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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> My career in the Ming Dynasty

Text Chapter 383 Crossing the Bridge

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    Facing the desperate rush of the Japanese tank squadron, the tank crews of the forward company were not in a hurry. After realizing that the Japanese tank guns could not penetrate their own armor, they became more and more calm. Under the order of the company commander, they  Instead of advancing, they began to retreat to distance themselves from the Japanese army. After loading the shells, they continued to fire.  | "Release the smoke We must not let the Chinese hit our tanks so easily!" Seeing our tanks being shot one after another and catching fire, the commander of the 92nd Brigade, Major General Yuma Shinohara, was also stunned.  He didn't expect that the tank troops he had high hopes for would be so vulnerable. It would only take one of them being shot by the opponent. What was even more embarrassing was that the shells he fired could only stay on the opponent's armor.  With just one black mark, the Imperial Japanese tank troops were all disgraced by him.  "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, do we still order the troops to continue attacking with the tanks?" Captain Fukuda Asa of the 213th Wing panted and ran to him and asked.  "No need!" Shinohara Yuma said with a gloomy face: "Order the troops to retreat quickly and cross the bridge as soon as possible. Machida Uya, an idiot, has been fighting for so long that he has not even scratched the skin of the China tank. Today, except for all  There is no other way for Yusui to go. Now you must organize your troops to retreat quickly, otherwise it will be too late!¡± ¡°Hai!¡± Fukuda Aso responded loudly, after all, he has been following Shinohara Yuma for so long!  Naturally, he knew who his boss was. If he tried to escape, there would probably be no one in the entire Japanese Army who was more proficient in this technique than him, except for the unit that was known to be unafraid of defeat.  Under the command of Yuma Shinohara, the Japanese soldiers who had been charging with the tanks quickly slowed down their charge, then stopped advancing and slowly retreated towards the back.  Just when Shinohara Yuma retreated to the iron bridge, more than ten tanks of the tank squadron had turned into a ball of torches burning on the side of the road.  "Aha Brothers, after packing up the little devil's chariot, it's the turn of the bastards from the 92nd Brigade. Charge up and kill them!" As the company commander's order came from the radio, Ten  Several No. 4 tanks, together with the No. 2 tank, began to speed up and rush forward.  At this time, nearly half of the soldiers of the 92nd Brigade had crossed the river through the iron bridge.  Nearly two thousand people were still waiting to get on the bridge by the river.  "Hurry Hurry Hurry up!" "Baga, what are you doing? Hurry up and get over!" There were soldiers yelling and cursing everywhere beside the bridge. Colonel Aso Fukuda was sweating profusely by the river.  The Chinese tanks behind them were getting closer and closer, but nearly half of them still had not crossed the river.  "Dong dong dong" Just when the Japanese army was in chaos, there was a burst of intensive machine gunfire from the front. It turned out that the tanks of the forward company were coming, and the first one was the three No. 2 tanks that came in a formation.  Tank, the 20mm cannon on the turret kept roaring.  The parallel machine guns on the turret were also roaring, and metal bullets like raindrops kept pouring into the dense crowd of Japanese troops. "Dispersedisperse quickly" Aso Fukuda yelled desperately.  call.  But before he could finish shouting, a few meters away from him, a senior soldier who was running towards the river was hit by a series of machine gun bullets. A string of bullets first hit his waist and hips, and his fragile body immediately became  It was broken into two pieces. When his upper body was dropped, another machine gun bullet hit his chest, and his upper body was instantly torn apart by sharp shrapnel.  Along with the blood that sprayed out like a spray, dozens of bright red lung or heart fragments spread forward.  The superior soldier didn¡¯t even have time to scream before his body was completely torn to pieces.  Some frightened recruits were running along the roadside, screaming in terror.  He was knocked to the ground by machine gun fire before he could run a few steps. When the 20mm machine gun fired, several pillars of dust and mud that were nearly one or two meters high would explode on the ground. In this dense and regular column of dust, countless  Running soldiers were torn to pieces.  But the nightmare was not over yet. Just as the soldiers were scrambling to escape, there was another sharp whistling sound in the sky. Soon, the thick smoke raised by the dense explosion almost completely submerged the Japanese troops on the river bank. These were the ones behind.  The M7 Pastor self-propelled artillery arrived, and they were shelling the Japanese troops by the river under the guidance of observers.  Countless Japanese soldiers were running along the river.  These new recruits who had just joined the 92nd Brigade from China experienced this kind of fierce artillery fire for the first time in their lives. The saying that new recruits are afraid of artillery and veterans are afraid of machine guns has been fully reflected in them.  Many recruits who couldn't wait even jumped into the river and swam towards the other side in desperation.  "Forward company, rush over destroy them!" Dong Hongyun in the No. 056 tank urged the driver to speed up and rush forward.  Seeing more and more Japanese troops crossing the bridge, heThey were worried. This iron bridge was of great importance to them. If it was blown up by the Japanese army, they could only watch the Japanese army of the 92nd Brigade that had crossed the river escape like this.  "Ta-ta-tata-ta-ta-ta" After more than a dozen No. 2 and No. 4 tanks approached the Japanese army, they did not rush past them. Instead, they fired back and forth at a distance of hundreds of meters from them.  At this time, the riverside was already covered with corpses, and the surface of the river was stained red with blood. Under the strafing bombardment of more than a dozen tanks, dozens of machine guns, machine guns, and self-propelled artillery, more than a thousand Japanese soldiers who had not had time to cross the river were killed.  There were almost no casualties.  "Stop shootingstop shooting" The company commander's voice rang out on the radio. When the gunfire stopped, Dong Hongyun and others all looked at the tragic scene by the river in a daze.  I don't know when, Wei Jun was able to poke his head out of the cab, looked at the corpse-strewn river outside, his mouth grew wide in surprise, and murmured: "My dear we all killed these devils."  " "But it's possible!" Dong Hongyun also stammered.  In fact, they were not the only ones, all the tank crews who saw this scene were also shocked. This was the first time for them to see such a bloody scene. After many people were excited, their stomachs soon became numb.  The feeling of convulsions spread, and many people vomited on the spot.  "Okay don't be dazed. Hurry across the bridge and continue the pursuit!" "Cross the bridge!" The company commander's voice continued to come from the radio, but as soon as he finished speaking, a loud bang came from the bridge.  A huge plume of smoke rose from the bridge.  After the explosion, the iron bridge spanning tens of meters long made a rattling sound, and then collapsed with a roar
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