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Text Chapter 559: Falling out and being ruthless

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    (Thank you for your support, I am a fan of Muzi, I don¡¯t have a headache, Wuhan Fengshen, Big and Little Music, and Mouse Love mm. Thank you all, yahoo!) Li Jingli¡¯s contribution was so great. It can be said that although in the final battle to capture Liaodong, he  He was just one of the three marshals, and the emperor personally came to Yuguan to command the armies.  But no one can erase Li Jing¡¯s contribution in the Battle of Liaodong. In the Battle of White Wolf City, Li Jing annihilated more than 20,000 captive Goguryeo soldiers, captured White Wolf City, and severely damaged the Goguryeo army.  After running thousands of miles to attack Liaodong City and Xincheng, Li Jing captured the most important gateway to the west of the Goguryeo people in one fell swoop. This move cut off Goguryeo's retreat route, and at the same time poked two big holes in Goguryeo's Liaodong defense line, giving the Sui Dynasty a Liaodong base.  , and also obtained millions of grain and a large amount of ordnance, so that the 200,000 troops who later entered the Liao were able to enter the Liao lightly, carrying only a small amount of grain, without having to mobilize a large number of civilians to transport grain and grass, and without consuming the country's precious grain, not to mention,  With these two cities and these supplies, the Sui Dynasty was finally able to send 200,000 reinforcements into Liaodong in a short period of time. Then, before the Goguryeo people could react, they swept through all the cities in Goguryeo and Liaodong, and pushed their troops to Yadong in one fell swoop.  On the shore of Lu River.  Who can deny such a contribution? It was the contribution to the expansion of the Sui Dynasty thousands of miles.  "However, Li Jing's credit was also based on his repeated disobedience to the emperor's will and the Privy Council's military orders, which made his credit somewhat flawed.  Many people have been speculating before that Li Jing will definitely be punished afterwards. Maybe he will be atonement for his sins and rewarded with a sum of money and silk, and then he will be removed from the post of Deputy Privy Councilor.  The result of the matter surprised many people.  The emperor really could not tolerate a general like Li Jing who did not take the military orders of the emperor and the Privy Council seriously.  But that doesn't negate his achievements.  The emperor gave Li Jing a huge reward that no one else could have imagined. He was promoted to Duke Wei, five hundred households were added to the city, and the first two thousand households were granted real seals.  Li Jing was originally a Duke of Wuwei, and it seemed that he was only one step away from becoming a Duke.  However, after the implementation of the new nobility system, this step became a gap that was extremely surmountable.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: There are only two hereditary princes in the entire court. One is the Grand Master, the former Shangshu Ling Gao Jiong.  In addition, he served as prime minister for twenty years, which enabled him to obtain this special honor and obtain a hereditary dukedom of Qi.  The other one is Taifu Yang Su, the original prime minister and now one of the four prime ministers.  Because of his support for the emperor and his support and cooperation with the emperor in the new dynasty, he was awarded this title.  In addition, hundreds of princes and countless county princes in the imperial court were either demoted or changed to false or lifelong titles. Under the new titles, ministers with different surnames could only be granted fifth-class titles.  Being granted the title of a hereditary prince is already an incredible reward, and it would be even more difficult to reach the sky if you want to go further.  Now, Li Jing is due to his contribution to Liaodong.  This obstacle was overcome in one step, and he was directly granted the title of Duke of Wei. Moreover, this was not a false title, nor a life-long title, but a real hereditary dukedom with a real title of 2,000 households.  Just this reward.  No one can say that the emperor did not value Li Jingzhi's function.  What's more, after Li Jingrong was promoted to Duke of Wei.  He also received a medal from Shangzhu Kingdom and the honorary title of Prince Taibao.  Li Jing's rank is already a highly respected minister.  How many people have traveled thousands of miles to look for the title of marquis, but now that Li Jing has won the title of god in one battle, he has got everything he can get.  However, while the emperor rewarded Li Jing with an astonishing high-ranking official title, he did not forget Li Jing's disobedient behavior. The emperor would never let this behavior become an example for other officers and generals to imitate in the future.  Therefore, in the end, as everyone had guessed, Li Jing was transferred out of the Privy Council, which together with the Government Hall was called the second government office and controlled the military and political affairs of the imperial court.  Li Jing was dismissed from the position of deputy envoy to the Privy Council and transferred to the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. This was a clear and unmistakable demotion. Today's Minister of the Ministry of War is simply not comparable to the Deputy Envoy of the Privy Council.  Finally, Li Jing also served as the vice president of the Mangshan Royal Military Academy. This academy was originally the emperor's martial arts lecture hall when he was pregnant. Now it is officially renamed the Mangshan Royal Military Academy of the Great Sui Dynasty.  It is a training class for senior generals. When this academy was formerly known as the Wutang Hall, the emperor had always been the principal. Now it has been changed to the Royal Military Academy. Its scale has been expanded. It was established on Mang Mountain in the north of Luoyang. The emperor still serves as the president.  And Li Jing's appointment as deputy dean has left many people confused. Has Li Jing gained the favor of the Holy One or lost it?  Without this last appointment of the vice-president, everyone would really think that Li Jing had won the war and lost his holy favor.  But now, I can't see clearly.  The war in Liaodong has entered a lull period and has passed the most intense stage of the first round of war. For Yi Feng, there is no need for large-scale battles or sieges in Liaodong. What the court has to do now is  Use political means as the main method and military means as a supplement to digest and consolidate the occupied areas.  This was also an important reason why he finally transferred Li Jing back to Beijing. He could no longer let Li Jing take risks.From Yuguan to the Yalu River, it is more than 1,200 miles. This distance is an extremely dangerous distance.  Especially now that there are two important fortresses in the north and south of the Yalu River, namely Douguo and Wugu.  For wars in this era, distance is often the number one enemy.  A war fought more than a thousand miles away is absolutely terrifying.  Yi Feng must avoid head-to-head wars such as battles and sieges. Such wars require huge forces and even long-term confrontations, which also means long and distant supply lines, massive material consumption, and a large amount of  Recruit civilian husbands.  Yi Feng is absolutely unwilling to fight this kind of war. He now wants to change the pattern of war. He must first stabilize the Liaodong region, and then obtain food and manpower from the Liaodong region to support the war in Liaodong, and try to avoid a war of attrition.  At that time, Yang Guang felt that he had many soldiers, generals, vast land and resources, so he insisted on fighting a war of attrition with Goguryeo. He thought that he was wasting more than Goguryeo. As a result, Goguryeo was in the stage of collapse. However, in fact, the Sui Dynasty was unable to survive before Goguryeo.  live.  Yi Feng needs to use other means to achieve the final victory. He needs a marshal who is not as radical and adventurous as Li Jing. What he needs is a marshal who can be consistent with his own ideas.  "According to the imperial edict, Su Xiaoci of the Jin Dynasty was appointed as the Crown Prince and Tutor, and was granted the title of envoy to the Privy Council. He was given the hereditary title of Founding Marquis of Pingyao County!" During this period, he had already considered who would succeed Li Jing, and he already had a candidate.  Originally, he planned to let Su Xiaoci succeed Han Senshou or He Ruobi, but now it happened to be used to replace Li Jing first.  Su Xiaoci was originally a member of the crown prince, but later following him in the north was regarded as a conscientious minister, and he was considered a minister with meritorious service.  In terms of character, he is also a good minister. He is an important minister with an upright personality, especially in martial arts. He is very talented.  Hearing this appointment, Liu Shu became a little uneasy.  He was very happy after hearing that Li Jing was transferred to the position of Minister of the Ministry of War.  Li Jing was appointed Minister of War.  Then wouldn't his current position have to be changed to another position?  The biggest possibility he thought of was that he would be transferred to Li Jing and join the Privy Council.  As a result, the emperor now asked Su Xiaoci to take over the vacancy of Li Jing's deputy privy envoy. What about himself?  The Minister of War was given to Li Jing, what should I do?  "Tell the envoys of Silla, Baekje and Japan. The Sui Dynasty has defeated and annihilated no less than 200,000 Goguryeo soldiers and horses. Now they have captured all the land in Liaodong. Goguryeo is already dying. Let the three families immediately send troops to launch an attack to the south of Goguryeo.  Cooperate with us to destroy Goguryeo. Tell them that after the death of Goguryeo, the Sui Dynasty will definitely grant the Hanjiang Plain to the three families.  At that time, Goguryeo was destroyed in one fell swoop and the three families had not yet sent troops. Then all the territory of Goguryeo would be owned by the Sui Dynasty, and the three families would not get a cent." He Ruobi raised his wat and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I think so.  After this defeat, Goguryeo's destruction is imminent. Even if it is not suitable to send troops now due to the cold and heavy snow in Liaodong, we can continue to send troops to destroy Goguryeo at this time.  The soldiers and horses of the small vassal state took it seriously and asked them to send troops. This was a free opportunity for them to carve up the land of Goguryeo. "Yi Feng shook his head, "A centipede insect will not die, let alone Goguryeo for five hundred years.  . The defeat of Goguryeo was not entirely due to lack of strength, but due to underestimation of the enemy. Gao Yuan transferred the main force of the Liaohe defense line to western Liaoning, but was completely defeated in Liaoxi, resulting in flaws in the defense of the eastern line of Liaohe.  Let Li Jing seize the opportunity to seize the two towns of Liaodong and Xincheng, which eventually caused the complete defeat of Liaodong. But now the situation is different. Goguryeo has a new king and a new court, and after Goguryeo lost Liaodong, they have retreated to Yalu.  Water defense line, build a new defense line here. The Goguryeo people have no way to retreat. They must fight against the beast now, and Wugu and the second domestic city are backed by Yalu River, with high walls and strong walls. They want to take it hard.  It is not easy. In addition, although we have captured thousands of miles of land in Liaodong, we have not established a stable rule after taking these places. If we are not careful, the Liao people may rebel at any time, and we will fall into Liaodong.  In the swamp, we cannot advance or retreat, and Liaodong is thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, so we will be very passive. Therefore, the top priority is that after we have gained a complete advantage, what we need to do is no longer radical adventure, but a steady approach.  "The Goguryeo people, step by step, will be forced into a desperate situation and finally collapse." "The Gaosinluo people, the Baekje people, and the Japanese people should take the Goguryeo people's retreat and let the Goguryeo people have a fire in their backyard. We only need to give up.  It is enough for Sanbo to provide some weapons and instructors, and let them fight against the Goguryeo people. Isn¡¯t this a good deal? What we have to do next is not to fight tough battles, to fight in battles, to attack tough battles like Wu Gu and China.  The city is an important town. What we need is to station troops in Liaodong, send light cavalry to plunder the supply transportation lines in the country and Wugu City, and sweep away those local Goguryeo powerful people in Liaodong who dare to violate the law. What we need to do is to let the Baiguli people  Help us build roads and cities in Liaodong, build military depots and granaries,Harvest grain and grass and turn Liaodong into our eternal territory.  We can even send small groups of elite water, land and light cavalry troops to sneak into the Liao border from various places to harass and destroy Goguryeo, burn their cities and villages, destroy their farmland and crops, and poison their livestock. In short, we want to make Goguryeo  The people are exhausted, we cannot let them recover, we have to starve them, we have to make them despair, we have to make them unable to make weapons to supply the front line, they cannot grow food to supply the people, let them collapse, and then they will destroy themselves without attacking.  At that time, as soon as the Sui flag arrived, the Goguryeo generals would all look at the flag and lower it.  " Yi Feng glanced at the ministers and his eyes became stern. "I make it clear here today that the land of Liaodong must focus on stability in the future. We must try to avoid strong attacks and large-scale battles, and we must avoid the Goguryeo people in Liaodong.  A group of people rebelled. What we have to do is to occupy and control Liaodong.  Before the Ming and Autumn Period, if anyone dares to disobey the decree and act without authorization, causing instability in the situation in Liaodong, I will deal with him without mercy.  " None of the generals expected the emperor to suddenly say such harsh words, especially He Ruobi, who felt even more shameless. He had just shouted that he wanted to destroy Goguryeo, but the emperor slapped him in the face. This made him, the deputy privy envoy, the prime minister  There was no trace of light on Zhi's face. He was so angry that he couldn't help but said in front of the court, "I am old and can't keep up with Your Majesty. Please resign and return home."  " This was just an angry remark, and I couldn't help but regret it after I said it. His father was also killed because of his lack of control over his words. Before his father died, he stabbed his tongue with an awl and warned him to speak in the future.  You must be careful, be careful of the trouble coming from your mouth. That time, he was stabbed and his mouth was full of blood. But in fact, his character is often innate, and he can't help but say some things that offend people and shouldn't say them.  Just like just now, he shouldn't have said something different from the emperor, and now, he shouldn't have said that he wanted to resign in anger. As a result, Yi Feng smiled lightly, "This He Ruobi is not capable."  You can see how strong he is, but he always looks like he is the boss and he is the second best. Now it is just right that he resigns directly in front of the court, so he has nothing to be polite to him. "The founding father of Song worked hard for the court.  After many years of hard work and great achievements, now I want to return to recuperate, I cannot refuse.  Yes, the Duke of Song Dynasty was granted the title of a real estate for five hundred households, and a manor was given to him in Longmen Mountain.  " He Ruobi was stunned there, his chest heaving. He didn't expect the emperor to be so shameless. He just followed the snake and followed the stick like this. He didn't even make any attempt to persuade him and just agreed. This was really an unprecedented shame. He was so angry.  He Feibi almost smashed the wat and left. "Song Guo Gong, please come forward to thank me and accept the order!"  "Censor Liu Wenjing laughed at He Ruobi inwardly. This idiot actually resigned on his own. You didn't even look at how much you weighed. You really thought you wouldn't be able to leave if the imperial court left you. His Majesty couldn't bear to get out of here. At this time, he  Of course, he wanted to come forward immediately and give Liu Wenjing a look. Unfortunately, Liu Wenjing didn't take him seriously at all. Liu Wenjing was now the imperial censor and the deputy prime minister of the Political Affairs Hall, and He Ruobi was the deputy privy envoy.  He is only on the same level as him, not to mention that he has already become an official. "I thank you for accepting the order.  " He Ruobi gritted his teeth and said. But Yi Feng just nodded to him, and then immediately continued, "Okay, since Marshal He Ruobi has resigned and the Privy Council has another envoy, let's discuss it now.  Who will take over the vacancy left by Marshal Ho Ruo?  " He Ruobi's face turned red and white as he listened. The emperor simply didn't give him any face. He was still here and couldn't wait to discuss his next appointment. "Yang Lin, don't blame me for your unkindness.  Unjust! (To be continued)
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