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Text Chapter 500 Exploding Chrysanthemum

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    (Thanks to Tang Zhi for not waving his hand and Luanwu Three Kingdoms for their support, thank you! Summon monthly tickets!) Yi Feng held a banquet in Daming Palace.  ¡ü "This banquet was originally supposed to wait until Chang'an was captured. But no one could wait any longer. Everyone was very happy. To be honest, I was also very happy. Although the Northern Expedition ended because of Yang Xiu's rebellion,  We failed to win the victory, but we still achieved a great victory. 400,000 Turks went south, and only 50,000 to 60,000 defeated troops retreated to the grassland. It can be said that this battle showed the momentum of our Sui Dynasty and the style of our Han people.  , this battle also brought about twenty years of peace in Northern Xinjiang. If Yang Xiu's rebels had not caused chaos, we would have swept across the grassland, shocked the northern and western regions, and completely ended the Turks. Although it is a bit regretful, the Northern Expedition soldiers.  Their merits have not been discounted, and merit will be rewarded, and the rewards from the court will not be discounted. Today's banquet is not only a celebration banquet for the soldiers of the Northern Expedition, but also a toast to the soldiers who rebelled. The Turks have been conquered by our heroic soldiers.  They are defeated. Now, we return to the Central Plains to defeat Yang Xiu and Yang Guang, and bring peace and prosperity to the world. Let's take a cup of wine and drink it to congratulate the Great Sui Dynasty!" "Congratulations to the Great Sui Dynasty!  Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Highness!" All the officials raised their glasses.  Yifeng drank the wine in one gulp and sat down again. Hongfu poured another glass of red wine for Yifeng.  Gao Jiong said, will His Highness¡¯s next step be to go south?  When Gao Jiong was talking, Yi Feng smiled slightly. He felt that Gao Jiong was in a hurry to return to Guanzhong. He had previously communicated with Gao Jiong privately, saying that the next step was to move the imperial court to Luoyang and designate Luoyang as the eastern capital.  Gao Jiong did not object at that time.  But at this time, Gao Jiong said he would go south, not to Luoyang.  Instead, he only talked about going south, obviously wanting to bring up old matters again.  Let¡¯s talk about entering the customs.  Yi Feng thought that maybe his frequent actions made Gao Jiong feel a serious sense of crisis.  Yesterday, Yifeng built a new Hanlin Academy and a Supervisory Academy.  The Hanlin Academy actually moved the original bachelors and scholars from Taisun Mansion to a new place.  Of course, Yi Feng would not go out to the Imperial Academy with nothing to do when he was full.  The establishment of the Hanlin Academy certainly played an important role.  The Sui Dynasty had three provinces and six ministries, and the Shangshu Province was the highest administrative agency.  Responsible for the implementation of important national decrees, the Menxia Province is the review body, responsible for reviewing and rejecting decrees and edicts.  The Ministry of Internal History is the decision-making body responsible for drafting and issuing the emperor's edicts.  The three provinces originally had their own responsibilities and restricted each other. Compared with the previous generation, the biggest feature of this system was that the power of the prime minister was divided into three, which enhanced the monarch's power.  However, this system established at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China has developed over the past two decades.  It's also a little out of shape.  Originally, the Ministry of Menxia and the Ministry of Internal History were supposed to be the most important decision-making and deliberation bodies. However, due to the long-term increase in power of the Shangshu Province, it was finally difficult to control the Shangshu Province.  It even became an affiliated institution of the Shangshu Province. The three provinces decentralized power and actually became the only one in the Shangshu Province.  Gao Jiong turned out to be Zuopushe of Shangshu Province.  Now it is Shangshu Ling, which goes a step further.  He had a higher prestige in the Taiyuan court, and his subordinates and the governor and adjutants of the Second Provincial Department of Neishi were basically all from Gao Jiong.  Among them, the person responsible for drafting the edict was a full-time official from the Ministry of Internal History.  But now that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and History is basically a subsidiary agency of Gao Jiong, it will definitely be inconvenient for Yi Feng to use it.  And Yifeng didn't want to touch the three provinces immediately, so he directly established a Hanlin Academy. On the surface, it was naturally a reward and favor for the former bachelors of Taisun Mansion. In fact, it was to empower the Hanlin bachelors to draft confidential edicts.  weight.  After the Hanlin Academy was established, the power of the Ministry of Internal History to draw up imperial edicts was divided into two. The Ministry of Internal History retained the right to draft the appointment and dismissal of general officials and make routine announcements, which was called external system.  Hanlin bachelors were specifically responsible for drafting imperial edicts on military and state affairs such as the appointment and dismissal of generals and ministers, announcements of great figures, and orders for conquests, which were called internal systems.  In this way, when Yi Feng, the regent prince of the supervising country, was regent of the supervising country, many of the required edicts did not need to go through the Ministry of Internal History at all.  As for the Overwatch Council, it is nothing more than the higher-level commanding authority of the Special Branch, the Military Intelligence Division, the Bureau of Statistics and the three special forces.  However, although the Oversight Yuan commands the following three intelligence departments and three special forces, it has long been an organization that coordinates information from various agencies, reports to Yi Feng, and serves as an intelligence consultant. The head of the Oversight Yuan does not pay much attention to the following.  The agency has direct assignment authority.  The newly established Hanlin Academy and the Supervisory Yuan were not under the jurisdiction of the three provinces, but directly under the command of the prince, and Gao Jiong, the minister, had no control over them.  Now Gao Jiong and other members of the old party are very quiet on the surface, but Yi Feng believes that Gao Jiong and others are definitely not willing to be thrown out of the center of power.  "It is necessary to go south, but I plan to divide the troops into two groups. Marshal He Ruo will lead the counter-vanguard army and fight back to Guanzhong. Other officials from the Taiyuan court will follow me to lead the Beiya troops to Luoyang, and Luoyang will be designated as the eastern capital.  In order to suppress the rebellion, after Chang'an is recovered, there will be great prosperity. There are many factors in my thinking. Although Yang Xiu occupied Guanzhong, he killed the king and usurped the throne.?Rebellion, but the four fortresses in Guanzhong are extremely dangerous and cannot be conquered overnight.  Secondly, in addition to Yang Xiu, there is another Yang Guang who claims to be emperor. Therefore, after we go south to Luoyang, we can send troops nearby to attack Yangzhou.  On the other hand, we can also let Yang Xiu and Yang Guang fight to the death and lose both sides first, and then deal with them together.  I have just received news that I haven¡¯t informed you yet. Not long ago, Yang Guang¡¯s pseudo-prince Yang Zhao led 50,000 Yizhou troops to Jianmen Pass, intending to attack Sanguan directly to cooperate with Yang Guang¡¯s military attack.  Guan's attack.  As a result, the Jianmen Pass guard lied to Yang Zhao, lured Yang Zhao into the pass and killed him. Now the Jianmen Pass guard Liang Feng has taken over the 50,000 Yizhou army and turned to attack Jiangling in Jingzhou.  Quite unexpected.  It is said that after Yang Guang heard the news, he vomited blood and fainted. After being unconscious for a long time, he woke up and immediately changed the direction of his march. He no longer marched to Xiangyang, but continued up the river to Jiangling, and summoned Yang Hong to lead Jingzhou.  The soldiers gathered together and vowed to destroy Liang Gang.  " "Oh, it's really good news that there is such a thing.  "When Gao Jun heard the news, he couldn't help but nodded repeatedly. No one took Yang Xiu seriously, thinking that he was just a grasshopper after autumn who could not jump for a few days. The enemy of the Taiyuan court should be Yang Guang.  Now that Yang Guang was hit hard, everyone was very happy. Although the incident at Jianmen Pass was more about Yang Zhao's inexperience, it could not be said that Yang Xiu was careless.  Yes. But after Yang Xiu killed Yang Zhao with such a cunning move, he immediately took control of 50,000 Yizhou soldiers. He did not transfer these soldiers to Guanzhong, nor did he let them return to defend Yizhou. Instead, he allowed them to fight against  Jingzhou Jiangling, this is not easy. Yang Guang originally planned to attack Guanzhong in two groups with 200,000 troops. Now Yang Xiu defeated Yang Guang's army first, and then turned this army back to attack Jiangling.  Forcing Yang Guang to give up the immediate attack on Guanzhong and instead go to fight the troops first, this meant that Yang Xiu suddenly transferred the battlefield from the gate of Guanzhong to Jingzhou. "Yang Guang was defeated for a while without fighting, and now he was defeated again.  Yang Xiu hits home, this is our great opportunity.  I plan to go south to Luoyang immediately, and then send troops to Yangzhou. Yangzhou is Yang Guang's base camp and his foundation. Yangzhou will be lost.  Yang Guang is not far away from defeat.  "Yi Feng is determined to kill Yang Guang first, and not in a head-on battle, but in raiding his backyard lair. After all, Guanzhong has always been the center of the world. Not only is the city a dangerous place, but also the combined forces of all parties will definitely make it difficult to fight. And  Jianghuai is different. The defense is not as good as Guanzhong, and Yang Guang is marching westward with an army of 100,000. It is suitable for Yi Feng to take the retreat at this time. Gao Yan originally wanted to use it at today's banquet.  , but there was no suitable opportunity. The banquet continued, and the decision to go south to Luoyang was still made. At the banquet, Emperor Yang Yong still did not have the nerve to come. He knew that he was the one.  If he comes, the protagonist will not be him. Instead, he will only lose face and simply say that he is ill and not come. Yi Feng is also happy to see this happen. He doesn't even bother to send someone to invite him again. Everyone is comfortable without Yang Yong.  At first, the atmosphere was definitely not good. It didn¡¯t matter that Yang Yong didn¡¯t come. Anyway, when Yi Feng wanted to use him, no one could object. During today¡¯s banquet, Yi Feng issued two more edicts.  , the first important edict drafted directly by the Hanlin Academy did not go through the Ministry of Internal History at all, nor was it reviewed by the Ministry of Menxia, ??nor was it reported to Gao Ying, the Shangshu Academy, for the Northern Expedition.  Meritorious officers and soldiers were rewarded according to their merits. Whether they were the Central Route Army or the West Route Army and the East Route Army, they were all rewarded, and they were given first-class merit when discussing their merits.  Li Jing, Gao Jia, Dou Jiande, etc. also all made great contributions. On the West Road, they also recorded their great contributions to Yang Sushi, Long Live Han Hong, etc. All meritorious officers and soldiers were rewarded based on their merits.  For many meritorious non-ranked soldiers, Yi Feng specially ordered them to be awarded medals, swords and officers. It was also specially stipulated that all those who had achieved meritorious service would enjoy certain privileges.  There are five main privileges for officers to receive honors. In addition to the land awarded by the government, the recipients can also receive additional land awarded according to their rank. The number of honors awarded is based on the grade of the honor. The highest rank is the 12th rank.  Those with the highest honors were granted 3,000 acres of land, and those with the lowest honors were granted 50 acres of land. Although these honorary lands also required payment of grain, they were privately owned.  If you die, you can pass it on to your descendants. The honor fields cannot be superimposed. If the honor rank is increased, the honor fields will only make up for the highest number of honor fields that can be obtained after the honor rank is upgraded.  Those who have made meritorious deeds during the Northern Expedition can be awarded honors, and the corresponding honor fields will be awarded according to the corresponding number of honors. This is the best reward for the soldiers of the Northern Expedition, and it is also an easy reward.??The most powerful means used to bribe soldiers.  Honor, not only can you get the Xun Tian of Juntian, but also has the same treatment as the officials in criminal law.  Their grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, wives, and descendants who commit the crime of exile or less can have their sentences reduced by one level;  As an official, the honorary officer will be an official first, and the higher one will be appointed first, followed by the honorary officer. Thirdly, those who have won the honor will also be qualified to serve as subordinates, and they will be selected as governors and city magistrates of prefectures and counties.  When selecting Li Zhenghe County to record affairs, as well as selecting the canal chief and Doumen chief, those with merit will be given priority. Although the officials are not in the mainstream, it is also a good privilege to have direct qualifications.  The children of honorary officers have the priority to join the army and are qualified to serve as subordinates. Fifth, the court law prohibits Bai Ding from taking concubines unless he is of a certain age and has no children.  Enjoying the special privileges of taking concubines. Although the privileges given by Yifeng to honorary officers are not as good as those in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as exemption from military service, these are still very real privileges and have a lot of appeal, even if Yifeng stipulates that honorary officers do not have a salary.  , Officials who receive honors must be civil servants, and they will be given salaries according to their official rank. It does not matter whether they are officials, civilians, or soldiers. Historically, after Li Yuan launched his army,  That's called excessive reward. On the way from Taiyuan to Bingguanzhong, he rewarded everyone he saw, and he rewarded hundreds and thousands of officers at every turn. It is said that at most, he rewarded thousands of people a day, but Li Yuan couldn't compare.  Li Shimin later conquered the Liao Dynasty and returned to the dynasty. He directly issued an edict and awarded all the soldiers who crossed the sea to conquer the Liao Dynasty. At that time, there were 100,000 soldiers and horses who accompanied Li Shimin in the Liao Dynasty, and they were awarded 100,000 honors at one time.  , the number of honorary officers in the world has reached 500,000. Now Yi Feng has directly used the great weapon of honorary officers. It is estimated that there are 500,000 Northern Expedition troops, and there are also those who have made meritorious service and are eligible to receive the honor.  Tens of thousands of people, Yi Feng waved and agreed without any stinginess. Anyway, after the rebellion is put down, the land of those who are on the wrong side will be taken back to the state, and the land granted by the honorable officer will be made up for immediately.  After the meritorious officers of the Northern Expedition were awarded honors, Yi Feng's second edict was to equalize land among the people. As long as all the landless people in the world were willing to move to Daibei, Youyan, Saishang, Xijing, and Liaoxi,  The imperial court immediately granted them several hundred acres of land for every 100 acres they had. At the same time, after they moved to the north, the imperial court would also grant them interest-free loans, loan them cattle seeds, and exempt them from taxes for the first three years.  , in order to attract people from the Central Plains to go to northern Xinjiang to reclaim land and immigrate to the border areas. This is also a very beneficial edict. After all, as the population increases, the number of fields will not increase. It is already difficult to have free fields in the Central Plains area.  , the merger of powerful landlords, and the increase in population have left many people without land to cultivate. If this continues, the increase in landless farmers will inevitably lead to a serious polarization between the rich and the poor, followed by a massive surge in social conflicts and immigration.  The equalization of land and reclamation is a good solution, especially now that the imperial court has just defeated the Turks. It can be said that there will be no major turmoil in the northern border for twenty years. For the people, this is a great solution.  There is an attractive way out, especially for those with many brothers and children. The government cannot allocate land, and the family cannot allocate land, so leaving home and going to the border is a natural way out.  What's more, Yifeng also promised to provide them with interest-free loans, provide them with seeds and cattle, and even exempt them from land tax for three years, which is real.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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