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Shameless Chapter 1, 2, 54 Everything begins at the end of the beginning

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    "You go down and stay for a while, I'm taking care of official business." Young Master Peng turned to look at the walker, then frowned and replied.  "What do you mean?" The walker was stunned on the spot.  "I said, you go down and stay first, I'm handling official business, and we'll talk about your business later." Young Master Peng scolded him irritably, then waved his hand and asked the guards to take him out.  "Do you want people to look at him?" the political commissar asked Mr. Peng.  "If he leaves me, he will die. As long as there is some way, he will not come to me. Don't worry about it. He can do whatever he wants." Mr. Peng said concisely and clearly. A few days after the large-scale armed conflict broke out, the two sides exchanged fire.  Gradually began to shrink, the Burmese Communist Party continued to use force and high pressure, while Mr. Peng retreated again and again.  The situation has gradually become clearer, and Mr. Peng has become completely pessimistic about the future.  A few days later, when the news about Li Ming's company's visit to Myanmar broke, the last straw for the Peng family fell. Mr. Peng knew very well who Li Ming was. His investment in Myanmar was only on behalf of his personal interests.  Will and interests? ? Definitely not.  The dream of asking for help from the Chinese has been shattered.  Three days after Li Ming¡¯s visit to Burma, Mr. Peng issued another statement, claiming to hand over guns to the Communist government of Burma, and asked the Chinese government to return to his hometown for retirement.  As soon as the statement came out, the Walkers were completely desperate. One day later, the warring parties exchanged prisoners of war, and the names of the Walkers were added to the list of the Burmese Communist Party.  In the camp.  Young Master Peng looked at the walker, and the walker also looked at him.  "I can't protect myself, so you can take care of yourself." After being silent for a long time, Young Master Peng opened his mouth and said.  ¡°I must have brought you a lot of money from China,¡± the walker said calmly.  "Everything is mutual. You helped me get the funds, and I didn't treat you badly. Even if you lose, you lose. It's disrespectful to blame each other." Young Master Peng sighed and said slowly, "That day, the walkers followed  The prisoners of war were exchanged, but he was taken in a car alone and taken directly to Yangon Prison by the guards.  In the car, the walker asked: "Where the hell are you going?" "Pah." The guard turned around and slapped the walker on the face, then pointed at him and said: "You'd better not talk to me, I'm afraid  I can't help but kill you." "Who are you?" The walker was stunned.  "My name is Wu Feifei." "Oh, from Xiangjia, haha." The walker grinned. At night, Yangon Prison.  I sat in the empty interrogation room, silently watching the walkers being sent in.  There is no surveillance and no one else in the house.  "Haha, long time no see." He looked at me with his hands behind his back and pursed his lips.  "Mi Zhongguo." I looked at him, then scratched my nose and said in a hoarse voice: "Before the Burmese Communist Party government gave me your information, I never thought that the person who has been fighting with me secretly for so long is you.  " "Wow." Mi Zhongguo took two steps in the room, picked up the teapot with a relaxed posture, poured himself a cup and said, "Well, I can't figure out why there is no bribe of 200,000.  I judge you." I asked slowly.  "I was sentenced. How could I not be sentenced? Three years, but I stayed for a little more than two years and then I came out." Mi Zhongguo sat on the table, drinking tea, frowning and continued: "At the beginning, I was sentenced to bribery.  I was sentenced to ten years. When I was first in the detention center, I was very angry and had no intention of explaining it. But after three months in the detention center, I found that my silent resistance could not attract anyone's attention at all.  No one is willing to take care of me, and no one is willing to speak for me. I have not committed a crime, so why should I be sentenced to ten years?¡± I looked at him and said nothing.  "I want to appeal, I want to get out, so I want to file a lawsuit. I know 80% of the guards in the detention center, and they have helped me a lot, such as helping me analyze the case and giving me paper and paper to write materials.  Pen, they even asked me to go out for a smoke when they had nothing to do, but they did this not because of any friendship, but out of pity. I was too stupid before, and kept shouting "Long live the motherland, man."  The slogan "Long Live the People", and falsely accusing me of embezzling the 200,000 yuan has many problems. The procuratorate has no direct evidence to prove that I am responsible for your request for this money. I am here with you.There was a conversation in the toilet, but no one could prove that I was asking for bribes. Bank transfer records, surveillance, and proof of my personal income as a criminal police officer for nearly ten years were all the breakthrough points for overturning the case. After the second trial, the court asked the procuratorate to retry the case.  , I originally thought I would fucking get out, but I didn¡¯t expect the procuratorate to respond and accuse me of malfeasance and abuse of power. Therefore, I was still sentenced to three years and stayed for more than two years. I was released on medical parole because of lung disease.  " Mi Zhongguo said very excitedly. "You only stayed for two years of the three-year sentence, which is not long. Why bother.  "I asked expressionlessly. "What do you mean? Why should I stay for two years? Come on, tell me why. I arrested fugitives and was injured three times, day and night.  I don¡¯t have a home, and I basically eat, drink, and have sex in the surveillance car. Tell me, in what way do I act less like a people¡¯s policeman? What those leaders and people from the procuratorate lack is someone who can take the blame, and I don¡¯t have one.  Taking the two hundred thousand, they know better than anyone else. From the moment I came out, I have thought about it. Since I can¡¯t catch criminals and I can¡¯t be a hero, then I will try to be a criminal. I have to take revenge.  , because you are still at large, right? Haha, after ten years as a criminal police officer, I have nothing else but informants, police colleagues who I used to look down on but had to associate with, I can catch a lot of them, these are all people I can carry out  With the capital I had accumulated, I sold my house and continued to have relationships while on medical parole. After my medical parole was over, I went to Yunnan again and started the rest of my life from there.  I can solve cases even if I don¡¯t know how to do anything, haha, but in the end, I found that my ability to solve cases is more suitable for committing crimes. I know very well what the police want to do, how to collect evidence, and how to set up a net against criminal suspects.  Therefore, Yunnan is like paradise to me. The bribery methods that I despised in the past are very useful in real life. I learned the bribery methods of the criminal suspects who flattered me and their families, and used their  I tried my best to manage the relationship, and never failed. From then on, I became even more convinced that the former Mi Zhongguo was a fool. Drugs made money quickly, so I did drugs. If there was money for smuggling, I would do it.  Well, when you were accumulating strength in Myanmar, I was also accumulating strength. The police in Yunnan, Guangzhou, and Guizhou scanned me three times, but they only eliminated some minor details. They still don¡¯t know who I am.  You said that these drunken people can sit in the office and engage in conspiracy and conspiracy. How can you explain this? On the surface, they are shouting for arrest, but secretly they are working on a case. As long as I don¡¯t die, they will arrest me in waves every year.  , the political achievements will not be less." Mi Zhongguo was already narrating completely crazy. His thinking was careful, but he was not like a human being. His tone was full of anger, but it has not diminished at all in nearly seven years.  He was forced to take revenge. Listening to his words, I suddenly felt that if the leaders did not let him take the blame for the Yunnan incident, Mi Zhongguo's political future would definitely be better than it is now.  , Mi Zhongguo also came to the end, he narrated his story with spittle, and finally blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know "There is poison in the tea."  "I couldn't bear to remind. "I fucking know it, do you have to tell me?" Mi Zhongguo cursed at me, then wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, and continued: "Xiang Nan, I actually hate you.  I don¡¯t have much hatred. I¡¯m trying to punish you behind your back because I feel unfair. What I really hate is the system. It¡¯s the dirt that can be seen with the naked eye but cannot be wiped off. It can¡¯t be wiped off. You just look at it.  It's disgusting, what should I do? Then you can only become dirtier and more disgusting than it is.  " "Where is your family?  "I frowned and asked. ".  "When I asked this question, Mi Zhongguo suddenly fell silent and sat on the table without saying a word. Then he replied: "My son has gone abroad. My wife doesn't know. She hasn't contacted him for many years and may have remarried.  " I looked at him and felt inexplicably sad. " I'm tired after lying down for a while.  " Mi Zhongguo lay on the table, then closed his eyes and murmured to me: "Destiny is sometimes really strange. I remember when I first met you, you were still a fucking child. It's been more than ten years.  , you are old, and so am I. Xiangnan, if I give you another chance, will you still hang out?  " "If you give me another chance, I won't be greedy for the more than one million with Lao Fu, let alone mess around. It's pretty good to share it in the game arcade.  "I kept sitting on the chair, holding my chin, and replied softly. "Haha.  "Mi Zhongguo laughed. "Haha.  ¡± I laughed too.
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