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Text Chapter 536: Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

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    (Thanks to Hunter and Declined Boy for their support, thank you!) Inner Garden, Qianqiu Hall.  The weather turned colder, and the Queen Mother's health suddenly improved, her diet resumed, and she was even able to stay and take a walk.  However, none of the imperial doctors could be happy about this situation. When asked by the emperor, they all pointed out tactfully that the condition of the Empress Dowager had not really improved, but was just a reflection of the past. The situation of the Empress Dowager was already quite serious.  Optimistic.  The Empress Dowager was very clear about her situation. She was not depressed or sad. Instead, she was very optimistic about everything.  She would take a walk in the imperial garden every morning, bask in the sun on the long outline of Qianqiu Palace at noon, and listen to the news from the outside world from the princesses who came to visit the palace. Yi Feng would also take time out to accompany her every day.  "Xumi, it's rare for the old woman to be sober these days. I heard your aunt, Wu Chou'er, and Qian Jin talk about many things inside and outside the court after you ascended the throne. The old woman is very pleased. Although you are young, you have truly matured.  . He has his own ideas and his own way of doing things. What¡¯s more, he is very calm and steady. The old woman is really relieved. Da Sui is in your hands and it is better than the old woman expected. "  Under the ginkgo tree in front of the Qianqiu Palace, Dugu Jialuo, who was sitting in an armchair, had silver hair but was in good spirits. She was holding Yi Feng's hand, very kindly.  At this time, this strong woman could not see the shrewdness and ability, only the kindness of a grandmother looking at her grandson.  "Old woman, I don't have much time left, and I have nothing to say to you. You are not lacking in tactics, tact, and decisiveness, and you are not lacking in decisiveness. The old woman has only one thing to say to you. You need tactics for the monarch, but you must not lose them.  That benevolent heart. You, Jian Fang Palace, pardoned the death penalty of Yang Jian and others. This is a rare benevolent heart. The old woman only hopes that you can always maintain this benevolent heart and never forget to be merciful.  "The Emperor's Grandmother, please keep this in mind."  , do what you want, and do what you want, this is the "way of inner sage and outer king". Not being separated from the sect, it is called heaven and man.  Heaven is the sect, virtue is the foundation, Tao is the door, and the sign is change, it is called a saint. Benevolence is the principle, etiquette is the behavior, and joy is the kindness, and it is called the gentleman.  This is the internal sage. It is based on the law, the name is the expression, the reference is the verification, and the number one, two, three, and four is the judgment. It is based on food and clothing.  , The purpose is to support the old, the weak, the orphans, and the people. This is the principle of the foreign king." Empress Dowager Dugu spoke a lot in one breath, and then stopped and looked at Yi Feng, "Emperor.  , I know that you followed Confucianism, and when you were your grandson, you had already recruited many famous Confucians from all over the country, opened universities, promoted education, established normal schools, made dictionaries, simplified fonts, etc., but don¡¯t forget,  The Holy Foreign King is the way for an emperor to rule the world. "Yifeng thought thoughtfully, "Are you referring to the rebellion?" "I heard that you want to attack the Sun family, the Dou family, and the Wei family?"  Princess An Cheng told the imperial grandmother, right?" Yi Feng said.  Princess Ancheng was the wife of Dou Rongding, the mother of Dou Kang and Dou Qing, the sister of the great ancestor Yang Jian, and the eldest sister-in-law of the Empress Dowager. Yi Feng was called aunt.  After Yifeng proclaimed himself emperor, an edict regulated the names of princesses. Only the emperor's daughter could be called princess, the daughter of a prince could be called princess, and the daughter of a county prince could be called county princess.  The emperor's sister is called the eldest princess, the emperor's aunt is the eldest princess, and the emperor's aunt is the eldest princess.  Princess An Cheng was also a high-ranking figure in the royal family, and Chen Guogong Dou Rongding was an important minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Later, he fully supported Gaozu on behalf of the Zhou Dynasty. She had made great contributions. When Gaozu was the prime minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Dou Rongding was appointed  He led the palace uncles on the left and right, and the envoys guarded the rooftop. The president showed his titles to both sides of the house, and was often imprisoned. He had become the commander-in-chief of Yang Jian's Imperial Guard. After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, he was even named the Grand Tutor among the three divisions.  "Emperor, you have misunderstood me." Empress Dowager Dugu shook her head gently, her face becoming solemn.  "Princess Ancheng is the elder sister of Emperor Gaozu, and the old Chen Guogong Dou Rongding made great contributions to the Sui Dynasty, but this does not mean that their descendants can do whatever they want. If it is just something like greed and perversion of the law, I  The old woman must come to plead for them in person. But since they dare to support the rebel king who killed the king and usurped the throne, all the old feelings between Gaozu and the Dou family were gone. Princess Ancheng did come to cry to the old woman.  Several times, you want me to come forward to intercede. But I tell you today, ignore them. The more honorable the family is like the Dou family, the more they cannot condone these rebellious officials and traitors.  Don't let it go." Yi Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that Empress Dowager Dugu would say such harsh and merciless words.  &nbsp"Emperor, I told you to be kind, but you can't be kind at this time. It concerns the Sui Dynasty and there is no room for ambiguity." The words of the Empress Dowager impressed Yi Feng deeply. After returning to Ganlu Palace, Yi Feng immediately  Call in Liu Wenjing.  "Let's do it." Liu Wenjing's eyes showed excitement. He didn't care about dirty hands. Anyway, many noble officials were talking behind his back, calling him the new emperor's flattering minister, the emperor's dog, etc.  Liu Wenjing didn't care, as long as she could gain the emperor's trust, others would not have a chance to do this.  "First take down the Changsun family, the Dou family, and the Wei family, and deprive the three families of all official positions and titles, and all the family property will be confiscated." At this point, Yi Feng paused. In the end, he did not decide to execute all the men of the three families.  Some important figures who held important positions in the puppet dynasty, who advised and commanded the troops for the second rebel king, were beheaded according to their crimes and their heads were displayed to the public.  The remaining men were deprived of all official positions and titles and demoted to common people. The men of the three families were only allowed to keep their first wives. The remaining concubines were all sentenced to divorce and returned to their natal families. All the servants and servants also lost their status.  All three families were sent to the northeastern frontier, and each family was given a hundred acres of land to cultivate on their own, and the local government took care of it.  ¡°Are we only going to touch these three families?¡± Liu Wenjing felt a little unfinished.  "Let's attack these three families first. It can be considered as a warning to the monkeys and let some people understand that I am not just a nice person." "Understood." The imperial edict was issued from the palace.  Liu Wenjing went to the Beiya Jinwu Guard Yamen with the order, read out the emperor's decree, and summoned Wang Bodang, the general of Zuo Jinwu Guard, to arrest the imperial prisoners and copy the three clans of Changsun, Wei and Dou.  "I accept the decree!" Wang Bodang accepted the decree with excitement on his face.  As a Guandong native, he was naturally dissatisfied with the Guanlong nobles. This was a contradiction that began when the Northern Wei Dynasty was divided into the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties. It reached its climax after the Zhou and Qi dynasties, and the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Qi Dynasty.  All those people in the Qijiu area in the northern part of Guanzhong were discriminated against and suppressed by the imperial court in Guanzhong.  Now that he is a Guandong native and wants to recruit the top three wealthy families in Guanlong, it goes without saying that he is excited.  The Changsun family belongs to the Duke of Xue, and the Dou family belongs to the Duke of Chen or Taifu.  The Wei family is even more remarkable. Back then, Wei Xiaokuan's family, Wei Xiaokuan and his nephew Wei Shikang, were among the top three top families in this dynasty. In the past, even Prime Minister Gao Jiong had to smile when he faced the Wei family.  of.  Last year, Prince Yang Yong and Jin Wang Yang Guang competed to marry Wei's daughter as their daughter-in-law. Yang Guang's second son Yang Jian even chose the daughter of Wei Shikang's younger brother Wei Chong as Princess Yuzhang.  Last year, after the eldest son Yang Zhaoxiu lost Cui's daughter, he specially made Wei Xiaokuan's son Hua Guogong Wei Shou's daughter his concubine.  Yang Yong is the eldest son, Yang Yanping, and Master Wei's daughter is Princess Changning.  There are three princesses from one family, who can match this honor?  in the last year.  The Wei family went one step further and even had the hope of replacing the Li Mu family as the top family in the Sui Dynasty.  Then after a short period of glory, the Wei family waited for disaster.  The Wei family originally planned to bet on multiple sides, but in the end, what they never expected was that Yang Lin won everything in such a short period of time, and they didn't even have the chance to change sides.  Especially because Wei Chong had firmly stood with his son and daughter¡¯s in-laws, Yang Guang.  Not only did they refuse to obey Yang Lin's order to hand over Yingzhou, but they also led the Goguryeo people into western Liaoning.  This became the fatal reason for the collapse of the Wei family.  The new emperor used this as a reason to eradicate the Wei family.  No one dared to speak for them.  Those in-laws and family friends were all staying away from her at this time. No one was willing or dared to lend a helping hand.  Xue Guogong Mansion.  Sun Hong, the eldest son of Xue Guogong, and hundreds of men from more than a dozen rooms of the direct branch of the family knelt in the courtyard to listen to the decree. Liu Wenjing personally announced the decree. Beside him, there were golden-robed generals from the Jinwu Guard holding swords on their sides. There were also fully armed Jinwu Guards who had already arrived.  The Xue Guogong Mansion was surrounded by people. In addition to Liu Wenjing and Wang Bodang, there was also Liu Ying, who came to inspect from the mysterious Supervisory Council, with a group of brocade-robed guards.  Changsun Hong knelt on the ground and listened carefully to the edict, his heart was filled with despair.  Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, the branch of the Shangtang Wang Changsun family has been inherited for so many years, and the glory and splendor for so many years has now come to nothing.  Forty-seven men of the eldest son's family were sentenced to be beheaded, and the remaining hundreds of men and sons were all deprived of their official positions and titles. Even their blessings were lost, and all their family properties were confiscated.  The Changsun clan members who were not executed could only keep their first wife and a few pieces of clothing. Everything else would be confiscated, not even their jewelry.  Except for a few cloth robes, not even a piece of silk could be left behind.  They will be taken to the north of Yanshan, where the court will allocate one hundred acres of land to each of them. Then they will cultivate the wasteland and be self-sufficient. They will also have to pay rent and pay taxes like ordinary people, and they will also have to be subject to local officials.  special supervision.  The Changsun family really suffered a disaster this time, but at this time Changsun Hong had to kneel down to show his gratitude to the emperor to the messenger who conveyed the will.  I feel that the emperor did not kill them all, but I am grateful that the emperor also left a way for the Changsun family.  Can't be rich??Wealthy people, from now on, they can be ordinary people, stay safe, and be self-sufficient and safe.  "Long live thanks!" Changsun Hong kowtowed and accepted the imperial edict.  The soldiers of Jinwu Guard had already begun to ransack the houses, and the scribes took the account books and registered everything.  There were sounds of panic everywhere in the yard, the servants stood there helplessly, and the former masters in the mansion were now crying.  "Mr. Liu, I wonder how your majesty will deal with Changsun Sheng and Changsun Chi?" Changsun Hong's only concern now is this.  Changsun Sheng is an old acquaintance of the new emperor. If he can take this opportunity to avoid this disaster, then there is still hope for the Changsun family. When the next emperor comes, decades later, they may be able to turn around again.  Otherwise, they will all become farmers in the border areas, and the eldest grandson family will never be able to come back.  "Changsun Chi was dismissed from his post and returned home. General Changsun Sheng was awarded the rank of fourth-grade Shenwu general. He has reported to the Ministry of Rites and will be appointed to a new position soon." Changsun Hong nodded.  There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.  He turned his head and shouted at the weeping young sons of the eldest son's family, "What's the point of howling in mourning? I'm not dead yet. You can wait until I'm dead before you can howl again. Now, just listen to the angel's orders." Chen Guogong's Mansion  , Dou family.  Princess An Cheng, who was over sixty years old, held a dragon-headed crutch and blocked the gate of Chen Guogong's mansion, determined not to let anyone from the court enter the mansion.  "I want to see who dares to be so bold and raid the Dou family!" Wei Zheng was the one responsible for coming to the Dou family to announce the order and ransack the house. He looked at the energetic old princess.  Wei Zheng just sneered in his heart. It was already too late to show off at this time.  The emperor doesn't really care about you, my great-aunt. You dared to disobey me, but now you have to accept the consequences.  He waved his hand.  Immediately a group of guards rushed forward.  "The Empress Dowager wants to express her wish and invite Princess Tai Chang to the palace for an interview, please!" No matter how much Princess An Cheng tries to tear her apart, she is an old woman in her sixties after all. How can she survive a group of dragons and tigers?  Jin Wuwei was put on the waiting carriage within a few moments.  The Dou family members watched helplessly as their ancestor was taken away, but no one dared to come up.  The carriage left with Princess Tai, the last backbone of the Dou family.  The last bit of support is gone.  Wei Zheng entered Chen Guogong's mansion and read the edict in public, and then the guards came forward to search the house.  Dou Qing and dozens of other Dou family men who were executed for betrayal were taken away one by one and temporarily imprisoned in the Dali Temple prison to await public execution.  Li Mi took the imperial edict and the guards of the Yulin Army to the Wei family to announce the edict. There were many children in the Wei family, including Wei Xiaokuan and Wei Shikang brothers. Wei Xiaokuan passed away in the early Sui Dynasty.  He has six sons, including two Dukes, one Kaiguo Bo and one Shangshu.  Wei Shikang and his family.  The five brothers all hold high positions.  Both Wei Xiaokuan and Wei Shikang have passed away.  Wei Xiaokuan's six sons have also died, and now only two of Wei Shikang's five brothers are left.  Most of the titles of Dukes, Dukes and Dukes were passed on to the second and third generations.  Li Mi first went to the Duke of Yun's mansion to announce the decree. As a result, the contemporary Duke of Yun, Wei Yuancheng, the grandson of Wei Xiaokuan, did not open the door at all.  Wei Yuancheng is the eldest son of Mr. Wei, the son of Wei Xiaokuan. His youngest brother Wei Yuanzhao married Princess Fengning, the daughter of Emperor Yang Yong, last year.  Taking advantage of this relationship, the Wei family refused to open the door or accept the order. Wei Yuanzhao even climbed up the ladder directly to the wall and showed Li Mi Dian a handwritten edict from the Supreme Emperor, saying that the Supreme Emperor had pardoned the Wei family's crimes.  Let bygones be bygones and let Li Mi go back.  "I have the emperor's edict in my hand, but I don't care about anything else. I mean you should open the door immediately to welcome the edict within a quarter of an hour, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences." Li Mi shouted to Wei Yuanzhao in a deep voice.  Wei Yuanzhao shrank back, and then there was no more movement in the Wei Mansion.  Wei Yuancheng, the Duke of Yun State, asked Wei Yuanzhao, "Just ignore them like this?" His face was full of worry, even panic.  Wei Yuanzhao was actually very nervous, but he pretended to be calm, "Don't worry, my wife is the emperor's sister, Li Mi has to give me this face." As expected, there was no movement outside.  Wei Yuanzhao looked out through the crack in the door and saw Li Mi turning around and walking back. He was very excited at the moment, "Look, Li Mi is just a dog of the emperor. I am the emperor's brother-in-law, and he dares to come to my door and act wild!"  After hearing this, Yuancheng felt relieved.  "Brother, why don't you let the princess into the palace immediately and ask the Emperor and the Emperor for mercy?" "No need." Wei Yuanzhao boasted, patting his chest to his eldest brother, "They don't do it at all.  You dare to break into our Duke Xun's mansion." Before he finished speaking, everyone suddenly heard a loud roar, and then heard a loud noise from the Zhuqi door, and then the door began to shake.  "Bang!" There was another loud noise.  Wei Yuancheng understood now that the door was banging on the outside.  His face turned pale,"Didn't you say that Li Mi didn't dare to break in? He has already started to knock on the door." Wei Yuanzhao felt that he had lost face in front of his eldest brother and the people of the house. He became angry and shouted to the servant, "Take my bow."  Come, I want to see who dares to break into our Wei family!" The servant quickly brought the bow. Wei Yuanzhao took the bow and climbed up the wall, shouting angrily, "Whoever dares to knock on the door again, I will shoot.  Kill him." Li Mi glanced at him and said coldly to the officer leading the Yulin Army next to him, "Refuse to accept the imperial edict and resist the imperial edict with arms, it is for rebellion, General Wu, do you know what to do?"  Warrior Xun held the handle of the sword with his right hand, slowly pulled out the sword from his waist, and pointed at the Wei family.  "Take down the traitors. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot. Go ahead!" Wei Yuanzhao was still cursing on the wall. He had drawn an arrow and was about to set the string, when a white-feathered arrow whizzed towards him.  , hit him right in the face.  A burst of severe pain struck, Wei Yuanzhao's eyesight went black and he fell into the courtyard.  Wei Yuancheng and others in the mansion had just watched Wei Yuanzhao hold a bow up to the wall with great arrogance, but in the blink of an eye, the son-in-law of the Supreme Emperor, the emperor's brother-in-law, had fallen to the ground with an arrow stuck in his face, and blood was flowing freely.  A servant came forward to check, but he was already dead.  Wei Yuancheng¡¯s eyes widened and he couldn¡¯t believe what was happening in front of him.  Before he could think of how to react, the door was slammed open, and a large group of Yulin Army soldiers rushed in with knives, and then rushed towards them.  Wei Yuancheng stood there at a loss. As a result, the Yulin Army soldier chopped off his head with a knife. Wei Yuancheng felt like he was flying. No, his body was still there, but his head was missing. He flew higher and higher, watching the changes.  As the palace of Duke Yun became smaller and smaller, groups of Yulin troops rushed in. Anyone who hesitated for a moment and did not immediately squat down and surrender with his head in his hands was immediately killed on the spot.  In the mansion, swords flashed wildly, blood spattered, and screams arose.  "The Wei family is finished." This last thought flashed through Wei Yuancheng's mind, and he fell into boundless darkness.  (To be continued)
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