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Volume 2: Jurassic Park 40. Battle against the Hulk!  !

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    "Hulk, what are you doing!" Claude couldn't help but complain.  Then he directly kicked the car door with a "bump", and kicked the top-notch manufacturing process door known as a bullet-proof door directly away.  Send everyone down.  "Come on, my equipment!" Claude casually pressed the high-end electronic watch on his left wrist. He was definitely going to fight the Hulk, except for the fact that the woman in his car was scared to scream.  In addition to the damage to the latest limited edition commercial vehicle, he wants to fight this green giant.  At the Julong Company headquarters more than ten kilometers away, an extremely cool motorcycle rushed out, breaking through the sonic boom!  Transformed into a black meteor and headed straight for Claude!  The Hulk roared at Claude and others, but he was still conscious and unwilling to hurt others.  "Help! Help!" Mary Jane immediately shouted to the army.  At this time, the army on the side was also attracting firepower, and then a group of soldiers with powerful equipment came forward to escort Claude and his party to quickly evacuate.  "On behalf of the Dragon Company, I hope the army will give us an explanation!" Claude said angrily to the old man with white beard and white hair, and then left quickly with a few people.  "Dragon Company!" The other soldiers were obviously dumbfounded.  "Julong Company is in the limelight right now. It is the topic of conversation for almost everyone in the world. Most of the exchanges are, you know?"  Today, Julong Company bought another factory and so on.  How rich is Julong Company?  Rich enough to rival the country?  No one knows, just because they have more and more industries, which makes his income more and more blurry.  However, at this time, the general shouted, "Destroy this monster for me, and the other things will be taken care of later!" As a billionaire, and engaged in various industries, especially the movies of the Dragon Company, this made the Dragon Company's  The boss has become the most popular figure at the moment. On the list of the most influential people in the world, the boss of Dragon Corporation occupies the second place. The third place is Tony Stark, the person who just took over the industry. The first place is,  The black knight fighting the dinosaurs.  But it is said that the boss is not very old, and now it seems that he is probably like this.  Only upper-class people have seen Claude, but no one can take his photo out, because no one can.  Dragon Corporation invests in almost everything, of course it only does formal business, and it is absolutely not involved in arms. This gives it an extremely good reputation, unlike Osborn Corporation, Exploration Aerospace and Stark Industries, who are all  Commoners call them demons who trade their lives for money.  "Send them to Columbia University," Claude said to Natalie.  "What about you?" Kekes suddenly asked nervously at this time.  "Have you forgotten what I do?" Claude said, holding his hands up and making a weightlifting motion.  "You are!" Kekes remembered in shock. The person in front of him was the black knight who was rumored to be magical!  Claude smiled and said, "I wish you a pleasant visit. I want to go back and take a look at my car. You know it cost me a lot of savings." "It's better to leave with us," Natalie said. "The army will protect us."  "Natalie, I want to ask you a question." Claude did not answer the other party's question, but said another thing.  "What's the problem?" "Why didn't you scream just now?" Claude asked. He felt that if this woman wasn't crazy, then she must have seen this kind of thing often.  "I was in the legal department before this, and I dealt with a lot of things. It's not worth screaming. I also killed people. I believe it's written on my resume," Natalie answered calmly.  "Um, really?" Claude was embarrassed, because he really didn't pay attention.  "But I still bother you." Claude turned around and took off his suit jacket and handed it over. "I do have some things to deal with." Several people left, and at this time, on the other side, the battle had already entered.  In the heated scene, a guy who seems to be a special soldier has physical fitness that is beyond ordinary people!  Jumping about two meters high!  This kind of jumping power is really terrifying!  Of course, the horror is limited to ordinary people.  However, at this time, the situation of this special soldier was not good. The Hulk was holding two deformed car doors pulled from the car, which looked like two shields and two kitchen knives.He slashed at the special soldier.  At this time, the Hulk was obviously not too tall. Obviously, his power had not yet exploded.  Finally, the Hulk kicked the guy away more than 20 meters!  He hit a tree and passed out.  "Prepare the sonic cannon!" At this time, General Ross shouted into the walkie-talkie.  The Hulk roared and rushed towards General Ross, the general who had been arresting him and trying to study him, a cunning old thief!  "Attack quickly!!" General Ross shouted hoarsely.  Beside him, his daughter, Betty Ross, the Hulk's girlfriend, was crying and begging her father to let the Hulk go.  Sonic cannons use sound waves to attack. When an object breaks the sound barrier, it will produce a sonic boom. Claude's motorcycle has a sonic boom, but his motorcycle is equipped with an advanced system to avoid the sonic boom.  The huge energy of a sonic boom is like a bomb in the vast sky, shattering glass and making people deaf. However, what will be the consequences if the sound that should be scattered widely is concentrated and launched in a specific direction?  The consequence is that this will become a cannon that does not need to change ammunition and can fire infinitely!  Even though the launch speed may only be Mach 1, it is obviously enough to deal with a big guy like the Hulk.  No matter how strong your defense is, my infinite attack must be even more powerful.  The sonic cannon did restrain the Hulk, and the ripples in the air were almost visible to the naked eye. Even at the edge, the sound would make you want to vomit, but Claude's physical fitness was good and this did not happen.  The sonic cannon attacks with sound, so its speed is only Mach 1, and it can only reach Mach 1. Sound cannot exceed the speed of sound.  Then, the Hulk violently threw out the two huge pieces of iron in his hand, directly cutting the two modified off-road vehicles in half!  Strong power!  However, the battle will always continue to escalate. Claude did not intend to intervene at the beginning. Although he wanted to fight the Hulk, he was also unhappy with these armies, destroying other people's private property and bumping into each other at will.  Shouldn't I be compensated if my car breaks down?  Soldiers always have blood on their hands, regardless of justice or evil, so a superhero is also needed to punish the army. Helicopters are coming!  The missile is ready to launch immediately!  But at the critical moment when the missile was launched, the Hulk and his girlfriend, due to some special reasons and laws, slowly ignored everything around them and walked towards both sides.  "Damn it!" Claude cursed secretly, then jumped up and headed straight for the launched missile. The missile would have little effect on the Hulk, but for his girlfriend, I'm afraid, if the Hulk's girlfriend dies,  No one can guess how powerful his anger will be. Infinite anger will give him infinite power. Maybe by then the Hulk will transform into a huge monster twenty or thirty meters tall, one that can cause the geology to collapse with just one stamp of his foot.  kind!  At this time, the Hulk also reacted and rushed forward to protect his girlfriend Betty under his body. With his huge body of two and a half meters, it was nothing to protect a girl who was only about 1.7 meters tall.  Difficult matter.  Like a huge canvas wrapping his girlfriend tightly.  However, everyone in the field noticed that a person flew towards the nuclear bomb at a very fast speed!  "Check it out for me! Who asked for the attack!" General Ross roared angrily. Although he valued his career very much, he cherished his daughter equally.  Finally, boom!  The missile exploded in the air due to contact with an object!  A small mushroom cloud is gradually starting to burn!  Whoosh!  In a transformation that almost made people want to spurt blood, the originally majestic missile shrank in an instant, then turned into the size of a person and landed downwards!  ¡°Sir, I seem to have seen this scene before somewhere,¡± a soldier said weakly.  "Where have you seen it before?" General Ross was also a little confused about this sudden and strange phenomenon. The missile, an extremely powerful weapon, would blow up a hill after it exploded. However, the missile at this moment did not release its power.  , although General Ross is relatively lucky. After all, this is a prosperous area with many people, so it did not cause a major disaster.  But what is the power of missiles?  He began to seriously doubt the military strength of his country's army.  And just when the fireball was about to land, a cool motorcycleCome running!  The powerful power of Mach 3 directly blew a thick whirlwind on the grass!  The grass and soil were rolled up!  Fenrir Wolf!  At this time, the fireball landed directly on the locomotive. After three seconds, the locomotive and the figure on the vehicle were revealed.  The Black Knight¡¯s classic costume appears!  "Sir, what I want to say is that that missile attack was also defused by the Black Knight!" The soldier looked at the figure and finally spoke out stammeringly.  "Black Knight!" General Ross frowned. He knew that this so-called Black Knight, the last dinosaur incident should have been solved by the army, but this so-called Black Knight stole the limelight, and some big guys were preparing to frame him and capture this Black Knight.  The Knight conducted research just like he was researching the Hulk. However, he received notices and warnings from many aspects, including members of Congress, the President, and mutants!  General Ross has every reason to believe that the other party is a mutant, but this is not within his jurisdiction, and who would deliberately offend a mutant?  No one knows how many mutants there are in this world, and if you want to kill mutants, you need to completely eliminate teenagers, but by that time, all humans in the world will be finished!  Claude put on a combat suit. This suit is made of very tough material and will not be torn by sharp objects. Just like the Hulk's big underpants, it can maintain the shape without worrying about being exposed.  "Retreat!" General Ross shouted, and then quickly drove away. His daughter was still in the hands of the Hulk, but he could not save her.  People left as quickly as they came, leaving only the Black Knight, the Hulk, and Betty Ross, who was lying on the Hulk's chest in terror.  "You are the Black Knight! Please let him go!" At this time, Betty looked at the figure sitting on the motorcycle and begged, a strong man who directly chopped the Tyrannosaurus Rex to death with a knife. She could not identify her mutant boyfriend.  Is it as powerful as a Tyrannosaurus rex?  But, Betty knew that the Black Knight was rumored to be the Black Knight, representing the black light. Of course, there was government hype and media hype, but it was enough that he was a good guy.  Betty hopes to be moved by emotion.  "He destroyed my car," Claude said. He would not admit that he kicked in the door.  "We can compensate!" Betty said immediately, while the Hulk grinned at Claude because he couldn't speak.  "I want to fight him!" Claude said, "There is no reason." And what he responded to was the roar of the Hulk!  Betty knew that anything she said would be in vain, so she quietly walked to the side and sat down.  The Hulk jumped up and headed straight for Claude's head!  The powerful jumping ability is more than five meters high!  Not to be outdone, Claude jumped up as well, and then met him with a knee strike!  The result is self-evident. The Hulk faced each other for the first time and was directly k.o!  Bruce Banner is just a doctor. He used to just sit on the bench and never practiced any fighting skills. Then, he mutated and relied only on strong strength. He fought like a beast, throwing and smashing, just this  That¡¯s all.  However, because of his powerful strength, this simple attack is no longer simple.  It¡¯s just that he met an opponent. At least for now, Claude¡¯s strength is greater than that of the Hulk. Of course, he can¡¯t tell what the opponent will say in anger.  The Hulk punched Claude on the head, but he only saw his body sway slightly and was not injured.  The completely absorbed attack power was converted into energy to strengthen Claude's body. The more he was beaten, the stronger he became. Perhaps it can be understood this way. However, as the body gradually strengthens, the requirements for energy are getting higher and higher.  The number is also getting larger and larger, but the energy is not enough for him to undergo any transformation.  So, the two began a powerful fight, and also tacitly moved the fighting location. The most important thing was that Claude would lead, and the Hulk would only follow.  Betty was carried by Claude on Fenrir wolf and followed behind the two of them.  This is a protracted battle, fighting from noon to night, everyone has seen the battle on the roof, the black knight versus the green monster.  So, as expected, the Black Knight will continue to dominate the next report.?Headlines.  Then, the three of them came to a desert, an abandoned desert, the place purchased by Julong Company for development, with a radius of more than ten kilometers!  All satellite surveillance is blocked by No. 1.  The increasingly fierce battle left both of them panting, and Claude finally began to change from being able to do it with ease to being unable to do so.  The more he fights, the angrier the Hulk becomes, and the angrier he becomes, the more powerful he becomes!  With the Hulk's angry blow, Claude was finally punched away!  The Hulk was also panting from exhaustion, but he felt much better after taking care of his opponent.  "Ho¡ª¡ª!" roared, and the Hulk looked at his girlfriend, then slowly turned into an ordinary person and fell asleep.
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