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Text Chapter 537: Looking at the sea with mind¡¯s eye

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    Eyes of mind. Look at the sea!  Wang Tian in the void touched his eyes with his hands, and his mind and eyes were revealed.  ¡ø¡àThe forty-nine paths of Dayan form the real world, and the six paths are simulated as one's own real world.  The Way of Dayan is close to the Way of Heaven.  Although the Six Paths are powerful, they are also one of the Heavenly Paths.  View the sea!  Think of the Six Paths as a vast sea. Under the observation of the vast ocean, all the fish, shrimps, turtles and turtles in the ocean cannot escape Wang Tian's control, including the clam shells in the sand. Wang Tian can clearly understand them one by one.  Therefore, under his Guancanghai, all the moral principles of the Six Paths were known to Wang Tianzhi!  The Six-Path Flag contained extremely powerful attack power and was ready to go out, but it was completely seen by Wang Tian's Guan Canghai.  Including where the six flags attack, as well as the morality of each path.  So the Six Paths are the realm of the mind, not the physical space.  Netherworld spells are all mind spells, so the Six Paths are also mind spell attacks, which are in line with the attack methods of underworld spells.  People who do good deeds have peace of mind, just like humans and gods; although they do good deeds, but are jealous in their hearts, they are like Shura; those who have no shame or shame are like beasts; those who are greedy and have no dissatisfaction are hungry ghosts; they are sad.  Doing all kinds of evil to the best of your conscience is hell.  The nine categories of sentient beings are all equipped with one body, and they are completely based on the feelings of the heart.  Addicts, when addicted to drugs, feel like they are in hell, but it is impossible for us who are close at hand to feel such pain.  The so-called Six Paths of Reincarnation: It describes its situation, coming and going, just like the gyration of a wheel. It goes round and round in these six paths, without exception, so it is called Six Paths of Reincarnation.  All living beings in the world are in the cycle of reincarnation.  Only Taoist gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats can escape from the three realms and avoid reincarnation.  The path of Shura, abbreviated as "Shura", is not heavenly, not of the same kind, not Dionysian, and not upright.  Their blessings are great, not far from those of the beings in the heavens.  Beings born in this path have great good karma in their past lives, but due to their aversion and hatred, they are not able to be born in the heaven.  You can only be reincarnated in this life form that is like heaven but not heaven.  Beings on the Asura path are extremely angry and jealous. They often fight against beings in the heavens, but often return defeated and beaten until their bodies are covered with bruises.  Although the sentient beings in this realm have great blessings, longevity, and intelligence, they are not happy because of their hatred.  Humanity and heaven are good ways. Asuras are kind in nature and are also one of the good ways. However, because they often have a heart of hatred and a persistent will to fight, they are not truly good.  Male asuras are in various paths.  He often stirs up troubles, likes to fight bravely, and in the heavens, he attacks the king of heaven from time to time in order to seize the throne.  Female asuras are beautiful, but they often confuse sentient beings and make it difficult for them to practice.  Therefore, although Asuras do not have to suffer, there is a high chance of falling into the three lower realms after death.  (So ??the attacks of Shura Dao are: greed, anger and ignorance.) The pain of being reborn in the human realm can be mainly summarized into the four sufferings, namely the suffering of birth, the suffering of old age, the suffering of illness and the suffering of death.  We all have some understanding of the sufferings of old age, illness and death.  For the suffering of life.  We may not fully understand or remember the pain we experienced in the womb or even during birth.  During the nearly nine months in the mother's womb, the baby suffered great pain.  Even though we can¡¯t remember it, that doesn¡¯t mean we didn¡¯t feel it at the time.  At birth.  Babies suffer even more.  After birth, we have little ability to protect ourselves.  If it weren't for the protective care of our parents, we might only survive for a few minutes.  They will be eaten by wild animals or die of cold or starvation.  The suffering of old age does not only refer to the suffering of old age, but also refers to the suffering of death from the time of conception.  If we live to old age, this suffering will be even more pronounced.  In old age, our body functions decline, we find it difficult to walk a few steps, our appetite is poor, the skin on our face becomes monkey-like, and we are unable to do many things we want to do.  In this evil age of the five turbidities, young people do not know how to respect the elderly, and the elderly increasingly feel unwelcome.  This old suffering is like a thief, stealing our youth without knowing it.  For those who do not understand Buddhism, the suffering of old age includes physical and mental suffering.  For those who are familiar with Buddhism, they can ignore the pain in their hearts and regard aging as a natural thing, but the physical pain of aging is still unavoidable.  (So ??the attacks of the human world are: birth and old age.) The banner of the human world can reduce a person's strength to the state of an infant, and cause the person's body to age to the point where it is exhausted.  Among the sentient beings in the animal realm, few live on land and many live in the sea.  From the smallest insects to whales and elephants, they all belong to the animal realm.  In addition, there are animals that we don¡¯t see often, such as dragons and golden-winged birds, which also fall into the category of livestock.  Some animals only live for one day, while others can live for many kalpas.  As long as we observe the animals on land, we can understand the pain of this path.  Animals wandering in the wild suffer from cold, heat, hunger, thirst, being hunted and eating each other for a long time.  Animals raised by humans are labored, whipped, and even slaughtered.?Removing skin, meat, bones, etc. is equally painful.  So the attack of the animal realm is slavery and ignorance and desirelessness.  The suffering of hungry ghosts is slightly less than that of hell, but greater than that of animals.  If compared in terms of intelligence, hungry ghosts have higher intelligence than animals.  Beings in the realm of hungry ghosts are born in the womb, and hundreds of ghosts are born in each fetus.  The causes and conditions for being born in the realm of hungry ghosts, in addition to the common unwholesome karma, are also specifically related to the karma of not being willing to give alms to help others, stealing, or not helping others in times of trouble.  The lifespan of the sentient beings in this path is uncertain, and some hungry ghosts can live as long as tens of thousands of human years, suffering the painful consequences caused by their bad karma for a long time.  The sentient beings in the hell realm cannot be seen by our ordinary eyes.  Beings in the realm of hungry ghosts can be seen with the naked eye.  Hungry ghosts live scattered in different places, and some also live in the human world.  In a human city, it is unlikely that there will be any beings from the realm of hungry ghosts wandering around.  But in the wilderness, sometimes you can see fireballs or flames at night. This is the flame spouting from the mouths of hungry ghosts wandering in the darkness.  It is just a general term. In fact, it can be subdivided into four parts: the eight hot hells, the eight cold hells, the near hells and the lonely hells.  Except for the hell of loneliness, all other hells are created by the collective karma of all living beings.  Those who commit the most serious evil will be reborn in the hell realm, and it will take tens of trillions of years to escape the suffering of this realm.  So the attack of the animal realm is slavery and ignorance and desirelessness.  The suffering of hungry ghosts is slightly less than that of hell, but greater than that of animals.  If compared in terms of intelligence, hungry ghosts have higher intelligence than animals.  Beings in the realm of hungry ghosts are born in the womb, and hundreds of ghosts are born in each fetus.  The causes and conditions for being born in the realm of hungry ghosts, in addition to the common unwholesome karma, are also specifically related to the karma of not being willing to give alms to help others, stealing, or not helping others in times of trouble.  The lifespan of the sentient beings in this path is uncertain, and some hungry ghosts can live as long as tens of thousands of human years, suffering the painful consequences caused by their bad karma for a long time.  The sentient beings in the hell realm cannot be seen by our ordinary eyes.  Beings in the realm of hungry ghosts can be seen with the naked eye.  Hungry ghosts live scattered in different places, and some also live in the human world.  In a human city, it is unlikely that there will be any beings from the realm of hungry ghosts wandering around.  But in the wilderness, sometimes you can see fireballs or flames at night. This is the flame spouting from the mouths of hungry ghosts wandering in the darkness.  It is just a general term. In fact, it can be subdivided into four parts: the eight hot hells, the eight cold hells, the near hells and the lonely hells.  Except for the hell of loneliness, all other hells are created by the collective karma of all living beings.  Those who commit the most serious evil will be reborn in the hell realm, and it will take tens of trillions of years to escape the suffering of this realm.  The living beings in the hell realm are not born from the mother's womb, nor are they born from eggs, but are born through transformation.  Living beings reborn in the eight hot hells suffer all kinds of great suffering.  In some hot hells, sentient beings will kill each other, but they will not die. They can only endure the pain of being killed for years and months, with no way to escape.  In other prisons, living beings were burned until the seven holes were smoking, or dismembered, or boiled in molten copper until the skin was broken and the flesh was rotten.  These are the miserable conditions that appear when the bad karma of the past matures, and are unspeakably miserable.  In the eight cold hells, sentient beings are forced to suffer varying degrees of cold pain, and reincarnation describes their conditions. They come and go, just like the gyration of a wheel, going round and round in the six paths, without exception, so it is called the six paths of reincarnation.  ¡­ ¡­ Even a person as strong as a god cannot escape the moral attacks of the six kinds of reincarnation.  The underworld, the human world, and the divine world stand side by side, and no one is weak.  The three realms have the same status and equal strength.  And the six-path attack is one of the most powerful attacks in the underworld.  The mind¡¯s eye determines the sea!  With a finger in Wang Tian¡¯s hand, he determined the sea¡¯s magical power to form the real world.  The eye of the mind is also one of the mental powers. Wang Tian is now using the mental powers to fight against the Netherworld's mental powers.  Ding Canghai has the ability to turn the sea into mulberry fields and the mulberry fields into Canghai.  As soon as Dingcang Sea came out, all the creatures in it, including the big whale sharks and the small ones including the shrimps, all became extremely tame.  And the originally rough sea can become calm!  The sea has turned into a mulberry field!  The vast sea of ??sea water in our body can be turned into a mulberry field that provides benefits to mankind. This is the power of God!  Changes in the earth can cause the sea to rise and turn into mountains, and mountains to turn into oceans.  Wang Tian¡¯s Ding Canghai already possesses the power of a middle god.  Although he is still an inferior god now and has just become a god.  As soon as Wang Tian¡¯s Ding Canghai came out, all Tang Guomin¡¯s six-path attacks stopped.  Like a calm sea, like a tamed beast.  "Do you think your Six Paths are the strongest?" Wang Tian sneered and said: "You have always been too self-righteous and never take others to heart. But I am a real human being. I have my own thoughts and understand  The way to the true self.  Therefore, my Ding Canghai can restrain your six-path attack.  "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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