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Text Chapter 557 Return to Earth

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    The behemoth has been imprinted with the soul mark by Watson.  **What surprised Watson was that although this behemoth was extremely different from humans, its soul seemed to be no different from humans.  Watson doesn't seem to have any trouble imprinting the soul of the behemoth.  It¡¯s just that although this behemoth has a much higher IQ than ordinary metal life forms, it is still far behind compared to earth creatures.  Not even as high as a dog's IQ.  Therefore, although all the memories in the behemoth's soul can be easily obtained, there is not much valuable information.  The memories of the behemoth's soul power are all fragmented. Although Watson has sorted out many valuable things, he still knows nothing about the origin of metal life, and he still has no clue about that mysterious guy.  All I know is that all metal lifeforms regard that guy as a god.  The main reason why the metal beings launched an attack on the landing ship was because the god was giving orders.  Of course, that guy obviously underestimated the strength of the Fahrenheit Exploration Team, so he got angry. Not only did he fail to cause any harm to the Exploration Team, but he actually suffered a loss of troops.  "We have figured out how metal life reproduces. The reproduction method of these metal lives is very unique, just like cell division. This behemoth is a mother body. From it, metal life can be separated one by one. These metal life are completely unique  The most basic characteristics of life, they have the characteristic of growth." Bi Yuanchao told Watson the results of the recent period.  "Well, you have worked hard. The harvest is not small." Watson said.  "Master, I feel that there seems to be no point in continuing to study like this. Although these metal life forms are strange, there is still a certain gap compared with the spiritual brain. Their IQ is very low, and there are still many shortcomings compared to the spiritual brain."  Hu Zhijie said.  "You are wrong about this. Although metal lifeforms have low IQs, are you sure that the spiritual brain can be more powerful than metal lifeforms? It has high performance. This is undeniable. But if you think that the performance is high, you think that the spiritual brain is more powerful than metal lifeforms.  Awesome and more valuable. That's wrong. Lingnao is indeed very good, but it still has a fatal flaw. Its creativity does not come from its developers.  The spiritual brain does not have any specific calculation programs, but metal life has great potential," Watson said.  "Master means that if you combine the metal life with the spiritual brain, you may be able to produce a complex that is smarter than the spiritual brain." Hu Zhijie responded quickly.  Watson nodded: "Hurry up and do your research. During this period, the mining truck has mined a large amount of metal ore. Our other space fortress is about to be built. When this new space fortress is built, I will prepare to take a ride.  The Yanhuang Space Fortress has returned to Earth. You will continue to explore on board the Discovery."  All devoted themselves to research.  When the Yanhuang Space Fortress was completely built, they finally had a harvest.  Successfully fused a spiritual brain and a metal life together.  The result surprised them greatly.  Sure enough, the new generation of spiritual brains has creativity that all previous spiritual brains could not possess.  But it's not without its disadvantages.  A side effect is that the new generation of spiritual brains have their own personalities.  Have your own emotions.  There was a time.  He will go crazy when he has a bad temper.  Once you go crazy, your spiritual brain will lose its function.  This is a very troublesome side effect.  The good side is also very difficult to choose. The performance of the new generation of spiritual brain is more powerful than any previous spiritual brain.  It is several times more powerful than Hu Zhijie's duckling.  Although the duck has growth characteristics and learning characteristics, its abilities are all preset. They still have no self and no thinking ability.  They don't dream.  But the new generation of spiritual brain is different. It has the ability to think and even daydream.  Watson did not wait for the research of Hu Zhijie and others to reach maturity. No matter how highly intelligent this new generation of spiritual brains was, Watson was not worried that they would rebel. Not even humans could resist the power of the contract, let alone low-level ones.  What about the hybrid of metal life and spiritual brain?  The main system of Yanhuang Battle Fortress has been replaced with a new generation of spiritual brain, and the main brain is named Yanhuang.  As soon as the system was upgraded, Watson took his family to the Yanhuang Space Fortress, because an artificial ecosystem had also been built on the Yanhuang Space Fortress.  So the comfort level is no worse than the Discovery Battlestar.  Wu Tian also followed Watson back to Earth this time.  The Battle Fortress stopped over the mysterious island in the Pacific, and Watson and his family landed at the East China Sea base on a stealth landing ship.  After returning to Donghai, Watson showed up at the headquarters of Fahrenheit Group that day.  This time, all the previous speculations and doubts were completely eliminated.  No one knows WatsonI don¡¯t know where it went and what the significance of Fahrenheit Group¡¯s move was.  In the lecture hall of the Fahrenheit Group headquarters, reporters from all over the world crowded the entire hall.  "Mr. Hua, can you tell me where you have been for such a long time?" Davis, a reporter from World Japan, asked.  Watson smiled: "Over the years, I have put a lot of energy into developing Fahrenheit Group. I felt a little tired, so I found a place to hide and be lazy for a while. I didn't expect everyone to care about me so much. I express my deepest gratitude again  Thank you." Watson said.  "Mr. Hua, Fahrenheit Group has now been involved in almost every industry in the world that can make money. What are its plans for the future? Has Fahrenheit Group ever thought of monopolizing all industries in the world?" New York Times reporter Phoebe asked.  "Although Fahrenheit Group is involved in many industries, Fahrenheit Group does not intend to monopolize the entire world. Before the emergence of Fahrenheit Group, China lagged behind the world's advanced level in many aspects of various industries. Therefore, the Chinese people have been squeezed for many years. The purpose of Fahrenheit Group is  Just try to make everything more fair. Now, we have provided better products at cheaper prices, so our services are high-quality.  It has been recognized by people from all over the world,¡± Watson said.  ¡°Do you think the Fahrenheit Group should be responsible for Japan¡¯s sinking?¡± Japanese journalist Masahiro Fukuno asked.  "The sinking of Japan was the result of the movement of continental plates. Japanese scientists had made accurate predictions many years ago. However, the Japanese government has always covered up things that should have been informed to the people early. In the end, some civilians failed to do so in time.  Evacuate. And be buried in the Pacific Ocean. Our Fahrenheit Group does not have such great ability. Although some paranoid people in our team are extremely disgusted with the truth of history, we will not use such a method to retaliate against Japan before it sank.  It is a very amazing plan, and it is still ambitious after the sinking of Japan. These are ironclad proofs. We will not let such people go, no matter which country they are. Since you come to question me now, then I will ask you.  A word to those ambitious people: The sky is wide and there is no omission!" Watson said.  Watson has not shied away from speaking out about the Fahrenheit Group's conspiracy to use force to attack Japan.  "Mr. Hua, can you tell me now, is the Hua Group a business group in China? Or is it an armed organization?" American reporter Jimmy asked.  "Fahrenheit Group is a private enterprise in China. But Fahrenheit Group has a lot of wealth overseas that needs to be protected. Therefore, we have an independent armed organization. The purpose of this organization is not to dominate the world. It is not a careerist. It is to protect ourselves.  I hope everyone can understand this. The increasing wealth owned by the Fahrenheit Group will arouse the covetousness of various forces. The Fahrenheit Group will not hesitate to deal with these crimes.  Just cut it off with your hand," Watson said.  Watson said it very proudly.  The Chinese people are very relieved to hear this.  Domestic reporters will naturally not ask any radical questions.  They were more concerned about where Watson had been during this period.  "I went to a mysterious base. In the near future, we will open the Zhengguanghe base to the public. So, everyone, please be patient. The news will be revealed sooner or later. When the time comes, reporters can even visit the mysterious base.  "Fan." Watson said.  Because there were so many questions, the press conference lasted for more than an hour, and the reporters still had unfinished business, but Watson could not remain here to be interrogated by the reporters.  So, when the time came, Watson ran away.  The information revealed by Fahrenheit Group has made the whole world a little unstable.  Fahrenheit Group no longer intends to hide its power.  Domestic officials have always been somewhat wary of the Fahrenheit Group.  Now that Watson expressed such an attitude, they were even more surprised.  The senior management came to ask questions through some channels as to where the Fahrenheit Group was planning to go.  Watson's answer is very simple: "No matter where it goes in the future, the Fahrenheit Group will be the Fahrenheit Group of the Chinese people. The Fahrenheit Group will never do anything sorry to the Chinese people. It will seek benefits for the Chinese people to the best of its ability." The Americans were very surprised.  , they used all their efforts, but still could not find out where Watson and others had gone.  In order to investigate this matter clearly, some important chess pieces that the United States has laid out for many years have been exposed.  However, the exact result was not found.  "Almost all bases have found no trace of Boss Fahrenheit, that is, unless his destination is not on the earth at all. Or it is not on land at all. The last time our three aircraft carrier fleet sank in the Pacific, it was extremely likely that  Maybe it¡¯s with Fahrenheit Group?This secret base has this inseparable relationship.  "U.S. Intelligence Agency Director Panetta said. "There is no point in finding out where Watson has gone now.  The most important thing is that we need to find out what their true strength is now.  After our anti-material weapons are equipped, can they pose a fatal threat to them?  This is what we need to focus on most.  "Secretary of Defense Rams said. U.S. President Hinton nodded and said: "Secretary Rams is very right.  How many bases the Fahrenheit Group has has no more meaning to us.  What we should be most concerned about now is whether our power can contain the Chinese.  The Japanese military forces were once following us, but they were completely wiped out overnight by the mysterious military power of the Fahrenheit Group.  They sorted out the entire Japan overnight. This efficient strike operation was frightening.  I can¡¯t imagine what the consequences would be if the Fahrenheit Group launched a comprehensive attack on our United States.  " Researchers at the Picatinny Military Factory in the United States are working intensively on the development of anti-matter weapons. They have achieved great success. The huge anti-matter weapons are astonishingly lethal. They are even more powerful than the atomic bomb. And there are no traces of the atomic bomb left behind after the explosion.  Many questions ¡°Boom!  ¡± With a loud noise, there was a violent explosion in an inaccessible desert in the United States, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky from the desert. After the explosion, a huge deep crater was left in the vast desert. Antimatter weapons  The huge power made the monitoring personnel of Fahrenheit Group feel chilled. "What kind of weapon is this being tested?"  How could it have such huge power?  "After Bai Heyang saw the video, his eyes widened and he was completely stunned. "Master, judging from the current situation, the Americans have made great progress in their new weapons.  I think we should strike first.  The purpose of the Americans in developing new weapons is definitely to deal with us.  In this case, why should we be polite to them?  "Zhongli Feng also said. "Master.  Just let our special forces go to the United States for a tour.  Completely destroy these advanced weapons of theirs.  Let them have no chance to use it at all.  "Wu Tian said. Watson nodded. In fact, the Fahrenheit Group and the Americans have already broken up. Since the Americans will be the enemies of the Fahrenheit Group sooner or later, why should they be allowed to grow up to pose a threat to the Fahrenheit Group? After the Fahrenheit Group  The development over this period of time is enough to deal with any crisis on earth. Moreover, the Fahrenheit Group has established a nationwide defense formation. As soon as the formation is activated, the entire China will be under the defense of the Americans.  No matter how powerful their weapons are, they cannot pose a threat to China. ¡°Then do what you want.  Since they are restless.  We try our best to prevent them from jumping.  But before taking action, you must plan carefully, so as not to capsize in the gutter.  "Watson said. "Master.  Just rest assured.  There is absolutely no way such a thing will happen.  We have everything ready.  In fact, with the strength of our Watson Group, we can simply crush them.  Americans had no chance to resist.  Zhongli Feng said. After this period of fighting, Zhongli Feng has gained confidence. Japanese extremists are hiding in Tibet all over the world, but no matter where they hide, they cannot escape Zhongli Feng's blow. Arrangement  The formations across China suddenly opened, and a huge shield enveloped the entire country, including some neighboring countries. Once again, all communications and positioning systems in the sky were on strike.  status. However, the Fahrenheit Group's locator is still effective. The Americans' response is very fast. This is not the first time that the satellite has gone on strike, but this time the Americans have realized that this satellite failure is definitely not an accident.  But it was destroyed by a certain force. Is there anyone else who can have such strength? Although the Americans responded, they had no choice but to carry out various tasks quickly.  Something even more troublesome for the Americans happened. The Anti-Material Weapons Research Base of the Picatinny Arms Factory was attacked. A mysterious force launched a raid on the Picatinny Arms Factory. Their attack was very targeted and destroyed the Picatinny Arms Factory.  All scientific research equipment related to anti-matter weapons and various experimental models at the Zini Military Factory are also cleared of all information related to anti-matter weapons, including brainwashing the scientists working on the project on anti-matter weapons.  Before the Americans figured out what was going on, Zhongli Feng and others had already targeted other important targets. Although the Americans lost three people.??aircraft carriers, but they still have nearly ten aircraft carriers.  The United States acts as a referee all over the world and shows off its power. Naturally, it relies on its powerful aircraft carrier fleet and its powerful force.  Zhong Lifeng and others want to make Americans lose all of this and make Americans fall from heaven to hell in one fell swoop.  The "Ford" held a dock water entry ceremony at the Newport News Shipyard of Huntington Ingalls Industries in Arlington, Virginia on October 11, 2013, and is scheduled to be held on November 9  Formal launching and bottle throwing ceremony.  The "Ford" cost more than 11 billion US dollars and took 8 years to build. It is known as the most powerful generation of water strike force in the world today.  The Ford is the pride of America.  If Zhongli Feng and others want to attack Americans, they naturally have to start with American pride.  Because the aircraft carrier system was previously manipulated by the Fahrenheit Group, it lost its control function.  The Americans spent a long time remodeling the Ford.  Enhanced manual control.  Therefore, Zhongli Feng and others have no way to take over the aircraft carrier by controlling the main system.  Watson¡¯s new pet behemoth¡¯s metal life directly launched a wave attack on the Ford, completely knocking out the crew inside.  Then took control of the automatic control system of the Ford aircraft carrier.  Then a large number of extremely intelligent robots were sent to take over the USS Ford aircraft carrier.  Soon, the Ford aircraft carrier quickly disappeared.  Such a huge behemoth disappeared all of a sudden, but this was still the Ford that Americans were proud of.  Immediately afterwards, the USS Bush, USS Reagan, USS Truman, USS Stennis, USS Washington, etc. disappeared one after another.  In addition, the various large warships in the aircraft carrier formation also did not escape their bad luck. The nightmare that Americans will never forget happened overnight.  When dawn came the next day, Americans found themselves like women without clothes, opening their arms to the world.  A source of American pride.  The powerful military force was completely and utterly destroyed overnight.  Several arms manufacturers that specialized in supplying the US military completely disappeared.  In particular, the Antimatter Research Institute of the U.S. Picatinny Military Factory, a department that originally had high hopes for the Americans, was completely destroyed.  Without strong force, Americans find freedom so luxurious.  Now the military is getting hammered because America is awash in weapons.  There is simply no way to control domestic chaos.  Some gangster forces took the opportunity to raise their heads.  The U.S. police were immediately overwhelmed.  This time.  Even if Americans want to ban weapons.  It's too late.  At a time when Americans are in dire straits.  Zhongli Feng and others have returned to the country.  "It's really boring. It's too unchallenging. The United States, which was powerful in the past, has become so fragile now. This is the gap in absolute strength. In fact, if the Americans are more decisive from the beginning, they may not be able to defeat us. At least they will not let us lose.  We won so easily. When we came back from Mars, they had no chance."  Zhongli Feng nodded: "They should have realized what it's like to be bullied. I think back then, they were so majestic to Iraq. Those who refused immediately showed their fists. Now they have to experience this kind of role.  "Do you think those countries that have been bullied by the Americans will take the opportunity to attack the United States?"  Any country can pose a huge threat to them. But the Americans still have their foundation and will still become a powerful country once they are allowed to recover. Of course, it depends on whether we give them such a chance." Zhong Lifeng said.  "Will we give them such an opportunity?" Wu Tian said with a smile.  Great changes have taken place in the United States, which has completely panicked the whole world, but they have forgotten to seek justice from the Americans.  They are worried that the Fahrenheit Group, which has such powerful power, will take the opportunity to dominate the earth.  But Watson has no such ambitions.  After this attack, Watson Group became quiet again.  Watson did not even express any opinion on this incident, but Zhong Lifeng stated that the Hua Group would not let go of any force that was hostile to the Hua Group and intended to be detrimental to the Hua Group.  The Fahrenheit Group has the ability and strength to deal with any force.  But Fahrenheit Group has no ambition to dominate the world.  Events in the United States slowly fell silent. The United States suddenly changed from the world's number one power to a country with constant wars and extreme chaos, and completely withdrew from the stage of the world's first-class country.  Not long after, Watson Group announced the Fahrenheit Group¡¯s space exploration plan.  The astonishing Battlestar reveals its true form over the Pacific Ocean.  The Fahrenheit Group's Mars landing was also announced.  The whole human race was completely boiling, and they completely forgot about the aggressiveness of the Fahrenheit Group.  Some people think that the failure of Americans is that they seeNot clear about the situation.  It has never been able to let go of its position as the number one power, and is still determined to be the enemy of the Fahrenheit Group.  This was the reason for their ultimate downfall.  Fahrenheit Group has opened journeys to the moon and Mars to scientists around the world.  Scientists who have passed the Fahrenheit Group's review can participate in this great space journey.  Suddenly, scientists from all over the world began to flock to China, the East China Sea, and the Fahrenheit Group.  But luck is limited, and only a few people get the chance to go to Mars.  Fahrenheit Group has opened journeys to the moon and Mars to scientists around the world.  Scientists who have passed the Fahrenheit Group's review can participate in this great space journey.  Great changes have taken place in the United States, which has completely panicked the whole world, but they have forgotten to seek justice from the Americans.  They are worried that the Fahrenheit Group, which has such powerful power, will take the opportunity to dominate the earth.  But Watson has no such ambitions.  After this attack, Watson Group became quiet again.  Watson did not even express any opinion on this incident, but Zhong Lifeng stated that the Hua Group would not let go of any force that was hostile to the Hua Group and intended to be detrimental to the Hua Group.  The Fahrenheit Group has the ability and strength to deal with any force.  But Fahrenheit Group has no ambition to dominate the world.  Events in the United States slowly fell silent. The United States suddenly changed from the world's number one power to a country with constant wars and extreme chaos, and completely withdrew from the stage of the world's first-class country.  Not long after, Watson Group announced the Fahrenheit Group¡¯s space exploration plan.  The astonishing Battlestar reveals its true form over the Pacific Ocean.  The Fahrenheit Group's Mars landing was also announced.  The whole human race was completely boiling, and they completely forgot about the aggressiveness of the Fahrenheit Group.  Some people feel that the failure of Americans is that they cannot see the situation clearly.  He has never been able to let go of his position as the number one power, and he is still determined to be an enemy of the Fahrenheit Group.  This was the reason for their ultimate downfall.  Fahrenheit Group has opened journeys to the moon and Mars to scientists around the world.  Scientists who have passed the Fahrenheit Group's review can participate in this great space journey.  Suddenly, scientists from all over the world began to flock to China, the East China Sea, and the Fahrenheit Group.  But luck is limited, and only a few people get the chance to go to Mars.  Fahrenheit Group has opened trips to the moon and Mars to scientists around the world.  Scientists who have passed the Fahrenheit Group's review can participate in this great space journey.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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