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The final chapter: Let the red flag fly all over the world!

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    In the eighteenth year of Kaiyuan, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty issued an edict to confer the eldest son Yang Jing as the crown prince, and enfeoffed the remaining eight eldest sons as kings, and established a feudal system in the northern Liaoning border.  Each of the eight princes was given a county to build a kingdom, and each country was given a population of 10,000 households and an army of 1,000. Craftsmen were also sent to build a royal city for each of the eight princes in their feudal country.  After the cities of each feudal king were built, the emperor issued an order for the kings to settle in the feudal kingdom.  In the Kaiyuan Palace, Yifeng personally hosted a banquet to see off the princes. The eight princes were twenty years old and sixteen years old. Now they will all be enfeoffed and become the screen vassals of the Sui Dynasty.  It has been nineteen years since he became emperor. Emperor Yang Lin, who is nearly forty years old, now has more than twenty princes and a dozen princesses, but only nine are over sixteen.  After many years of observation, the eldest son Yang Jing has indeed always performed very well. He is smart, wise, civilized and capable. At a young age, he has already shown the demeanor of a king. Under the constant encouragement of the chief ministers, Yi  Feng finally decided to canonize him as the prince.  Since the crown prince is established, there is no reason for the other older princes to stay in the capital. According to the system established at that time, the princes established feudal borders and founded vassal states.  "You don't have to worry or feel sad. The young eagles will leave the nest when they grow up. They will have their own piece of blue sky. If you miss them, you can go and live in their feudal country when you have time." Yi Feng said to Gao Qianxue.  He told Murong Qiangwei, Chen Ting and the other concubines that their sons were about to leave the country of Beijing, and all mothers were worried.  "But they are still so young, they are far away from the capital and going to such a distant place. Not only they go to northern Liaoning, but they also go to the northernmost border of northern Liaoning. It is a barbaric land." Murong Qiangwei couldn't help but said.  "What are you worried about? They are the children of the royal family. They were born with unimaginable wealth. Naturally, they also bear responsibilities. They have to guard and open up the frontier for the Sui Dynasty. But although the feudal country is a bit far away, I also gave it.  Each of them has a population of 10,000 households and a thousand soldiers. In addition, they also helped them build a royal city. This was a unique treatment for the emperor's son. None of the other kings in the feudal southern border had such good treatment.  For example, Yang Liang, the king of Rinan, had a border with Lin Yi in Huanzhou. As a result, he did not want to make progress and did not know how to govern the feudal country. As a result, in the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Lin Yi made a surprise attack and was captured and killed by Lin Yi's army. Not only did he lose his life.  . It also lost the dignity of the Sui Dynasty. Although the imperial court finally sent troops to attack the Linyi Kingdom, the people could not be resurrected, and the Rinan Kingdom was not destroyed."  It would be good for them to go to southern Xinjiang. After the imperial court destroyed the Linyi Kingdom, didn't it take advantage of the situation to destroy Zhenla and other southwestern barbarian states that were dissatisfied with the Sui Dynasty? The large newly expanded territory there could be divided into a few pieces and enfeoffed.  Dear princes, although southern Xinjiang is hotter, it is much better than northern Liaoning. Although the princes are in northern Liaoning, it is thousands of miles away from the provincial capital of Liaoning. It is a place where there is always ice and snow.  "Yes?" Chen Ting also said, "Sister Murong is right. Even if you don't seal the princes to Southern Xinjiang, you can seal them to the Sanhan Peninsula or Fuso Island."  The Sanhan Peninsula and Fuso Island have just been pacified a few years ago, and there is a shortage of people to help guard the imperial court. Isn't it just right for the princes?" Yi Feng shook his head.  "Don't think so badly of the princes. They have suffered a lot in recent years. They not only grew up in the deep palace, but also saw the world everywhere. At that time, Qin Qiong, Lai Zheng and other generals went south to conquer Lin.  They once helped transport logistics to the states of Yi and Zhenla. Although they did not enter enemy territory, they also went to the south of the Yangtze River. Later, generals such as Yu Chigong, Cheng Yaojin, Xu Shiji, Su Dingfang, and Cheng Mingzhen defeated Goguryeo and Dingsanhan.  , Japan, several older princes even concealed their identities and joined the army as staff officers on the Eastern Expedition. When King Yan went out to reconnoiter the terrain, he encountered a small group of Goguryeo elites sneaking into the camp, and he personally drew his sword and rode on horseback to fight.  Did he kill three Goguryeo knights with his own hands and remain intact? Later, when the imperial court suppressed the Tubo rebellion, and later suppressed the rebellions of the Western Regions, all the kings also participated in it, although they did not lead the troops.  They went into the battle line to fight, but they also went deep into the front line, and their courage was commendable. Although Northern Xinjiang was difficult, it was also the time to show their skills. In the past few years, after the destruction of Tiele in Mobei, the Weihe people rose again.  The imperial court mobilized the prairie princes to attack the Weihe people many times, but each time they always retreated to the far north, and then came back after we withdrew our troops. These Weihe people were destroying the Sui Dynasty's control of the grassland.  Those prairie princes have been raised by the imperial court over the years. They have become rich and powerful princes one by one by relying on the income from trade and territory. They have long lost their original strong fighting power, although this is also a good thing for the imperial court.  , since the Second Northern Expedition, no grassland people have invaded the border in northern Xinjiang for nearly 20 years, and the imperial court has enjoyed peace in the north. However, the stubborn rebels such as the Weihe people cannot be underestimated, and they must take precautions against the feudal rule of the Eight Kings.  Northern Xinjiang also intends to train them so that they can have the imperial court to guard the border and defeat these die-hards. The stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility. The history of the north is a thorn in the side of the Central Plains.After the victory, the stubborn tribes further north in the ice and snow had to be even more careful.  Once they are allowed to grow up, today's great situation may be completely lost.  " "But these children have suffered a lot.  "Gao Qianxue sighed. "How do you know they will be unhappy? I have given each of them a kingdom of thousands of miles.  " "You talk about a thousand-mile feudal state? You think Mobei is the Central Plains. It's a place with no human habitation for thousands of miles. No matter how big the land is, there are only a few people.  " "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Today is the farewell banquet, so be happy.  "After seeing off the eight kings and joining the vassal, Yi Feng sat in the Kaiyuan Palace and talked with Li Jing, the Taibao. "The fifth war between Persia and Rome is now inextricably fought. Khusru II took advantage of the civil strife of the Eastern Romans to  In the fifth year of Kaiyuan, he led his army to the west. After nine months of fighting, the Persian army captured the city of Daraa.  In the eighth year of Kaiyuan, Persia divided its army into two groups and advanced westward. One group captured Cappadocia, Bithynia, and Karachia, and the other group captured the city of Chalcedon, and combined with the Avars and Slavs to threaten Constantine.  Dinburg.  At this time, the Eastern Romans were still in the midst of a civil war and fighting endlessly.  The Persian army marched straight in and captured Syria in the ninth year of Kaiyuan.  In the eleventh year he went to Antioch, and in the thirteenth year he captured the city of Jerusalem.  In the sixteenth year, Pasha Barz led the Persian army to invade Egypt.  Capture of Alexandria.  At the same time, another large army marched into Asia Minor and reached the Bosporus, threatening Constantinople again.  Just this year, the Persian army once again captured the city of Chalcedon and joined forces with the barbarians to attack Constantinople.  " "Yes, the territory of the Persian Sassanid Dynasty has reached its extreme, and its power has reached an unprecedented peak.  Their strength has also caused us to face extremely serious threats in the Western Region.  " Li Jing said. "The Roman Emperor Heraclius sent three waves of envoys to Luoyang this year, asking me, the Sui Dynasty, to send troops to rescue Rome and attack Persia together.  Is His Majesty ready to agree to them?  ¡± The Byzantine Empire themselves have never admitted that they are Byzantines. They have always insisted that they are the Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. However, this empire began to decline after the death of Emperor Justinian. In the third year of Kaiyuan of the Sui Dynasty  , an army under the leadership of Centurion Phocas rebelled and marched on Constantinople to attack the emperor.  They captured the capital and guillotined Emperor Maurice, his children, and representatives of the government who were hostile to the army. Centurion Phocas rose to power and became the new emperor of the empire, but this new emperor brought great changes to the Eastern Roman Empire.  But it was eight years of bloody civil war. From the beginning, the infamous Phocas was fiercely opposed by the imperial Senate, the great nobles and the administrative bureaucracy. They quickly conquered the eastern provinces including Syria, Palestine, Silesia, and Asia Minor.  , Egypt, etc. provoked civil war, and the empire¡¯s old rival for many years, Emperor Khosrau II of the Sasanian Persian Empire, took the opportunity to launch a war against Eastern Rome. It was at this time, in the 10th year of the Kaiyuan Period of the Sui Dynasty.  Heraclius, the son of the Governor of Africa, stood up and launched an uprising against Phocas. He quickly received the support of the elders and the Green Party and successfully marched into the imperial capital in the 11th year of Kaiyuan.  , and sent Phocas to the guillotine. In the same year, Heraclius ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, established the Heraclius Dynasty, and sent envoys to establish diplomacy with the Sui Dynasty in the same year. However, the new emperor's life was not easy, and he ascended the throne.  At that time, the Persians had captured Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Armenia, Iberia, Mesopotamia and other places, and invaded the hinterland of the Byzantine Empire from Asia Minor. In the 16th year of Kaiyuan of the Sui Dynasty, the Persian general Shaheen captured the Bosporus.  Chalcedon directly threatened the Byzantine capital Constantinople across the strait. At this time, the Slavs and Avars began to attack Byzantium from the northwest. The Byzantine country was in chaos, and Heraclius was in a difficult situation, so he sent envoys.  Kusi's request for peace was rejected again. The new emperor was so anxious that he sought medical treatment in a hurry. Finally, he placed his hope on the powerful Sui Empire in the East and sent three waves of envoys to Heraclius.  The letter requested the Sui Empire to send troops to rescue and attack Persia. Now, Persia has almost defeated the Eastern Rome. Its power is so powerful that even the Sui Dynasty, which controls the Western Regions, is deeply aware of it. The Persian Empire is now at its peak.  Many people are retelling an old story, that is, they teamed up with the Turks to destroy Yanda, but in the end the Turks turned their backs and took away half of the land that belonged to them, and later provoked Rome to go to war with them. These  There have been constant wars between Persia and Rome for decades. It can be said that the Turks have a great responsibility. Although the Turks have long been destroyed by the Sui Empire in the east, the Western Region is now under the control of the Sui Empire.  The Persians below, but many people have suggested that theyIt's time for us to take back the lands that were stolen from us.  Some people even clamored to capture the entire river.  And this has already threatened the Sui Dynasty.  However, Yi Feng was thinking about something farther away. He knew some of the original history and remembered that the Persians did reach their peak during this period, but they were quickly defeated by Heraclius, and even the emperor was killed in the end.  Laclius was taken prisoner.  This Heraclius was truly remarkable. Not only did he rebel and seize the throne, but he also blocked the Persian and barbarian siege of the capital in a terrible situation. Finally, he defeated the enemy and lifted the siege. He also took back all the lost territory captured by the Persians.  After recapturing it, he finally led his army all the way to Persia and captured the Persian emperor.  However, this great hero in history was also quite regretful because he encountered the rise of another dynasty.  This year is AD 619.  Muhammad founded Islam in Mecca nine years earlier.  And when he died in 632.  A unified Arab country with Islam as its common faith, politics and religion, emerged on the Arabian Peninsula.  Later, Muhammad's friend Abu Bakr became the leader of the Muslims and was called the Caliph.  The journey of an awesome dynasty began. By 634, when the two great empires of Persia and Eastern Rome were depleted of their national strength due to long-term conquests with each other and people were tired of war, Omar I was elected as the second caliph.  Known as the "successor of the successor of the Messenger of God", he served as the commander-in-chief of the Muslim army from then on.  He commanded the generals and led the Muslim army dominated by Bedouin into Syria, defeated the Byzantine army one after another, and captured Damascus in 636.  Two years later, they marched into the Jerusalem area; then they divided their forces into east and west and launched an all-out attack.  The Eastern Front successively broke through the Persian army's defenses and occupied most of Iraq and Iran; the Western Front continued to defeat Byzantium and occupied Palestine and Egypt.  From the assassination of Omar to the reign of the third Caliph Uthman, the war of imperial expansion became even more unstoppable.  The Arab army on the eastern front took advantage of the victory to pursue the defeated Persian Sassanid Dynasty and marched into Khorasan.  In 651, the Sasanian dynasty fell, and the Arab Empire captured Khorasan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other places.  The imperial army on the western front continued to invade Cyrenaica in Libya, North Africa.  By 661 AD, Muawiya, the governor of Syria from the Umayyad family, ascended the throne as caliph.  With Damascus as its capital, the Umayyad dynasty was established.  He changed the caliphate to a hereditary one, effectively becoming the monarch of the empire, and the Arabs' military expansion also entered its second climax.  The beginning of the century.  After the Umayyad dynasty consolidated its power, the Arabs began to launch large-scale foreign wars.  On the eastern front, Arab armies invaded Central Asia and occupied vast areas such as Kabul, Bukhara, Samarkand and Khorezm.  Until the Pamir Plateau, it faced the Tang Dynasty of China.  Another eastern front army attacked southward into the northern tip of the South Asian subcontinent.  Occupy the Sindh area.  On the northern front, the Umayyad Dynasty sent troops three times.  Siege of Constantinople, the Byzantine capital.  The offensive on the Western Front was the most violent. It not only occupied the Maghreb region from Tunisia, Algeria to Morocco, but also used the indigenous North African Berbers who had newly converted to Islam as the main force to cross the Strait of Gibraltar and invaded in 711.  Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe.  As a Chinese, a Chinese who is familiar with history, I will definitely remember the great war between the Tang Dynasty army and the Arab Empire army in the Western Regions during the ancient Tang Dynasty in China. The result of the war was the defeat of the Chinese army.  Historical records: All the barbarians were angry, and they attacked the four towns with great appetite.  When Xianzhi heard about it, he led 30,000 Tibetan and Han people to attack Dashi, and went more than 700 miles deep to Hengluosi City, where he met Dashi.  After a stalemate for five days, the Geluolu tribe rebelled and attacked the Tang army with Dashi. Xianzhi was defeated and almost all the soldiers died, leaving only a few thousand people.  Facing the 200,000 Arab Allied Forces, the Tang Army calmly responded to the battle, causing the Arab Allied Forces to suffer heavy losses. Among the 20,000 elite troops in Anxi, they lost approximately 10,000 people, of which nearly half were killed and captured.  Although the Arab army won this battle, they were unable to expand further eastward because they were busy quelling the chaos.  The Tang Dynasty also withdrew from Central Asia due to the Anshi Rebellion that subsequently broke out, and since then lost control of the Western Regions. The Arabs have since seized the Central Asian hegemony that originally belonged to the Tang Dynasty.  The course of history is obvious. The Persians, who are currently proud, will be killed by Heraclius of Rome. Then the Eastern Romans will be happy, and suddenly the Arabs will rise, and then they will take what was already the result of the Roman victory.  Persia picked the fruit.  After that, Datang, Rome, and Dashi became the top three empires in the world, and eventually a war broke out between Rome and Datang in Central Asia.  The Tang Dynasty was defeated and lost the chance to win back forever because of the Anshi Rebellion.  The Arabs' expansion frenzy lasted for hundreds of years, spanning Asia, Africa and Europe. Although Byzantium was always beaten by the Arabs, it still managed to hold on. It miraculously held on until 1453, becoming a country that truly lived up to its name.  Thousand-Year Empire.  In the end, the more powerful Arab Empire was no longer as good as the Eastern Roman Empire.They perished within a few hundred years, and lasted only more than 600 years. In 1258, Baghdad was captured by Hulagu, the commander-in-chief of the Western Expedition of the Great Mongolia, and the Arab Empire was destroyed.  However, the Eastern Tang Dynasty, once one of the three great empires, fell earlier, in 907 AD.  Time has returned to 619 AD. The three major empires in the world currently do not have Arabic names. They are the Sui Dynasty, Persia and Rome.  Rome had just experienced eight years of civil war, and the Sui Dynasty had just experienced twenty years of continuous expansion, unifying the Northeast, the Sanhan Peninsula, Japan Island, as well as the countries in the South China Sea and the barbarians in the southwest. In the northern grasslands, the feudal system had already taken effect.  , the grassland is no longer a threat to the empire, but has become a loyal area of ??the empire. The Dangxiang and Tubo kingdoms in the southwest have also been conquered long ago. After quelling the rebellion of the Western Regions countries, the army advanced to the Western Regions countries and established provinces in the Western Regions.  Counties and townships.  In the eighteenth year of Kaiyuan, the Sui Empire covered thousands of miles, had more than 16 million households, and its population exceeded 100 million. It was the well-deserved overlord of the East.  Facing the pleading of the Romans, the arrogance of the Persians, and the imminent rise of Arabia in his memory, Yi Feng finally decided to strike first.  Historically, China was defeated once and lost its hegemony over Central Asia. It would not return to this region until nearly a thousand years later.  Now, there is no reason to give in.  Yi Feng looked at Li Jing, whose hair was turning gray, and said, "Gong Wei, I plan to agree to Rome's request, send troops to the west, unite with Rome to destroy Persia, and stabilize the control of the Hezhong area. I plan to let you lead the troops. Now I want to ask  In a word, Lian Po is old, can he still make a living? " "I am only forty-eight years old now, and I have not yet known my destiny. I can still shoot a three-stone bow, drink two kilograms of wine, ride a strong horse, and shoot a strong bow.  There is no problem with the troops fighting." "Well, you, the commander-in-chief, will lead the troops in the Western Expedition!" (Complete!) (To be continued)
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