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Volume Thirteen: Stand Alone 1549: Chaotic Humanity

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    Four days after the spacecraft full of commandos left the base star, it was officially named the Expedition.  Although the Expedition has the combat effectiveness of a battleship and can also carry a large number of commandos. The flying machinery driven by the commandos can also be used as a light fighter. Its overall performance can be said to be the best among many battleships. However, the Expedition is not a single ship.  , but set off together with the other two battleships.  After careful discussions, the military reorganized the expeditionary force based on this small formation of three warships.  This is the third time that China has established an expeditionary force, known as the Third Expedition in history.  Although the scale of the Third Expeditionary Force is the smallest in history, its combat effectiveness is far from comparable to the previous two. Moreover, the first expeditionary force formed defeated the Exoskeletons, and the second expeditionary force formed defeated Atlantis.  People, many people are looking forward to the re-established expeditionary force to continue its glory.  However, this time the enemy is also stronger than ever before. Ye Fei and other senior military officials do not believe that the expeditionary force can achieve anything in the short term.  After all, the war between the Light Clan and the Parasitic Insects has been going on for who knows how many years. It has always been just about maintaining the front line and not retreating. The strength of human beings will not substantially improve in a short time, and it is impossible to have the ability to influence the situation of the war.  .  After the Expedition left the base star, it took five and a half days to fly to the Atlantis star field, and another ten days to cross the entire subhuman star field, and then sail to the far end of the near-core ball of the Orion Arm¡ñ  ¡ÛAfter three days of walking, we officially left the time acceleration zone.  In fact, the Expedition can reach the subhuman star field directly through the portal, which can save more than a thousand light-years of voyage. However, Ye Fei was originally reluctant, and it was too late to delay, so how could he take the initiative to use the portal?  Shorten the distance?  Ye Fei could not wait to order the expeditionary force to slow down and fly over slowly at sub-light speed!  For this matter.  Ye Fei also found a name to test the long-distance flight stability of the magneto-optical engine to fool Lao Wa and possible surveillance.  When Lao Wa found out, his answer was meaningful: "As long as you arrive in time, it doesn't matter how the process goes." It was this sentence that forced Ye Fei not to slow down the expeditionary force.  There is another thing that puzzles Ye Fei. The transport ship No. 022 is the base star that returned to the base star in early June 2227, after being transformed by the stone beast.  It only took Xinyuan more than twenty days to fly to Cygnus X-1, but what about the Expedition?  Twenty days have passed since they just left the time acceleration zone, and they are all using magneto-optical engines. Is this gap too big?  I have always believed that the light tribe has hidden a secret and has not taught humans all the technology of the magneto-optical engine. Calculated at the speed of the New Source, the speed of Cygnus X-1 to and from Cygnus  The engine's speed is only a little over three light years per hour!  Although this speed is already a great leap forward for mankind¡¯s current aerospace technology, starting from the base star.  It will still take nearly three months to fly to Cygnus X-1.  It¡¯s a coincidence that the distance between the solar system and Cygnus  It¡¯s a bit abstract just looking at the data, but it¡¯s easy to understand if you put it another way ¨C the width of the Orion Arm is about three thousand light years, the solar system is located on the edge of the spiral arm, and the Orion Nebula is almost in the center of the spiral arm!  The solar system and the Orion Nebula are basically on the same horizontal line.  Therefore, the distance between the two and Cygnus x-1 is quite different, both about 6,000 light-years.  And this six thousand light-year journey is not a straight line.  Instead, it must avoid various celestial bodies and dangerous areas along the way, so the actual use time is longer than the theoretical one. It is expected that the expedition force will not arrive until early July.  This matter has almost become Ye Fei's heartache. For this reason, he specially found an opportunity to talk face to face with Lao Wa. As a result, Lao Wa said that humans directly digest the mature magneto-optical engine technology, and the speed of the engine is incompatible with the transformation of stone beasts.  The magneto-optical engine is exactly the same!  Ye Fei didn¡¯t believe Lao Wa¡¯s words at all.  But Lao Wa immediately gave the most reliable analysis: "The reason for flying over a distance of 6,000 light years in more than 20 days was not the speed of the battleship's engine, but the light clan's influence on the time in the space near Xinyuan, helping Xinyuan.  Of course, the mass of Xinyuan is also one of the important reasons for its fast flight. "This reason is very good and powerful, but no matter how Ye Fei calculates it, he can't calculate the cause and effect, and Lao Wa's statement.  It also caused Ye Fei to be shocked: "Lao Wa, what is the time difference between the two sides now?" The time difference is a new concept derived after humans learned that the light race has the ability to affect the flow of time. As the name suggests, this concept represents two stars.  Temporal flow rate differences between domains.     AlwaysSince ancient times, humans have known that the time flow rate in the universe is inconsistent, but it has never been systematically studied and quantified. The emergence of the time difference theory has filled a gap in human understanding of the universe!  The time difference takes the interstellar space time value that is not affected by any influence as the zero point. The larger the difference value, the slower the flow of time.  According to the time difference theory, the time deceleration value of the time acceleration zone used by the Light Tribe to select warlike races will be an extremely high negative number!  Many people believe that the time difference does not apply to star fields outside the time acceleration zone, but the time deceleration value near black holes, neutron stars, and other possible extreme celestial bodies, or in some special areas, will be incredibly large. Although the time difference theory  The current application scope is very limited, but relevant researchers firmly believe that this will be an important breakthrough in human physics, and its academic significance can even be compared with Newton's law and the theory of relativity!  I can¡¯t talk about other aspects for the time being, but the expeditionary force has already left the acceleration zone. In other words, a day for the expeditionary force is likely to be a year or even several years for the base star. Calculated based on this difference, when the expeditionary force returns to the base star,  By that time, the humans who had been guarding the acceleration zone had passed countless years!  Just imagine, when the soldiers of the expeditionary force returned to the base star, they suddenly found that hundreds of years had passed. In hundreds of years, things have changed and people have changed. The sea has turned into a mulberry field, and their relatives, friends and family are no longer the same.  The appearance in memory.  How big of a psychological impact will it have on the soldiers of the expeditionary force?  No matter how tough your nerves are, you may not be able to accept this fact.  If that doesn't work, we can only evacuate the families of the expeditionary force officers and soldiers from the time acceleration zone first. However, it is best for the main body of the Republic, especially the research institutions, to stay for a while, just to use the ample time brought by the time acceleration to fully understand what Laowa has brought.  various technologies.  And fill the gap in the military's warships.  Lao Wa seemed to have read through Ye Fei's mind and replied with a half-smile: "The acceleration zone is currently in the adjustment stage, and there is no time difference with the outside world." Ye Fei was immediately disappointed and relieved.  What¡¯s disappointing is that the plan that just came up with an idea has already died before it took shape. What¡¯s gratifying is that the previous speculation may not become a reality.  "Don't be too happy first." Lao Wa added, "After any race wins, the time acceleration zone will enter the adjustment zone. No one can tell how long this period will be. If you don't hurry up and withdraw,  Go, you should understand the result." Ye Fei's brows tightened a little: "Can't the Orion Nebula be excluded from the acceleration zone?" "I'm just an intelligent robot. This problem is beyond my ability.  The scope of the answer." Lao Wa said in a business-like tone.  There is no room for change at all.  Ye Fei wanted to use the strongest tone to ask Lao Wa to ask someone who was capable of answering, but in the end he said nothing and ended the meeting with Lao Wa.  There was an intriguing light flashing in Lao Wa's eyes as he watched Ye Fei leave, but Ye Fei didn't feel it at all. All his thoughts were focused on the thorny issue of whether to leave or to stay.  Emotionally speaking, he prefers to stay, but rationally tells him that leaving is the best choice.  But whether you stay or leave.  He can't make the decision alone, very quickly.  The causes and consequences of this incident, including the impact of the time difference, were reported to the whole country through the media, launching a large-scale discussion that swept the country.  To Ye Fei¡¯s expectation, the impact of this incident on China was not as great as he imagined.  Although it is hard to leave our homeland, China has already withdrawn from the solar system, and it is not our homeland anywhere.  What's the difference between a base star or a basic star?  China made no secret of the news. Less than half an hour after the news was announced, the United States and Europe received detailed information, and there was an uproar.  The United States and Europe are equal allies with China, but in the eyes of the light people.  China, the United States and Europe are all human beings and have never divided humanity into several different forces.  The mission Lao Wa shoulders is also for the entire human race, not just the Republic.  The reason why we directly found the base star after arriving in the human star field is actually because China played a decisive role in winning the victory, and the United States and Europe were just foils no matter how they looked at it, so they directly found China's head.  .  After an in-depth analysis, we can see that the reason why Lao Wa did this was probably under the instruction of the Guang Clan. After all, the Guang Clan wanted the race that was best at fighting. In comparison, the United States and Europe had no weapons or equipment.  The quality of the soldiers is much worse than that of humans.  "The Chinese side did not understand this situation at all, so it did not keep the necessary confidentiality of Lao Wa's arrival. It didn't take long for the United States and Europe to knowIn response to this situation, a strong protest and a series of demands were made to China.  It was only then that China realized with annoyance how big of a loophole it had made.  However, Ye Fei ignored the protests from the United States and Europe and only promised them that they could send people to learn the technology provided by the Guang Clan.  Lao Wa has reached China's sphere of influence. Both the United States and Europe know very well that no matter how much they make a fuss, the chance of Lao Wa moving away is negligible. Therefore, after achieving their goal, they immediately ceased their activities and moved as quickly as possible.  A group of scientific researchers were selected and sent to the base star.  Forget about the entanglement between the United States and Europe. Let¡¯s send the best scientific researchers. We are afraid that China will intercept them halfway and send them with poor skills. We are also afraid that they will be too slow to understand and learn too quickly, so they will not be able to send them in a short time.  Useful.  China, which occupies a favorable geographical position, has all the advantages, but Ye Fei is very clear-headed. He is very keenly aware that after losing the pressure from the outside world, the three-party alliance has lost the basis for unity and cooperation and has become in name only.  ??The United States and Europe will 100% mix sand into the scientific researchers sent to the research base, use intelligence personnel to act as scientific researchers, and pretend to be false.  ¡°If it¡¯s just to spy on intelligence, if in order to hold China back, they temporarily assassinate China¡¯s top scientific researchers, China¡¯s losses will be huge ¨C any top scientific researcher is China¡¯s strategic resource that cannot be regenerated!  From a long-term perspective, the main theme of Tianfang in the future will still be unity with the outside world. The scary thing is that there will be short-sighted guys in the United States and Europe.  Don¡¯t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst, and be on guard against others!  For this reason, Ye Fei issued a new order to the engineering force and built another small research base as quickly as possible to provide personnel from the United States and Europe. He also used Lao Wa's bionic terminal to teach, avoiding direct contact between the three parties.  This method of removing fuel from the cauldron couldn¡¯t be more effective. The human world, which has been noisy for a while, is finally a little quieter.  As for those small countries that cannot buy spaceships from China, the United States and Europe and cannot do without colonial stars, no matter which party has ignored them intentionally or unintentionally, even Lao Wa did not mention them.  ??If the United States and Europe had not made a small contribution to the victory of mankind in the battle, Laowa would not take the United States and Europe into consideration. ? ? Mechanical civilization is indeed not very creative, but it sees issues of interest very accurately.  At this point, the overt and covert battles surrounding Laowa and Guangzu technology have come to an end for the time being, but small actions in private are definitely inevitable. Not only are the United States and Europe targeting China, but China is also conducting round-the-clock operations on the space bases housing personnel from the United States and Europe.  comprehensive surveillance, and thoroughly investigated the details of all researchers sent by China to avoid being infiltrated by people from the United States and Europe.  Ye Fei was angered by the good intentions of the United States and Europe. Ye Fei, who originally did not want to drag the United States and Europe into trouble, changed his mind and stated the requirements of the Light Clan in detail.  Although Ye Fei did not directly request how many warships and troops the United States and Europe would send to space, the meaning was already obvious.  The United States and Europe also specifically approached Lao Wa for this purpose, and the result naturally confirmed Ye Fei's words.  Needless to say, the entanglement between the United States and Europe is such that they send troops, fearing that the losses will be too great; they deliberately turn a blind eye and know that they cannot hide it from the eyes of the Light Clan, so they can only choose to compromise in the end.  In the blink of an eye, the time came to the beginning of July 2228. Ye Fei's attention returned to the expeditionary force that was about to arrive at its destination. However, he did not receive any response throughout early July. Until mid-July, he flew continuously for more than a hundred days.  The expeditionary force had just arrived at Cygnus X-1.  (To be continued)?¡­
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