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My Stage Chapter 479 Meeting Ending

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    readx; December 31st is the end of the public year and will also be the beginning of the year.  Seoul Namsan, Shilla Hotel!  It's night, snowflakes are falling in the dark sky outside, the halo of the city is permeating, and vast whiteness is flying between the sky and the earth. In this hotel, known as the State Guesthouse of South Korea, the fountain garden has long stopped spewing water, and the water in the pool and on the ground has stopped.  , there was a lot of snow piled up, and the tall main building on one side released brilliant lights, and the long flames shone on the Guest House. This building group was obviously influenced by the French classical Chinese architecture. The eaves of the corridors rolled up in the snow, and the courtyard was deep.  .  Located in Building 2, the state banquet hall has a traditional appearance and a luxurious interior. The banquet was held in a warm atmosphere. Congressmen from Seoul and all over the country were well-dressed and walked among the aroma of food and the soft orchestral music of the band. They wore dark Chinese tunic-style suits.  Han Ximing, with his hair combed meticulously and in high spirits, held a goblet between his fingers. The scarlet wine exuded a bright luster and charming smell under the lamp, and he occasionally greeted the people around him.  "I personally am certainly not opposed to political transparency, nor am I opposed to banning civil servants from participating in stock trading, or even his so-called network of citizen demands. But his left-wing tendencies are too serious, and his ideas of change are quite dangerous. Plutocratic politics is indeed  The shortcomings of our government are that some parties rely almost entirely on the support of the chaebols, and party cadres are also clinging to the nepotism of the chaebols, entangled in interests, and disregarding the overall situation when trouble arises. However, this idea is to destroy the chaebols in one fell swoop.  Impossible, this will shake the foundation of the entire Republic of Korea!" In the small circle outside the crowd, the old man Han Ximing was sitting on a sofa, listening to the emotional discussion of the old man opposite.  Next to the old man, several other middle-aged and elderly people dressed similarly as politicians slowly nodded in agreement.  "Yes, chaebols play an extremely important role in our country's economy. We have learned from the mistakes of 1999. If there is another Daewoo crisis, who can guarantee that the situation will not completely collapse? We admit that his ambitions are great. He is for the entire nation and democracy.  But he should not ignore the constraints of reality. This kind of political thought is very immature. "It's more than immature, it's simply naive!" A middle-aged man said with a serious expression, "The Northeast Asian balancer theory he proposed.  The United States is extremely dissatisfied. What does it mean to be integrated, balanced, and independent? This argument is almost equivalent to his public refutation of the legitimacy of the South Korea-US alliance. How does this make the party want to learn from the north and regroup? " "  Yes, what makes the party even more ashamed is that he just made a speech and proposed the theory of balancer in Northeast Asia. Then he realized that something was wrong and immediately said that the United States is the "balancer" in Northeast Asia. Isn't this two-faced?  When receiving the Chinese ambassador, the other party secretly inquired about the president¡¯s attitude. How should I answer? Say he is just an idealist?¡± There was a lot of noise and condemnation!  Han Ximing just listened quietly. The "he" these people mentioned was none other than the current President Roh Moo-hyun.  ???????????????????????????¡­  The main reasons are the two major reasons: "chaebol economic and political reform" and "theory of Northeast Asian balancers."  Among them, chaebol economic and political reforms have begun since Roh Moo-hyun came to power. The core of this plan is to eliminate the leading role of chaebols in South Korea's economic development and eliminate business nepotism within the system. Unfortunately, this core has not been widely recognized.  So he had to break away from the New Millennium Democratic Party and form the Open Kuomintang.  And now the Open Kuomintang is showing increasing rejection of the second half of his core. This is because the elimination of business nepotism is not just for chaebols, but a full-scale reform to separate politics and business, which has shaken the party.  The basis exists - campaigning requires funds, and how can a party survive without sponsorship from commercial organizations?  As for the Northeast Asian balancer theory, it is even more terrifying.  This argument includes a series of changes in military, diplomacy, international status and even ideology, etc. The "balancer theory" first seeks military, tearing up the agreement of the "Southern Triangular Blockade" (the United States, Japan and South Korea, no need to say who blocks it),  The second step is to establish an independent national defense force and break away from the influence of U.S. diplomatic claims, making South Korea a neutral and coordinator of the situation in Northeast Asia.  Especially on the issues between North Korea and South Korea and China and Japan.  However, if South Korea wants to break away from the South Korea-US alliance, destroy the Southern Triangle and become a "balancer", it cannot do so with its current strength. It must find the support of another military group with sufficient weight in Northeast Asia.  Only the "Northern Triangle" (China, North Korea and Russia) are willing to support this opposite position.  ??Leaving aside the polar bears who are currently busy with themselves, the other two countries in the Northern Triangle are both camps. If such military and diplomatic relianceIf the gap is opened, political thought will inevitably cause chain changes.  At that time the only possibility is to trigger a wide-ranging ideological impact in South Korea.  Who dares to take on such things that shake the party and the country?  As a result, China and North Korea have just put forward the "balancer" theory and actively promoted relations between China and South Korea and North Korea, which completely exhausted the patience of the Kuomintang.  Listening to the accusations of several people around him, Han Ximing remained silent.  Moreover, he was also thinking about why they did not shy away from talking about this in front of him.  With this thought in mind, he looked at the gray-haired middle-aged man sitting next to him - Moon Jae-in!  However, looking at the attitudes of the people around him towards him, it is obvious that he has a certain degree of influence between the two parties.  Sitting silently on the sofa, Moon Jae-in, like Han Ximing, listened to those people's words without saying a word. It was not until a long time later that he spoke up: "Okay, I understand what you mean. I'll take Han Ximing up first."  ." He said, making a gesture of invitation to Han Ximing.  Han Ximing nodded, said goodbye to the others with an apologetic smile, and followed them.  One after another, the two slowly separated from the crowd, entered the main building along the splendid corridor, and entered the elevator. When the elevator door closed, Moon Jae-in, who had always looked serious, turned his head slightly and showed a smile to Han Ximing.  : "Ximing, I made you laugh." Han Ximing shrugged, "It doesn't matter." "Haha." He smiled, paused for a moment, and sighed: "It is a troubled time now. It has evolved to the current situation. Everyone is worried.  He didn't want to see it, but the differences were irreconcilable. His insistence on going his own way would have no other possibility than to continue to isolate the two parties and isolate themselves from the people and the country. Therefore, their words were a little more fierce, which was really understandable.  "Original." Han Ximing was noncommittal.  Moon Jae-in was not surprised by his silent attitude. He said to himself: "After a while, I will resign from the position of secretary general and carry out inner-party work with peace of mind. There will probably be little time for cooperation in the future."  , I took Ximing to listen to what they said today, I just hope that Ximing can understand the situation more clearly" "Is this really the case?  Han Ximing looked at the pulsing digital screen in the elevator and was speechless. The main reason was probably the change in the left wing. This guy just smelled something As the saying goes, when a tree falls, the monkey disperses. In the 600 years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, wise gods and warriors were as powerful as King Zhou, and they were just dying.  Just burn a deer stand.  People¡¯s minds have changed!  In silence, as the elevator reached its destination, Moon Jae-in stretched out his hand to signal Han Ximing to go over, then stopped in the elevator and prepared to leave.  Stepping out, looking at the deep corridor in front of him, Han Ximing's eyes reflected their eyes, which were as dark as an abyss. He did not step forward anymore, but turned around and looked at Moon Jae-in who was also looking at him from the elevator, and paused.  After a pause, "Can I know how they plan to deal with it?" Inside, Moon Jae-in was stunned for a moment, then a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, but he said vaguely: "It hasn't been negotiated yet, but there is a precedent" "Precedent"  Hey, the examples from the previous sessions, Roh Tae-woo, Kim Young-sam, Kim Dae-jungnone of them ended well!  It seems that the Open KMT is preparing to follow the example and force Roh Moo-hyun to protect itself. Although this is reasonable, it is digging its own grave!  As his thoughts turned and the lights fell, Han Ximing bowed slightly to Moon Jae-in: "Someday, I will visit the Wen Mansion!" Following his actions, Moon Jae-in also bowed slightly: "It's an honor!" Corridor  It is deep and quiet, with dark-toned carpets and walls, and wall lamps. The warm colors that radiate into the space extend out into the field of vision. There are only a few closed doors and entrances, and there are no waiters who should be standing at all times. There is only one at the end.  On both sides of the door stood a tall, burly man in black with an indifferent expression.  "Mr. Mayor!" "Yes!" Han Ximing nodded, and the man in black opened the door without searching.  This is the power of power!  No matter what the future holds, as long as the power is still in his hands, this power that can suppress everything will not dissipate. As long as that person still sits in the position that symbolizes the highest power, even if he has cut himself off from the country and the people, he is still at the top.  One person represents the state and tens of millions of citizens, and the dignity imposed on him by power cannot be violated.  This truth has been understood for a long time, so even if he already knew the result, Han Ximing still slowed down when he pushed the door open, taking his time and restrained his sharpness.  The world inside the door is not big, it is dim. The soft carpet is spread all the way to the corner of the space where the darkness resides. At the window opposite the door, a ray of light given by the desk lamp is restrained. The light gathers and covers the desk.  PhotoEvery detail is revealed, the person behind the desk is swiping a pen, and the strokes outlined under the lamp are full of ink and clear, vigorous and powerful. On the left, the blazing flames of the wood-burning fireplace are jumping and spitting out red light, and the heat is blowing towards the face. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The door closed behind him, and Han Ximing ignored the small sound. He just walked to the desk quietly and watched the person practicing calligraphy stroke by stroke!  The space was silent for a moment, except for the occasional crackle and pop of wood burning in the fireplace, which rippled in the air, but then fell into silence again.  I don¡¯t know how much time passed. Han Ximing waited patiently. At a certain moment, Roh Moo-hyun, who was still writing, suddenly asked: "Ximing, how do you think my handwriting is?" Han Ximing looked at the sheet spread on the desk.  The length and width of the rice paper are about five feet and three inches, and the surface is white and spotless. The traces of ink have taken up half of the page, but the writing is the same regular script - "I have dedicated myself to death and died!"  These eight characters come from the "Later Departure" written by Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of the Shu Han Dynasty in ancient China, during his last Northern Expedition, and these eight characters also summarized the life of the Prime Minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. Come to think of it, he himself felt it He raised his head and looked at  He still bowed his head one stroke at a time, as if he was an old man who never stopped. I don¡¯t know whether the light was too strong or it was a psychological effect. In his eyes, this man always valued appearance and dignity, and showed himself to be healthy. For this reason, he once caused a lot of trouble.  The powerful figure who has led the plastic surgery trend among middle-aged and elderly people in China has bags under his eyes drooping at the moment, and his saggy skin has folds in it.  When the light shines on it, what shines is not the brightness, but the shadows covered by the ravines. As soon as I see it, I feel the twilight atmosphere!  Very suddenly, an indescribable emotion came to my heart.  I don¡¯t know whether it¡¯s sympathy, emotion, indifference, or contempt. All kinds of thoughts seem to be present, but they seem to be absent. The only clear thing is the sigh in my heart for a moment: ¡°Tonight¡¯s banquet, I got a lot of information. Listen to Moon Jae-in¡¯s words  Meaning, if nothing else happens, after a while, after he resigns from his post as Cheong Wa Dae Secretary-General, the Open KMT will start to launch an attack and force Roh Moo-hyun to prevent the party from being isolated and destroyed.  He was not surprised by this. Roh Moo-hyun's left-wing enthusiasm for change was so strong that he began to turn to idealism. He did not consider the various obstacles in the change clearly, and even held a blindly optimistic attitude even about the constraints that existed in real society. This  The idea of ??cultivating a path that leads to darkness may be a sublimation of one's realm and the establishment of one's own path for an individual, but for the party that relies on it, it is a huge disaster!  During the Cold War, the Southern Triangle led by the United States was formed. Since then, South Korea and Japan, as the corners of the Southern Triangle, have catered to or been forced to do so.  It has been moving closer to the United States. The influence of the United States has penetrated deeply into the two affairs, politics and even the economy and people's livelihood. Even in the 1980s, the United States, which was running into fiscal deficits, revealed its ferocious face. The Plaza Accord dragged Japan into a recession for nearly 20 years.  It finally woke up people of insight, but today the United States has extended its tentacles to all walks of life.  It is no longer possible for one or two people, or a certain theory or plan, to change the situation.  For some individuals or groups, the penetration of the United States into the country is a disaster, but it is a blessing for individuals. After all, South Korea is still a sovereign country. The United States can only exert influence through support, but cannot directly interfere. In the past few decades, in the  With the support of the United States, they have formed a solid interest group. To destroy the alliance is to destroy their interests. If Roh Moo-hyun wants to pursue "independence", it is equivalent to cutting off their path.  It ¡¯s just a way to break people¡¯ s wealth.  As for chaebol economic and political reforms.  The opposition is even more overwhelming, not to mention the right-wing side. The chaebols were supported by right-wing figures during the Park Chung-hee period. After the rise of the chaebols, they continued to penetrate inside and provide support.  Over the past few decades, the connection between the two parties has become inseparable.  Politically.  This situation is even more intense. Which political party does not have a business group behind it?  ¡°If he wants to reform the chaebols, he is digging into the roots of various political parties. Of course, on the other hand, South Korea¡¯s economic field can still remain limited, which is also closely related to the existence of the chaebols.  If it weren't for the proliferating chaebols that "monopolized" South Korea, those international groups that are eyeing it would not mind turning this peninsula into their private garden.  Many people don¡¯t know this.  Only Han Ximing, who was also moving towards the chaebol, could vaguely see some clues.  Didn¡¯t you see that since the Han River Miracle began in the 1970s, how many international groups have failed under the chaebol model? South Korea is short of resources and its land is barren and small. Once the chaebols lose their political advantage, this small country will not be able to stand in front of them without them.  Our fragile economy will soon be eroded and plundered by international giants.  So Roh Moo-hyun¡¯s hugNegative, not only the right wing cannot agree with it, but even the "comrades" on the left wing will not support it in the face of realistic constraints.  "Plutocratic reform" separates itself from the party and comrades, "balancer theory" separates itself from the nation and the people, and the integration of the two separates itself from the country. Being so ignorant and helpless, and trying to impose his personal will on the will of millions of people, he is a great man  things that can be done.  Great man!  If if he has more courage and more ruthless methods to change the political environment in his favor, just like Park Chung-hee once did, then Now it seems that he is ready to burn the boat.  !  "Ximing, are you ready?" "Yes!"
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