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My Stage Chapter 445: Respect Confucianism and Confucius

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    In 2004, when the Seoul renovation plan began, Cheongdam Private School also underwent large-scale renovation and reconstruction, and the entire campus was fully expanded and replanned.  The north-south direction of the Qingtan School campus takes Zhizhi Hall, Zhishan Building, and Chengyi Hall as the central axis. The three teaching buildings of Xiaoti Building, Erya Building, and Mingde Building are divided into three areas. The cafeteria and student apartments are together, and Nanyuan  Interspersed with Beiyuan.  The entire campus has a very comprehensive and highly automated water supply and power supply system. There are free hot and cold water supplies at specific locations. Of course, drinking water and tap water are separated. The drinking water system and water source are sponsored by Jeju Ice Spring for free.  , we have every reason to believe that if it were in our era, the entire school would have been covered by wifi.  In front of all large buildings, there is a white granite stone tablet more than two meters high with a moire border. The name of the teaching building is written on it and the reason is explained. Let's use Xiaoti Building as an example.  The top of the stone tablet is engraved horizontally with the words "Elementary School", and the lower part is engraved with large Chinese characters for "Xiao Tilou" vertically. Each character has Chinese pinyin on it. On the left is a smaller Korean character with Roman phonetic notation. The rest  The page of "Xiao" refers to the reciprocal love for parents; "Ti" refers to the friendship between brothers and sisters." The name comes from a sentence in "The Analects of Confucius" "Confucius said: When disciples enter, they will be filial, and when they leave, they will be brothers.  And faith means love for others and kindness. If you have enough power in practice, you should study literature. " This sentence is translated as Confucius said: "Disciples should be filial to their parents when they are in front of them; when they are away from home, they should obey their teachers and their words and deeds.  Be cautious, be honest and trustworthy, be taciturn, love others broadly, and get close to those who are virtuous. After practicing this, if you still have the energy, you can study literature. " Confucius attaches great importance to filial piety.  It is believed that filial piety and brotherhood are the foundation of life and learning.  This shows that Confucius' education centered on moral education, focusing on cultivating students' moral cultivation, while the study of book knowledge was placed second.  This is the educational philosophy of Qingtan Private Middle School.  It also fully expresses Qingtan Private School¡¯s respect for Confucian culture.  People in Qingtan have always had a glorious tradition of "respecting Confucianism and promoting Confucius".  Not only that, there is also a famous "Kong Temple" built at the entrance of Qingtan Private School.  The Confucius Temple is a typical Chinese-style building. It has an octagonal pavilion with double wings and sixteen large and small eaves. The blue bricks and black tiles are solemn and solemn. The shape is simple and heavy. The eaves are flat and short, and the details are simple. There are sixteen black eaves inside and outside.  The columns, left, right and back of the pavilion are covered with bamboo curtains, leaving only the front. Among them is a sculpture of Confucius, with kind-faced and smiling eyes, sitting on the desk and giving lectures. Behind him is a screen, and there are three statues on the simple stone desk.  The scrolls are very old bamboo slips, which are the three classics "The Analects of Confucius", "Spring and Autumn" and "Poetry" carved on bamboo. Although there was no Analects of Confucius when Confucius was alive - this is just a symbolic meaning.  This statue was designed by An Yuxi himself. His design concept was that Confucius should not be allowed to stand all the timeit would be more comfortable to sit down.  The left and right door lintels of the Kong Temple are inscribed with the words "Restrain oneself and restore etiquette" and "Do one's duty without giving in". The green and blue plaque with moir¨¦ pattern hanging above the head contains the four thick characters - "Teacher to the Eternity".  Behind the Confucius Temple is a bell pavilion, which rings at nine o'clock every morning. It rings nine times, usually by the old principal himself. After he learned that the school had this facility, he took the initiative to apply for it.  The edge of the Kong Temple is dotted with verdant bamboos. There are two big trees planted in front of the temple, a pine tree and a cypress tree. They are taken from the "Analects of Confucius" meaning "When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither." The bluestone pavement  In the middle of the ground is a large bronze tripod, with three thumb-thick incense sticks stuck in the middle.  The curls of green smoke convey all respect to the sky.  ??The purpose of setting up such a Confucius Temple at the school gate is to facilitate worship of Confucius.  Every day, from the moment you enter the school gate, the atmosphere becomes solemn and solemn. Teachers and students passing by the Confucius Temple will subconsciously slow down their steps, lower their voices or close their mouths, not daring to laugh or play.  Even when going to school every day, every student passing by the Confucius Temple will consciously come forward and bow to express respect for Confucius.  Not only students, but also teachers are no exception. In this way, from teachers to students, the concept of respecting teachers and respecting morality has become subtle and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.  Before that, the first thing Xiao Shuijing did when she brought An Yuxi into the school was to take her to the statue of Confucius and bow deeply, with piety on her face - this has become a daily habit for people in Qingtan.  In their minds, it is normal to bow and salute, and it is abnormal not to bow. ? Here, today, people¡¯s hearts are greatly shaken.  Many parents have been told to do this by their children before, but I don¡¯t have many concepts yet. After all, after being in the snobbish dyeing vat of society for so long, many people have lost their initial faith and the most basic awe, and have long since stopped believing in these illusory things. Before that, they still had  I didn¡¯t take it seriously, or felt embarrassed or embarrassed, but after arriving here, I deeply felt a kind of power!  This is a kind of cultural inheritance and spiritual belief!  Cheongdam Private School holds a ceremony to worship Confucius every year.  Sacrifice to Confucius is a sacrificial ceremony to commemorate the birth of Confucius (the twenty-seventh day of the eighth lunar month).  On that day, all the teachers and students of Qingtan School dressed in Hanfu, note - not Hanfu, but Hanfu, and performed a sacrificial ceremony for about one and a half hours under the auspices of the old principal.  The ceremony for worshiping Confucius is very grand, and it mainly includes four forms: music, song, dance, and etiquette. Music, song, and dance are all closely related to etiquette. All etiquette requires "must be rich, must be clean, must be sincere, and must be respectful."  .  The ceremony used music, dance, etc. to express Confucian thought and culture, vividly explained the meaning of "ritual" in Confucius' theory, expressed the ideas of "benevolent people love others" and "establish people with etiquette", and has strong ideological affinity and spirit.  Cohesion and artistic appeal play an irreplaceable role in promoting excellent traditional culture.  The most important agenda of worshiping Confucius is the three offerings. The officiant must first dress and wash his hands before going to the Confucius incense table to offer incense and bow. When bowing, men should put their left hand in front and right hand behind, and women should put their right hand in front and left hand behind.  .  The so-called three offerings are divided into the first offering, the second offering and the final offering.  The silk jue is first presented, and the silk jue is made of yellow silk. The jue refers to an antique wine cup. After the official presenter enshrines the silk jue to the incense table, the officiant reads and offers the sacrificial text, and then all the attendees bow five times to the statue of Confucius and recite Confucius in unison.  A certain work.  Both Yaxian and Zhongxian offer incense and wine. Yaxian and Zhongxian respectively offer incense and wine on the incense table. The procedures are similar to those of Chuxian.  In addition, since Confucius¡¯s disciples and other Confucian scholars shared the sacrifices when offering sacrifices to Confucius, these worthy recipients were also sacrificed at the same time when offering sacrifices to Confucius.  The etiquette for worshiping Confucius is called Zhengti Li, and the etiquette for worshiping those who deserve it is called Fen Jilin.  In the first ceremony in 2004, senior government officials and people from all walks of life, including President Roh Moo-hyun and Congressman Han Ximing, were invited to watch the ceremony, and nearly 5,000 spectators came after hearing the news.  Nearly three thousand teachers and students participating in the ceremony were all wearing the same Hanfu and standing neatly. It was very spectacular. Especially when more than three thousand people recited Confucius' articles at the same time, it was so shocking It was a grand and grand event.  After this ceremony was broadcast live on KBS TV station, it became famous throughout Korea and even had a huge impact on the cultural circles of mainland China, Japan and Taiwan.  This is another sensational event since the news broke that the Gangneung Dragon Boat Festival in South Korea has begun to be "inscribed on the World Heritage List".  
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