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Text Chapter 408: Looking forward (complete book)

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    Kesheng Pharmaceutical is an old pharmaceutical company. Although it is not very large among pharmaceutical companies, it has a relatively complete production and R&D system, complete factories, equipment, and a complete set of management systems and human resources.

    Zhang Ziyan and Wang Xiyi are both masters of business management. They quickly combined these advantageous resources to repackage the products of Kesheng Fist and introduce them to the market, gradually opening up the market.

    According to Li Tianzong¡¯s plan, the reorganized Tianren Pharmaceutical will gradually shift towards developing drugs that regulate the human body and stimulate its potential.

    In this field, there are two relatively mature drug markets. One of them is the common health foods and health drugs on the market, which can enhance the human body, improve immunity, and are even said to stimulate brain vitality. However, the existing  The functions and effects of these products are obviously not as good as advertised, and are not satisfactory. There are even many products that are fake.

    The other part is hormonal drugs, including some stimulants. These drugs can indeed stimulate some of the human body's potential, but they also have many side effects, so they are banned in sports competitions and their use is restricted in general.

    Li Tianzong¡¯s goal is to develop drugs that are similar to health care products, but with more real and obvious effects. This is even similar to the latter, but does not have the side effects of the latter, and can be used and treated by ordinary people.  For example, people with certain physical defects, such as leukemia, uremia, etc.

    It can even be used on normal people to improve their certain abilities and qualities.

    Li Tianzong didn't know if his approach was right. After all, even without the side effects of stimulants, this kind of drug still goes against the normal development of human beings and is likely to cause chaos in human society. But in real life, this kind of drug is needed.  There are also many people.

    Li Tianzong decided not to consider these issues for the time being, but to start things step by step. To really make such a drug, it would not take one or two years, or even ten or eight years. When it is really done,  , it¡¯s not too late to think about it again.

    To the outside world, pharmaceutical company employees, and even Zhang Ziyan, Li Tianzong did not say that he would develop a drug that could change the quality of ordinary people, but only developed health products and some drugs to make up for defects.

    Only Wang Xiyi knows this. As a descendant of a martial arts family, she is more accepting of this.

    After the completion of the two wheels in his conception, Li Tianzong's plan was officially launched. His ultimate goal is to allow humans to improve their physical fitness and intelligence with the help of drugs and biochips, so that they can always be the controller of the world.

    The reason why he has such an idea comes from the brain software he obtained. After experiencing the magic of this thing, Li Tianzong has been thinking about the source of this thing, which may be the future, or it may be a civilization in an alien galaxy.

    No matter what, the existence of something like brain software has overturned many of Li Tianzong's previous perceptions. Since this kind of thing already exists, it means that it will definitely exist in the future. Regardless of whether he does it or not, there will definitely be such heaven-defying things in the future.  .

    Therefore, he did not need to think about whether he should do it or not. Whoever did it first would seize the opportunity, so he did not hesitate too much and acted decisively.

    Sometimes he also wonders if anyone else in the world knows about brain software. If others also have this kind of thing, if he moves slowly, he may fall behind others.

    He felt that he had to hurry up.

    Brain software, at first glance, is very magical and incredible, but if you think about it carefully, it is actually nothing.  In fact, we use computers every day. Software is a program. It just encapsulates many steps of work and then completes it according to instructions.

    Compared with computers, the human brain is undoubtedly more complex. Obviously, it should not be a problem for a more advanced human brain to complete what a computer can do.

    The computer can drive external hardware and equipment to work through a series of programs. Various human activities are also driven by the human brain.

    The things that people can do are much more complex than machines and equipment, but machines and equipment can be more precise under the control of computers.

    If we can combine the two, then people will undoubtedly become supermen, and machines will undoubtedly have intelligence.

    In many science fiction works, people are always worried that machines will rule the world, because once machines have intelligence, they will undoubtedly subvert human rule due to their own advantages.

    If humans also become supermen, this situation may not happen.

    Compared with computers, the human brain is undoubtedly more complex. Although this means that the human brain can do more things, it also changes human understanding of the human brain.?Very limited.  At least with current technology and cognition, programming the brain is still far away.

    But Li Tianzong knew very well that this kind of thing could definitely exist, because it existed in his brain. With this as a basis, he believed that he could definitely make something similar.

    After leaving school, Li Tianzong devoted almost all his energy to his career. With the help of brain software, he studied and researched like crazy.  He soon became an expert in the fields of biochips and pharmaceuticals, and even the original experts in the company were impressed by him.

    Of course, without the words and deeds of these people, Li Tianzong would not have been able to make such rapid progress even if he had the ability to have photographic memory, because many things cannot be learned just by looking at them.

    Li Tianzong gradually participated in various research projects and was always able to bring new ideas and even solutions to these projects, pushing these projects to break through bottlenecks and even achieve breakthroughs.

    The development of Tianren Biology is getting better and better, and Tianren Pharmaceutical soon took on a new look after its reorganization.

    Because of work, Li Tianzong had a lot of contact with Wang Xiyi and Zheng Xiaoqian for a while. Especially Zheng Xiaoqian, after serving as Li Tianzong's assistant, she followed him almost all the time, and the relationship between the two gradually changed.  Now that she has become more natural, Zheng Xiaoqian is not as shy as before when she sees Li Tianzong.

    Of course, girls will still be very shy when two people are alone.

    Wang Xiyi also often looks for opportunities to be with Li Tianzong. She has a good relationship with Zheng Xiaoqian, but after struggling for a long time, she still feels that it is difficult to let go of emotional things. She leaves the final choice to Li Tianzong, and she wants to compete fairly with Zheng Xiaoqian  .

    Compared to Zheng Xiaoqian¡¯s shyness, Wang Xiyi is undoubtedly more proactive, although she still maintains that bit of reserve and does not take the initiative to break through the last point, because that would not be competition, but robbing.

    As for Li Tianzong, seeing two charming girls dangling in front of his eyes all day long, it became increasingly difficult to let go. Finally, he decided - he wants both girls!

    (Complete book)

    I typed the words ¡°The book is complete¡± with great reluctance, helplessness, and apologies.  According to the structure at the beginning, this book has not yet reached the end, but according to the chapters after 1 million, this book should also end.

    There are many reasons why I chose to end it at the early one million mark. One of them is that last August, my fishing mother fell ill. Starting from September, the updates began to become unstable and the status plummeted. Many of the things that followed were difficult to write.  It's very bad. If you deviate from the original idea, if you continue to write it, many things will have changed.

    Of course, if some adjustments are made, this story can still be written. After all, according to the original structure of Fishing, there is still a lot that can be written.  However, due to previous fluctuations, especially the discontinuation of updates, and other reasons, this book was required to be completed a few months ago. Fishing has never known how to finish it, so it has been postponed until now, and I have to tell everyone  That's it.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? were?very unwilling to accept this story, wanted to write this story very much, because there are many things to write about.  Fishing remembers that he once had a book called "Digital Life", and he liked that book very much. Although the angles of this book are different, they reach the same goal through different paths. Fishing wanted to write about the proposition of man and machine. This thing was originally meant to be placed in the third chapter.  It will be discussed in three parts, but there is no chance now. If possible, I will still try fishing in the future.

    To say that the book is finished now may seem quite sudden to everyone. In any case, this book was not completed as envisioned and can be said to be unfinished. Although in terms of fishing, this is not unfinished, but  It started to suck in the middle part, so I want to say "I'm sorry" to everyone. I have been working very hard on writing, but there are all kinds of things. I can't continue this journey with you. I'm really sorry for everyone.

    Here, fishing should say "thank you" to everyone very solemnly and sincerely. This book was uploaded in May last year, and it has been almost a year now. In the life of fishing, this may be the most important.  It was also an unforgettable year.

    In this year, fishing has its first book that really starts to make money. This is the result of everyone's support. Thank you everyone.

    During this year, Diao Diao bought a house, owed hundreds of thousands to the bank, and tens of thousands to relatives and friends, and felt the pressure of life for the first time.

    ??Then I got a marriage certificate while fishing, and then got married. My wife is pregnant. In a few months, he will be a father, and now he is an expectant father.

    The most unforgettable thing is that without my mother, a piece of my life suddenly disappeared.

    In the darkest days of fishing, I can see you in the book.Fishing is really grateful for the message here. Although I don¡¯t know you all, we have become acquainted. Although I don¡¯t know if there will be a chance to reunite in the future, Fishing will always remember you.

    Thank you all very much.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Yesterday, the floor was laid and the house is almost ready. I hope I can live in it when the baby is born.

    I have been very busy, and this is the only way to stop thinking about certain things.

    ??The new book has not been decided yet. It may continue to be urban, or it may be about fantasy. As for when it will be written, given the current situation, I am not sure yet.  But when the time comes, I hope everyone will continue to support us so that we can continue our relationship.

    Finally, I still want to say to everyone: Thank you!  Fishing really appreciates everyone.
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