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Volume 1 Alienation Chapter 1569 Destiny Tribulation

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    Unexpectedly, it was a clear sky when I woke up early in the morning.  I thought that since this place is in the tropics, the weather must be changeable. I hope the weather will stay like this today.  After having breakfast at the hotel, several people came to the front lobby of the hotel early to wait for the car to pick up Yun Luo and An Chuyu.  A minibus parked in front of the hotel on time, and the sticker on it indicated that this was the car where Yun Luo and An Chu met.  An old man got out of the car and said hello. The old man asked Yun Luo, but he didn't listen carefully. He thought he wanted to pay the balance before getting in the car, so he quickly took out his wallet.  The old man waved his hands repeatedly and said again, "Did someone lose their credit card at Drtou yesterday?" Is this the case?  Yun Luo quickly opened his wallet and took a look. Hey, Yun Luo's credit card was missing!  It occurred to me that I might have forgotten it when I paid yesterday, and I didn¡¯t even notice it.  The old man told Yun Luo and An Chuyu that the dr staff called them to tell them about the matter, and they could just pick it up at drtou after returning from the tour today.  I thanked the old man and admired the seriousness and responsibility of the dr staff.  After meeting Yun Luo and An Chu, the old man picked up other tourists at several hotels in the city, and then went straight to Cairns Railway Station.  There are two trains a day from Cairns Railway Station to Kuranda Rainforest, namely: and:. Yunluo and An Chuyu took the: train, but it didn't leave until about 0:00.  The railway from Cairns to the Kuranda Rainforest was originally designed to solve transportation problems during the rainy season in various places. It was planned to be divided into sections. The first section was started in 2008 and the last section was completed in 2008. Later, it was gradually opened up as a tourist route.  Along the way inside the carriage, the train moved slowly through the rainforest.  At first, Yun Luo and An were full of excitement when they first met.  But with the regular collision of wheels and rails, Yun Luo and An Chuyu, who were running all the way, felt a little drowsy.  When passing a bridge on the road, a waterfall cascaded down from the mountain. It was not spectacular but still stunning. It reawakened Yunluo's spirit.  Not far from the finish line, Yun Luo and An Chu met the most famous scenery along the way.  Barron Falls barronwaterall.  Minutes after the train stopped here, people rushed to take photos on the viewing platform, feeling a bit like traveling domestically.  hehe!  The bridge and small waterfall overlooking the scenery of Barron Falls. Introduction to Barron Falls. At approximately the point, Yunluo and Anchu met and arrived at their destination - the small town of Kuranda.  Just go up the stairs to the road.  Yunluo made a major discovery: a group of jungle green ants (oeophylasp).  This kind of green ant has a green tail, builds its nest among the branches and leaves of trees, and has a strong sense of territory.  Yun Luo once tried to touch them with branches.  However, these green ants will not turn around and run away like other ants. Instead, they will arch their bodies and open their upper jaws to meet the challenge.  The ferocity is evident.  Even so, it is said that it is a delicacy of the locals, so one thing brings another thing down!  Walk into the town.  Because it was the off-season, there were not many pedestrians and some shops were still closed.  There isn't much in this town. It has a strong commercial atmosphere and is filled with shops selling opal and handicrafts.  After Yunluo and An Chuyu went shopping along the street for a while, they chose a German hot dog shop on the roadside for lunch. The owner's family should be German, and the hot dogs and knives were all good except for being a bit salty.  Opal¡­ancient clock correction.  The one above is scale, haha!  After finishing lunch at the typewriter, Yun Luo and An Chu met strolled back to the train station.  We plan to go in another direction to try our luck by the river.  Originally, there were many entertainment projects by the river. Before Yunluo and An Chu met, they planned to take an amphibious vehicle to explore the depths of the rainforest. Unexpectedly, due to the weather in the previous two days, these entertainment projects were temporarily closed.  By the huge river, Yun Luo and An Chu met each other, looking at the dim river water and the lush rainforest.  It feels like you are deep in the Amazon forest.  They wanted to walk along the river into the woods, but the muddy dirt road forced Yun Luo and An Chuyu to stop there.  The muddy road. Today's hot weather made Yunluo and An Chuyu a little unable to resist. After returning from the river, they blew on the air conditioner in the store for a while.  Yun Luo and An Chuyu decided to take the cable car on their way back.  At this time, Yun Luo and An Chu met and found that apart from the train ticket they came with, they had no other tickets in their hands. How could they board the cable car?  Friends said that the old man who saw Yun Luo and An Chu off at the train station in the morning had warned them.  When you arrive at the cable car station, just tell them the names of Yunluo and An Chuyu.  So that's it, go to the ticket window and report the number of Yun Luo and An Chu's encounter.  As expected, the service staff handed over four tickets.  The total length of the cable car that Yunluo and An Chuyu are going to take is km, and it is the longest cable car in the world. There are Barronfall Station and Redpeak Station in the middle, where you can get off and enjoy the scenery.  Get on the cable car.  All the landscape becomes open, with dense rainforest beneath our feet, and moist air blowing in from time to time.  So Yun Luo prefers the cable car ride.  Mountain stream After the cable car stopped at Barron Falls Station, Yun Luo and An Chu met and got off for a tour.  The viewing platform here is opposite the viewing platform where the train stopped in the morning, which is the waterfall.?The other side.  It is closer to the waterfall, so the impact of the landscape is stronger. Of course, the side effect of the strong impact is that there is a lot of water vapor.  If you are not careful, you will be covered with a layer of "raincoat".  While looking at the roaring waterfall, a piece of "fallen leaf" suddenly flew into the mist. It was a very beautiful rainforest butterfly, its wings reflected a striking blue-green color in the sunlight. After a few turns, it disappeared into the jungle.  Later, I saw a specimen of this butterfly, Knife, at the visitor center.  Depart from Barren Falls.  The cable car soon arrived at Hongling Station.  Almost no one mentioned this place in online guides, so they thought that Yun Luo and An Chuyu would only stay for a short time, but they didn't expect that Yun Luo and An Chuyu would gain more knowledge about the rainforest here.  After getting off the cable car, we came to the viewing passage. There was a simple clock beside the road, and the hands were pointing to the present.  An old man in uniform was waiting by the roadside.  It turns out that Yun Luo and An Chu met the rainforest commentator by chance.  This old man should be a descendant of the indigenous residents. He held a "little pointer" in his hand and started explaining along the scenic plank road.  The trees on both sides were teaching materials. The one that impressed Yunluo the most was a tree that the locals called "wait a moment".  The branches of this tree are covered with barbs.  It hangs on the edge of the plank road. If you are not careful when passing by, you will be caught by it. At worst, your clothes will be damaged, and at worst, people will be injured.  So once you encounter it, you need to take some time to resolve the trouble, which is where its name comes from.  Although this kind of tree is "sinister", it can be processed into very good wood. The "pointer" in the old man's hand is made of its branches.  The leaves of the tree are thicker and the branches are explained as follows.  As the audience grew larger, the old man also spoke more highly.  The large number of specialized vocabulary allowed Yun Luo and An Chuyu to understand only a few words, but the foreign tourists still heard it very interestingly.  From time to time, the old man pointed to the plants on the side and said, "What kind of furniture is this?"  What kind of condiment is this that makes people gasp in surprise!  After admiring the scenery and taking a shower, I couldn¡¯t bear it anymore and went to catch up on my sleep But.  Before going to bed, there is one more thing to do, call and book an outdoor dining table at Niks Colorful Restaurant in Darling Harbour.  [Tips: All outdoor dining tables at Niks near Darling Harbor need to be reserved in advance. The reservation phone number is] ga actually gave this difficult task to Yun Luo.  You must know that speaking English on the phone is the most difficult, because you can¡¯t use expressions and body language, and you can¡¯t rely on pen and paper to supplement it,¡ª¡ª!  But the Australian girl¡¯s English is really standard and nice. I feel much better than before in the Philippines. After some struggles, I successfully completed the task.  It really brought tears to my eyes!  I slept until about two o'clock when I was woken up by Ga, and then I went out at about three o'clock. The originally planned fish market was hopeless.  The two men clamored to go to the Apple store.  Yun Luo knew that it was roughly on GeeStreet. Looking at the map, it was quite close, so he set out to walk there.  I really like the coffee shops where you can sit and drink coffee on the street.  It must be nice to chat leisurely while basking in the sun in the afternoon.  I also passed by the supermarket and took a look, and found that the freezers were occupied by Lu Xue and Menglong.  At the corner of the street, I saw a pub that I didn't want to see, hear or talk about. I turned the corner and arrived at geestreet.  Not knowing north or south, I randomly found a direction and walked first.  GeeStreet is also considered a main road in the city center of Sydney. It feels not much different from the main road in Sihai City. It even feels like Nanjing Road from a few angles.  The only difference is that the road surface has ups and downs.  While walking, they unexpectedly saw a fresh taro fairy. Yun Luo and An Chuyu, who had not yet had lunch, dedicated their first meal in Australia to it.  Went in and ordered a portion of Taro Ball No. 2 in Chinese, Australian dollars.  Slightly more expensive than Sihai City.  Asking the clerk, the clerk enthusiastically took out a map and told Yun Luo and An Chuyu that the Apple store was very far away, about two subway stops away, and it might have been closed in the past.  Darling Harbor is very close to the hotel where Yunluo and An Chuyu stayed, just a few minutes' walk away.  The afternoon sun in Sydney is very bright and dazzling, so I have to rely on sunglasses.  Days after Australia.  Yun Luo also had some allergies on his face. He got better after returning to China. I don't know if it was because of the sun in Australia.  Because I have heard that there is an ozone hole in Australia.  Australia¡¯s ultraviolet damage is the most severe in the world, and the incidence of skin cancer is also the highest in the world.  After passing the Huaguo Garden and a green space, we arrived at the harbor.  To be honest, the scenery of Darling Harbor in the afternoon is actually average and not as stunning as advertised.  But what is touching is the leisure and happy living conditions of the residents and the seabirds that are not afraid of people everywhere.  Or rest on the grass; or sit on a small train and slowly enjoy the scenery; or have afternoon tea with three friends at a street coffee shop; or take your children to play in various children's facilities (if you are thirsty, there is drinking water directly in the square);  Or experience the romance of the carousel; or watch the world's largest IMAX movie; or just sit quietly on the steps by the water and read a book for an afternoon.  There is no rush and anxiety in Sihai City, but just leisurely strolling and harmonious coexistence with nature.  A photo taken of someone extremely unethical,I hugged An Chuyu and watched the birds. After shopping around, it was nearly an hour before Niks opened (at 5:30). I had not eaten lunch or fresh taro and was starving to death.  So I went to a fast food restaurant in the food court and bought a burger and fries.  I don¡¯t know if I¡¯m hungry or what, but I think the burger is pretty good.  An Chuyu also bought an extra portion of the recommended sweet potato fries. There were too many fries and the taste was average.  Then the two men kept playing mobile games.  I used to play with it when I was walking.  Strong contempt!  Tonight¡¯s feast is Niks aood, the best seafood restaurant in Darling Harbour, recommended by An Chuyu.  Its outdoor viewing seats allow you to enjoy the night view of Darling Harbor while eating; and the atmosphere of the entire restaurant is also extremely romantic and bourgeois.  Yun Luo and An Chu met and ordered an Australian dollar seafood platter including lobster and some drinks.  With the hamburger and fries at the bottom, this set meal was just right for Yun Luo and An Chuyu to finish!  Butter Australian dragon, fried fish steak.  Fried prawns, oysters, crabs.  When Yun Luo and An Chu met, they had the same feeling of eating seafood as meat in Long Beach.  But the cooking skills here are much better than in Long Beach.  According to ga, even the sauce is just right. It doesn¡¯t overwhelm the dish but brings out the freshness of the ingredients.  Yun Luo and An Chu met while eating and praising it, if this was a cartoon.  It is estimated that the surroundings are already full of hearts.  The temperature difference between day and night is quite big, and it was a bit cold at Darling Harbor at night, so I had to return.  When we returned to the hotel room, everyone exclaimed. The night view from the building was really beautiful!  If it wasn't still a little cold, we could sit on the balcony and watch the night view and drink tea!  I love the fact that almost every hotel in Australia has tea bags.  For Yun Luo, she never had a bowl of soup every day in Australia.  A cup of hot black tea every night has become the greatest compensation and enjoyment.  It¡¯s just that, but that¡¯s the end of a day in Sydney.  After all, I had almost no sleep the night before. I couldn't sleep at 8:30 (it was only 6:30 Beijing time, okay), so I woke up again at 3 in the middle of the night.  Today is a day of city tour in Sydney.  Get up in the morning.  I couldn¡¯t help but take another look at the Sydney cityscape in the morning.  For foodies, the first stop today is of course the fish market.  From the hotel we went to the fish market, passing through Darling Harbor again.  In Australia, I feel like I often see a lot of babies.  And many of them are families with two babies.  Therefore, you can often see double-decker carts.  I can't help but look at it more every time I encounter it.  McDonald's in Darling Harbor, the outdoor tables are so cute.  What a wonderful place to relax!  Yun Luo always wonders, do Australian parents just let their children climb so high without worrying about falling down - mascots for activities.  It¡¯s a very strange round pool with shallow water on the ground. There are also many people stepping on the water and walking around in circles to the middle.  Study the map and move on.  A ship-shaped restaurant monorail on which you can browse Darling Harbor and the surrounding areas.  In fact, Yun Luo has always been yearning for her, but the two men don't have much love.  It ended up being a pity.  National Maritime Museum.  Just look at the warships in the distance.  After turning around this red house, you have left Darling Harbor.  The temperature in Sydney that day was - degrees.  When Yun Luo and An first met, they basically wore a T-shirt and a jacket, but many people on the road were still wearing short-sleeved shorts and skirts!  There are already many Chinese people in Australia, and there is Chinaton nearby.  So you can often hear Mandarin and even Sihai dialect along the way - what Yun Luo and An Chuyu said the most along the way were "Why aren't they cold" and "He's another Chinese."  Taking photos along the way, you can even see a corner of the Harbor Bridge with blue sky, white clouds and green land!  Clean streets, sparse population, and petty bourgeois sentiments.  A leisurely life.  The slope of this parking lot is so steep that parking is so difficult!  Reply to yiheazilou yiheazilou owner travel expert posted on: ¡ª¡ª:day-: Fish Market I walked all the way to the Sydney Fish Market and took photos, and then got lost and took some long detours. It was already half past midnight when I finally arrived at the fish market!  In other words, Yun Luo and An Chuyu walked for a full hour! ????????????????????????????????? But it¡¯s nice to take a walk on such a leisurely and cozy street.  The Sydney Fish Market is the largest fish market in Sydney and even Australia that integrates wholesale, retail and catering. It is a place not to be missed when going to Australia to eat seafood.  I said it before when I read the guide.  The seafood here is relatively cheap and there are many tourists. It is also a must-go place for group tours.  So it¡¯s almost impossible to find a seat at noon.  As soon as I entered the fish market, I saw a lot of cars parked. It looked like business was booming.  Go inside.  It was really crowded!  The variety of raw and cooked seafood at each stall makes people dizzy and salivate!  Lobster, prawns, salmon, scallops, crab.  Everything is available.  And there are many signs written in Chinese. It seems that Chinese tourists account for a large share!  Sit down at a pete.  The reason is that its home is close to the water, so you can eat seafood while watching the scenery. The most important thing is that there are many, many birds flying around you.  It seems that later I might be able to experience the legendary battle with the big bird.It¡¯s something.  Although there are many people, luckily you can still find a seat.  Yun Luo looked at the seat while the two men went inside to look for food.  After a while, two men came with two plates full of food!  Wow!  Lobster, fried fish, fried shrimp, scallops and skewered shrimp!  The Australian dollar is full!  Because the men were too lazy to find chopsticks.  So I grabbed it with my hands the whole time.  The fish steak is amazing, tender and juicy!  The fried shrimp also left a deep impression on Yun Luo and An Chuyu.  And scallops are subversive!  Yun Luo likes to eat scallops, but every time he eats them in China, they are basically the kind with minced garlic and a lot of vermicelli. This is the first time he ate the original scallops with almost no ingredients. Probably because they are fresh, they are so special.  Flavor!  Please look at Yun Luo¡¯s expression of surprise and joy!  There is a rich and handsome man who comes on a yacht to eat.  In addition to the delicious seafood, the birds in the fish market are also one of the reasons why Yun Luo and An Chuyu like this place.  There are many, many birds hovering nearby. They will not just come to the table to grab food from tourists, but they are always looking for opportunities.  There is a sign on the table that says "No feeding" (also in Chinese). From this, we can see what kind of disaster will happen if the birds here are out of control!  No, not long after, Yun Luo saw it with his own eyes!  The birds flocked to scare a woman carrying a tray, who shook it and dropped two French fries.  So a group of birds started to fight, and the scene was very spectacular!  After watching and playing, it was time to return to China. Yun Luo took An Chuyu and boarded the flight to Sihai City, ending their sweet honeymoon vacation. The days to come will be happy, right?  .  (To be continued.)
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