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Text Chapter 528 The bird is gone and the bow is hidden

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    "How is the progress of the reorganization of various troops and horses?" In Jing'an Square, the old Taisun Mansion has now become a place where Yi Feng works outside the palace. All the staff and ministers of the former Taisun Mansion are now here.  office.  ¡èAlthough the three provinces and six ministries all work within the imperial city, the real authority of the Sui Dynasty is now here.  Under the shade of the willow trees in the lotus pond, Yi Feng drank tea and chatted with his subordinates, but what they talked about was important military matters.  Yi Feng can temporarily move away from the three provinces and six ministries and offices, but he will not neglect military power for a moment.  After putting down the rebellion, a large number of soldiers and horses have gathered in the capital.  Yi Feng led the 100,000-strong Northern Yamen Imperial Army, He Ruobi led the 120,000 Nanya Army to suppress the rebels, Gao Juong and Wang Bao led the 100,000-strong Southern Expeditionary Army, and in addition, Yang Su and Shi Wansui led the 80,000-strong Northern Expedition to the West.  The Lu Army, plus the 100,000 Huainan Army and 50,000 Jingzhou Army led by Yu Wenshu, Zhang Heng, Duan Da, and Guo Yan, plus the 50,000 Guanzhong Infantry led by Yuan Heng who surrendered, and later Dou Kang led the  The 15,000 Guanzhong cavalrymen surrendered, and later the 80,000 Guanzhong troops led by Changsun Hong brothers surrendered.  Including the surrendered garrison of Daxing, a total of nearly 700,000 troops gathered in Gyeonggi.  Two-thirds of the world's armies are gathered here.  It is very dangerous for so many troops to gather in the Chang'an area.  But Yifeng was not worried about disbanding those troops on the spot, and brought them to the capital for unified reorganization.  According to Yi Feng¡¯s request, these 700,000 troops will eventually be organized into the North and South Yamen.  Yi Feng's Bei Ya established a force of 250,000 people from the Five Guards and Ten Armies, among which there were more than 100,000 Huaihuang's direct troops, and another 100,000 were Turkic soldiers.  Yi Feng now plans to select the best from the troops gathered in Guanzhong.  Two hundred thousand people were selected and incorporated into the Beiya Army.  The number of the Beiya Imperial Guards was increased to 300,000, and each guard and army each had a full establishment of 20,000.  And the more than 100,000 Turks surrendered.  It will temporarily become an out-of-staff unit of the Bei Ya Forbidden Army, and some will be appropriately selected and recruited into the Bei Ya Army.  But most of them will definitely be allowed to return to the grassland in the future. After all, they had an agreement when they surrendered that they would be allowed to return to the grassland after the war.  Although the specific arrangements for their return and their resettlement after their return have not yet been fully considered, it is impossible for these Turks to stay in the Central Plains forever.  Yi Feng must also select other soldiers and horses to supplement the Beiya Imperial Army as early as possible.  The Beiya Imperial Guards will eventually have a strength of 300,000 Imperial Guards from the Five Guards and Ten Troops, while the Twelve Guards of the South Yamen will still maintain an establishment of 40,000 Guards each.  The Twelve Guards maintained a number of 480,000.  However, the Nanya Army and the Beiya Army are completely different. The Beiya Army is a forbidden army, guarding the capital and the capital area. It will also be stationed in some big cities and rotate regularly.  Beiya's 300,000 forbidden troops will all be professional soldiers. They are recruited through a recruitment system. Strong and brave men are recruited from the government soldiers and border troops. They are standing troops and have a monthly salary of rice.  The imperial court provided equipment and they were paid professional soldiers.  Nanya will be completely different. The soldiers of Nanya will still be the original soldiers of the imperial court.  Young and strong men were recruited from the common people as soldiers, and then the court granted them lands.  Normally, Fu soldiers work at home and farm, but as Fu soldiers, they have land to farm and do not need to pay rent.  They just take turns gathering for training every year and take turns stationing in the place.  As well as Banshang's escort to the capital.  The soldiers of the government had to provide their own weapons and equipment and did not receive military pay.  Usually they belong to various Hussar and Chariot Prefectures. Each prefecture has a small number of officers and non-commissioned officers, who are professional soldiers and receive salaries.  During the war, the imperial court mobilized soldiers to fight, provided food and grass, and gave them subsidies and rewards. After the war, they returned home.  The Fu soldiers have a lifelong tenure. They will not retire from the Fu soldiers after the age of fifty. Their fields can continue to be cultivated without paying taxes until their death. After the Fu soldiers die, the Fu fields granted to them will be returned to the military government.  The soldiers in the border government are compulsory soldiers. Every adult male in the Sui Dynasty is obliged to serve in the military. Every healthy adult male must serve in the border army in the border town for three years.  After three years, those who have not been promoted to officers will retire and return to their hometowns.  Soldiers in the frontier army received service allowance but no salary.  However, if there are outstanding performers, they will be promoted to the Bei Ya Forbidden Army, or they may have the opportunity to be selected as government soldiers after completing their service and returning to their hometown.  Wang Bao reported to Yi Feng, "According to His Highness's plan, the Privy Council plans to select 200,000 from each army to join the 5th Guards and 10th Army of Beiya, and then all the rest will be incorporated into the 12th Guards of Nanya. However, Nanya  The Twelve Guards only have a strength of 480,000. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of troops in the capital, there are still about 300,000 troops in various places. Therefore, in the end we may disband about 300,000 old and weak soldiers.  They disarmed and returned to their fields. " "It's not about the number of soldiers, but the quality." Yi Feng is still positive about the Privy Council's plan.  Having more soldiers does not mean that the army is strong. On the contrary, the most intuitive manifestation of having more soldiers is the huge pressure on the country.  Yi Feng wanted to organize the army into the three yamen, and created three military systems, the recruitment system, the government military system, and the voluntary military system. In addition to decentralization, the biggest consideration was also the financial and logistical burden. Raising an army of millions would be quite terrifying.  .  Through this combined military system, the imperial court's standing army was only 300,000. These troops were recruited elite soldiers and paid professional soldiers.  The more numerous Nanya Twelve Guards are government soldiers. In addition to being granted land, they are exempted from land tax.In addition, the imperial court does not need to support these hundreds of thousands of people. They are self-sufficient, maintain sufficient training every year, and at the same time maintain a quarter of the number in the garrison.  In case of war, all the soldiers can be quickly gathered.  The border army uses a small number of professional officers to serve as conscripts, which is to save military expenses and to continuously train enough reserve troops for the court. If the war requires, these retired border troops who have served in the military for several years and have good military qualities can be recruited at any time.  Soldiers.  It turns out that most of the soldiers in the imperial court are government soldiers, with a small number of border garrison soldiers.  Yi Feng established the Beiya Forbidden Army and added a large standing army. The increased military expenditure was not a small amount.  However, Yi Feng still insisted on building this standing imperial army, and at the same time expanded the number of the imperial army again this time. The situation both at home and on the border was not good.  Moreover, Yi Feng did not intend to just rule by doing nothing. He hoped to expand the territory and improve China's living space.  "Those who should be withdrawn will be withdrawn. One point is particularly important. For officers, after 300,000 people have been laid off, strict assessments will be conducted on the officers in the original armies. Those who fail will be laid off." An army  , the commander is the soul, the non-commissioned officers are the skeleton, the generals are the backbone, and the equipment is the courage of the soldiers, all are indispensable.  It turns out that many officers in the army are the sons of officials who joined the army. Many of them became generals as soon as they entered the army without any experience at all. They are truly laymen who lead experts.  Yi Feng intends to resolutely put an end to this kind of behavior.  Yi Feng turned to ask Liu Wenjing, "Are we still financially comfortable now?" "How much does Your Highness need?" Liu Wenjing was somewhat wealthy. The Turks were quickly defeated when they moved south, the rebellion was quickly put down, and the market in Huaihuang was quickly reopened, and with that  With the improvement of Yang Lin's status, commercial trade under Yifeng's control has become more prosperous, and goods circulate rapidly.  Many industries under Yifeng's own name bring a lot of income to Yifeng every day. At the same time, after the reform of the tax system in Huaihuang Market and Zhucheng, the tax revenue has also increased greatly, and the industrial and commercial tax is a huge amount.  Now that Yi Feng is in power, various places in Guandong have initially stabilized, and the new tax system has been implemented. The new taxes have no impact on ordinary people, but the taxes collected from various places have increased significantly. In addition, the summer harvest has just passed, and now  Yi Feng's hands were indeed filled with grain and money.  What's more, after the rebellion just now is put down, a large number of noble officials involved in the rebellion will have their property confiscated, which is also a huge additional income.  "Try to raise as much money as possible to make this Zen Ceremony more grand and lively. After ascending to the throne, we will hold a military parade to make it grander. Then there will be the awarding ceremony, which will be held for this year's Northern Expedition and counterinsurgency.  Rewards will be given to meritorious officers and soldiers, and the rewards will be relatively large. In addition, after the military parade and medal ceremony, the 300,000 dismissed soldiers will return home, and each one will also have to pay a disbandment pay.  The money must also be generous. Then, about 200,000 soldiers from the government will also be disbanded and returned to their hometowns, and a sum of money must also be given. Finally, the 200,000 newly recruited Beiya soldiers must be purchased and equipped with equipment.  , it will also cost a lot of money. In short, we are going to have a blood test this time." Liu Wenjing was not calm this time, and silently calculated how much it would cost, but after a while, he gave up. It was hundreds of thousands.  The amount of 100,000 people is not a small amount of money no matter how you calculate it.  "Your Majesty, is it necessary to spend money like this?" "Of course it is necessary." Yi Feng did not feel any heartache at all. Hundreds of thousands of troops were involved, and there was no room for sloppiness. He rewarded the troops generously. This would be the fastest win for him as a new emperor.  A simple and good way for those soldiers to crowd.  Moreover, many of the dismissed soldiers were originally people who were forcibly conscripted during this rebellion. They followed Yang Xiu and Yang Guang to fight for several months. Now Yi Feng lets them go home, and gives them another sum of money as travel expenses and  The court compensated.  Yi Feng knows that since ancient times, soldiers have been the easiest to become bandits and thieves.  If we just casually dismantle these hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and then let them return home on their own, if they don't have travel expenses, will they join forces to rob them along the way?  Will he simply dominate the mountain and become the king?  Everything is possible, especially when he is about to take over the throne. There are many failed contenders for interests. If these people take the opportunity to fan the flames and manipulate in secret, it will be easy to cause some trouble.  Although even a rebellion can be put down, the damage caused cannot be made up for.  It is difficult to build but easy to destroy. It may take hundreds or thousands of years for a city to prosper, but it may only be destroyed by a war and banditry.  "Don't be reluctant to give up money, you have to spend the money you should spend." Yi Feng warned.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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