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Text Chapter 522 Escape

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    (Thank you okman for your support, thank you!) "Shi Wansui was defeated by Yang Su?" Yang Xiu asked.  ¡Ë "Yes, Your Majesty." The voice of the messenger who reported the news was full of exhaustion, and there were dried blood stains on his sweaty clothes.  It¡¯s over, Changsun Hong thought to himself.  He lowered his head and said nothing, sitting there silently, thinking about this terrible situation.  He reached out to pull open some sweat-soaked collars. When he raised his hands, a sharp pain shot from his elbow to his brain, reminding them of another round of failed attack that had just ended.  Although he was loyal to the emperor, the current situation constantly reminded him that the situation had reached its worst point.  Yang Su defeated Shi Wansui at this time, which meant that Xiaoguan, one of the four fortresses in Guanzhong, in the northwest was no longer safe.  Xiaoguan, also known as Longshan Pass, is located in the southeast of Yuanzhou northwest of the capital.  The Longshan Mountains lie across the northwest of Guanzhong and serve as a barrier to the northwest of Guanzhong.  The main passage from Longshang into Guanzhong is the valley lowland cut by rivers such as the Wei River and Jing River.  The mountains in the Weihe River direction are very steep, while the Jinghe River direction is relatively easy.  Xiaoguan stands on the edge of Longshan Pass, guarding the passage into Guanzhong from the Jinghe River.  Xiaoguan is the most important pass in the northwest of the capital, protecting the safety of the northwest of Guanzhong.  As soon as Xiao Pass is lost, Yang Su can immediately take the route to Jingzhou, and the downward trend will be great, and it will become a strategic position.  Not to mention, Guanzhong is extremely empty now.  In the camp under Nanyang City, Yang Xiu¡¯s ministers and generals all fell silent and listened to the messenger telling the details.  There was no breeze in the stuffy tent, and everyone was sweating profusely as they listened to the even more fatal news.  After Yuan Heng rebelled and surrendered.  Yang Xiu refused to retreat and vowed to capture Nanyang.  Let's make a big move and want to capture Nanyang first.  He occupied Xiangyang again and fought a decisive battle with Yang Lin in Jingxiang. He would never retreat into Guanzhong and wait for death.  It's just that although Yang Xiu's will is determined, the attack has not improved much.  Facing Nanyang City, all the soldiers and civilians of the city went to the city to defend the city together, and the Guanzhong Army's siege equipment was not ready yet. The siege at this time was just a simple and small number of ladder ants to attack the city and take human lives.  fill.  Just to fill in the moat of Nanyang City, countless civilians who accompanied the army died.  The filled moat channel.  Most of them were actually filled with the corpses of dead soldiers and civilians.  After Yang Xiu personally directed the siege, he sent people to dig tunnels under the city wall. However, the city had already been prepared and built a circle of water tanks under the city wall.  As a result, every time they worked hard to dig most of the tunnel, the other party was already prepared. When it was almost completed, the other party immediately cut off the tunnel, then lit a fire above and fanned the smoke into the area, and sometimes even poured oil directly into the tunnel and then set fire to it.  Sometimes they poured water directly and dug dozens of tunnels. The final result was that all the people who dug the tunnels died in the tunnels and failed to enter the city.  Couldn't escape either.  After each round of siege, corpses were left everywhere under the city. This was a tragic siege situation.  It has made many soldiers fearful.  At night, many people began to escape.  He became a deserter under the cover of darkness.  But Yang Xiu had already sent many Banqi to patrol, and any deserters were immediately executed.  Bring the head back to camp.  Now outside the camp, the heads of deserters have piled up into a temple.  Company commander Sun Hong had the urge to escape with the deserters.  Just now, others were lying in the hammock under the shade of the trees, enjoying the rare coolness.  Then his guards rushed to shake him awake and reported that someone on horseback had brought important news from Guanzhong.  He immediately understood that it must be something bad. The imperial army was all in Nanyang, and there was an urgent report from Guanzhong. What else could it be besides bad news?  They are desperately fighting for Xiangyang, but not a single Nanyang city has been conquered yet. If they lose even their hometown in Guanzhong at this time, then they will really have lost everything.  "How is this possible?" Chen Guogong Dou Kang took a breath of air, "How is it possible? Although Shi Wansui failed to attack Yang Su before and was defeated for a while, he still has 30,000 troops. In addition, His Majesty still has 20,000 troops stationed in Xiaoguan.  , Shi Wansui has retreated to Xiaoguan, how can Yang Su defeat him? "Dou Kang's father is Dou Rongding, and his mother is the late emperor's sister Princess Wan'an, so Dou Kang and Yang Xiu are cousins.  It was he who had previously asked Shi Wansui to send troops to attack Yang Su. Yang Su had not obeyed the imperial edict for a long time, so Dou Kang proposed to strike first and kill Yang Su to relieve his confidants.  As a result, Shi Wansui failed in that attack and lost more than 10,000 troops.  Finally, Yang Xiu followed Dou Kang's suggestion and sent a message to Shi Wansui to ask him to lead his troops to retreat into Xiao Pass to prevent Yang Su from breaking into the pass.  But now, with an extremely dangerous city like Xiao Guan, Shi Wansui is considered a famous general, and he has more soldiers and horses than Yang Su, how come he is still defeated by Yang Su?  Even if Shi Wansui can fight, if his soldiers are unwilling to fight, what's the use, Changsun Hong thought.  And when he heard about Shi Wansui's defeat, what immediately came to his mind was that Shi Wansui must have failed to stay in the pass as ordered. This reckless guy must have been unable to stand Yang Su's provocation and left the pass, and was defeated at the hands of Yang Su.  .  Changsun Hong knew Yang Su very well. He was a terrible guy, insidious and cunning.How could a reckless man be able to outplay Yang Su?  And maybe, Yang Lin used a large amount of money and high-ranking officials to bribe Shi Wansui's subordinates.  "Yang Su attacked Xiao Pass. After many days of hard work, he was unable to attack. He lost his troops and retreated. Then Shi Wansui sent troops to pursue and raid at night. Unexpectedly, Yang Su had already prepared and set up an ambush halfway. In fact, the failure to attack the pass was just a result of Yang Su's failure.  To deceive the enemy, many of the soldiers who attack the key points are even young and strong people recruited by Yang Su temporarily, disguised as Lingzhou soldiers. His real troops are already waiting for Shi Wansui to be fooled. "Dou Kang's brother Dou Qing.  Said on the side.  "What is the situation now? Is Xiao Guan still in the hands of the imperial court? What is the loss of Shi Wansui's department?" Changsun Hong didn't want to know what happened, he just wanted to know the result.  "Shi Wansui led an army of 30,000 people out of the city, but the whole army was wiped out and not a single one came back." The messenger replied.  "The whole army was wiped out. This is impossible." "There is also news that Shi Wansui was captured and then surrendered, and all his men surrendered. There is also news that Shi Wansui was seriously injured, and his general Zhang Xutuo rescued him and led him  He fled back to Ganzhou with the remaining troops." Changsun Hong shook his head and said to Yang Xiu, "Your Majesty, I think that if Shi Wansui dies in the battle, no one in Longyou will be able to resist.  , the remaining 20,000 defenders in Xiaoguan City will be difficult to defend Xiaoguan, and if Shi Wansui is seriously injured and taken back to Ganzhou, the consequences will be equally disastrous, and Xiaoguan will also be in danger.  After surrendering to Yang Su, it is no longer a matter of whether Xiao Guan will be in danger, but whether the capital can be defended. I think we should return to the capital immediately. There is no room for loss in the capital. Once the capital is lost, we will have nothing to lose.  That¡¯s it.¡± Yang Xiu also fell silent.  ¡°Before, he had shouted that he would take Nanyang or never withdraw his troops.  But now.  Guanzhong is in danger, and his old nest will be gone.  Guanzhong is his foundation. Without Guanzhong, how can he compete in the world?  Changsun Hong saw a flash of fear in Yang Xiu's eyes, and the emperor was not without fear.  "The whole army will retreat tonight, throw away all the baggage, and immediately retreat to Guanzhong." Yang Xiu finally spoke, his words full of tiredness and frustration.  "If you want to retreat quietly, you can't take those hundreds of thousands of civilian craftsmen with you." "Then don't take them with you." Yang Xiu said in a low voice.  ?Think about it.  Yang Xiu said again, "Dou Kang, you lead 20,000 cavalry and rush back to the capital first. If Yang Su has not captured Xiao Pass, go immediately to reinforce Xiao Pass. If Xiao Pass falls, stick to the capital and wait for my army to return.  Jing." Dou Kang is unreliable.  Changsun Hong thought to himself.  Moreover, since Yang Su has defeated Shi Wansui.  There is a high probability that Xiao Guan cannot be saved.  Orders are passed on one after another, after dark.  Nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses in Guanzhong retreated back to the camp, and then packed up. At midnight, Chen Guogong Dou Kang led 20,000 Han and Tibetan cavalry to advance first, and then various soldiers and horses left the camp all the way.  They did not raise a fire, and the camp was already dark. In order to evacuate as soon as possible, Yang Xiu ordered all burdens to be thrown away, and a large number of grain and grass brought by civilians from Guanzhong, as well as some equipment, even tents, etc., were all thrown into the camp.  Yang Xiu didn't even pay attention to the hundreds of thousands of civilians. He only took away a small number of craftsmen and left the rest in the camp. He didn't even tell them that the army had retreated.  The Guanzhong Army marched at night and retreated to Wuguan.  Marching at night is difficult. Even on this summer night, with the stars and moonlight shining on it, it is even more impossible for an army of nearly 100,000 people to retreat in an orderly manner without making any noise.  The defenders of Nanyang City immediately discovered something was wrong tonight, and immediately reported it to Guo Zhen, who was taking the time to rest.  After Guo Zhen heard about the movement in the enemy camp, he immediately sent a team of scouts out to investigate.  Soon the scouts brought back a surprising news. The rebels were retreating. They were not going north to south to Luyang Pass, nor south to Xiangyang City. They were retreating to Wuguan in the west.  "Go north immediately to find His Highness the Crown Prince and tell His Highness that Yang Xiu is going to escape!" When Yifeng received the report from Guo Zhen's messenger, he had already arrived at Xiangcheng, which was only a hundred miles away from Nanyang City.  At this time, two hours had passed since Yang Xiu's retreat was discovered in Nanyang City, and it was still dark.  "It seems that Yang Xiu has received the news that Shi Wansui was defeated and surrendered to the court." Yi Feng couldn't care less about the sweltering heat or mosquito bites, and seemed very excited.  Officials Han Sengshou, Liu Wenjing, and Qin Qiong who came after hearing the news immediately asked Yi Feng, "Your Highness, we cannot let Yang Xiu run back to Guanzhong. We must intercept and pursue him immediately." "Damn, this Yang Xiu has news.  "Lingtong, after we received the news, we accelerated our march and traveled all night. I didn't expect that Yang Xiu received the news so quickly and fled immediately." "Your Highness, please"?We led our light cavalry to pursue them and hold them back.  "Qin Qiong and Lai Zheng asked for orders together. Yi Feng thought for a moment and realized that they were actually not far away from Yang Xiu. Although it was still a hundred miles away from Nanyang, if Yang Xiu wanted to flee westward and enter the pass, Yi Feng's army would not have to go south again.  , marching directly to the southwest, Nanyang area is full of plains, which makes the two armies march to the northwest and the other to the southwest, and eventually rush to Neixiang and Wuguan. If they send light cavalry to pursue them.  He could even run in front of Yang Xiu to intercept them. Should he pursue them? Yi Feng was also thinking nervously in his heart. Although Qingqi could pursue or even intercept people, he would still be out of touch with most of the people behind him.  Risk. But if you let Yang Xiu escape into Guanzhong, you will undoubtedly miss a great opportunity to annihilate him. In the end, Yi Feng decided to attack Qin Qiong and set off immediately with 20,000 Qingqi. Your goal is to enter Wuguan.  In Neixiang City, he tried his best to rush in front of Yang Xiu, seize the city, and intercept them.  I will arrive immediately with most of my troops, do you understand?  "    "clear.  " Qin Qiong and Lai Zheng turned around and left, each summoning their own cavalry. Han Sengshou said to Yi Feng, "Your Highness, are you going to take some risks?  Now that Shi Wansui was defeated and surrendered to the imperial court, the Military Intelligence Department also successfully instigated the rebellion of Xiaoguan's defenders and allowed Yang Su to enter the pass.  Now that we are sure of victory, should we be more cautious? After all, Yang Xiu still has 100,000 soldiers and horses in hand, so be careful of being bitten by him.  " "Yang Xiu has 100,000 soldiers, and we also have 100,000 soldiers.  Moreover, we have a large number of cavalry, and the infantry is also equipped with horses, so we can completely intercept him.  What's more, we have more than 100,000 troops.  "Yi Feng smiled and said, "Immediately send an order to Xiangyang Guo Yan to send troops to attack Yang Xiu together.  " Dou Kang led 20,000 light cavalry and rode in the moonlight. After galloping all night, the sky was bright and Neixiang City was already in sight. "Stop the march at Neixiang City, rest temporarily, and make some additions.  " Dou Kang ordered. "After a night of galloping, the Guanzhong cavalry were exhausted. At this time, they all couldn't wait to take a good rest, eat a meal to relieve their hands, feed the horses and add some food and horse feed.  The cavalry all kicked their horses in the belly to speed them up, hoping to get out of the city as soon as possible. The gate of Neixiang City had been opened. The battle a few days ago had already made this county town dilapidated.  There are even no residents left in the city, leaving only a few hundred soldiers who are responsible for temporarily storing the grain and grass transported from the pass. The Guanzhong cavalry have dismounted outside the city and began to take the time to unsaddle their horses and prepare to wash them.  The horses were fed, and some cavalrymen had already started setting up stoves to prepare meals. Dou Kang led a group of guards to the city, preparing to ask the city to prepare food and grass for them. At this moment when they were most relaxed, everyone.  When no one expected it, arrows rained down. Suddenly, drums and horns sounded from all directions, and countless arrows were shot out. Then, after the rain of arrows, the rumble of horse hooves sounded, and a mirrored cavalry emerged from the city.  . This cavalry force suddenly rushed out and rushed directly to the Guanzhong Fanhan knights who had unsaddled outside the city. The horns sounded continuously, and another cavalry force suddenly came out from behind the city, and they were divided into two.  Along both sides of the city wall, they were like two huge hammers, slamming into the panicked Guanzhong cavalry (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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