all levels would come out in a timely manner to calm the soldiers' emotions.  The entire Nazi core in Berlin began to be systematically destroyed.  The original Prussian nobles began to gradually step onto the public stage.  The core figures of the major Prussian families began to fully take over the management of the country.  However, even at this time, the German royal family is still dormant.  They were waiting, waiting for an opportunity for everyone to welcome them back.  ¡°Germany is in extreme chaos now, and our eyeliners have not received any news. Now the entire street is prohibited for anyone to walk, and anyone who appears on the street will be arrested immediately¡± United States, Washington.  The chief of the intelligence department was making a report to Roosevelt: "Our former informants in the German army were unable to spread any news. Including informants in the German government, many people have even lost contact." Roosevelt said with a calm face.  Without saying anything, he had already roughly guessed what the situation was.  "What about nuclear weapons?! What news did we get?!" Roosevelt asked his intelligence chief after being silent for a while.  "Your Excellency, the last news we received was two weeks ago. The news from our informants is that Germany already has at least two more nuclear bombs, and they are transporting these nuclear bombs to the front line" Eisenhower and others who attended the meeting  Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Sure enough, the Germans had developed a new nuclear bomb.  There is no doubt that this batch of nuclear bombs will be more powerful than the last immature nuclear bomb.  "President, British Prime Minister Churchill said that they can contact the German royal family privately" In the silence, Eisenhower whispered to Roosevelt: "This may be an opportunity for us to understand Germany's intentions." Roosevelt did not speak, he walked over  In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, I looked out at the autumn scenery.  It was late autumn in Washington at this time.  Soon, the Soviet Union will enter a cold winter.  Last year's cold winter was an unforgettable experience for Roosevelt.  The United States lost huge power in the Soviet Union, although the Soviet Union itself suffered greater losses in terms of losses.  The losses suffered by the United States were the largest since their founding.  This even made Roosevelt teetering on the edge of stopping the war.  "Send a telegram to Churchill, Stalin and the Tiger. I think we need to have another meeting." Roosevelt looked out the window and whispered: "What I hope is that after this meeting, the war can end before winter comes  ¡­¡± ¡°We can no longer afford the losses of war, and the world cannot bear more nuclear weapons. Peace is what we urgently need now. Not only us, I believe Germany also urgently needs it¡± Paused, Roosevelt.  He continued: "Give the prisoners of war in our hands to the tiger. Tell them that we need to get our people back. All the Americans they have in their hands must come back." Several people looked at each other, and then  Stand up loudly should be.  Then, Roosevelt's opinions spread word by word along with the telegram to Canada, the Soviet Union, and China across the ocean.  "No one is a fool." After getting the telegram, Yan Zhengqing pushed up his glasses and said softly: "The president is not a fool, not Churchill. Stalin, even less so. The war has indeed come to an end  " "And this time, we will be the protagonists of ending the war." Tu Mengben smiled slightly and sent a message: "Obviously, the Americans don't want to fight anymore. Of course, we have never wanted to fight."  Everyone in the room laughed.  Of course they can laugh, because the biggest beneficiary of this war so far is undoubtedly China.  The Germans have transported all nuclear weapons equipment, production methods, core technologies, etc. to the country.  The Strait of Malacca is now a strait belonging to China.  After eating up Japan's industrial base, the entire Chinese industry has developed in an all-round way.  Especially in the shipbuilding industry, Japan has experience and technology in building aircraft carriers.  Domestic engineers have summarized a new set of technologies after combining the technologies provided by the United States and Britain.  This technology is now being used in the construction of new aircraft carriers.  The same goes for fighter planes, although Japan's fighter technology is not as good as that of the United States.  But their research has its ownIt is unique and worth learning from in many aspects.  When all the industrial equipment in Japan was dismantled, Tu Mengben almost danced with joy.  Especially, they have collected a large amount of design and manufacturing information from major research institutes in Japan.  There are also a lot of metallurgical formulas, which are all core technologies.  Japan was defeated, and few scientific researchers would consider the Bushido spirit to destroy these materials.  On the contrary, they are more thinking about how to retain this information and strive for their own interests.  Now in Japan, as long as people with some skills are rushing to sign up to come to China.  Because China's management of Japan has created an extremely chaotic situation.  Gangs are rampant, the black market is rampant, the unemployment rate remains high after the factory was demolished and so on.  It can be said that Japan is undoubtedly at its lowest point now.  The industrial capital accumulated since the Meiji Restoration was all eaten up overnight.  The assets accumulated by the royal family and the major nobles were all confiscated.  With the exception of some real estate properties, all fixed assets have been recovered.  Farmland was split up and allocated to ordinary Japanese people.  The Japanese gangsters who reaped the benefits consciously became China's secret pawns.  All discordant voices will be cleared away by them.  But they themselves also know that there are some things they cannot foul.  Otherwise, they will also be swept away.  "Since it's a meeting, let's book it somewhere warm enough!" Tu Mengben said with a smile, "I think Qiongdao is good. Don't the Soviets like the sea very much?! It just so happens that they can be there  Look at the sea over there." Tu Mengben smiled slightly and said, "People will feel better if they see more of the sea" Tu Mengben's words caused a burst of laughter again.  There is no doubt that the mood of the Soviet people is not good at all now.  The British mood is also depressed.  After a great battle, nothing was gained.  ¡°On the contrary, the two rivals China and the Soviet Union were supported.  And the most serious thing is that the Soviet Union is a country that promotes different political ideas from theirs.  The factory owners looked grim as the trade unions geared up to discuss labor issues with them.  "Germany, inform them to prepare a provisional government as soon as possible." After a pause, Tu Mengben said: "Inform William and the others that they can take the last step" For five days in a row, countless radio waves on this planet conveyed a large number of messages.  Signal.  These signals will largely determine the fate of most humans on this planet within two decades.  Not long after, Germany randomly declared a state of emergency.  Subsequently, the news broke that Hitler was ambushed and killed by Soviet guerrillas.  Stalin later stated that the Soviet Union was responsible.  He also broadcast that the incident occurred because Germany had murdered Soviet leader Trotsky.  The two sides were immediately at war with each other, and the battlefield was covered with dark clouds.  All officers from both sides who were on leave returned to the front line.  On July 20, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces and President of the United States, delivered a speech in Washington.  He said that the war has cost all mankind a heavy price, and the use of nuclear weapons made him panic.  If the war continues, then perhaps the entire human race will be wiped out.  So, after careful consideration and communication.  He believed that if Germany was sincere in negotiating, the Allies could temporarily cease the war.  On July 21, the British side gave a speech in Ottawa.  They said they would comply with the Allies' decision.  At the same time, he believed that the war had come to an end, as long as Germany stopped attacking and negotiated.  Then Britain is willing to stop the war.  At the same time, Britain feels that the best representative of Germany now is their royal family.  Britain was unwilling to negotiate with the Nazis.  This speech quickly received responses from allied countries including the Soviet Union and China, while the French government in exile was ignored.  Germany, on the other hand, fell silent.  A week later, Chinese Prime Minister Yan Zhengqing was interviewed.  He stood as a "German friend" and persuaded Germany to stop the war.  At the same time, it was stated that China has taken in a large number of German prisoners.  They were all treated well.  Now, it is definitely not the Nazis who started the war who can get support from all parties.  It's the German royal family.  As the family that once led Germany to glory, they have the obligation and responsibility to deal with the current difficult situation.  At this time, public opinion began to erupt in Germany.  The curfew had been lifted, and people who were free to move around did nothing special after learning of Hitler's death.  The curfew these days has dispelled most of their ideas.  Ending the war is a topic that everyone is discussing now, both in public and private.  bornLife became increasingly difficult, and the lack of victory and casualties on the battlefield made them begin to think that the war had come to an end.  At this time, most people consciously or unconsciously began to think of the family that once made Germany gloriousMobile users please visit
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