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Revealing the Mystery of World of Warcraft Chapter 45: Forced Intrusion

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    Funeral Society, leader of the Undertaker, unknown appearance, unknown specific abilities, special attributes unknown!  The strange thing is that no one knows not only the leader of the team, but also the information about several core members. The entire funeral society is shrouded in a veil of mystery In fact, the mystery of the funeral society spreads far more than the space.  What's even weirder is that not only the peripheral members, but also the captains who lead the team know nothing about the team leader and core members.  Liz did not doubt the identity of the man in black robe, because the team leader's instructions from the embalmer had already appeared in the team channel Only in the same scene and within the specified range (the team communication range is related to the team level), the team can be used  channel.  No one has ever doubted this Legend has it that the embalmer has countless clones, and his clones can enter any infinite world at will and at the same time No one knows how this is done, but the only thing that is certain is that,  The will of the leader cannot be doubted.  So everyone in Liz's team knew that the clone of the leader's embalmer had entered their world at some point, and was watching them from a shadow that no one knew about "Buzzing buzzing" Everyone  At the same time, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the space fluctuations. He could vaguely see with the naked eye that on the other side of Gadgetzan City, thousands of meters high in the sky, was shrouded in a layer of red clouds. Even if it was ~¡ú long~  ¡úFeng~¡úWen~¡úXue, w¡ý¡ç¡ðt is the recruit who is least good at perception. At this time, he can clearly feel that there is some kind of huge change happening there that can affect the rules of the world.  "The Gate of the Gods that travels through space? Has Zeus also come to this world?" "No, that is not the Gate of the Gods. The smell of blood, killing, and plundering everything is not the breath of the Gate of the Gods!" Liz  As a legal assistant in the team, in addition to intelligence, her second specialty attribute is spirit. From the red mist, she felt more things that others could not sense.  "I once saw Zeus's Gate of the Gods. This level of spatial fluctuation is more violent than the fluctuation when the Gate of the Gods breaks through the space barrier. If I have to describe it it seems like something terrifying is happening.  From another world, the space barrier was torn apart and came to this world!" Just when everyone was surprised by this sudden change, a hoarse, stiff voice suddenly came from under the cloak of the man in black.  "Cross Gadgetzan and go directly to Zul'Farrak." As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking, a goblin at the helm immediately jumped up in displeasure and shouted in a sharp voice: "No, according to the contract,  The end of this journey is Gadgetzan, and it cannot be changed for any reason!" "That's right, it cannot be changed!" Another goblin who was checking the boiler heard it and screamed: "Gadgetzan's pickled squid rolls, beer.  Roast thunder beast meat Stupid human, why do you think I took this job? " "Oh, I have been working for more than 8 hours continuously, gold coins are on top, this has seriously violated the goblin employment contract law!  , as long as the airship continues to be in the air for more than 1 second, it is a breach of contract and must be compensated! " "Yes, compensation! According to the contract law, you must pay 10 times the compensation, otherwise, I will sue you to the Goblin Arbitration Commission!  "The man in black robe stood at the bow of the ship, without even turning his head. The black robe swayed slightly, and a cloth bag slightly larger than a fist was thrown out, and it landed on the deck with a crisp collision sound.  The eyes of all the goblins suddenly lit up like kilowatt light bulbs, and the nearest goblin immediately flew towards them, with a speed comparable to that of an agility expert.  The slender fingers with convex joints skillfully opened the bag, and the light of the gold coins was released, almost blinding the goblin's titanium alloy eyes.  "Here are the gold coins. With these money, I can cross even the Endless Sea!" "Turn the rudder, turn the rudder at speed, target Zul'Farrak What, Zul'Farrak doesn't have an airport to dock? The rocket backpack only costs 1,000  A gold coin can definitely launch you to where you want to go. It¡¯s worth every penny and you deserve it.¡± ¡°No, although I haven¡¯t entered Zul¡¯Farrak, I have watched it from afar. It¡¯s definitely worth it.¡±  It's not like this!" When the airship approached the airspace where Zul'Farrak was, Liz was surprised when she saw the scene in front of her.  The endless ancient building complex is completely shrouded in a layer of faint red mist. Standing outside the wall and looking out, it is so quiet that no sound can be heard. The rich smell of blood floating in the air is as weird as a ghost.  "Hey, the space structure in front has been destroyed like this. Even the sound can no longer be transmitted." The goblin at the helm stared at the series of irregularly changing numbers on the instrument with wide eyes.??, he said in surprise.  The man in black robe stood on the bow of the ship. The strong wind blowing in front of him made his robe rustle. The hole under the edge of the black robe flashed with light for a moment, and then a hoarse voice came from it: "Come in." "Come in."  "Go in?" The goblin at the helm didn't jump at this moment. Instead, he took out an abacus from somewhere. After fiddling with it a series of times, he raised a straight finger. Before he could say anything, he was struck by two people.  Interrupted by a flying money bag.  The goblin listened to the sound of gold coins colliding in the bag, his big eyes almost split into two slits with laughter, and then without saying a word, he directly pressed a conspicuous red button on the instrument.  The outer shell of the airship suddenly cracked several gaps, and the devices hidden inside were revealed. The airship, which originally relied only on the wind power of the engine, turned into a strange-looking machine in the blink of an eye.  "Switching the turbine drive mechanism The dormant thawing will be completed in 5 seconds The wormhole centrifugal engine wakes up!" "The original fusion chain is docked, and the two-way noise reducer is activated" "Start Judd's special energy, and the particle shield is in full  Cover! " When the airship approached the top of the fence, it suddenly trembled violently, and its forward movement almost stopped. The huge body continued to make mechanical collision noises, and it sounded as if certain screw parts were about to be shaken at any time.  fall down.  After seeing the stalemate, the goblin at the helm decisively issued an order: "The number of space disorders exceeds the upper limit of the threshold and cannot be forcibly broken through The special ace bomb is launched!" "The special ace bomb is launched! Four consecutive shots!" "Ahem!  , Captain, there was a notice from Ratchet City last month that the purchase price of electrochemical ether increased by 30%" The goblin at the helm had no expression at all, as if nothing had happened just now, and gave the order seriously: "Special ace bomb  Fire! Two bursts! "Bang bang!"  Two basketball-sized red bombs with smiling faces painted on the surface flew out in a parabola. Before they could reach the highest altitude, they happened to be directly above the wall. They floated strangely out of thin air and remained motionless. There was no physical phenomenon of impact at all.  .  However, the goblin seemed to have anticipated this situation. The exposed fuse suddenly sparked, and two seconds later, the two special ace bombs exploded at the same time. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bo!  The imaginary scene of a gunpowder explosion did not happen. Instead, the air was torn apart, shattered inch by inch like glass, and then twisted in a center, finally forming two black holes that even light could not escape.  These two inconspicuous bombs, even with backward fuses, are actually fortress-level strategic weapons!  Liz and others saw it with hot eyes. Even a powerful MT couldn't withstand this kind of power.  However, they also know that something of this level must be extremely difficult to obtain, at least not less difficult than a dark gold-level item, and there must be strict pre-conditions for use.  When the black hole expanded to the size of a basketball, it suddenly stopped. As if it was suppressed by something, it actually began to shrink gradually.  The goblin at the helm looked extremely ugly when he saw this scene. He kept talking about losing money and losing money. Then, with a heartbroken face, he raised two fingers with difficulty.  Two more red bombs painted with funny smiling faces were launched, and the power of the four black holes exploded at the same time, tearing a hole in the air.  Although this opening is extremely small, it is like the last straw that breaks the camel's back. A passage leading to the depths of the temple is revealed in front.  Under the control of the goblin, the airship was as flexible as a swimming fish and quickly rushed into the channel before the space was repaired.  The space passage seems extremely long, and it also seems to be just a moment. The moment you pass through the space barrier and enter Zul'Farrak, it seems that you have entered another world. The vibration of the earth, the roar of collision and destruction, continue to come from far away.  came from the deepest part.  "It's such a weird and shocking feeling. This is definitely not what a ninth-level legendary creature can emit. Is it possible that the most powerful person in this temple is an existence that surpasses the ninth-level legendary creature?" Liz and her group have experienced countless  Senior conscripts from subspace, who have even participated in space battlefields, have a very deep understanding of legendary creatures. They felt the movement coming from the depths of the temple and immediately judged that what was emitting power was definitely beyond the ninth level.  The existence of legend.  However, the goblins on the airship didn't seem to feel anything. They still controlled the airship in an orderly manner.  In the sky above the temple, apart from the strange red mist, there was no danger. As the movement became clearer and clearer, the outline of a towering building appeared dimly in sight.  Just when the airship broke through the red mist and broke into this world, the goblin at the helm saw clearlyWhen the scene appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "The altar of the troll's ancestral god was actually destroyed, how is this possible!"?¡­
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