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Volume Thirteen Taking Charge 1566 Expedition Plan

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    On July 28, 2230, the Xinyuan, which had been flying continuously for half a month, arrived in the subhuman star field.  Ye Fei immediately made contact with the transmission ship placed in the subhuman star field. Two days later, the Xinyuan returned to the Beidu through the transmission ship.  Although Ye Fei left for more than half a month, through the remote communication equipment on the Xinyuan, all the work that needs to be handled by the Minister of Defense Ye Fei can be carried out in real time without affecting local affairs at all.  The time when the Xinyuan arrived at the Beidu happened to be on the evening of July 30. After the spacecraft stopped near the Beidu, Ye Fei invited the three veteran generals onto the traffic boat and personally drove the traffic boat out of the Xinyuan.  Under the control of Ye Fei, the traffic boat flew to the side of the Beidu, using the porthole to see the huge hull.  Nie Jianrong and Wu Han, who had not said a word after getting on the boat, looked at each other and winked at Xu Shijie at the same time.  Xu Shijie nodded slightly knowingly, coughed slightly and asked in a low voice: "Ye Fei, what are you going to do with the others?" The three old generals had an in-depth encounter with Ye Fei when the Xinyuan had just left the X-1 base.  They talked, but only discussed a rough plan. After that, several people took the time to improve the plan. It was not until two days ago that the details of the plan were roughly agreed upon.  Because they focused their main energy on the expedition plan, the three old generals and Ye Fei seemed to have forgotten that there were many frozen missing people on the Xinyuan - and dubbed the plan to sail to the Magellanic Clouds as an expedition.  , mainly considering that the expeditionary force has been fighting at the front, naming it like this can play a role in confusing the light tribe.  And the four people have already agreed that before the plan is implemented, it will never be leaked to the fifth person.  Ye Fei did not expect that Xu Shijie would raise this issue at this time. He pondered for a moment and said: "What else can be done? After the freeze is thaw, persuade them to retire!"  After being frozen, you suddenly faced such a big blow, have you thought about how to deal with it? "I have thought about it. I have no other way to unfreeze it secretly and explain the situation clearly to them to retire," Ye Fei replied.  "What if someone doesn't want to retire?" "Then it's not up to them, the army can't be in chaos!" Ye Fei said without hesitation.  Although these people were once high-ranking officials in the military, they have been missing for three years like them. Now that the military has re-established its framework, it is impossible to drive out the people who have been arranged. It is impossible to let the missing personnel retire collectively.  The only option.  "As long as you understand!" Xu Shijie smiled happily.  Xu Shijie is by no means unfounded. At least one-third of this group of people came after he retired.  The die-hard loyalists arranged by He Junchu, once these people get together and start a fight, I'm afraid there will be quite a disturbance.  Nie Jianrong and Wu Han were also very satisfied with Ye Fei's decisiveness.  Ye Fei said without looking back: "Mr. Xu, if you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten that there is still your clone among the frozen people. What should I do about this?" Xu Shijie said bitterly: "What else can I do?  I don¡¯t know who is in that clone¡¯s mind. How can I unfreeze him and then destroy him?¡± ¡°How can I do that?¡± Ye Fei said immediately.  "But after all, it's your clone. I can't deal with it privately. I have to listen to your own opinions Minister Nie, Minister Wu, and your two clones. "Follow the rules!  "Nie Jianrong said expressionlessly. "Okay!  "Ye Fei agreed. "By following the rules, we mean following the provisions of the Cloning Act. The Cloning Act clearly stipulates in the section on human cloning that human cloning is divided into legal and illegal categories. Legal means that the original body appears.  Clones that are not suitable for continued use due to aging, disability, hidden diseases, etc., and clones of seriously injured military personnel are also within this scope. In addition, any form of human cloning is illegal.  People do not have any human rights. Once discovered, they will be destroyed after notifying the ontology; if they cannot be notified, they will be destroyed directly. The cloned person itself is innocent, but in order to ensure that illegal human cloning will not occur.  There is no room for negotiation on this point, and all those involved in illegal cloning will be sentenced to death! Ordinarily, Ye Fei can directly deal with the clones of several old generals without asking any questions, but no matter where  Every generation has said that princes are as guilty as common people when they break the law, but in fact, the ruling class has always been a privileged group. Even in the Republic era, they only did better than previous dynasties, but they did not completely achieve this.p;Because of this, Ye Fei sought the opinions of the three old generals in advance to avoid causing the elders' displeasure.  While talking, the traffic boat circled around the airport under the belly of the Beidu. Ye Fei parked the traffic boat firmly in the designated area. A tractor beam shot out from under the belly of the ship, pulling the traffic boat into the airport under the belly of the ship.  .  Before the transport boat could stop, Black Bear, who had received the news in advance, rushed to the vicinity with several hover vehicles. After meeting with Ye Fei and several old generals, he immediately arranged for someone to secretly send the three former defense ministers back to the mansion.  .  Immediately, Black Bear commanded the action team of the Second Department of the General Staff to transport all the frozen personnel on the Xinyuan back to the Beidu. Those who were indeed missing persons were sent to 301 to prepare for thawing; those who were identified as clones were temporarily put away and waited.  After the main body is thawed, you can decide how to deal with the clone.  At this point, Ye Fei¡¯s trip to the X-1 base was successfully concluded. After leaving all the finishing work to Black Bear, he rushed home as soon as possible.  Two days later, three elderly people, Nie, Wu and Xu, came to Ye Fei and asked him to arrange memory transplantation of their clones as quickly as possible. Ye Fei agreed and immediately sent the people to the cloning center.  The eagerness of the three old generals also alerted Ye Fei, and he quickly arranged the plan along the way.  The first thing he did was to try his best to pool all the resources!  The military has always concentrated all its resources on building battleships and city ships, but the concentration here is limited to the Republic itself. In order to cope with the recruitment of the Light Clan, the military often uses delaying methods to extend the delivery time of battleships.  But this time it¡¯s different.  The military must have enough fleets to cover the evacuation of city ships as much as possible in the event of a huge change, so military expansion is imperative.  And Ye Fei believes that the small actions of the military should have fallen into the eyes of the light tribe, but the light tribe is too lazy to care about these small actions with humans.  As soon as the order was issued, all industrial areas were immediately put into full operation, and the construction speed of battleships and city ships was immediately increased several times.  The military has mastered enough construction robots.  Even if the speed is increased, it is not a problem. The problem is that the raw materials stored in each industrial zone are limited. When all the production lines are running at full capacity, the raw material reserves can only last for one month at most, and at least two months.  About ten.  If this problem is not resolved, it will seriously slow down the progress of the expedition plan!  Ye Fei immediately thought of Yaren, and immediately issued an order to Xinya to concentrate resources through the Second Department of the General Staff.  The huge Atlantis immediately gathered a large amount of supplies and handed them over to the Republic in the name of trade.  Although the order was given to Xinya, the Atlanteans were not the only ones who could move. The subhuman clone army conquered the Thin Scale Star Territory, the Wood Clan Star Territory, the Ru Clan Star Territory, and those far behind in the name of New Asia.  All the micro clan star fields are being mobilized, and various materials are continuously sent to the Orion Nebula.  In addition, the crab clan and several other biological races were also targeted by the red-eyed Ye Fei. This time they no longer used the name of trade, but adopted real trade methods.  Exchange various strategic materials from these upper races.  For this reason, various ecological resource stars under the Republic of China quickly entered a state of high-load operation.  Even more than a dozen spare ecological resource stars were activated for this purpose to barely meet the needs of trade exports.  And the several biological civilizations that have tasted the sweetness are all planning how to expand production capacity in exchange for more food. After the Zhen tribe left, food shortage has become the most troublesome problem for several biological races. It is not worth spending half a fortune.  Ore is exchanged for valuable food.  Don¡¯t make this deal too good a deal!  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: The best ones are just rough-processed metal ingots, which are far from human manufacturing standards and must be carefully smelted before they can be used in depth.  In order to speed up the progress of the project.  Ye Fei also worked hard on this aspect and directly targeted the United States and Europe.  The main technologies of the United States and Europe come from China's input, and their military material standards are exactly the same as those of China. Although some special alloy technologies are only in the hands of China, most metal materials can be handed over to the United States and Europe for OEM.  .  Having made up his mind to tap the industrial potential of the United States and Europe, Ye Fei immediately ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to contact the United States and Europe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs followed Ye Xi's wishes and proposed two options: "technology for resources" and "paid processing".  This condition immediately caused the United States and Europe to attack like red-eyed toads.  China's military technology has always been the leader among the three parties. Although the United States and Europe have received some technologies supported by China, China will definitely not hand over the best technology to the United States and Europe for free. China knows this, and the United States and Europe  Fang knows better.  But this time it is different. China is willing to use its top militarytechnology, conducting this transaction with the United States and Europe. ?? The United States and Europe are naturally very willing to agree, but the United States and Europe immediately discovered that the materials that China is responsible for OEM are basically military materials!  This discovery made the United States and Europe very uneasy, and they immediately found Chinese diplomats.  The United States and Europe were previously recruited by the Light Tribe and traveled thousands of miles to the far end of the Orion Arm's proximal core to participate in the mission of clearing out parasitic worm larvae. However, in the end, they became a complete foil for the Chinese side.  In addition to insufficient preparation and insufficient domestic support, the reason why this situation occurs is that the lag in military technology is also an extremely important reason. Now that the Republic is willing to sell the most advanced military technology, how can the United States and Europe not do the same?  crazy?  Not only are the United States and Europe, two forces with powerful fleets, on Ye Fei's mind, but the Middle East and other countries are also within Ye Fei's consideration.  It¡¯s just that the industrial base of these small countries is so poor that they may not be able to produce even the lowest-end military materials.  "But it doesn't matter. Special metals can't be smelted. How about smelting ore assemblies?"  There is always some job suitable for them.  For this reason, Ye Fei has secretly exported some military technologies to these small countries. He dare not say anything else. After thoroughly understanding these technologies, it will definitely be no problem to independently manufacture spaceships. It won't be long before these small countries will establish a real space army.  .  Once the Republic¡¯s plan to escape from the areas controlled by the Light Tribe is exposed, these countries that have received large benefits from the Republic may be able to delay the Light Tribe.  All in all, on the one hand, Ye Fei tried his best to accumulate resources, and on the other hand, he unknowingly spread some technologies. As a result, the military technology of various countries in the human world has improved a lot. I dare not say that it has reached the first place in the Republic.  It is only a matter of time before we can form an expeditionary force for the first time.  After the three old generals completed the clone memory replacement, everything had settled. The entire human world became busy because of Ye Fei's crazy plan. Two months later, the first expedition fleet was formed.  Unlike what was originally discussed, Ye Fei did not form an expeditionary fleet composed entirely of battleships as discussed on the road. Instead, he used city ships as the core and four to six capital ships to form the basic lineup of the expeditionary fleet.  The reason why the city ship is equipped is because the flight time is too long, and after the fleet arrives at the destination, it cannot be left alone, not even the extra manpower to do odd jobs.  City ships and battleships appear to have no improvements on the surface, but the interior of the spacecraft has been redesigned according to the goals of this trip. The most core equipment is a set of stem cell freezers!  Flying from the solar system to the Magellanic Clouds is a distance of 10,000 to 20,000 light-years. It is not something that can be reached within reach.  The universe is full of mysteries to solve. No one can guarantee that there will be no problems in such a long voyage. If something unexpected happens, Ye Fei will have to send a new fleet from the mainland, which is time-consuming and laborious.  Therefore, it is a very important measure to bring a stem cell reserve bank with you. Once there is an accidental injury during the journey, you can use the stem cells to clone a new body to avoid the embarrassment of having to return to your home country to replenish your entourage.  Even if the entire fleet is dead, as long as this equipment is still intact, the local people can clone personnel through remote control and restore the expedition fleet in the shortest time.  Although the expedition fleet carries teleportation ships, they will never establish direct contact with the mainland, and therefore cannot replenish the fleet through the teleportation gate.  After the three old generals Nie, Wu and Xu were cloned and replaced, they transformed into three major officers. The three of them listened to Ye Fei's introduction with dumbfounded eyes and almost bit their tongues.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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