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Text Chapter 538 Dragon Slaying

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    Thanks to Tang Shi for not waving his hand and for his support. Thank you for the Changchun Hall. Yi Feng and Gao Jiong sat opposite each other and played chess leisurely.  On the chessboard, the two players were moving quickly without too much pause. Gao Jiufeng, who was holding the black position, rushed to the ground and used the switch in the lower right corner to form a strong momentum in the midsection and gained the initiative.  However, after entering the second half of the game, Gao Jiong made many mistakes. First, he made a wrong move in the battle in the upper left corner, and a big dragon was divided by white. Then, he made a low-level miscalculation in the battle in the middle and was defeated by Yi.  Feng jumped all the way and killed the black dragon with one sword. Seeing this, Gao Jiao immediately gave up.  "Your Majesty made a good chess move, and I am ashamed of myself." Gao Jiong surrendered.  Yi Feng laughed loudly and was full of energy, "I am happy to win and happy to lose. The master's mentality is really good." He won three games of chess against Gao Jiong in a row. The battle was fierce in the front, and Gao Jiong had the advantage.  , and then in the mid-term, there will always be some low-level mistakes that should not be made, and then in the later stage, he will make stupid moves. It is clear that Gao Jiong is deliberately letting Yi Feng.  Even being able to control the situation actually shows that Gao Jiao's chess skills are not even a little bit better than Yi Feng's.  Gao Yan gave up the chess piece, and did so decisively and high-profile, which was undoubtedly showing his current attitude to Yi Feng.  He really didn't want to fight with the emperor, so he voluntarily admitted defeat and quit.  In the art of Go, when the masters play the game, they often need to know how to abandon the pieces.  To take off your boots backwards in Go is to squeeze a large piece of yourself first, so that the world is spacious and then you can move freely without having to be in a dilemma.  At this level, the most taboo thing is to fight for every step and end up winning one place but losing the overall situation.  The way to play a chess game is ever-changing and varies from person to person. Those who love money make mistakes due to greed, and those who are irritable do bad things due to anger.  It is said that chess is like life, and chess is also a war. In Sun Tzu's Art of War, the advanced troops plan the second attack and the lower troops attack the city. This can be a good explanation of the key points of attacking and killing the dragon in Go.  For the attacker, if you plan to attack a large piece of the opponent's chess piece.  Then you have to remember, don't be greedy for petty advantages and try tricks like tail cutting first. Even if such small advantages are free, don't be greedy.  You might as well wait until the official time to capture it. Before that, if you can't kill the big chess piece, just don't touch it.  It's probably the saying in Go tactics: "Don't alert the enemy, don't rely on your attacks."  Otherwise, the opponent can use the abandoned piece to move around.  Make an eye, eliminate the calamity material, and gain the upper hand.  Extending from Go to the art of war, the same is true. You can't be greedy for cheap, and you can't be careless. Every step must be fought. What a master needs to see is the general trend.  For the sake of the overall situation, you must know how to be willing to give up your children.  Gao Jiong is obviously such a master.  How could a prime minister who has been in power for nearly twenty years, an extremely shrewd person, fail to understand this?  "Would Grand Master want to play again?" Yi Feng asked him.  "Old minister, I'm dying. I've been defeated in a row and my morale is gone. I don't dare to show off my skills anymore." Gao Jiong said, cupping his hands and shaking his head quickly.  He was just over sixty, his hair and beard were all gray, he was tall but looked a little thin.  "I still have some self-awareness. I don't plan to humiliate myself anymore." "Then drink some tea. I have tea from the southwestern Yi people as tribute. It has a unique taste and is very good." Yi Feng made a gesture.  The waiter stepped forward, removed the chessboard, and then served tea.  Except for a few palace servants, he and Gao Qiao were the only ones in this side hall. The hall was smoked with ambergris, and the fragrance was refreshing.  "Speaking of the mountains in the southwest, it is also rich in products, such as tea, trees, medicinal materials, minerals, etc. Unfortunately, the Central Plains court has always focused on the north and paid little attention to the south, especially the southwest. In fact, I think,  The southwest is actually more valuable for development than the northwest. Although the southwest has many mountains and rivers, it has many tribes and lacks strong enough forces. As long as the imperial court really develops the southwest, it will be difficult for them to stop this trend. It won't take long, maybe.  Within a few decades, the raw land in the southwest can be developed into mature soil, and then the southwest lands will become a safe backyard for the empire, providing a large number of people and various supplies. " "The north, especially the grasslands,  They have always been a close enemy of the Central Plains, and we should never underestimate the enemy. If we ignore the southwestern barbarians, it will only cause scabies, but if we ignore the nomadic tribes in the north, it will be a close enemy of the Central Plains. The Huns,  The powerful grassland tribes of Xianbei, Rouran, and Turks once overwhelmed the Han people in the Central Plains, not to mention the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms period in history, which almost wiped out the Han people in the north. "Gao Gao.  Jiao took the brewed tea, blew the hot air gently, and took a sip.  Gao Jiong always does things in an orderly manner, and Yi Feng has long noticed it.  "Of course the nomadic tribes in the north cannot be underestimated, but the southwest cannot be ignored. We can defeat them in the northern grasslands, but we cannot occupy the grasslands, let alone exterminate them. The Xiongnu weakened, the Xianbei people rose up, and the Xianbei people went south to the Central Plains  , the Rouran people rose in the grassland, the Rouran people weakened, and the Turks emerged. In short, the Xianbei people took over the Central Plains and established the Wei Dynasty in the north. However, although the Central Plains dynasty defeated the grassland tribes several times,?We have never established real rule in the grassland. For the grassland, I think we need to change some strategies.  " "That is not an easy task. I am already old. Although I want to continue to contribute to His Majesty, my health is no longer good.  I also ask for your majesty's permission to allow me to serve as an official and return home." Gao Jiong knew very well what the emperor was calling him to the palace for today, and he would not really follow the emperor's words to talk about the court's new strategy for the north.  "I really don't want to lose Prime Minister Gao. The new dynasty has just been established and everything is complicated. We need an old prime minister like Gao Xiang who has been in power for 20 years. You are the prime minister of three dynasties and the pillar of the country.  Alas, the Prime Minister is old and needs to rest and recuperate after years of hard work.  Well, I promise you to go back to your hometown first, but if I encounter any major and difficult issues, I will still send someone to ask the Grand Master for his opinion, okay?" Yi Feng looked extremely reluctant to give up. "Chen Shen  I feel honored. If I can break away from the heavy work of the Ministry of Secretariat and just provide some suggestions to His Majesty, I will naturally do my best.  "    "good.  "Yi Feng picked up the tea cup and took a big sip. It is a great good thing that Gao Jiong is so aware of current affairs and withdraws from the center. "The Grand Master has left Shangshu Province, so is there any suitable person who can be recommended to me?" "  Today's Zuo Pu She Yang Su and You Pu She Su Wei are both capable ministers who were highly trusted by Emperor Gaozu. With them in the Shangshu Province, they will be able to assist His Majesty very well. In addition, the current Ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Niu Hong, and the Minister of the Ministry of War  Su Xiaoci and Minister of Industry Yu Wenkai are very good candidates, and the other veterans have nothing to say.  " "When the Sui Dynasty was established, your majesty changed the official system of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and adopted the Han and Wei systems. In terms of official system, many Qi official systems were also adopted.  The system of three provinces and six ministries was also created. Later, the provinces and prefectures were removed from counties, which greatly strengthened the centralization of power.  It¡¯s just that these years have passed, and the Shangshu Province has become the governing body.  Under the leadership of the old master, the team really performed very well.  However, the Ministry of Menxia and the Ministry of Internal History were less than satisfactory. Originally serving as an advisory body, the Ministry of Menxia was in charge of reviewing and approving decrees, and was also responsible for daily affairs such as the emperor's food, clothing, and offerings. It was also responsible for drafting the emperor's edicts.  The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the central order-making agency, has not played its due role at all.  "Yi Feng said to Gao Jiong that the three provinces were originally responsible for decision-making, deliberation and execution, and the original power of the prime minister was divided into three. This was a weakening of the power of the prime minister by the imperial power. However, although the Sui Dynasty had three provinces, the ministers had less power, and these  In recent years, the powers and responsibilities of the Shangshu Province have become larger and larger, and the Menxia and Neishi Provinces have almost become subordinate agencies of the Shangshu Province. Now that Gao Ji has left, the Shangshu Province still needs Yang Su and Su Wei.  Better. He believed that this person would not cause trouble for him, but Yang Su was different. He was an ambitious and extremely capable person. His abilities were as good as Gao Jiong's, but he was more ambitious and younger.  Yi Feng didn't want that even though Gao Jiong had left, the Shangshu Province would still be dominated by one family. Of course, Gao Jiong knew the details, but he had already left, so why bother with Yang Su, so he just refused to accept it.  "I have a plan.  After the grand master's official appointment tomorrow at the court meeting, the imperial court announced that the ministerial order would never be given to anyone again as a way of rewarding the high minister.  "Yi Feng said with a smile. After hearing this, Gao Jiong felt a slight movement in his heart. He became the only Shangshu Ling in this dynasty. This is indeed an honor for a minister, but he believes that this is definitely just the emperor's heart, and he does not want to give this important position of Shangshu Ling again in the future.  It¡¯s just an award, and it¡¯s just a way to reward him. ¡°I also have an idea to set up a political hall to let the prime ministers work together.  The left and right servants of the Shangshu Province, the Nayan of the Menxia Province, and the Neishi Ling of the Neishi Province were all given the title of Pingzhang and became prime ministers.  Then, he will be the deputy prime minister with the titles of Secretary Supervisor, Yushi Dafu, Official Affairs Minister, Civil Affairs Minister, and Jingzhao Yin, adding the title of Shenzhi.  The nine prime ministers of the Zhengshi Hall are in power, and their offices are concentrated in the Zhengshi Hall. The prime ministers take turns to serve as political pens. The Zhengshi Hall is located in the Menxia Province.  The Political Hall and the Privy Council, one in charge of the government and the other in charge of the army, complement each other with civil and military affairs.  "Yi Feng revealed to Gao Jiong his next plan to change the situation in the court. Although Yi Feng only said this in general, Gao Jiong had immediately heard the importance of it. The most important thing is the political hall.  In the past, under the system of three provinces and six ministries, the imperial court system had the chief ministers of the three provinces as prime ministers. Since the Shangshu Province did not easily establish ministerial orders, the ministers actually had left and right servants as chief officials. Therefore, there were four prime ministers in the three provinces.  The provincial powers were all occupied by the Shangshu Province, so there were actually two prime ministers, Zuo Pushe as the Prime Minister, You Pushe as the Second Prime Minister, Nei Shiling and Na Yan, they had only empty names. But now it is different, the political affairs hall is centralized.  Office means that there is a political affairs hall on top of the original power of the Shangshu Province, but the political affairs hall has nine prime ministers, chief and deputy, and a political pen. Needless to say, you can tell by the name. The prime ministers take turns to control this  Pen, whoever holds this pen will be the prime minister. In this case, wouldn't it mean that Zuo Pushe is no longer the prime minister, but nine prime ministers take turns in power, which is no longer the case.He is only a prime minister in name only, but a real prime minister.  It is obvious that the political affairs hall was created for the Shangshu Province, which now has sole power. Even the political affairs hall is not located in the Shangshu Province, but in the Menxia Province.  What made Gao Jing even more secretly shocked was that after the establishment of the Political Hall, the Privy Council was still outside the Political Hall. That is, the military power and military affairs were completely separated from the hands of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister could no longer  Take control of the military.  It turns out that this is the new emperor's last resort. It seems that even if he doesn't step down voluntarily, the emperor will still be able to take back his power.  Nine prime ministers, oh my God, they take turns in power, plus one chief, three deputies and four privy envoys, then there are thirteen top ministers in the center of the imperial court. If you want to monopolize power like Zhongqian,  It is really difficult to be a prime minister.  He suddenly felt a little happy. Yang Su had always wanted to replace him, and now he finally asked to step down. He must have thought that he was the prime minister of the court. However, he didn't know when he heard the emperor announce these things in the court tomorrow.  What kind of reaction would he have?  If you want to be prime minister or prime minister, stop dreaming.  In the Sui Dynasty, there would never be such a prime minister again.  The next day, the new emperor formally accepted Gao Jiong's request to become an official in the court. Gao Jiong immediately resigned from the post of Shangshu Ling, but retained the honorary title of Grand Master. The emperor specially gave Gao Jiong a four-wheeled carriage after he became an official.  , and asked the Shaofu Temple to build a Duke's Palace of Qi in Gaojun's hometown of Puzhou, granting an additional 500 households to 10,000 households, and 5,000 households to be granted real food.  Then, the new emperor asked the edict officer to announce the edict and set up a political hall in the province of Menxia. The ministers, Zuo Pushe, Nayan, and Nei Shiling, Gaping Zhang, were the prime ministers.  Shangshu and Jing Zhaoyin were given the title of deputy prime minister.  The nine prime ministers worked together in the Zhengshitang, taking turns to be in charge of the affairs. There were five rooms under the Zhengshitang: the official room, the cardinal room, the military room, the household room, and the criminal room.  The Political Hall and the Privy Council stand side by side, and the prime minister does not intervene in military matters.  Pingzhang political affairs are regarded as the second rank, those who participate in political affairs are regarded as the second rank, privy envoys are regarded as the second rank, and privy envoys and deputy envoys are regarded as the third rank.  Shangshu ordered no more people to be awarded from the north.  "The emperor of the Sui Dynasty ordered that the left servant of Shangshu shoot Yang Su with the political title of Pingzhang, the right servant of Shangshu shot Su Wei with the political title of Pingzhang, Li Gang Jin's subordinate Na Yan was added with the political title of Shen Zhi, and Xue Daoheng's internal history order of Jin added the political title of Pingzhang.  , all became prime ministers. In the Jin and Wei dynasties, Zheng was appointed secretary-supervisor, with the title of political affairs official, Liu Wenjing in the Jin Dynasty, with the title of imperial censor, with the title of Pingzhang, Niu Hong, Shangshu of the Ministry of History, and Fan Zigai, Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.  The title, Xu Deyan of the Jin Dynasty was the political title of Jingzhao Yinjia, Wei Zheng, Liu Wenjing, Niu Hong, Fan Zigai and Xu Deyan were all deputy prime ministers. "Everyone whose name was read out stood up and knelt down to listen to the announcement.  After reading the edict, Yang Su and other nine newly appointed prime ministers and deputy prime ministers thanked him and accepted the edict.  After the nine prime ministers of the Political Affairs Hall paid their respects, the proclaimer issued an edict again, this time to the Privy Council. The Privy Council appointed a total of five envoys, chief and deputy envoys. Wang Bao was the chief envoy, also known as the middle envoy. Under him, there were four more envoys on the left and right.  The deputy privy envoys include He Ruobi as the left envoy to the Privy Council, Han Sengshou as the right envoy to the Privy Council, Shi Wansui as the former envoy to the Privy Council, and Li Jing as the rear envoy to the Privy Council.  The official who promulgated the imperial edict issued another edict and continued the edict. Wei Zheng was appointed as the left prime minister of the Shangshu Province, Li Mi was appointed as the right prime minister of the Shangshu Province, Liu Xingben was appointed as the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Liu Shu was appointed as the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Su Xiaoci was appointed as the Minister of Huangmen, and Yuan Wujie was appointed as the internal minister.  Shi Shilang Yang Su sat at the banquet and watched one official after another come forward to receive the order to thank him. He suddenly felt empty in his heart. Gao Jiong finally left, but he failed to become prime minister.  To be continued.  xh118r1052?¡­
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