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Volume 3 Alien Invasion Chapter 26 The Fairy Arrives

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    Chapter 26 The Fairy Arrives There are exceptions in the world, and Dongfang Ming is this exception now. When he heard this voice, his soul was not comforted. Instead, his face suddenly changed, and he became inexplicably panicked, and his heart was pounding.  He was pounding He had a bad premonition This time it was definitely a 120% strong premonition!  Damn it, my heart can¡¯t help but beat fast, it obviously proves that it¡¯s not going to be a good thing!  Actually, it¡¯s a good thing. At least the nightmare that tortured Dongfang Ming probably won¡¯t happen again in the future.  The nightmare of nearly thirty days is really going to make people collapse.  "Eastern Fairy Clan!" At the same time, the two alien princesses who were not humans also changed their faces with solemn expressions.  The two women raised their heads and looked around in the car. Those two pairs of bright eyes seemed to see through everything in the world and look directly at the world.  Finally, Nailis and Anna¡¯s eyes converged, staring at the corner of the sky.  A huge fusiform alien spacecraft gradually occupied the sky Seeing the badge printed on the outer shell of the spacecraft, the expressions of the two women changed again, with shock and confusion.  "How could the royal family of the fairy clan" Nailis muttered to herself as she looked at the roof of the car.  "The royal family" At this time, Anna, the sloppy princess, couldn't help but widen her eyes, looking very surprised.  The reason why the two women are so surprised and confused is because there is no so-called royal family in the fairy world!  There is only one member of the royal family in the entire immortal world, and that is His Majesty the Immortal Emperor Yuhua.  There were no other royals of this era.  The Immortal Emperor has not yet married a concubine, so he naturally has no descendants, and he has no brothers.  Not even close to anyone else.  The decline of the royal family in the fairy world is an indisputable fact.  However, the power of the Immortal Emperor is also an indisputable fact.  Now Yuhua is the only emperor in the legendary realm, and it is not difficult for him to live forever.  Having no descendants will not affect the current fairyland. ?¡­ So, Nailis and Anna¡¯s first reaction was that someone was pretending to be them!  But think about it carefully.  With the power of the Immortal Realm, no one dares to pretend to be the royal family.  "In addition to being puzzled, I am still puzzled.  Maybe there are really ignorant people pretending to be the royal family At this time, the spacecraft suddenly shrank.  That's right, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.  Zoom out quickly.  From thousands of meters to hundreds of meters.  It shrunk from hundreds of meters to tens of meters In the blink of an eye, the spacecraft was only two or three meters long and about one meter wide.  Then, a beautiful girl appeared out of thin air, stepped on the spaceship under her feet, and used it as a skateboard "Alalala" The beautiful girl in colorful feathers stepped on the skateboard and flew in the air with a smile.  "Fairy clan!" Seeing this scene.  The two women stared in disbelief.  The imposter turned out to be a fairy. This was knowingly breaking the law!  "She's coming here!" Seeing the other party facing the flying dragon, Anna's heart suddenly jumped and she couldn't help but become nervous.  "Anna, be careful, the other party may have bad intentions!" Immediately, Nailisi's voice sounded in Anna's mind, deliberately reminding her.  "Well" "Husband~Husband~Husband" On the other side, the fairy on the flying skateboard was extremely excited and kept shouting.  At the same time, in the white sealed space, the face of the little fox Mengmeng was not much better, and her nine tails were straight up.  "Why did she appear here! Wasn't she sealed?" The little fox looked at the floating image with a gloomy face, feeling very puzzled.  ¡°Now we¡¯re in trouble.¡± Staring at the woman in the image, Mengmeng¡¯s pair of thin eyebrows couldn¡¯t help but frown together, looking very awkward.  ¡°Obviously, Mengmeng knows this Fairy Highness and has had some interactions with her, so she is very cold to her.  "Forget it, try to hide it for a while, otherwise it will be terrible if she finds out." Mengmeng seemed to have some concerns about this eldest princess, so she hid casually "" In the car, Dongfang Ming was now  His emotions were very complicated, because his nightmare finally came true.  "Hello, husband~" Outside the car window, the beautiful fairy waved her left hand towards the car, staring at the dark car window with a smile.  The two alien princesses in the car watched the fairy girl outside with vigilance and caution.  "Dad~" Little Loli, who was in an unknown state, felt no pressure at all. Instead, she looked a little sad because Dongfang Ming ignored her.  Yang Yingmei in the driver's seat passed by inadvertentlyWhen she saw the floating girl in costume in the mirror, she was shocked and immediately stepped on the brakes. Then she raised her hand to wipe her eyes. She thought she was hallucinating.  Seeing Yang Yingmei suddenly parked her car, Dongfang Jing, who was sitting in the back, suddenly felt strange and asked with concern: "Sister Mei, what's wrong?" Yang Yingmei then glanced at the rearview mirror and found nothing outside, thinking that she had just appeared.  Hallucinating, he replied sheepishly: "It's okay" Immediately afterwards, the car started again.  In the back seat, Dongfang Ming was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the fairy sitting next to him, his head full of mush.  He didn't even know how the other party came in "Please stay away from him!" At this time, Nailisi could no longer keep calm and couldn't help but use the language of the fairy clan to tell the other party to stay away from Dongfang Ming.  .  The Demon Princess loves Dongfang Ming because she undoubtedly values ??him higher than herself. She is naturally afraid of her lover getting hurt, so it is normal for her to be the first to resist.  However, after the fairy heard these words, her expression changed. She looked directly at Nailis with seriousness and majesty and said, "Who are you, and what is your relationship with my husband?" "Who are you, and why are you pretending to be someone else?"  A member of the royal family of the fairy world!" Anna immediately interrupted with dissatisfaction. She would not like that kind of condescending tone.  "My body is pure, my father is the emperor of the immortal world, why pretend to be!" After hearing these words, the fairy straightened her chest and abdomen, and replied proudly.  This one is also very proud Similarly, she is not the most arrogant, only more arrogant. Anna, the princess of the God Clan, showed a standard expression of disdain and said disdainfully: "Yuqing, the daughter of the Immortal Emperor, you pretend and you keep pretending, the Immortal Emperor simply doesn't  We have no children, and now the royal family is in decline. We can¡¯t even find a successor to the throne. Do you think we are ignorant?¡± ¡°Yuqing, I seem to have heard of it somewhere¡± And the demon princess, Nelly, also heard the words.  Silk lowered her head and thought deeply. This name seemed to have some memory.  Yuqing raised her head proudly, shook her head slightly, and counterattacked with standard taunting movements: "Barbarians are really ignorant and ridiculous. I have hundreds of younger brothers and sisters, so why don't I have a successor." "Haha,  Hundreds of younger brothers and sisters, and now the Immortal Emperor is a bachelor. How can he give birth to so many in one breath? He really knows how to blow" Anna was even more disdainful. Now the old Immortal Emperor still doesn't marry concubines, how can he have sons and daughters.  PS: It will explode today. If you have a monthly ticket, please throw it down. Well, there are also recommendation tickets and so on.  (To be continued)
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