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Volume 2: Jurassic Park 44. Walk around the fighter

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    "Don't kill me, I actually don't want to hurt anyone," begged the Blue Devil who found himself imprisoned after being caught. His teleportation lost its function under Qin Gray's control.  "Why don't others think so?" Blue Devil said in a disappointed tone.  "What's your name?" "Wagner, Kurt Wagner" the Blue Devil replied. He was very honest, perhaps because he saw Claude's strength.  After observing carefully, Claude discovered that the opponent was indeed the Blue Devil, with fangs, claws and a devil's tail.  Storm and Qin were still interrogating, but Claude felt a faint calling in his mind.  He calmed down and listened carefully to the voice.  It was very weak, as if the owner of that voice was very weak.  "What's wrong?" Qin Gray noticed something strange about Claude and asked.  "There is a voice in my mind," Claude said, "It's like someone is using telepathy." "Telepathy? Is it the professor?" Storm asked.  "I don't know." Claude shook his head, but for a moment, the voice in his head was amplified, "The school is in danger!" "What?" "The school is in danger, I have to rush back first!" Claude said and suddenly said  Jumping, he broke through the roof directly, and then, a black stream of light flashed through, directly carrying him away!  "Is the school in danger?" The two looked at each other and then made a decision to fly back immediately, taking the Blue Devil with them of course Fenrir Wolf's flying state is completely different from its land state, and its overall streamlined shape has not changed.  , but the two wheels are put away and replaced by jet holes to simulate the suspension device of a flying skateboard.  Then there are several thrusters, and the powerful speed directly tears Claude's casual clothes!  Even though the sonic boom was eliminated by high-tech means due to supersonic speed, the knife-like wind still completely destroyed his clothes!  So, he put on his black uniform again.  If someone can take a photo of him flying in the air, it will be published in the newspaper the next day. It turns out that the Black Knight can still fly!  Flying rapidly in the air, pulling up long white cloud trails.  The reason why Claude was so anxious was because of Professor  , while Storm and Qin were talking again, only Claude, a relatively capable student, was thinking quietly alone. This was an opportunity, so Professor X chose Claude instantly, but because Professor  Able to communicate with very weak consciousness.  Professor X says a force is threatening the mutant school!  Although those students are all good in strength, compared with the army, they have no sense of combat at all. More importantly, few of them can resist bullets!  The little naughty little naughty cat and the phantom cat are still in school!  That¡¯s why Claude rushed back to school in such a hurry!  However, the trouble does not stop there. The speeding mysterious aircraft flew at low altitude, and Claude was locked in an instant. He was so anxious that he forgot to block satellite reconnaissance.  As expected, two fighter jets caught up.  Their speed is also Mach 2, while Claude¡¯s flying speed is Mach 4!  I¡¯m afraid it will only take a few minutes to get rid of them.  "The strange aircraft ahead, please get down, otherwise, I will fire!" An aircraft sent a warning to Claude.  However, Claude ignored them at all. It was late at night and no one had time to play with them. Moreover, the situation was in crisis!  Although Claude still remembers a lot of the plot, all he can remember about the details that have nothing to do with the movie are the cool special effects scenes. After all, you need to be aware of this when watching a blockbuster.  Although there are many details sealed in the mind, they need some kind of scene to trigger them. Therefore, although Claude now knows that Professor X will be fine, he doesn't know if the mutants in the school will be fine.  "Lieutenant Colonel, according to observation, there seems to be a person sitting on the aircraft," another pilot reported.  "A person?" "Yes, there is no protective measures, and his aircraft is like a modified motorcycle!" "A modified motorcycle?" The black lieutenant colonel pondered for a while and said, "Intercept him for me.  Come down and attack if necessary.?!  " "Yes" "Yes" Under the night sky, two fighter jets were hung far behind a flying locomotive. This is extremely surprising. When have land units been able to compete with fighter jets? Unfortunately, they can only  Confused and surprised. ¡°Repeated warnings are ineffective, and we will attack!  "Finally, two fighter jets aimed at Claude and opened fire! In an instant, two tracking missiles struck! Claude drove one down suddenly and made a big circle. Although the speed difference between the two sides was huge, Mach 1, but  , unable to close the distance for dozens of seconds! The two tracking missiles flew up and down after passing through several clouds. Boom! A small mushroom cloud rose.  It disappeared in an instant, and there was no light in the sky, as if it had never appeared, and at the next moment, two huge red energy explosion balls flew towards the two fighter jets! "Peng" and "Peng" parachuted, while the helicopter exploded powerlessly in the air!  "Lieutenant Colonel, the attack has failed, and the opponent has powerful attack methods," one of the parachute pilots reported. "Prepare the air force for me" The lieutenant colonel planned to order the strange aircraft to be stopped immediately, "Report to the lieutenant colonel.  Satellite reconnaissance lost target!  " "Forget it, close the team!  " "Want to fight me?  "Claude smiled and looked at the sea of ????fire in the sky behind him that had not yet disappeared, directly blocking satellite detection. No matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to know Claude's location. The artificial intelligence program is dozens of times ahead of the world.  Years, of course, it is probably hundreds of years ahead of his previous life Above the sky, a black meteor streaked across. When you zoom in, you will find that there is a person on it, and the most strange thing is that the person is facing the wind.  Make a phone call! The wind can tear a person¡¯s mouth apart at four times the speed of sound! However, this person is not affected at all and can even speak clearly. If the strong wind hadn¡¯t made the other person¡¯s clothes rustle, no one would have done it.  She would think that he exposed himself in the air. ¡°Natalie, what¡¯s going on?  "This person is naturally Claude. "Tomorrow's formation report" was reported by the charming red-haired Natalie at the other end of the voice. "But I am very busy, can you push it back?  ¡°While rescuing people, there is still company business to be busy with. I¡¯m afraid no one is more tired than him. ¡°Jurassic Park¡¯s income report after its official opening, TV interviews, etc., and an awards show, Tony  Stark is the protagonist" "Um, just return them all, thank you" "Okay" Natalie said with a helpless voice. "By the way, remember to send Tony Stark a bouquet of flowers" After saying this, Claude  Cut off contact. ¡°No. 1, did someone perform a satellite lock on me just now?  " "Yes, boss" "My little assistant is quite scheming," Claude curled his lips. "In the middle of the night, and it was Claude who called after blocking the satellite reconnaissance. Isn't it too coincidental?"  ? Claude didn¡¯t care. At least the assistant was very dedicated, the company was well managed, and all the shares were in Claude¡¯s hands. There was nothing to fear. The next moment, the school arrived, but at this time.  Six helicopters are turning their propellers rapidly, trying to take off! But two planes have already flown away and are slowly disappearing! The military is dressed as a special force with real guns and ammunition!
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