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My Stage Chapter 407 No More Love (Second Two)

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    The sun set over the mountains, and the day passed by in a hurry to Li Xiuman's office in the department. A minister hurriedly opened the door, and Li Xiuman, who was chatting with Yu Yongzhen, looked over displeased.  <- "What's the matter? Are you in such a panic?" The minister was sweating profusely as he ran. He didn't care whether Li Xiuman was unhappy or not. He came in and reported hurriedly: "Director, A has sent a letter. An Yuxi  The director signed Baek Ji-young. "What?" A's shares continued to be diluted and became less and less, so Li Xiuman gave up the shares of company A. This was because a' exchanged equity and became a partner, only as company S.  The shares are not yet qualified to participate in the decision-making of company a.  "Signed Baek Ji-young?" Lee Soo-man stood up, and Yu Yong-jin beside him also raised his head with a frown.  "Yes!" The minister wiped his sweat and put the fax sent by Company A on his desk.  The shadow of the city passed by outside.  The space inside suddenly became quiet, and the anxious minister raised his head. Li Xiuman and Yu Yongzhen, whose backs were facing the shadow, were blurred by the darkness, and their expressions could not be seen clearly.  After waiting anxiously for a moment, Li Xiuman, who didn't know what he was thinking, raised his head and waved his hand: "You go out first." "Yes, director." Li Xiuman stopped smiling and his expression became calm.  "I never expected that An Yuxi would risk the world's disapproval to sign Bai Zhiying, and actually passed the A board of directors. Even he didn't know how to evaluate An Yuxi.  Thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a question: "Yongzhen, what do you think of him signing Bai Zhiying?" "Which aspect? Potential or current situation?" "Various aspects." "It's hard to say." Yu Yongzhen paused for a moment, and then  He gave this evaluation, "Baek Ji-young's ability is good, his Latin-style dance music performance is very solid, and his singing style also has his own unique style. If he packages it well, he may not be able to make a comeback But it's difficult. A videotape incident has turned him around."  Her sexy and healthy image was ruined, and her dance music style has no market now. I think it was in 2003 that her original agency tried it once and specially selected dance music for her comeback.  , As a result, both the brokerage company and the distribution company lost their money. "So you are not optimistic?" "Well, not very optimistic" Yu Yongzhen said in a deep voice, even though he is An Yuxi's teacher.  , is very familiar with An Yuxi, but still doesn¡¯t think highly of him, or maybe Bai Zhiying.  Now that Bai Zhiying has been disgraced, everyone who sees her looks like a normal person.  Li Xiuman did not answer, seeming to be thinking about something silently. After looking at him for a moment, Yu Yongzhen suddenly realized: "Are you worried that Yu Xi can really make her famous again?" "Even he may not be able to write every time.  A good and classic song! Just like the song for Kim Jong Kook, this situation cannot be replicated!" Yu Yongzhen said categorically that even he could not guarantee this.  After pausing for a while, he continued: "Even with Yu Xi, it won't work. This is not playing house. If it were so easy to make a person popular, there wouldn't be so many agencies in the entertainment industry that have difficulty eating every day.  "The king is running around everywhere." "It's actually very simple. With a classic and widely sung song, anyone can become famous overnight." "You also say it is a classic. It is a classic.  Is the song a Chinese cabbage? I admit that Yuxi is good at composing lyrics, but he is obviously very strong in lyricism. Can you imagine Baek Jiying singing a lyrical song? " "Uh Yes!" Li Xiuman shook his head and smiled.  , it seems that he is worrying too much.  Recently, he has been observing An Yuxi carefully and found that the other person is not worried about the future of the project he is preparing. Instead, he is confidently preparing to sign a contract with Bai Zhiying. It seems that he is sure that he will succeed.  It was probably because the other party¡¯s performance in the past was too magical, and coupled with the legendary experience of only winning and undefeated before, any abnormality made him suspicious.  Even if he forms a strategic alliance with A, it does not mean that the two companies will merge into one, and he naturally does not want another "Park Jin Young" to appear to take a piece of the already barren pie in the music industry.  ??Probably I¡¯m really overthinking it.  Li Xiuman, who was relieved for the moment and had his doubts eliminated, dialed a series of numbers in front of Yu Yongzhen. After a moment, the other party picked up, and a bright smile burst out on his face: "Hello, Yuxi? I'm  Lee Soo Man Haha, are you busy? I'm busy at the company every day. You have so many things to do Hahahaha, I heard that you signed Miss Baek Ji Young and wrote a single for her.??She is a very good singer. I hope the album will sell well. Well, I will write a song for BoA ??and TVXQ sometime, haha Brothers from the same school, no matter what, it is necessary to help each other and love each other.  Well!  " Yu Yongzhen watched him coldly as he exchanged greetings on the phone. He had never been able to do this kind of stabbing in the back and smiling in front of his face, so he couldn't understand it.  "The so-called profound influence is far away from the lives of ordinary people.  It¡¯s too far away, no matter how hot the topic is, talking about it every day can easily arouse people¡¯s fatigue. There are no topics for discussion in the entertainment industry recently. The dispute between An Yuxi and Baek Jiying naturally attracted people¡¯s attention. ¡°Yesterday afternoon.  , Company A¡¯s president Ahn Woo-seo publicly held a signing ceremony with Baek Ji-young in Apgujeong This seems to be a signal that Company A is also going to enter the music industry?  " "I don't know what kind of psychology An Yuxi had in signing Baek Ji-young, but I want to say that he was obviously 'lost' by his results. This is probably the case for all young stars who became famous.  There is a vicious circle that cannot be escaped. After achieving extraordinary achievements at a young age, he becomes arrogant and complacent, and then develops into a scornful person Do you think that by making Kim Jong-kook famous, you can replicate his successful experience?  He really regarded himself as a savior.  ¡± The author mercilessly pointed out the arrogance of An Yuxi¡¯s statement. If it were not for the civilized ethics of large-scale portal websites, I am afraid that fierce criticism would have been possible. Similar articles  It has also been published on several other portal sites. "The impressive achievements and the recent rise of "The King's Man" to the glory of culture have obviously praised An Yuxi to his return.  The height of adaptation, the current approach will only make him fall off the altar!  "Naver Entertainment used "The Fall of Tomorrow's Star" as the title and commented like this. "This is a stupid signing. The vagaries of the record market mean that even seasoned senior industry players don't dare to be so confident. This is the hottest star in the past two years.  , I am afraid that he will have to follow in the footsteps of many seniors who were as proud as he was when they were young It is really a pity!  "An editor of Nate said in the article with regret. "In view of the fact that a hearing on the small-scale trial implementation of the online real-name system will be held in a while, portal stations have often restrained their reporting, but the public opinion on the Internet has  But it was not included in this list. At first, people didn¡¯t know what happened. Why suddenly, the reports that were still speculating on whether the news of Ahn Woo-hee signing Baek Ji-young were true or false suddenly turned into reports about him.  It wasn¡¯t until an editor from NA reported what happened at Company A¡¯s signing ceremony yesterday that people realized that An Yuxi was at odds with the media!  Baek Ji-young. As the leading and most popular star in the Korean entertainment industry, Ahn Woo-hee has never lacked opponents on the Internet. They hate him and attack him at every opportunity that can hit him.  Of course they won't let this opportunity go. "What a disgusting face. He has achieved a small result, but he thinks he is Lee Soo Man or Park Jin Young?"  The facts will give him a heavy defeat and make him understand that he should just be his sweetheart!  " "Ignorant and arrogant, this guy is crazy. It seems that he needs to be made mute to shut up!"  " "Childish, grades cannot be obtained by just talking.  Bai Zhiying Haha, he was too confident in his future.  "Similarly, there are opponents, and naturally there are supporters. Now it has become angeland, a large 'gateway' station. At present, all the management of the Angel Island official fan group are busy sorting out and summarizing the members. There is no time to pay attention.  The clamor of those people and the scattered counterattacks of fans can form a crushing attack force, but there are not a few people who have a good impression of An Yuxi on the Internet. In other words, because of this incident, some people don't usually.  Why do people who follow him change their stance after seeing the report and say good things for him? "Why do you think that Bai Zhiying will definitely not succeed?  Why do you think Ahn Woo-hee can't make Baek Ji-young famous again?  Those who make noise should first control their own mouths, and then tell others whether they are arrogant or arrogant.  " "The stupid and arrogant ones are those idiots who cling to old things and never forget them. What's more, Baek Ji-young is also a victim of old things, a bunch of pigs without sympathy!  When you called An Yuxi disgusting and childish, did you ever ask yourselves, do you have his courage?  " "An Yuxi may be impulsive, which may bring some negative effects to him, but he has the courage to stand up to protect his friends. Compared with his impulsiveness, you?Abuse and slander stink like garbage!  "The day after the ceremony, the night before, after the noon banquet, close friends such as Sung Si-kyung gathered again in the evening. An Yuxi, who was almost drunk by them, came to the company office early in the morning.  . A company has also ushered in the second war. The most urgent thing now is to release the "Love No More ep". At the signing ceremony at noon yesterday, Baek Ji-young finally restrained his thoughts of shrinking and signed the contract.  From now on, she is an official contracted artist of A, and her acting affairs are currently being handled by the company's only manager, Kim Jung-myung. No matter how "chaotic" the media outside is, An Yuxi doesn't care at all.  Celebrities will not offend the media. The positions of both parties are inherently exploiting and conflicting with each other. Bai Zhiying's office is not far from him, and is next to the office area. The door that has been closed all afternoon has not been opened in the corridor.  Employees who were preparing to get off work occasionally passed by and would probably take a peek and whisper. When they saw him coming, they immediately bowed and left in a hurry. Because of the public opinion outside, no one mentioned this matter, but inside the company.  , it is difficult to have some rumors. As the only artist in the company except An Yuxi, the office conditions are naturally taken care of. This office and his president¡¯s office both face north and south. The interior is spacious, and the huge floor absorbs the bright air.  The sky was bright and the whole room was open. Bai Zhiying was sitting next to the floor, looking into the distance. A cup of boiling water was steaming on the ground beside her. When she heard the noise here, she turned around, as if she wanted to say something, but she saw  It was An Yuxi, but he stood at the door, not going in, and looking at her silently, without saying a word.  A strange atmosphere was formed, noisy but quiet, just like her complicated mood at this moment. On the other side of the door, An Yuxi walked in, closed the door gently, and then came to her side, inserting one hand.  'In the pocket. The two didn't speak anymore. One was sitting and the other was standing, as frozen as two sculptures. After an unknown amount of time, Bai Zhiying wiped the corners of his eyes and raised his head, "I'm sorry for causing trouble for you" "  There is no need to say such things between friends!  " Looking at the woman with red and swollen eyes beside him, An Yuxi paused and said calmly: "You haven't caused any trouble to me. From the perspective of a friend, I understand your mood, but as the president of the company, I  I hope you can adjust your emotions as soon as possible and no longer be immersed in the so-called depression and waste time!  "She hesitated for a moment and whispered: "II'm afraid I can't do it" "Why do you think you can't do it?  "Glancing at her, then looking away from her, An Yuxi looked outside: "You are not a child anymore. Big difficulties have not overwhelmed you. Do you want to give up when you are close to success?  " "If you really don't want to implicate me, then cheer up quickly and tell those people with the facts that I did nothing wrong in signing you.  Use facts to tell those who have rejected you that they were totally wrong for not accepting you in the first place, and then make them regret, resentful, and want to hit a wall themselves!  " "And those people on the Internet, they are wearing a vest and attacking you with abandon, have you never thought of fighting back?  " Listening to his words, Bai Zhiying's mind was shaken. Of course she had thought about making those people regret, and thought about fighting back those so-called friends who were so harsh and mean. Don't underestimate a woman's revenge. When a woman  "When people are angry, they can do anything crazy! But she doesn't have the confidence." As if seeing through her thoughts, An Yuxi looked into the distance and continued: "Can you successfully return to the stage and win cheers again? It's not about launching."  You can just ignore ep. It¡¯s not like you can reach the sky in one step just by sitting here and feeling sorry for yourself.  Confidence is not given to you by others, but earned by yourself!  " "Sister Zhiying" He turned around, his profile standing as straight as a green pine with one hand in his pocket, "Don't let me down!  ¡± ¡­ Following the hype on the Internet, traditional media also joined in. Whether in reality or on the Internet, this matter has made a fuss again. But no matter how different the original intention of expectations is, at least, "Love No More" has entered  Time flew by in the noisy way, and no one noticed that Company A had not received any interviews from the media since the opening ceremony, as if the noise from the outside world had nothing to do with them.  I was busy rushing forward, contacting various channels to prepare for the release of "Love No More". Until June 6, Seoul, which has been dominated by the heat for a long time, finally ushered in.It was a cool rainy day.  The A official website, which has not been heard by the company since its opening, also quietly published a message on this rainy day: Created by An Yuxi with all his efforts, and performed affectionately by Baek Jiying, "No More Love" is launched today!  ps: Happy New Year~
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