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Text Chapter 494 Giving a Woman as a Gift

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    At this time, Su Wei continued to read out another memorial, intending to canonize Tuguhun Khan Fuyun as the King of Qinghai, and confer a clan daughter as Princess Xinfeng to marry Fuyun.  ¦ç Canonize Tujue Datou as Turkic Bujie Khan, canonize a clan daughter as Princess Guangping, and grant Datou the title of marriage.  It was also sealed by the Tubo Zanpu Baojin as the Qing Tang king.  The Turkic Dulan Khan was canonized as Ili Khan, a daughter of the clan was canonized as the Princess of Jinxiang, and Dulan Khan was granted the title.  Canonized Tie Le Khan Yishuba as Zhenzhu Bijia Khan, canonized a daughter of the clan as Huainan Princess, and granted marriage to Yishuba.  The King of Goguryeo, Gao Yuan, was granted the title of King of Goryeo, and a daughter of the clan was conferred as Princess Qinghe, and was granted a marriage to Gao Yuan.  The king of Baekje, Buyeo Chang, was granted the title of King Buyeo, the daughter of the royal family was conferred as Princess Yeongcheon, and she was granted a marriage to Buyeo Chang.  "Give marriages and marriages to various Tibetan kingdoms, order the kings to lead troops to serve the king, and welcome the princess back to the country after eliminating rebellion." Turk Datou, Turk Dulan, Tuyuhun Fuyun, Tubo Nangri Lunzan, Tie Leyi Shibo, Goguryeo Gao  Buyeo Zhang and Yang Xiu of Yuan and Baekje made seven clan girls princesses at once, and then granted marriage to the heads of the seven kingdoms, and found seven cousins-in-law for themselves at once. This idea really shocked everyone in the palace.  minister.  No one thought that Yang Xiu actually had such a skill.  It didn¡¯t matter that the Sui Dynasty had just fought a big war with the Turks, forcing Datou and Dulan to flee in panic. It didn¡¯t matter that Fu Yungang succeeded to the position of Tuyuhun Khan and also inherited it from his dead father.  He married Princess Guanghua of the Sui Dynasty who had just gotten married a few years ago.  As for the more distant kings of Tubo, Goryeo, and Baekje.  Tiele Khan is even more surprising.  Many people don't even know when there was another Tiele Khanate.  I don¡¯t know what the name of the king of Tubo was Nangri Lunzan.  But some people are thinking that although this idea is a bit cheap.  Marrying off a royal woman is more like selling it in exchange for support from other countries, but forget about that.  This plan is actually a good one. Forming an alliance and recruiting reinforcements is the right idea. If the marriage can really attract reinforcements from King Qin of the various kingdoms, I believe Yang Xiu's deal is worth it.  After all, it is clear at a glance which reputation is more important than the throne.  But there are also many people who are thinking angrily.  This shameless Yang Xiu is inviting a wolf into the house.  Even if we defeat the anti-kings with the help of these barbarians, is there no price in the end?  If it doesn't work out, it will be another Wu Hu entering China.  But it was obvious that Yang Xiu didn't care about this at all.  Su Wei continued to read, "For the officers and soldiers who serve loyally to the emperor and defend the country, all officers and soldiers will be promoted to one rank and given a certain amount of land according to their official positions. Ordinary soldiers will be given 100 acres of land each. Team-level officers will be given 300 acres.  The regiment-level officers have 500 acres, the battalion-level officers have 1,000 acres, and the general-level officers have 3,000 acres" Many people couldn't help but exclaimed at these heavy rewards.  At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, land equalization was implemented. At that time, there were many empty fields and unused fields, and the fields were worthless.  But now the population is several times what it was at the beginning of the founding of the country.  There is even no farmland left in Guanzhong, Henan and other places. Where can the court get so many fields to reward soldiers now?  Some quick-thinking minds have figured it out.  Perhaps in the end these wools were found on the bodies of Yang Yong Yang Guang Yang Lin's followers.  Next, a series of court resolutions were read out.  A large number of new civil and military officials were appointed, and many officials were dismissed immediately afterwards.  Those who were dismissed were basically those whose families were related to the rebels. As long as there were brothers and other close relatives among the rebels, they would be dismissed from their positions.  Yang Xiu, who had stabilized his control in the capital, began a new round of purges without mercy. ?????????? Officials were granted promotions, demoted and dismissed, one order after another.  Minister Zuo Cheng Yuan Wendu, Shaofu Temple Shaoqing Yuan Wujie, the two rebellious maternal uncles of Yang Lin were undoubtedly dismissed from their posts.  In addition, the Li Changya family was also implicated because they were the wife of Yang Lin, the leader of the rebellion. The descendants of Li Bi, one of the eight pillars of the Western Wei Dynasty, and the entire family were dismissed from their posts.  The result was similar to that of Webster. Webster married Yang Yong and Yang Guang. Therefore, this top wealthy family was completely relieved of all positions this time, and quite a lot more.  Yang Xiu had not made any movement in the past month, and the rich and powerful people in the capital were also happy to be silent. Who would have thought that Yang Xiu was not inactive, but just waiting for the right time.  When he had enough soldiers and horses, when he took control of the military, he immediately turned against him.  Yang Xiu knew very well that compared with his two elder brothers, he was not superior in strength, so he was not at ease at all about the major families in Beijing that had complicated relations with the kings, and had long planned to remove them from power.  Although in this case, these families are likely to turn to the opposite side, Yang Xiu still believes that this is better than when the rebels arrive, and these wealthy families immediately open the city to meet the enemy, and chop off his head to do their job.  .  By removing them from their posts and taking away their power, he could finally have a peaceful sleep at night  After retiring from the court, Yang Xiu returned to Ganlu Hall.  "Go to the Queen Mother and invite the Princess of Heyang County to come over." Yang Xiu ordered.  When Li Liyi heard that Yang Xiu was going to see her, she straightened her skirt nervously.  She was still wearing mourning clothes, mourning for Emperor Daxing who had not yet passed Qiqi. She was both the late emperor's niece and the late emperor's granddaughter-in-law. The white mourning clothes set off her diminished face, making her look even more thin.  many.  Along the way, she felt anxious, fearing that she would hear some bad news.  In the Ganlu Hall, Yang Xiu was writing a letter. When he heard footsteps, he raised his head and saw that it was her, "Wuchou'er is here, hurry up, come forward." He waved with a smile on his face.  That smile made her feel at ease. She recalled that when she was a child, her third and fourth uncles would always come to see her when they returned to Beijing. They would always wave to her like this, then bring out many gifts for her, and tell many interesting stories about Sichuan.  Weird news.  Li Liyi held up her skirt and walked slowly towards him.  "Wuchou'er, things are very different now. Uncle heard that you are pregnant?" "Yes." Li Lizhi replied softly.  "I heard that it was the imperial doctor who noticed something wrong with his face, otherwise you wouldn't have said it. Since you are pregnant, why don't you just tell me so that I can arrange for someone to take good care of you." Yang Xiu put down the pen in his hand.  , facing her niece, "Does Yang Lin know about this?" Li Liyi shook her head, "I only found out after His Highness left Beijing. Later I found out that he was fighting in the north, so I didn't dare to tell him for fear of distracting him."  "You should have told him about this earlier." Yang Xiu smiled as before, "Wuchou'er, you should be aware of the current situation. Your uncle has ascended the throne, but your husband refuses to acknowledge his allegiance.  "Me." "I'm just a woman. I don't understand these important court affairs." "But you are Yang Lin's wife, and now you have his child in your belly. It's been almost five months, you see."  The belly is already pregnant, and the baby will be born in five months. Do you want the child to be born without a father? Do you want the child to always be known as the son of a traitor?  For the sake of the child, you should also help Yang Lin. He may feel that he is in a good situation now, but once his dream is shattered, the consequences will be very tragic." Li Liyi bit her lip and lowered her head in silence.  "Yang Lin is still too young. Once he makes a mistake, he will be hated forever. I very much hope that you can help him and help him return to the right path. As long as he is willing to swear allegiance to me now, then what happened before will not matter to me.  He can let go of all the blame, and he can even continue to be his chief steward of Youzhou. Even if he can no longer be the prince, he can still be the king of Zhao. Even as long as he can send troops to fight against Yang Yong, Yang Guang and other rebellious officials for the court,  I can also make him serve as the Minister of Daxingtai in Hebei Province, and all the two houses in Youbin will be under his command. Don't be confused for a moment and regret it for life. If you do it, you and yourself will be wronged.  "I believe he is not a person obsessed with power. That is definitely not his true intention."  "But his current behavior makes me very worried. I'm worried that he will stray further and further. If he continues like this, there will be no good results in the end." Yang Xiu looked at Li Lizhi, "Maybe someone told  You, Yang Lin are very powerful now, but I must tell you clearly that I am the emperor, Yang Lin is rebellious, evil will never prevail against good, just in case, I mean just in case, if things come to pass.  The situation is beyond control, you should know what I will do. Many people say that I am cruel and violent. Although this name is not good, I am indeed a bit like this if Yang Lin really comes to Chang'an City.  , I can't keep this throne, and I won't let others easily sit on it. Yang Lin may be able to capture Chang'an in the future, but he will definitely not be able to sit on that dragon throne. Before Daxing falls, I will definitely take that dragon throne.  The chair was burned. Maybe not only the chair, but also everything else was burned at that time." Li Liyi felt chilled in her heart when she was looked at by Yang Xiu's cold gaze, which was like a beast.  The fierce light made her understand that Yang Xiu's words were not just a threat, but that he could really do it.  The one who kills his father, kills his king and usurps the throne!  Li Liyi suddenly realized that the person in front of her was not the uncle who gave her gifts and told her stories many years ago, but a shameless and brutal man who cruelly and coldly killed her father and monarch and stole the throne.  .  Husband, where are you, come and save me, save our child!  Li Liyi suddenly regretted not telling her husband about her pregnancy when she wrote to him before.  "I want to write a letter to Sanlang. Can uncle help me send it to Sanlang?" Li Liyi looked up.  Yang Xiu had a bright smile on her face, "Of course it's no problem." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, Novels.)??Good updates are faster!
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