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My Stage Chapter 467 AWM breaks out in silence

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    " A press conference was held today. Kwon Kim Jung-myung, the external spokesman of awm company, announced a major change of the company on behalf of An Yuxi. Starting from today, that is, November 3, 2006, A Entertainment, the company will mainly  Responsible for brokerage, advertising planning, film and television production and distribution, etc., while the music department went out and established a subsidiary, A Entertainment. No clear news was released Kim Jong-myung later announced another heavyweight news, aelon, and acquired a number of companies including neo  Music has controlled more than a quarter of the copyright share of the music market, surpassing SKT's YMB Seoul Records and becoming the largest record distribution company in South Korea" On the third day of November, AWM once again dropped a big hit in the entertainment industry  The bomb, and the weight this time is different from the past. The name "a" is no longer applicable since the popularity of "The King's Man" and "No More Love". Reorganization is a matter of time.  But no one expected that An Yu would be so scary when he moved.  After awm Entertainment held a press conference, it immediately released the acquisition report on the official website homepage. When anyone saw it at first glance, they had the illusion that the fragrance of money and ink was coming over them like a tsunami.  The list of acquirers and the funds involved are the most luxurious achievements in the entertainment industry in recent years. Even SKT's acquisition of ymb can't compare!  The previous "little man" had undergone a grand transformation in the most unexpected way. The day before, many people had secretly sympathized with its poverty and vulnerability, but in the blink of an eye, the little man waved a huge check and ruthlessly  Slap everyone hard!  On November 4th, all media, whether newspapers, portals or TV news, the most important territory was completely occupied by this man holding money.  The "little man" who has completed his shopping spree is occupied.  "With a 200 billion won shopping spree, the little man staged a counterattack legend!" "The record industry has undergone a sudden change. Awm Music completed a huge acquisition and became the largest company in the industry. It significantly surpassed YMB, which holds 16% of the record copyright share, and completed the acquisition.  Occupying a quarter of the copyright share! ""a music, waving huge checks to complete the transformation from small to big, the rise of new record giants" "Amazing, shocking, incredible, various tones formed the title, like 11.  The moon-filled haze filled people's vision overwhelmingly.  No one knows why awm is so rich, and no media cares.  They only know that awm is stronger than anyone imagined. 200 billion won is a demonstration of its financial strength. It has become a blockbuster without making a sound. It is also its most powerful challenge to SKT, the telecommunications giant that dominates digital music.  "The reorganized AWM Music holds a quarter of the record copyright. Of course, this data is not specific. According to the latest data released by the Recording Industry Association, AWM's share is about 23%. But this is already a  Quite scary data. Many people are paying attention to the strategic development alliance agreement signed by A and YG. A¡¯s share is about 10%, and YG¡¯s is about 3%. Together, these three companies dominate almost half of the music sources. Other influences  No conclusion can be drawn yet, but in October and November, bugs' losses were definitely extremely heavy! " "The current situation has become clear, and An Yuxi's purpose has been exposed - he is copying Japan's lmb content provider model!  " "Digital music in Japan and South Korea is developing the fastest in the world, because our high-speed mobile Internet construction ranks among the best in the world, and our broadband penetration rate also ranks among the best in the world, which has brought great challenges to the development of the digital music industry.  But the difference between Japan and South Korea is that South Korea is the leader in digital music, while Japan is the content provider. LMB is a unified brand established by Japanese record companies, which is responsible for integrating and managing all record companies.  This model of pricing copyrights and then entrusting them uniformly gives content providers a great say, and An Yuxi seems to want to follow this model. "Because this is a plan that can benefit all music content providers once the pattern is formed.  , music content providers can decide on their own the pricing and partners of copyrights, and in one fell swoop they have transformed from the vassal role of operators and SP service providers to become the masters of the market!  "Content is king!" Speaking of which, the other influences of the establishment of awm music are not yet known, but one thing is certain.  From now on, SP service providers may really go extinct! ?¡­ ?¡­ ?¡­ When the media is overwhelmingly reporting on the reorganization of awm, mobile SP service providers are indeed in distress.  We are not yet in the era of high-speed networks. Limited by speed and tariff, SP service providers use solutions as capital, reprocessing the content produced by content providers, converting it into value-added services for operators, and then making profits through sharing.  The mobile music market is the main source of income for SP service providers, but due to channel control and skt.Without their dominant position in this market, many SP service providers almost completely rely on operators, or in other words, rely on SKT.  The digital music dominated by SKT provides a good living environment for SP. They don't have to look at the faces of content providers like their Japanese counterparts. They only need to share with SKT and pay the leasing fees to the record companies. It is almost as cheap as  Ignore.  But as soon as awm music was established, anyone who was not a fool could see An Yuxi¡¯s purpose.  The strategic alliance between a and yg has become the most concerned object in the recording industry. Especially after An Yuxi's ultimate goal was announced, various record companies almost wanted to jump out to express their support immediately.  Under such circumstances, SP's position suddenly became awkward.  If An Yuxi completes his layout, then the content provider's unique advantage in the industry chain will completely control the market direction and pinch the pockets of the content production link. Unless the SP is willing to go bankrupt collectively, it will have to bear the consequences.  Exploitation by content providers.  But what if the layout is not completed?  The combination of A and YG has almost occupied half of the market. Even if SKT can rely on YMB to support it, the previous dominance situation will be completely shattered. At that time, SKT will have no time to care about the life and death of their SP. The harmonious competitive environment in the past,  I'm afraid it will suddenly become fierce due to the sharp decline in profits. If it doesn't go all bloody, and some of them are eliminated through the most brutal rounds of competition, no one can survive!  "This bastard An Yuxi is really harmful to people!" Several SP service providers met urgently to discuss a solution, but they still couldn't find a solution. A bald boss gnashed his teeth and cursed everyone's feelings.  At this time, An Yuxi, who had become the target of the SP curse, was standing on the fourth floor of the AWM Building, with his back to the empty and deep hall, looking at the city below from the viewing window.  It was almost dusk, dim light spread in from the window, and the smell of air freshener still lingered in the hall.  When Jin Zhengming went up to this floor, what caught his eyes was the extremely tall silhouette highlighted by the dazzling silver-gray color of the floor-to-ceiling windows.  The quiet space, with almost no noise, made him subconsciously slow down his steps.  A month ago, who could have imagined that the man in front of him would suddenly become the most powerful person in the entire recording industry?  No one thought that Ahn Woo-seo, who was behind the scenes, had done so many things behind the scenes. He first launched Baek Ji-young, BoA, and TVXQ to become famous, and then got to where he is today - directly challenging the digital domination.  Musical behemoth skt!  But now, a month later, when experts, media, and the industry talk about An Yuxi's name, perhaps they themselves have not noticed that their attitudes will immediately become serious, and the comments that were originally made casually have begun to become more serious.  Prudent, they began to analyze his behavior more and would frown and think for a long time about his actions before expressing their opinions in an uncertain tone.  Because today, every decision this man makes will affect many, many people.  It may even affect the future of an industry!  ¡­ ¡­ The reason why skt is successful is that it uses the contract machine model to bundle bugs and use bugs to get a share of the mobile music pie - especially today when a and yg are united.  It has a peripheral system that can lead the trend, including the signatures and peripheral products of popular idols such as Ahn Woo-seo, Baek Ji-young, BoA, TVXQ, SJ, and the upcoming GB Bang.  It can greatly help bugs expand digital value-added business - this market is expected to reach an output value of 400 billion won this year.  Precisely because profits are so high, SKT regards it as the core of its future digital entertainment empire. This is determined by the current technological development of mobile networks. Before full-screen smartphones were born and 4G was not popularized, the core of mobile digital entertainment was only  It could be music.  But only he knows that the opportunity for triple play integration is actually coming sooner than anyone imagined.  Next year, on the other side of the ocean, the old man named Steve Jobs, known as the greatest figure of the 21st century, will use the giant Apple to promote intelligent innovation that changes the world.  The numeric keyboard pioneered by iPhone and the trend of large-screen mobile terminals will tear the tradition to pieces in a destructive manner. Countless current giants have fallen sadly and become skeletons under the throne of Apple. New giants have also been born. In the era of smart phones,  There was a brutal fight in the waves.  War is the driving force of technology. This kind of war not only includes war in the actual sense, but can also extend to many directions. iPhone and Android have fully unleashed the dominance potential of wireless networks. All traditions have turned into powder in front of them, and then they  And build a new ecosystem that is more suitable for the times!  voip, iptv¡­¡­These technologies, which are currently just one of the focuses of debate, will become the only standard in the industry in the future and a battlefield where countless giants will fight.  Mobile Internet applications slaughtered giants in traditional fields one after another, and then stepped on their corpses to expand their territory in blood and lamentation, and eventually changed the entire human society!  This includes the field of digital music!  Mobile phone users please go to m to read.  
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