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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Get involved in the Ming Dynasty

Volume One: Sit back and watch the storm rise Chapter 288: Fifty-eight Shuo Rat

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    Kong Ling hid in the woodshed, looking at the old man in front of him faintly, feeling an indescribable familiarity in his heart.  The old man¡¯s cheeks have been burned by the fire, and his stature is short and stooped, but there is a heroic spirit in his movements.  ¡° Moreover, Kong Ling also discovered that although all of the people following the old man looked ugly, some of them looked like honest farmers at first glance.  Most of the people have snow-stained temples, but none of these people look like farmers who have been cultivating the land all their lives.  Listening to their words, they did not take the officers and soldiers seriously at all.  Even ordinary bandits are never afraid of officers and soldiers, but they are somewhat afraid of officers and soldiers from the bottom of their hearts.  Because they knew they were thieves, but these people openly confronted the officers and soldiers, but they felt that it was nothing special like eating.  Kong Ling is the leader of the White Lotus Sect, and the people he associates with are these reckless people in the world, but these people don't seem to be the people in the world.  Because although people in the world of martial arts seem to be capable on the surface, most of them have no real talent or knowledge.  And from the way they stood, it was clear that most of them were practitioners and had actually been on the battlefield.  For a moment, Kong Ling couldn¡¯t remember which faction this group of people belonged to.  "It seems that there is no doubt that it is Zhang Shicheng's remnants. Humph, no wonder the officers and soldiers are coming to surround them, but who is Zhang Mu standing on the other side?" Kong Ling was still in a daze for a moment.  If Zhang Mu is an official, how can he defend these people?  Wouldn¡¯t it be a great achievement to catch them?  But even if Zhang Mu is from the Ming Cult, these people don't look like they are from the Ming Cult.  Old Master Yan is indeed old, and his body is a little overwhelmed by today's commotion. He smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I'm worried that you will be implicated. If you want to stay, you can stay. I don't think the officers and soldiers will come.  Okay. I'm tired. Let's go back and have a rest." Then he said to the Yan family's servants, "Take care of them." Then he walked toward the backyard gate with a cane.  At this moment, an extremely subtle move suddenly caught Kong Ling's attention.  Old Mrs. Yan was helped to walk while rubbing her temples.  This is a subconscious move. Of course, this is not the key. The key is that Old Master Yan has a ring on his finger.  That ring was made of gold and jade, but Kong Ling had a deep memory of it.  When he saw the ring, he couldn't help but staggered back and muttered: "How is it possible? How is it possible!" Because that ring was recognized by Kong Ling.  This ring was given to Zhang Shicheng by his master. It was obtained by his master when he killed the Yuan Dynasty general Tuomu'er. It was the first time he met Zhang Shicheng, and Zhang Shicheng had been wearing this ring.  Kong Ling once worked under Zhang Shicheng, but at that time he was a young and careless child, and he was full of unlimited respect for Zhang Shicheng.  Later, after Zhang Shicheng was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, he followed the defeat.  When we arrived in the north, there was talk of the leader of the White Lotus Sect.  However, it seems impossible to determine the identity of this old man just by looking at his finger.  So he simply hid in the woodshed, thinking about going in and taking a look later.  If this person is really Zhang Shicheng, then the treasure thing is not surprising.  Originally, this treasure was what Zhang Shicheng planned to leave for himself.  If he is still alive.  It was only natural that these treasures should be opened.  The people in the backyard then dispersed, and everyone began to go about their own business.  Outside the backyard is the back garden.  It is also the place where Mrs. Yan relaxes and rests during the day.  Kong Ling sneaked in with almost no effort.  The boy who was serving Zhang Shicheng saw that Zhang Shicheng was asleep, so he took the time to go to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat.  So there is no one here for the time being.  Kong Ling easily went up to the second floor of the attic, gently opened the door, and saw Zhang Shicheng lying on the couch, breathing steadily, and seemed to be asleep.  The furnishings in the room are extremely simple, but also very luxurious.  In the corner, there is a staircase, which should go up to the third floor of the attic.  Kong Ling tiptoed up to the third floor of the attic and opened the door. The attic was extremely empty.  On the long table, there are several pots of bonsai that have not been trimmed yet, but on both sides of the Taishi chair facing the long table, there are a spear and a pair of armor standing upright.  There were signs of being burned by the fire on the armor, but Kong Ling recognized this piece of armor, and he recognized that armor even more?Spear.  Back then, he watched with admiration as Zhang Shicheng wore this set of armor and went out to kill the enemy.  Kong Ling couldn't help but swayed his body and held the long case with his hand.  This incident had a huge impact on him.  Although Zhu Yuanzhang now controls the world, there are many people who are dissatisfied with Zhu Yuanzhang.  "It's just that there is no one to take the lead. Although Han Lin'er is qualified, that person has no vision and is not broad-minded enough. He only wants peace of mind and has long forgotten that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill him.  So Mingjiao has been half-dead in recent years.  The White Lotus Sect he leads has everyone united, but there is no one with enough prestige in the White Lotus Sect.  Although he has some prestige in the world, it is unreliable to expect a group of reckless people to conquer the world.  Without the support of the scholar-official class, you will not be able to take over the world.  However, Zhang Shicheng had such prestige that the people in his jurisdiction at that time and today are grateful for his character.  Zhu Yuanzhang became furious and set the taxes of the Songhu government extremely high, which was to suppress the people who were loyal to Zhang Shicheng.  At the moment, Lao Zhu's court seems to be in good order, but the prince is weak and the Meng Yuan in the north is eyeing him, which is the number one confidant of the Ming Dynasty.  For the rest, Lao Zhu has eradicated dissidents in recent years, and the Hu Weiyong case has made a lot of noise. The foundation of the court seems to be stable for the time being, but as long as Lao Zhu leaves, his son Zhu Biao may not be able to suppress the overall situation.  ¡°Coupled with the harassment by Japanese pirates from the south, and the obstruction of his White Lotus Sect.  "As long as Zhang Shicheng raises his voice at the right time, the Ming Dynasty will be in chaos.  As long as the Ming Dynasty is in chaos, he will have plenty of opportunities.  Zhu Yuanzhang was not a monk at the beginning, but now he became the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty?  Thinking of this, Kong Ling's heart was slightly excited.  At that moment, he took a deep breath and slowly headed downstairs.  Zhang Shicheng was still sleeping soundly, sitting calmly on the stool, looking at the hero quietly.  Time has taken away his original heroic appearance, but Zhang Shicheng still has a majesty that makes people admire him.  Thinking back to those days, when he looked at Zhang Shicheng from afar, he wanted to be a man like him.  But the years have been wasted.  "Lao Zhu's family is stable, but at this age, he has not found an opportunity.  "Opportunity, the opportunity has finally come." Kong Ling thought silently, and then coughed.  (To be continued)
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