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Volume 3 Alien Invasion Chapter 30 The Unsolved Mystery

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    One after another, alien spaceships and groups of interstellar wanderers descended on the earth one after another.  They were attracted by a force and wanted to find the treasures and treasures left behind by that person Including other aliens who had landed on the earth, they were all attracted by a powerful aura of power before.  The source of that power is most likely the treasure left behind by the legendary man.  Therefore, the legendary treasure is likely to be on this planet!  At this moment, the interstellar wanderers are all searching for that treasure Yesterday, the impact of the sword transformed by Xiao Ling'er is not only known to the people of the earth, but also to the aliens in the nearby star fields and galaxies.  Also noticed.  Such violent energy fluctuations can be easily detected tens of thousands of light-years away by practitioners who have mastered the power of the source or a spacecraft equipped with special radar.  Of course, these alien wanderers are not the only ones paying attention to treasures, there are also many life forms on earth.  Yesterday¡¯s alien war not only attracted the attention of ordinary humans, but also psychics and practitioners. It even attracted the attention of many ¡®old monsters¡¯ after the war.  The birth of the exotic treasure has attracted the covetousness of many people Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was not the person who destroyed the entire alien fleet, but the ridiculously powerful sword.  The sword that can cut apart space and draw thunder with just a swing of it is really exciting So, it¡¯s better to act than to be tempted.  But those who took action and the aliens who woke up were a step too late.  When they arrived at Tianhai City, someone had already left with the girl.     certainly.  Some arrived in Tianhai City in advance, but it was not easy to find a sword in the vast sea.  So until someone left, these first comers found no trace of the sword.  A group of blind men cannot find treasures without energy fluctuations But the greedy ones will not give up so easily. They have enough time to slowly find the treasures At the same time, as the aliens  A different kind of invasion of people.  Some countries have also contacted it and quickly reached cooperative relations.  These interstellar wanderers actually need the help of the indigenous people on this planet. After all, they are outsiders and do not know much about this life planet.  Being able to establish a cooperative relationship with humans is something they naturally want.  As for the so-called conquest and invasion, it is a complete joke.  They are not a national army, let alone slave traders. What is the point of conquering and invading such a low-level civilization?  Their goal is only the legendary treasure, and the value of this life star is compared with the treasure.  Just one day at a time.  ??Besides, their small spaceship cannot hold so many humans, and its scientific and technological achievements are even less impressive. This life star is actually a garbage star.  Not even qualified for development.  Especially interstellar wanderers who come from higher civilizations feel like they are dealing with these humans who are even from lower civilizations.  It is an insult in itself to them.  If it wasn¡¯t about the treasure, then they wouldn¡¯t want to land on this life star at all!  Before the Era of Chaos, the lives in the Zero Zone were just a group of low-level lives, barely able to reach low-level civilizations.  Anyone who knows the history of the universe will know this information.  " However, there are many powerful beings born in the No. 0 Restricted Area, which makes life in other cosmic regions feel strange.  Why can such a low-level civilization have such a powerful existence?  And this problem has always been an unsolved mystery in the universe In the Kaiyuan Era, a stone monkey jumped out of the No. 0 restricted area, causing chaos in the worlds of immortals and Buddhas, and losing many elite soldiers.  In the later stage of the Chaos Era, a nine-tailed demon fox emerged from it, causing the universe to be devastated and causing countless casualties, which indirectly brought the Chaos Era to its final stage.  As for the era before the Chaos Era, the Holy Emperor Era, it was an era of extreme prosperity.  But because a monster-level human emerged from it, the Holy Emperor Dynasty, a powerful empire whose era was named after its name, became torn apart, directly bringing the Holy Emperor Era to an end and entering the Chaos Era.  However, this monster-level human being was the one who later became a legend!  A dynasty with power all over the universe, a prosperous empire that dominated the universe, was destroyed because of one human being The Holy Emperor Era is a prosperous age that belongs to a country, while the Chaos (Kaiyuan) Era is a prosperous age that belongs to legend. The former unified the universe,  In the latter, hundreds of schools of thought came together.  One age is extremely prosperous, and anotherThe best of these two prosperous timesBoth of them ended their prosperous times because of the lives born in the Zero Zone, which is why the current name of the Zero Zone was created.  However, the beginning of the seal was that the demon fox was sealed in the No. 0 Restricted Area Nowadays, the four major forces in this era are naturally very careful about the No. 0 Restricted Area. They usually guard the perimeter of the Restricted Area with heavy troops to prevent outsiders from intruding and affecting the restricted area.  , and secondly, to prevent the life inside from escaping.  But all this was caused by the legend who was active in the two prosperous eras of the Chaos Era and the Holy Emperor Era Although the four major forces in power knew very well that there was no treasure of that person in the Zero Restricted Area, but  Greedy guys won't believe the truth even if they learn the truth.  How could that legendary monster with a collecting habit not leave some treasures behind? Could he still take all the treasures with him to death?  Moreover, the mystery of that person¡¯s death has always been the most unsolvable problem in the universe.  How did he die?  Why do the five major forces all claim that there is no intact body after his death, and that there is no possibility of reincarnation?  This has become the most incomprehensible mystery in the universe today. How did the person who had enough strength to crush hundreds of other legends die?  The specific situation is probably only known to those directly in charge of the five major forces Now the four major forces are afraid that the guy who broke into the No. 0 restricted area will wake up the sealed nine-tailed demon fox, causing an unimaginable disaster.  .  In this era, there are not so many legends who can join forces to seal the nine-tailed demon fox again At the end of the Chaos Era, most legends died, including legends such as Emperor Beifeng and the Goblin Prince.  He was forced to be reincarnated There are more than a hundred legends, but now not one tenth exists It's a pity that the sentient beings who are ants in the eyes of the major forces have no idea, and they just want to fight for the treasure left by that person.  .  "In this regard, those who know "qingren" are probably complaining about it. Trouble is big trouble even when they are dead "I keep causing trouble when I am alive, and I will still cause such big trouble when I am dead."  Thinking that the nine-tailed demon fox was originally the pet left by that person, the four major forces really felt pressured by Smecta.  ps: Yesterday I failed to adjust my work and rest time, and today my aversion to coding has come Sure enough, every few months there are always days when I hate coding.  Well, this volume is finished, let¡¯s fill in the gaps in the next volume.  I guess after reading the next volume, you will be able to understand the previous plot.  This Girlfriends is really a plot-oriented novel, and the next one will definitely be about losing one¡¯s self. That¡¯s the one that suits me.  Having sex at will is the most loving thing that ruins childhood.
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