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Volume 2: Two Kings Fight for Glory, Chapter 41 Today is even more troublesome

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    Just when the battle broke out in Jaina's place, the main city of Lordaeron was not peaceful either, and a turmoil began to break out. This turmoil happened at the same moment as the undead took action in the suburbs.  The turmoil that broke out in the main city of Lordaeron was caused by the people of the Curse Cult, and they began to take action.  Unlike the last time the Cult of the Curse was encircled and suppressed, the members of the Cult of the Curse this time are generally stronger.  The last time the members of the Cult of the Cursed were just outnumbered, and in terms of strength, they were not too strong at all. But this time it was different. This time it was completely opposite to the last time. The members of the Cult of the Cursed had not only become rarer, but also  These members of the Cursed Cult are very powerful.  "And if these two points are combined together, they will cause trouble for the Kingdom of Gilneas.  The small number of people proves that they are more flexible. They no longer have a large number of people like the last time. Although there are many people, they also restrict the activities of these Cursed God Cult. After all, there are many people in this Cursed God Cult, but they  Can there be more than the Kingdom of Gilneas?  That is obviously impossible.  The Kingdom of Gilneas will have more people, and it cannot compete with the Kingdom of Gilneas based on the number of people. And because of the large number of people, it limits the flexibility of the Cult of the Curse. In the end, it can only compete head-on with the Kingdom of Gilneas, so these Cults of the Curse are destined to be defeated.  Their fate was to be wiped out in the end. This time, the Cult of the Curse learned the lesson from the last time and sent not many people at all. This made them extremely flexible, and combined with their tyrannical strength, they wanted to let  They directly captured the main city of Lordaeron.  That is not realistic at all.  But what if chaos breaks out in the main city of Lordaeron.  This is an easy thing.     destroy.  It's always faster than construction.  As long as they start setting fires in some places in the main city of Lordaeron, chaos will naturally occur.  No matter what time it is, as long as you start setting fire, it can always easily lead to chaos.  The houses in the world of Azeroth are basically made of wood, not only these houses, but also other houses.  This is basically the case, but this is the former main city of Lordaeron, such as some newly expanded areas, which use cement, etc., but this cement cannot be completely fireproof, just like the world of Rex's previous life, it is not yet  Countless fires broke out, burning down floors one after another.  Once the flame is burning, it is not easy to extinguish it.  And in the world of Azeroth.  In this world filled with extraordinary powers, people want to set fire to something.  That's even easier.  Some mages, as long as they release magic such as fireball and start using it on a place, the flames will already burn.  This is also what the lurking curse god teaches them. Fireball and Ice Arrow are both low-level spells.  As long as you are a mage, this is a spell that you must learn.  Along with the fireballs flashing with fiery red light, they began to be continuously emitted.  This mage laughed heartily.  Showing a cheerful expression, he roared loudly: "Burn, burn, burn these guys who are disrespectful to the master." The mage has long pale golden hair hanging behind him, following him  He kept shaking the staff in his hand, and it started to shake.  Although the mage is very arrogant, he is not a brainless person.  His movements were very fast, and after hitting the fireballs one by one, he decisively started to run away.  As for whether the fireball hit the house or started burning, he didn't care.  His strength is not strong enough to ignore the pursuit of everyone around him, so he wants to start escaping immediately before the pursuers come.  The mage's decision was correct, because not long after he left, a group of people came here, walking in neat steps and wearing a layer of leather armor.  The person in front of him looked around, looking at the houses and the flames burning on them, and he couldn't help but get angry.  The team member is from the main city of Lordaeron, a local. This local does not mean living in the main city of Lordaeron.  Those who can be stationed in the main city of Lordaeron are all people who live in the main city of Lordaeron. This local man refers to the captain who has already started to live in the main city of Lordaeron when the Kingdom of Lordaeron was still there.  This is the main city of Lordaeron.  Such people are in the main city of Lordaeron.?Not a lot anymore.  They only occupy a very small part of the people who live in the main city of Lordaeron.  When Arthas suddenly took action and killed everyone in the royal family, even the other senior officials of the Kingdom of Lordaeron were not much better. The place where Arthas completed the regicide was  During the celebration of the return of Alsace.  However, there were many nobles present. The more distinguished they were and the more important they were in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the more they had to attend, so the final result was tragic. All these people were killed by Arthas.  Now, the Kingdom of Lordaeron is in chaos. Those who can start to make decisions have been killed, and the rest are those who cannot make decisions.  A chaotic situation emerged, and no one started to stabilize the chaos. In the end, the situation became more and more chaotic, until Arthas started killing people in the main city of Lordaeron.  People in the main city of Lordaeron began to flee.  Some of these fleeing people fled to the Kingdom of Gilneas. These people are now the locals in the main city of Lordaeron. Most of these people have survived. Except for those who died on the road, otherwise as long as they are  After reaching the Kingdom of Gilneas, everyone survived, and the rest headed directly towards the Plague Land.  Although they escaped at the time, Alsace began to mobilize troops in the Eastern and Western Plague Lands. War broke out again here, and many people died.  People who can survive.  They all arrived at Daron County and the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.  So I can return to settle in the main city of Lordaeron.  It is also not an easy thing.  As a native of the main city of Lordaeron.  The captain naturally hates these people very much. He hates them for starting to destroy his hometown.  This scene directly reminded the captain of the time when the undead began to wreak havoc.  He glanced around angrily, but he didn't let the captain discover the culprit that caused all this. Instead, he saw people who were busy putting out the fire.  Seeing this scene, I originally wanted to go and chase the murderer's captain.  At this moment, he gave up. With the situation in front of him, it was obvious that putting out the fire was more important.  The current fire is not burning very seriously. If you put out the fire now, it can be easily extinguished. If left alone, it may eventually turn into a horrific disaster.  As for those people who are busy putting out the fire, they have automatically begun to be ignored.  These people just ran to carry water from a distance.  What we did was still the same old method, which was the method used to put out fires when the Kingdom of Lordaeron was still alive.  This method is already outdated now, if we continue to put out the flames like this.  When the flames began to spread, this was the reason why the captain decisively gave up.  The main city of Lordaeron has been around in recent years.  Development has been somewhat rapid. Since the Kingdom of Gilneas began to occupy the main city of Lordaeron, many strange things have begun to appear.  These things are things that the captain has never heard of or seen. Some people accept these things easily, but there are also some people who find it difficult to accept them. This is also related to age. Young people are more accepting.  , their world view is formed only when it is formed. Even if it is formed, it is easy to accept other changes because it has just been formed. However, it is difficult for those who are older to accept it. Their world view has already been  It's deeply ingrained, and it's extremely difficult to change it.  Although the captain is not young, he has a strong ability to accept.  Because the best result brought about by these changes is enjoyment.  For example, the captain's home already has an air conditioner. In the past, the heat wave was rolling in the summer, and it was difficult to sleep in the dark night. However, since the air conditioner has been introduced, even in the summer, it is not hot.  Because of this, the captain actively began to accept a series of changes. But if he wanted to extinguish the flames, he would traditionally fill the water with wooden buckets and other things, and then start pouring water on the flames.  , or the use of magic, which is an outdated thing.  In the captain¡¯s opinion, the first one can be discarded.  The second method of using magic is easy, but for the mage, the consumption of magic is not small.  When destruction begins to ignite, sometimes if the attack is right,A fireball is enough, but if you want to put out the flame.  The magic power consumed is the magic power of ten fireball spells, and it cannot be defeated.  If the magic power of the mage is continuous, there will never be a time when the magic power is exhausted. Naturally, the mage is the best target to extinguish the fire.  But because of the limitations of magic power, mages are not suitable.  The captain strode directly to a place in front of the burning house. He pushed away several people who were busy putting out the fire.  The few people who were pushed away by the captain looked at the captain with angry expressions. At this time, the captain could be said to be an obstacle in their eyes.  Those who are in the way, after all, they are busy putting out the fire with tools and water, and the captain not only refuses to put out the fire, but also comes forward to cause trouble, occupying a place, which happens to be the place where he starts pouring water on the flames.  .  The captain simply ignored the person who looked at him angrily. He was not worried that the other person would do something drastic to him. The leather armor on his body already revealed his identity. He was from the Kingdom of Gilneas.  army.  His position is not low. How can someone who can afford an air conditioner have a lower position?  If it¡¯s lower, you can afford an air conditioner.  He groped for a while and explored carefully, but he found it. He decisively waved his weapon towards the ground.  Bang bang bang!  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  A pit appeared, and he looked at the water pipes buried in the pit.  The water supply in the main city of Lordaeron has begun to be distributed throughout the city.  Others did not think of this at all, but the agile captain with brain cancer had already considered using his sharp thorn to pierce directly from the ground.  This series of actions was very fast. It can be said that this monster was extremely decisive, and there was no hesitation at all.  Such an action was like giving Jaina a blow in the head, completely blinding her.  Jaina never expected in her wildest dreams that the purpose of this undead was not to rescue Neptulon the Tide Hunter, but to kill Neptulon the Tide Hunter.  From such an attack, Jaina did not see any hesitation at all. It can be said that this attack was the full attack of the monster underground. This was his sure-kill blow.  At this moment, the ground has experienced several attacks from monsters, and the originally solid ground has become fragile. I still haven¡¯t figured out the little thing about express delivery. YTO Express is really in trouble all its life. The express delivery has not been received.  When I arrived, it finally showed that a courier had been signed for by me. I called the delivery person. It was okay at first. I could still call Didi, but it just didn¡¯t answer. But after a while, when I called again, it didn¡¯t work.  As long as I called, it was busy and there was no sound at all. It seemed that the phone number had been blocked, otherwise it would not have been so fast. Even if I hung up, it would take a while and there would be a reaction time. This was not possible for him at all.  Not given.  ¡°Hey, I¡¯m really upset, it¡¯s the first time I¡¯ve encountered something like this.  Complain and express your grievances.  (To be continued)
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