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Text Chapter 533: I will not accept the king¡¯s orders

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    (Thanks to the fishermen, custard powder deep v, hunters, k, and Tangshi Buwai for your support, thank you!) ¡ª¡ª Yuguan, also known as Linyuguan, is the junction of Pingzhou and Yingzhou in the northeast, Yiyu  Built on water.  The Chongqing River originates from the eastern foot of Yanshan Mountain. The river has abundant water and rapid currents. Therefore, in the third year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty, a pass was established here.  To the east of Jieshi Mountain, later generations often misunderstood Linyu Pass as Shanhaiguan. In fact, Linyu Pass was to the west of Shanhaiguan in later generations. At this time, Shanhaiguan and the area were still affiliated with Yingzhou in western Liaoning and were outside the pass.  Since the pass was built in the third year of Kaihuang's reign, Yuguan has become an important gateway between Hebei and outside the pass, and is the northeastern gate of Youyan region.  In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Yin Shou, the general manager of Youzhou, defeated Gao Baoning, a remnant of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and the invasion of Goguryeo, Khitan, and Mohe tribes united by Gao Baoning.  Since then, Yuguan has become the most important gateway in the northeast of the Sui Dynasty.  At the eastern foot of Yanshan Mountain and on the west bank of the Chongqing River, a dangerous Guancheng stands here.  After Wei Chong, the general manager of Yingzhou, responded to Yang Guang's rebellion, Yingzhou to the east of Yuguan became a rebel vassal, Yuguan.  Nothing wrong.  It became the forefront of the Northeast.  At this time, Li Jing led an army to hold the headquarters on this majestic pass.  In the center of Yuguan City, there is a Bell and Drum Tower. The bell tower is in front and the Drum Tower is in the back. The two towers have two stars standing side by side. They are collectively called the Bell and Drum Tower.  There is a large bronze bell hanging on the top of the bell tower. The garrison soldiers and merchants and common people work and rest according to the evening drum and morning bell.  Whenever there is a war warning, the big bell on the bell tower rings, and the whole city is under martial law.  Today, red lanterns and colorful flags were hung around the bell tower.  Shows different days.  On the top of the bell tower, on the left are General Shenwu Guards and Minister of War.  Li Jing, the Marching Marshal of Yanshan Road and Marquis of Wuwei, sat on the high chair with a long sword hanging from his waist.  On the table next to him was Doudou, holding a black piece in his hand, thinking hard about the chess game in front of him.  On the opposite side of the team, the person holding the white piece was Fang Xuanling, the governor of Yingzhou, while watching the battle was Luo Yi, the captain of Yingzhou.  Fang Qiao was in the lead in the chess game, with a smile on his face: "Today the new emperor ascended the throne, everyone is celebrating. It is rare that the marshal is so elegant and willing to accompany me to talk a few games. I am very fortunate." Li Jing was thinking hard about the chess game and raised his head, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has ascended the throne and assumed the throne.  , the world has finally settled down again, which is a blessing to the world. However, on that very happy day, I was selected as the marshal by your majesty and commanded tens of thousands of troops here. Although it has been delayed for many days, I have not been able to kill a single thief.  I am ashamed of the heavy responsibility your Majesty has borne. " "Your Majesty's arrangement is also for stability. After all, there was internal strife before. If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first calm down. It is prudent to let the marshal guard Yuguan.  The enemy is outside the pass. Your Majesty can go south to quell the chaos with peace of mind. Now the facts have proved that your majesty's decision was correct. The general successfully blocked 100,000 enemy troops outside the pass, and your majesty led the army to pacify it in March.  If the marshal were to directly send troops to fight against Goguryeo, the victory would be good, but if he loses, his Majesty's rear will be unstable." Fang Xuanling, the acting governor of Yingzhou, took over.  After being appointed, he had never set foot on the land of Yingzhou. Wei Chong refused to obey the order and even led Goguryeo soldiers into Yingzhou. As a result, Fang Xuanling could only stay outside the border of Yingzhou.  Li Jing picked up the tea cup and moistened his throat, "His Majesty's order was wise at the beginning, but now that His Majesty has officially ascended the throne, and the civil strife in the Central Plains has been quelled, the general who I appointed to quell the rebellion cannot stay here forever. I feel that  , it¡¯s time to attack. "Luo Yi has no interest in chess. He has been a little sleepy watching the two bosses playing chess, but Li Jing personally invited him to come today, so he had to come.  Hearing that Li Jing and the others finally stopped talking about chess skills, he immediately regained his energy.  "But your Majesty's previous order was to stick to Guanzhong and not to go out to fight without authorization. Now that the new order has not arrived, we" "As a general, we can lead the troops outside and seize the power when the time comes. Your Majesty's will is naturally important, but we can't be too  We have to make decisions based on the actual situation through rigid execution, and the purpose is to ultimately complete the mission entrusted to us by His Majesty." Li Jing was not willing to wait like this day by day.  He felt that now was the time to attack.  The rebellion in the Central Plains has been put down, and his plan to rebel against Wei Chong failed again, which made him even more unable to endure it any longer.  What's more, he currently has more than 100,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, and his military strength is superior to that of the Goguryeo people.  What Li Jing couldn't wait for the most was that although Goguryeo had been encroaching westward for many years, it only took the opportunity to steal the area east of the Liao River.  Their coveting of the western Liaoning region was ruthlessly repulsed every time.  But now, Wei Chong, who had defeated Gao Yuan, personally led Gao Yuan across the Liao River. Now Gao Yuan killed Wei Chong again and directly occupied western Liaoning.  Li Jing was worried that the longer the Goguryeo people stayed in Yingzhou, their control over the western Liaoning region might become stronger.  He wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Goguryeo people were not yet firmly established in western Liaoning, and take the initiative to defeat Gao Yuan and take back western Liaoning.  "The scouts in our army sneaked into Yingzhou and kept reporting back. Now after Goguryeo killed Wei Chong, it has officially broken its skin., began to send troops to plunder various parts of Yingzhou in western Liaoning, rob food, rob money, and even directly capture the Han people in western Liaoning as slaves, preparing to be escorted back to Liaodong.  These are our brothers and sisters, and we cannot let the Goguryeo people get their way.  I want to send troops immediately to rescue them and enter the border.  " "But His Majesty has not yet issued the order to send troops. Besides, we have the same strength as the Goguryeo people, so it is a bit risky to go to war at this time.  If we wait for the troops and horses from the imperial court to arrive and then attack, we will have a better chance of winning.  "Fang Xuanling's words actually reflect the current attitude of the court. They must attack Goguryeo and take back Liaoxi. But the court does not want to start a war rashly. Instead, it must make preparations, prepare food and grass, and mobilize troops and horses.  Recruiting civilians, studying combat strategies, etc., and not fighting an unprepared battle, in the end, it is definitely possible to send troops to defeat Goguryeo with absolute superiority, recapture western Liaoning, and even recapture the land of eastern Liaoning, and even destroy Goguryeo. It is not impossible for the imperial court.  , For the new emperor, they stand at a higher position, so they can see further. When making plans, they should also think longer-term and consider the overall situation. ¡°We can¡¯t wait that long.  "Li Jing shook his head, "I can't wait any longer.  If we cannot send troops now while the Koguryo people are not yet firmly established, when the court is ready, the Koguryo people will definitely have established a firm foothold by then. If we fight again at that time, the price we have to pay will be much higher.  Moreover, the people in western Liaoning cannot wait for that time.  " Fang Xuanling and Luo Yi stopped talking. Li Jing's words made sense, not to mention that both of them were the chief civil and military officials of Yingzhou, but they have not been able to take office so far. If they wait until the imperial court sends a large number of troops to defeat Goguryeo before taking office, that person will  At that time, maybe as Li Jing said, Yingzhou might become a dead place. Li Jing was not a timid person, and he had an adventurous nature in his heart. When the Turks attacked Daibei, he went south under the order of the prince.  However, he did not rush directly to Huai'an to help defend the city. Instead, he boldly adopted various risky tactics such as mobile warfare, defeating each one, and even surrounding areas for reinforcements. In the end, he fought one after another like a snowball.  The victory finally changed the entire battle situation in Daibei. At that time, he only commanded a few thousand troops. Now Li Jing was commanding nearly 100,000 Han people. How could he be lonely at this time?  Interrupted by Li Jing's words, his heart was surging. After thinking for a while, they raised their hands together and said: "Since the Han and Jin Dynasties, Goguryeo has taken the opportunity to recruit rebels and devour the land of our Han family. In the past, the four counties of Liaodong that were controlled by the Han Dynasty have now been destroyed."  It was occupied by Goguryeo, and now they want to seize our western Liaoning, and they also have the ambition to covet Youyan. All the Han people cannot tolerate this. The marshal wants to leave the country to suppress the rebellion. We are willing to do our best to be effective, but we are the vanguard.  " A trace of emotion flashed in Li Jing's eyes. He slowly picked up the tea from the table, took two big sips, and then said in an excited voice, "Li is honored to have the two of you helping me.  "At this time, there was a sound of thumping footsteps, and the guard loudly reported: "Report to the marshal, the cavalry from the lower pass is coming to report that a large group of people are fleeing towards Guancheng, and a large group of Goguryeo cavalry is chasing behind.  " Li Jing stood up fiercely, "How many Goguryeo soldiers are pursuing them? How far away are the fleeing people?  " "There are hundreds of refugees, mostly Han people from Sui Yingzhou, only more than ten miles away from us. There are about 300 Goguryeo cavalry chasing them.  " Li Jing slapped the table with a heavy palm, causing the chess pieces on the table to jump high. "It's unreasonable. The East bandits are too arrogant. They only have three hundred riders, and they dare to chase me down to the city.  With my command, immediately lead the cavalry camp out of seclusion, save the fleeing people, and chop off all the heads of those arrogant Liao dog people.  " "Follow the order!  "The guards immediately took the order and turned around. Fang Xuanling looked at Li Jing and said, "Marshal, the opportunity to send troops has come.  " Li Jing nodded, "I immediately gathered my troops and prepared to leave the border.  " "Commander, Luo Yi is willing to be the vanguard. Please let me lead his troops to fight first.  " After receiving permission, Luo Yi immediately went downstairs and rushed to the military camp. He only ordered a regiment of 500 horses and then left the military camp and led his troops to rush outside the customs. After leaving the customs, he galloped for several miles and could already vaguely see  Dust was flying in the distance, and a group of people were helping the elderly and children to run away in panic. Not far behind them, hundreds of Goguryeo cavalry were already roaring and coming with swords. They were running closer and closer. I am afraid that if these people cannot escape from the city, they will  When they caught up, Luo Yi turned around and shouted to the soldiers around him, "The stubborn Liao dogs don't take everyone seriously, can you bear it?  ".    "cannot!  " "The ruthless Liao dogs are unscrupulously hunting down our brothers and sisters in front of us. Can you bear it?  ".    "cannot!  "    "very good!  Luo Yi urged his horse to walk to the front of the cavalry formation, pulled out his cavalry sword, and waved forward, "Then what are you waiting for? Pull out your swords and follow me to kill!"  ?"Kill!" The five hundred knights shouted in unison, like thunder and thunder.  Luo Yi took the lead, followed closely by the flag bearer holding the "Luo" flag high, followed closely by more warriors with high fighting spirit and murderous intent!  (To be continued) Chapter 533: I will not accept the fate of the foreign king:
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