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Text Chapter 477 Turkic Mercenaries

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    On the night before the first day of April in the 19th year of the founding of the Emperor, Kuhe Zhen Teqin, the uncle of Turk Dulan Khan, was betrayed and separated from his relatives. His nephews Yu Sushe Teqin and Yintou Teqin secretly accepted Yi Feng's surrender and led their cronies to rebel. During the incident,  , Ku Hezhen was beheaded by Liu Heitai, the commander of the Yifeng Banner Guards, who sneaked up to him in disguise and cut off his head with a knife.  As a result, there was great chaos in the camp, and Dou Jiande led his army to attack again. At that time, the inside and outside cooperated, and the inside and outside attacked, and the 30,000 Turkic troops fell into chaos.  At dawn, Yi Feng arrived with 30,000 troops. Dou Jiande, Liu Wenjing, Yu Sushe and Yin Tou had already taken control of the camp.  After a night of melee, the Turkic army suffered thousands of casualties, and the rest surrendered.  In the morning sun, Yu Sushe Teqin and Yintou Teqin led more than 20,000 Turkic troops to surrender to Yifeng.  Yu Sushe presented the silver wolf bandana and silver order arrows to Yi Feng. In front of the 80,000 Han and Fan troops, he knelt on his knees, holding the rolled up silver wolf bandana and silver order arrows in his hands, and said the words of surrender and allegiance.  When Feng swore allegiance, Yi Feng didn't believe it.  However, considering the current situation, Yi Feng is still willing to accept their surrender. It doesn't matter if they are not loyal now. As long as they grasp the general trend, they will eventually be loyal to him.  The surrender of nearly 30,000 Turkic troops, plus the 30,000 surrendered Turkic troops in Li Jing's army, gave Yi Feng 60,000 surrendered Turkic troops.  And just later that day, Li Jing once again sent good news.  In front of Caogou, Daman was unable to attack for a long time, and more than 8,000 of his troops surrendered to Li Jing who was behind bars.  "Daman also surrendered?" Yi Feng asked Li Mi who brought the good news.  "No, it is said that Daman found that many of his subordinates wanted to surrender and was worried that they would rebel. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, he quietly left the camp with a hundred cavalry guards in the middle of the night and fled back to Yuzhou via a trail across the mountains.  When his subordinates saw that Daman left his troops and fled alone, they simply surrendered to Guan Guan. "Well, it doesn't matter if one Daman is gone. His 8,000 troops will still stay in the attack."  Wei Gui's two hundred thousand soldiers, Kuhezhen and Daman, are basically finished. There are actually nearly 70,000 people who surrendered. "Li Mi also smiled and said, "If we get rid of the more than 20,000 people in Weizhou, it will actually be better.  Very few people from Shangdaman and Kuhezhen actually died on the battlefield, and the rest were all surrendered to His Highness. "It was completely unexpected." "What do you plan to do with these Turkic troops?"  Disposal?" Liu Wenjing asked.  Yi Feng didn¡¯t know how to answer for a moment. Nearly 70,000 Turks surrendered. Just as Li Mi said, there were actually several battles before and after.  Each time the fight was sudden and ended quickly, there was basically no situation where the battle between trapped beasts had to be fought to the death.  Every battle was basically a series of defeats, surprise attacks, and ambushes. Every time the Turks lost about 10% of their troops, their morale collapsed and they surrendered.  Although as an outsider, you may feel that this is somewhat inconsistent with the reputation of the Turkic soldiers.  But in fact, in the cold weapon warfare in the Middle Ages, they lacked the bloody spirit to fight to the end. Maybe they were very brave.  We can fight, but in the beginning, the situation is deadlocked.  Then it will decline again and again and it will be exhausted.  On the battlefield, morale will start to drop once casualties occur, but those who can continue fighting with 20% casualties already belong to elite troops.  If there are more than 30% casualties on the battlefield, 90% of the army will collapse.  And that kind of casualties is 40% to 50%.  It is basically difficult to see even an army that is 60% to 70% capable of fighting.  Occasionally, it appears during siege wars.  Only when there is no way out can we fight to the end.  When fighting in the wild, two to three achievements are the bottom line. Those who can still fight with 20% casualties are elites. Those who can still fight with 30% casualties are extremely elite troops.  On a frontal battlefield in the wild, the largest casualties do not come from direct combat, but often from a party whose morale has collapsed. They are chased and killed while escaping. The number of casualties who die on the way to escape is often much higher than the number of casualties in a direct confrontation.  A large number of soldiers were only injured on the battlefield, and eventually died of aggravated injuries or wound infection due to lack of timely treatment after the war.  The fighting will of modern military generations is generally higher than that of this era. The most important reason is that the military discipline of later generations is strong.  The Huaihuang Army has always emphasized military discipline and built an army based on discipline. The Huaihuang Army may not be as tough as the Turks, but their discipline is definitely much better than the Turks. Therefore, on the battlefield, the Huaihuang Army can persist in fighting longer and endure  Higher casualty figures without collapse.  Even in cavalry battles, through rigorous training, the Huaihuang cavalry can enable the cavalry to fight and kill the enemy in a neat array. Like the infantry, they use their overall advantage instead of relying on individual bravery like the Turks.  Turkic individuals are indeed brave and brave, but they also lack discipline and are free and unrestrained. When they are in a small unit, their mobility and personal bravery can indeed make them far stronger than the small group of Huaihuang cavalry.  But Yifeng had long emphasized to his officers that the two Turkic cavalry?Easily defeated three Huaihuang cavalry, but fifty Huaihuang cavalry can already tie with fifty Turkic cavalry. One hundred Huaihuang cavalry can defeat one hundred Turkic cavalry, and five Huaihuang cavalry will definitely win.  Over five hundred Turkic cavalry.  The reason lies in discipline and overall cooperation. Through overall cooperation, they can achieve the result of one plus one being greater than two.  The cavalry drill code written by Yi Feng for the Huaihuang cavalry is actually the training code of the modern cavalry. The way he trained the Huaihuang cavalry is also the method of the modern regular cavalry.  After Yu Sushe surrendered, he once praised the Huaihuang Cavalry to Yi Feng as a cavalry force. This title was not completely flattering.  The Iron Cavalry Army is not only because of the steel plate armor and breastplates worn by the Huaihuang Cavalry Army. The Iron Cavalry Army refers more to the iron-like discipline of the Huaihuang Cavalry Army.  The Huaihuang cavalry wears dazzling mirror-like breastplates, holds cavalry swords, is also equipped with double-edged battle axes, steel whips, copper maces, hand crossbows and riding bows.  Most of their personal riding and archery skills are not rivals of the ethnic Turkic warriors on horseback, but they can always act uniformly under strict discipline.  When the Huaihuang cavalry launched their iconic collective charge, they always kept their horses next to their horses, shoulder to shoulder, like a fast-moving iron wall.  This iron wall always maintains collective strength and avoids the chaotic fighting after the formation is broken up. They even do not need to control the reins with their hands because of this, and can free their hands to fight.  Therefore, the individual combat effectiveness of the Huaihuang cavalry is not as good as the Turkic cavalry, but the overall combat effectiveness is much higher than that of the Turkic cavalry.  However, the combat method of the Huaihuang Cavalry is not easy to imitate. They must maintain a dense formation while running and charging. This is an overall tactical action that is much more difficult than individual cavalry and shooting skills. What is needed is long-term cooperative training.  A professional army, high-intensity training, and a strong tacit understanding. In addition, what is also needed is steel plate armor that is thin and yet more defensive than ordinary iron armor, such as the Huaihuang Mirror Armor, and a horse-shaped armor that is very suitable for the Huaihuang cavalry to charge.  and cavalry sword.  Yi Feng¡¯s two cavalry armies include 20,000 pure combat cavalry and 10,000 logistics cavalry. Training these 20,000 cavalry has basically cost Huaihuang a lot of money, and the scale of supporting the cavalry has reached an upper limit.  Now, with 70,000 old-style Turkic cavalry in hand, how will Yi Feng deal with them?  Of course he couldn't let them go, that would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.  And it is impossible for these Turkic cavalry to be immediately transformed into new cavalry like the Huaihuang cavalry. Yi Feng neither has so much armor weapons or money to invest, nor is he willing to spend so much effort to train, transform and arm these Turkic cavalry.  It is impossible to train the tribal cavalry composed of Turkic herdsmen into cavalry as highly disciplined as the Huaihuang cavalry. However, these Turkic cavalry also have many advantages that the Huaihuang cavalry cannot possess, that is, they are natural horseback knights.  , his personal cavalry and shooting skills are strong, and he is flexible and brave. He is very suitable for small group operations, especially in reconnaissance, patrolling, coaxing, and pursuit. He has advantages that are difficult for the Huaihuang cavalry to match.  The Turkic cavalry was unable to resist the charge and attack of the Huaihuang cavalry, and it was equally difficult for the Huaihuang cavalry to defeat those Turkic cavalry who were good at riding and shooting on some peripheral battlefields.  Both sides have their own advantages, the key is how to use them.  Seventy thousand cavalry, this number is quite tempting. Even traditional cavalry is still far superior to ordinary infantry in this era. For Yi Feng, he needs this force to strengthen his strength and cannot give up easily.  Lose this power.  "Well, don't we now have four field infantry, two field cavalry, and five garrison troops? There are eleven armies. Each army is equipped with two battalions each, a total of 6,000 Turkic light cavalry. Before distribution, we need to reorganize it.  Break them up, and these Turkic cavalry will be considered as members of our Huaihuang Army for the time being. "Do you want to give them military pay as well? Do they also receive rewards for their military merits?" Li Mi asked.  Seventy thousand Turkic cavalry were all recruited into the Huaihuang Army. This was not a small number.  Not only will there be food and fodder for 70,000 more troops in the future, but there will also be military pay, and there will also be rewards for fighting, which is another huge sum.  "Since he fights side by side with our soldiers, of course he will also receive military pay, meritorious services and rewards, and they will be treated equally. However, they are new to the army, so they will definitely suffer some disadvantages due to their rank and so on. This is normal, right?  ?" Yi Feng gave a look that you know, so many Turkic troops will definitely be eliminated in the end, but now, they must stay in the army, even if they are used as cannon fodder at the critical moment, they will be allowed to fight against the Turks.  Fighting is also great.  For this reason, it is really ordinary to pay some military pay and rewards.  "Do we need to change their clothes?" Li Mi asked again.  "There is no need to change clothes, armor, weapons, etc., but there must be an adequate supply of arrows. In addition, there must not be a shortage of food and grass. If the horses need to run, how can they not let them eat grass?  " "I understand," Li Mi nodded.  "Then let's go on??How does Your Highness arrange it?  I would like you to make plans in advance for your Highness¡¯s reference.  " "Next.  "Yi Feng said without hesitation, "The next step is of course to immediately send troops to the north. Nili is outside Huaihuang City now. In addition, there are 20,000 Tiele people outside Wusha Castle. Maybe we will have a chance this time.  We have increased the number of Turkic cavalry under our command to one hundred thousand.  " "Are you going north to cherish the wilderness? What about the more than 20,000 Turkic troops in Yuzhou and the more than 40,000 Turkic troops in Yunnei?  "Li Mi asked. Yi Feng spread his hands and said, "That's a problem between our Prime Minister Gao and Marshal He Ruo. We can't care about it. Let's clear the snow in front of our house first.  "(To be continued)
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