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Text Chapter 549 Lure the snake out

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    The Privy Council is in charge of military affairs and is in charge of military affairs opposite the Government Hall. It is now known as the East and West Prefectures.  ¨I, and the emperor seemed to be interested in enhancing the authority of the Privy Council. He issued a decree that the five chief and deputy envoys of the Privy Council were jointly called the ruling party, and the nine prime ministers of the political hall were jointly called the prime ministers.  The Pingzhang Zhengshi and Shenzhi Zhengshi of the Zhengshitang are in charge of civil affairs, and the Privy Council is in charge of military affairs. The decree particularly emphasizes the Privy Council's authority as the queen of the world and its power as a substitute for heaven.  After the establishment of the Privy Council, it had extremely powerful powers. The Ministry of War, which originally controlled military affairs, was left with only administration, logistics and the power to select low-level military attach¨¦s.  The Privy Council is in charge of military and state affairs, military defense, border preparations, and military orders, and issues secret orders to assist in the governance of the country.  He even handles matters such as the recruitment of guards, internal and external bans, recruitment, trials, relocation, garrisoning, rewards and punishments.  Even the power of selection, promotion and reward of senior military attach¨¦s that originally belonged to the Ministry of Civil Affairs has been transferred to the Privy Council. The most important thing is that after the establishment of the Privy Council, civil and military affairs were divided, and the prime minister no longer had jurisdiction over military, political and military affairs.  Before Yifeng established the Privy Council, the prime ministers were in charge of all matters, including civil and military affairs, and military affairs were also within their jurisdiction.  Although after the founding of the Sui Dynasty, three provinces and six ministries were established, with the chiefs of the three provinces as prime ministers, and the prime ministers were divided into four, which in disguise weakened the authority of some prime ministers, the principle that the chiefs of the three provinces are the prime ministers of major affairs and unify everything remains unchanged. They are the decision-makers on military and state affairs.  who.  After Yifeng came to the throne, he established the Political Affairs Hall and increased the number of prime ministers from four to nine. The prime ministers took turns to be responsible for political affairs. This greatly weakened the original power of the prime minister, especially the left and right servants of the Shangshu Province who had monopolized the power.  Rights are greatly diminished.  The Zhengshitang was established, the number of prime ministers was increased from four to nine, and the central decision-making body of the imperial court was also transferred from the Shangshu Province to the Zhengshitang.  Then Yifeng added the Privy Council, but separated the military and political power from the prime minister.  It is run by five chief and deputy privy envoys on behalf of the emperor.  Even the Ministry of War, among the six ministries, has all the power vested in the Privy Council.  Such an important institution.  Already completely on an equal footing with the Political Hall.  The Privy Council, consisting of one principal, four deputies and five deputies, as well as its nine yamen commanders, including three yamen, three principals and six deputies, all became the top ministers in the imperial court.  Shi Wansui was suddenly dismissed from his post, leaving the position of deputy privy envoy vacant. Liu Shu, the current Minister of War, said that he was not interested, which was a lie.  He had already reached the position of Nei Shi Ling, but before he got too hot, the emperor's father-in-law died, and he was unwilling to become the emperor's brother-in-law, so he was relieved of his duties and went home for a while.  It was the nephew's turn to be the emperor. He came out in a hurry, but in the end, he only got a position as Minister of War in the new dynasty, and he was back to the position he held before becoming the internal historian.  If that was all, it would be better, but as soon as he became Minister of War, the court immediately established a political hall, and then a Privy Council, and so on.  He, who was originally the second-ranked Minister of the Ministry of War among the six departments, was now extremely embarrassed, and suddenly became an idle yamen like the Ministry of Rites.  Among the nine prime ministers in the Zhengzheng Hall, two of the six ministers lined up to enter.  The ministers of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Civil Affairs were given the title of political advisor and became deputy prime ministers.  The original ranking of the six divisions was based on the upward movement of officers and soldiers.  People's punishments are in progress, and ritual work is in decline.  And now the ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs have become deputy prime ministers.  As the Minister of War, his powers were constantly reduced and he became a dispensable yamen.  Liu Shu was still very dissatisfied.  Only when his wife, Princess Lanling, persuaded him to be more down-to-earth and low-key, did he endure it.  But now that Shi Wansui was deprived of his position as Deputy Privy Councilor, he believed that he was the most qualified to succeed Shi Wansui and enter the Privy Council to become the governor.  He is the current and former Minister of War, the former Internal Secretary, the son-in-law of the great ancestor, and the uncle of the current emperor. It is his turn no matter what.  In the last re-arrangement of titles, he originally succeeded his father as the Duke of Jian'an County, but he was demoted to the rank of Jian'an County Count. I heard that if it weren't for Princess Lanling's favor, he, the Jian'an County Count, might have been added to the title of Kai Guo.  Then add lifetime.  No matter what, he felt that today's society was indebted to him, and it was certain that he would succeed Shi Wansui as the deputy privy envoy this time.  Even Wang Bao and Li Jing can be deputy privy envoys, so what can't I do?  But Liu Shu completely misjudged Yi Feng¡¯s thoughts. Yi Feng¡¯s appointment was not based on appearance or qualifications. What he valued more was ability, reliability and loyalty.  Wang Bao was his old subordinate in Yanshan and the leader of Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry. He has been with him for eight years. He has been through life and death countless times, shielding himself from arrows and being knifed, and charging into battle with him. His loyalty has never wavered.  And after the establishment of the Huaihuang Army, he also performed outstandingly.  As for Li Jing, it was because of his series of military exploits and also because he was also from the Guanlong Group. Using him, of course, also meant to appease Guanlong's people.  Just like he used Han Sengshou, He Ruobi and Shi Wansui, these three are all famous generals in the court, so of course he had to think deeply about using them.  But the Privy Council is extremely important in Yi Feng's court layout, and it must be in his own hands.  The scale of the Liaodong War has escalated. The war ahead requires a stable court, but at the same time, the Privy Council, the highest military organ that coordinates military affairs, needs to have a stable court.Generals who are proficient in the art of war and familiar with battle formations are in charge.  Liu Shu originally had a chance. He was a relative of the emperor, a veteran of the former dynasty, and a former minister of the Ministry of War. He was qualified to enter the Privy Council. However, He Ruobi, Han Seng, Shou Shi, and Long Live had already entered, so Liu Shu naturally could not.  Go in again.  The reason why Shi Wansui was chosen over Liu Shu was because although Liu Shu had served as Minister of War, he had never led an army or fought in a war, and his prestige in the army was far inferior to that of Shi Wansui.  Shi Wansui was able to enter the Privy Council based on his reputation as one of the four famous generals in the country.  It's a pity that Shi Wansui is an arrogant person. Even without this drunken rude behavior, Yi Feng would not have kept him in the Privy Council for a long time. Sooner or later, he would find a reason to demote him. The only difference was sooner or later.  Now that Yi Feng had found a reason to drive Shi Wansui out, how could he find another person who was not his confidant to come in?  After Shi Wansui was dismissed, Yi Feng did not let his vacated position remain vacant for too long. After deciding to expand the war in Liaodong, Yi Feng then issued an edict to worship General Gao Jia of the Right Wing Linwei as the envoy of the Privy Council.  Xiongxin was appointed as the Marshal of the Border Government, Qin Shubao was appointed as the Marshal of the North Government, and Dou Jiande was appointed as the Marshal of the South Government. Following this, a large-scale adjustment of the generals and generals of the military guards was carried out, and more generals directly related to the emperor were transferred.  Many former generals were transferred.  After the edict is issued.  It is said that Princess Lanling's consort, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Bo Liushu of Jian'an County fell ill that night, and were said to be seriously ill.  I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone go to the government office to do errands.  After Yi Feng received the news that he was asking for sick leave.  He chuckled softly, shook his head, and then wrote a paragraph of text on the back of the fold with an imperial pen and red ink, directly telling Liu Shu not to worry about court affairs in the future and letting him concentrate on recuperating. For this reason, Liu Shu was specially given the title of Prince's Young Master, and he was exempted from the imperial examination.  He resigned from the post of Minister of War and was replaced by Huangfu Shi.     the next day.  Yifeng issued an edict again, and the imperial court moved its capital to Luoyang. Daxing's imperial offices moved to Luoyang in batches as planned. At the same time, Yifeng issued an edict to order officials within three generations of the original Daxing capital to be awarded honors and titles, as well as possess  Rich families with more than 1,000 acres of fertile land or more than 5 million yuan in property moved to Luoyang.  This decree immediately caused Guanzhong to boil.  Even many ministers in the court wrote letters against this plan, but Yi Feng remained unmoved.  Move away these powerful households in Guanzhong.  The purpose is to remove the firepower from the bottom of the cauldron to prevent the Guanzhong region from becoming too powerful.  Especially the Guanlong Group, Yifeng has always been very vigilant.  Since the capital is to be moved to Luoyang in the Central Plains, it is necessary to prevent problems in the Guanzhong area.  Through this migration, it is actually necessary to clean up the Guanlong Group again and finally reach a controllable range.  Guanlong Group is in Guanzhong area.  It is deeply rooted and extremely powerful.  Relocating them will not only enrich the new capital Luoyang area.  Quickly turn Luoyang into the political, cultural, and military center of the country. At the same time, we must take the opportunity to dismantle these Guanlong groups and remove them from their inherent territorial soil.  Yi Feng also considered that this policy might cause a lot of dissatisfaction. In addition, the previous reuse of Guandong people, as well as the reverse case and re-determination of titles had caused many people in Guanzhong to accumulate a lot of resentment. If one thing was not good, he might really be forced to  people rebel.  However, Yi Feng felt that it would actually be a good thing if they really turned against each other.  The sooner the rebellion is settled, the sooner it will be settled. For those guys who have never been able to change their minds and want to be shareholders of Da Sui, but are not willing to accept just a little dividend from the founding team and management team, Yi Feng is eager to solve it as soon as possible.  If they don't resist, the piece of rotten flesh can only be dragged away. If they resist, they can just dig out the rotten flesh.  Although this seems very ruthless and cruel, from the perspective of the emperor who rules the world, of course he wants to pursue absolute control, just like the companies of later generations.  In a company, if the founding team and management all own a large number of company shares, after a few generations, the founder's descendants may still be the chairman of the company, but the shares they hold are very small, maybe only 2%.  Thirty, once someone who is ambitious and capable launches a rebellion and unites other shareholders to gain their support, the chairman may lose his position at any time and will eventually be kicked out.  Think about it when Yang Jian won the Zhou Dynasty, wasn't it just like this? He won the support of some senior officials such as Wei Shi, Li Shi, Yu Shi, etc., and suddenly turned over the Yuwen family and took away his family's power.  Yifeng¡¯s previous efforts to clean up the titles, reassign titles, enfeoff borders to the clan, and remove the original titles that were indiscriminately granted were actually regaining control and repurchasing shares.  For the founding team and their descendants, as well as the management and outstanding employees, the common practice in later generations of companies is to give dry shares instead of directly giving away the company's shares.  For every share given out, the company's CEO's control over the company decreases by one point.  When you cross the 50% line, it's quite dangerous.  If there are only twenty or thirty left, the possibility of being usurped will increase exponentially.  Although with Yi Feng's control and his direct lineage, it would be fine if he did not clean up those Guanlong nobles in his generation, but he had to think about the future, whether the heirs of the empire could have the same skills as him.  AndAt that time, his son held on, but when it came to his grandson, feudalism continued, and finally clan politics reappeared, and the emperor would be ignored by these clans below.  Centralizing power and suppressing clans are what unified dynasties have always done.  Yi Feng just relied on the strength he had and acted more aggressively in a controllable situation.  Cruel, indeed cruel, but unavoidable.  Relocating wealthy households is also a way for rulers in the past to deal with the people who conquered and occupied enemy areas. They moved the elites and the big and wealthy households away from their original places, away from the place where they had strong control, to a new place.  , disrupt the resettlement, then their old relationship network will be broken, and their ability to fight against the court will be greatly reduced.  After the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed Qi, they demolished Yecheng, the capital of Northern Qi, and moved many nobles and powerful people to Guanzhong.  Later, when the Sui Dynasty pacified Nanchen, the city of Jiankang, the capital of Nanchen, was moved directly to the ground. Then the royal family of the Chen Dynasty, many aristocratic official families of Nanchen, and many large and wealthy households in Jiankang were moved to Chang'an.  Now, Yi Feng wants to do the same thing.  It dealt a devastating blow to the Guanlong Group, greatly weakening their political strength and no longer threatening the imperial power.  "Closely monitor those wealthy families, especially those who have long been resentful of the imperial court, such as Shi Wansui, Liu Shu, and He Ruobi. Any disturbance must be promptly controlled." In the Ganlu Palace, Yi Feng was splashing ink and copying his newly obtained  Authentic copy of Wang Youjun's Lanting preface.  Liu Ying stood respectfully in front of Yi Feng's writing desk and helped the emperor polish his ink.  He got this Orchid Pavilion preface from the descendants of Wang Youjun. It was originally in the hands of a senior monk who was good at calligraphy. He spent a lot of effort to get it. After giving it to the emperor, he got a lot.  commend.  However, when the emperor praised him, he especially praised him for his good method of obtaining calligraphy. He did not use force, but an exchange that satisfied the eminent monk.  This made Liu Ying understand that although he was the emperor's number one eagle dog, besides the Secret Service Department, there were also the Statistics Department and the Military Intelligence Department, and the three departments supervised each other.  Just like the Secret Service Department he commanded had spies placed in the houses of hundreds of officials, Liu Ying didn't know which people around him were spies from the other two departments.  But judging from his professional vision, there must be many, definitely not just one or two.  The emperor stayed in the deep palace, but he could still know the big and small things that happened every day outside.  It is said that there is a secret agency in the palace that is responsible for summarizing statistics and analyzing all kinds of information submitted by the Control Council. It is said that it is composed of eunuchs and palace maids. However, this is just a rumor, but he has never gotten the slightest certainty.  information.  Although he has always been curious in his heart, Liu Ying did not dare to pry into this secret at all.  "Jin Wuwei will cooperate with you. Once you notice any movement, don't rush to alert the snake. Keep a close eye on them and wait for them to make further moves. When they jump up, beat them down with a stick. For these people, we must  The evidence is clear, if you want to beat me, I'll beat him to death with a stick," Yi Feng confessed.  There is never any sympathy in the struggle for power, and there is no cruelty or cruelty. It is just like that. If you don't be the winner, then you are a loser, and the loser will have nothing.  (To be continued)
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