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Volume Thirteen: Stand Alone 1551 The Mission of the Expeditionary Force

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    Ye Fei scolded the wolf cub mercilessly, and the wolf cub finally calmed down and silently obeyed the terrifying arrangement. ??????????????????? However, both Ye Fei and the wolf cub are alert enough to the terrorists, and they are always careful to avoid being sold by the terrorists and helping the terrorists to make money.  Turning around, the wolf cub found a suitable time to stop the Expedition, opened the portal and sent Ye Fei back to the Orion Nebula.  After sending Ye Fei away, the wolf cub let out a sigh of relief and commanded the Expedition to run at full speed. It only took a few minutes to catch up with the fleet.  The wolf cub breathed a sigh of relief, and Ye Fei didn't mention the grievance in his heart.  I wanted to strike first and then tell the story, but I didn¡¯t realize that the distance between the battlefield and Cygnus  He made up his mind, but in desperation, Ye Fei could only return disappointed.  As a result, as soon as Ye Fei returned to the Beidu, the black bear blocked the door and complained in his unique loud voice for more than half an hour.  It happened that Ye Fei was wrong in this matter first, and he had no confidence to refute. This disappointment was coupled with full of grievance. His mood was extremely bad for several days in a row, and it took him half a week to calm down.  Come.  Except for the expeditionary force that continues to fly towards the unknown target, everything seems to be back to its original point, and the matter of evacuating the time acceleration zone is gradually put on the agenda.  The Light Clan will not always maintain the adjustment state of the acceleration zone, nor will they wait forever for the sake of mankind. Maybe one day time will accelerate again, and by then it will be too late to make a decision.  It didn¡¯t take long for the top leaders of the Republic to reach a consensus.  It is necessary to leave, but how to leave requires careful consideration.  Ye Fei really doesn¡¯t understand what these political people are thinking in their minds. Should they go or stay? What should they consider?  Fortunately, the time for deliberation was not long.  A detailed evacuation plan was quickly drawn up.  To put it simply, the main body of the Republic withdraws from the time acceleration zone, but does not abandon the earth. After disclosing all information to all the people, the people are allowed to freely choose to leave or stay.  Staying in the time acceleration zone will face unknown dangers, and anyone with a clear mind knows how to choose.  However, there are also some people who voluntarily stay on Earth, even in the face of unknown crises.  This group of people accounts for about 4% of the total population, which is not a high proportion. However, based on the population base of the Republic, the total number of people who voluntarily stay is as high as 8000 to 90 million!  This number has exceeded that of most small countries!  In the end, the senior officials simply established administrative departments at all levels among the national staff who voluntarily stayed, reorganized a set of national institutions, and named them special zones.  Even if the people who stay in the time acceleration zone are separated from the main body of the Republic due to time differences in the future, they will still be the same country at least in name.  In late July 2228, the evacuation work officially began.  It was only then that Ye Fei realized that he had thought too simply.  Various industrial bases began to fully build city ships and improved combination battleships to supplement each fleet with battleships and enhance the strength of the fleet.  However, the first batch of warships that completed the modification of the magneto-optical engine were divided into more than a dozen two-ship formations, and they rushed to several larger nebulae, hoping to find a place similar to the base star to settle down.  It is difficult to say whether a planet similar to the base star can be found, but there is definitely no shortage of stars in the nebula, and no first-class habitable life can be found.  Is it possible that we still can¡¯t find second-class habitable stars?  The base of the latter is at least ten times that of the former!  Even a second-class habitable star must be lucky, so we can continue to use city ships.  It¡¯s never too late to find a suitable planet to settle on.  We still don¡¯t know what the situation is outside the time acceleration zone. If we plunge into the sphere of influence of other interstellar races, it will be a big trouble. Everything must be arranged in advance, even through fear of people and other attachments.  Get in touch with the interstellar race under the Guang clan to avoid accidental conflicts due to gunfire.  Fortunately, administrative matters are not under the control of the Ministry of National Defense. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Busy.  September has arrived in a blink of an eye.  On September 11, 2228, the Stone Beast finally sent a signal to break away from the speed of light, and the expeditionary force, which had been flying for more than forty days, finally arrived at the far end of the Orion Arm.  The Expedition left the super-light speed. The first thing the wolf cub saw was the pitch black ahead. He turned around and looked at the side screen.  The first half was pitch black, and the second half was filled with bright stars. It was like a world of ice and fire.  Of course, it is not that there is no starlight at all in front, but compared with the dense starry sky behind, the few stars are really inconspicuous, and they are directly selectively captured by the wolf cub.Ignoring the fact that the American and European warships broke away from super-light speed behind the Chinese fleet, the Shibimon parked in front of the Expedition saw all the human warships arriving, and then continued to fly forward at normal speed.  The technical staff of the Expedition immediately determined the target of the trip based on the flight direction of the stone beast, and immediately transferred the enlarged image of the target to the main screen.  "This is the mission area?" the wolf cub murmured to himself in surprise, "Why is it a red dwarf star?" "It's nothing strange. I'm afraid they sent a stone beast to come over with several of your spaceships.  Even if you think about it, you will know that it is definitely not a big battle. It is probably to help you get familiar with the parasites, rather than actually taking you to the battlefield to fight hard," Ye Fei said.  Due to the strict defense of the black bear, Ye Fei never found an opportunity to escape, but he did not intend to turn a blind eye. Instead, he shared the situation of the Expedition in real time through the data system, which was no different from being there in person.  As early as more than a week ago, Ye Fei received the General Staff's analysis report on the expeditionary force's operation. The report clearly pointed out that although humans won the selection, the victory of humans was directly related to the Light Clan's ability to balance the strengths of various races.  relationship.  The strength of the old interstellar races outside the time acceleration zone is difficult to predict, and most of them are far stronger than humans.  Although humans do not know exactly what the relationship between the Light Tribe and other races is, the interstellar race alliance headed by the Light Tribe can only barely resist the invasion of the Parasitic Insects. From this, we can infer the approximate level of the Parasitic Insects' strength  ¡­ In short, with the current strength of mankind, even if the three families are tied together, they will never be able to compete with any of the established interstellar races.  It is even more impossible to be the opponent of Parasitic Insect!  If the Light Clan Alliance is a powerful army, then humanity is just a new recruit who has just joined the army!  Every soldier has gone through the recruit stage, and what recruits need is not weapons, but training, familiarity with the rules and regulations of the army, and a series of other things.  The final conclusion of the report is: Before the strength of human beings grows, the possibility of the Light Clan arranging a decisive battle between humans and parasites is almost zero.  The reason why humans are required to send fleets to participate in the war is not to eliminate the parasites, but to allow humans to become familiar with the enemy of parasites, and then gradually become familiar with the situation of the Light Tribe Alliance, and eventually become a part of the alliance.  The strategic analysis report of the General Staff is well-founded and well-documented. It is by no means groundless. Up to now, the development of events is almost completely consistent with the analysis in the report!  The Stone Beast flew the human fleet to the outskirts of the red dwarf star system and passed through the lens of the optical system.  It's a clear view of what's going on in this small galaxy.  Needless to say, the star itself is a very small red dwarf star, with a diameter of at most half that of the sun.  There are a total of three planets orbiting at different distances outside the star.  The planet closest to the red dwarf star is pitifully small, just a dwarf planet, and it is tidally locked. The temperature on the side facing the star is as high as 800 to 1,000 degrees, and half of the planet's surface is in a red-hot state.  There's not much to say about the other half, it's just freezing hell.  The probability of parasitic worms surviving on this planet is very small.  At most, it can survive near the dusk line.  The third planet is obviously a lonely giant planet without any satellites or rings. No matter how powerful the parasites are, they cannot be strong enough to take root on the giant planet, so there is no need to worry about this planet.  Finally, there is the second planet between the two planets.  The diameter of this planet is about 60% of that of the Earth. Its surface is extremely rough and desolate, and it looks jagged and rocky.  It doesn't look like there is water at all, it's just a desolate earth-like planet that can be seen everywhere in the universe.  But even on such an inconspicuous planet, you can actually see dozens of tall stone pillars standing on the ground at a glance!  The upper and lower diameters of these stone pillars are equal, and the height is at least a hundred meters, if it were not for the wrong environment.  No matter how you look at it, it looks like Optimus Prime from mythology and legend.  "This is probably our mission." Ye Fei said softly.  The wolf cub looked at Ye Fei's holographic image in surprise and nodded slightly.  Just as he was about to speak, the Expedition suddenly received a communication from the Stone Beast: "Everyone, this is your mission planet. Your mission is to destroy all the insect pillars and their underground root systems, regardless of method or situation.  Tip one, parasitic insects are extremely vital. Blowing up the planet will not only not solve the problem, but will also cause the parasite's spores to spread out along with the planet fragments. Tip two, high temperature can kill most of the cells of the parasite. You guys  Any questions?" The wolf cub looked at Ye Fei: "Boss?" "I have no idea," Ye Fei replied immediately, "You are an expeditionary force.??Commander, if you have any questions, you can ask them yourself.  "The wolf cub shook his head: "I have no questions to ask the stone beast.  "Shishengshou has already made his words very clear. He is not an idiot, so why does he need to ask questions? Ye Fei looked at the wolf cub unexpectedly: "Then you have questions to ask me?  "The wolf cub nodded: "Boss, you said that we are uniting with the United States and Europe, and each of us is fighting against itself?  " Ye Fei thought for a while and said, "Ask what the two parties mean. It's best to divide the work into pieces, and no one will interfere with the other.  "Although China, the United States and Europe have come together, there are many problems when they come together to perform the same task, so it is better to separate. "The wolf cub understood this and immediately began to contact the commanders of the United States and Europe. There is no direct affiliation between the three parties.  , The United States and Europe were originally unwilling to be subdued. When they heard that the wolf cub had transferred to Ye Fei, the American commander immediately agreed without thinking.  They planned to join forces to fight against the most powerful China. Therefore, although the European commander did not agree with this approach, he could not openly oppose his allies. He could only reluctantly agree to the wolf cub's proposal. At this time, the stone beast had already stepped aside.  It looked like I only had my eyes on me and didn¡¯t care about anything else. The three parties of humanity came up with a precise distribution plan in the shortest possible time. Each of the three companies occupied one-third of the planet, and no one interfered with the other.  , but no matter what kind of danger is encountered, the other two allies must be notified immediately; when any party is in danger and needs support, the other two parties cannot shirk it for any reason. After a simple agreement of three chapters, the operation officially begins for each of the three fleets.  Go in one direction of the planet, but neither side has rashly approached the planet. Needless to say, Wolf Cub has participated in countless battles, and the commanders on both sides of the United States and Europe are not fuel-efficient. They are all experienced veterans.  After Zai ordered a few people to keep an eye on the American and European fleets, he dispatched a flying formation composed of twenty-one flying mechas. The mission of this formation was not to fight, but to fly through the outer space of the planet at high speed.  There is no need to do anything. The Wolf Cub's order may seem like child's play, but it is actually because he is worried that the parasites have some air defense methods that humans do not understand. He uses this flying formation as a bait to induce the parasites' anti-aircraft firepower to fire, thereby controlling the parasites.  The distribution of the ground insect's anti-aircraft firepower. To put it bluntly, the mission of this group of flying mechas was to fly over the planet over and over again. Each time they flew over, they had to lower their altitude by a few dozen.  After this, the flying mecha was only over a hundred kilometers above the ground. The worm still had no intention of firing. The wolf cub couldn't help but frown: "Boss, do you think the worm really has no anti-air capability?"  " " Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!  "Ye Fei said without thinking, "It can force the light tribe to leave their hometown, how can it be so simple for a parasitic insect?  " "But there has been no movement from the groundworm. How about lowering the altitude?  "The wolf cub suggested. The diameter of this planet is much smaller than that of the earth, and it has no atmosphere. Perhaps the parasites cannot feel the movements of the flying mecha. "No, let's get serious!  Ye Fei said, "Isn't it said that this thing is afraid of heat?"  Just go to the laser cannon and burn those pillars.  "    "receive!  "The wolf cub agreed loudly and immediately arranged the task. A few seconds later, the three warships headed by the Expedition moved forward, opened the main gun door and aimed at the columnar body on the ground. "Fire!  "Wang Zai gave the order, and the three warships opened fire at the same time. Three thick laser beams were fired from the bow main guns of the warships. After crossing a distance of more than 400 kilometers, they directly covered the three straight insect pillars. The surface has nothing to do with the rocks.  After any different insect pillar is covered by the laser, the temperature soars rapidly, and in a few breaths, it becomes a red-hot soldering iron. (To be continued.)
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