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Chapter 1534: Tune the tiger away from the mountain and attack in the east and west

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    Yang Junshan did not expect that he would encounter such a wonderful battle on his way back to the Yang family.  Originally, Yang Junshan just took a peek from a distance and then planned to go to Yuzhou as soon as possible without any intention of staying.  But when he saw that this battle was actually a Star Palace flying boat chasing two Star Territory Spirit Boats, he couldn't help but become a little interested and slowed down the escape light a little or two.  Yang Junshan is naturally no stranger to fights between star ships, but the sudden appearance of a battle between three star ships in the Zhoutian world made Yang Junshan a little curious.  So Yang Junshan slightly changed the direction of his advance and moved closer to the battle group, and soon he could clearly distinguish the respective camps of both sides in this battle.  The Star Palace Spaceship that clearly has the upper hand is obviously from an outsider, while the other two Starships are undoubtedly owned by the local forces in Zhoutian.  However, what surprised Yang Junshan was not that an outsider had the ability to send a flying boat in before the Zhoutian barrier had completely melted, but that he actually felt the aura of the Golden Immortal on the flying boat.  .  Is there already a golden immortal from outside the territory who can enter the Zhoutian world?  Thoughts flashed in Yang Junshan's mind, and he remembered that Daoyuan Immortal Lord once told him that after the Zhou Tian Transformation World began, golden immortals would also appear among the local immortal cultivators in the Zhou Tian World, and Yang Junshan then appeared in Leizhou's original sea of ??thunder.  Discovered the possibility that ancient immortals such as Zixiao Immortal Lord still exist.  Therefore, he naturally has no doubts about what Daoyuan Immortal Lord said. The only thing he is a little worried about is, when will these local golden immortals appear?  ¡°If all the local forces in Zhoutian World have been wiped out, what will be the use even if there are three or five more local Golden Immortals jumping out by then?  The foundation of the clan has been destroyed!  Is it possible that we still need to imitate Xingyu Xianzun and set up some kind of "Taoism" to survive, and we have to do it secretly if we want to start all over again?  Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Yang Junshan's eyes fell on the other two star field spirit boats belonging to Zhou Tian's local forces.  Although under Yang Junshan's instruction, the Yang family of Xishan had already secretly revealed the construction method of Dinghaizhou. At the time and situation at that time, he did not think that the cultivation world would be able to produce a few more Dinghaizhou.  But Yang Junshan obviously underestimated the accumulation and foundation of those local forces that have been passed down for a long time.  Yang Junshan was unwilling to intervene in this war because he did not want to expose his existence to outside forces now, especially since he had advanced to the Great Luo Immortal Realm. What's more, Yang Junshan did not think that this war would continue.  The need to go down.  In fact, Yang Junshan could see clearly that although the foreign side had a flying boat and a golden immortal sitting on the ground, and seemed to have the upper hand, the local forces were also very methodical in their response.  Although the flying boat from outside the territory has the strength to destroy the two Dinghai boats, under the joint control of the two immortals on the two Dinghai boats, the local force is also likely to be destroyed by the opponent, and the two Dinghai boats are obviously also  There was no attempt to conceal their determination to die with each other.  However, the outside party does not have a solid chance of winning. In Yang Junshan's view, as long as the golden immortal on the extraterritorial ship can keep his composure and keep a certain distance from the opponent to avoid being hurt by the opponent, he can fight the opponent steadily and steadily.  Attrition, two Yuan Shen Immortal Lords will sooner or later not be able to compete with one Golden Immortal, and Ding Haizhou cannot be tougher than Xing Gong Feizhou.  But what Yang Junshan didn't know was that before he noticed the three star ships, the Jinxian on the extraterritorial ship used the method he said to chase the two Dinghai ships all the way from central Yanzhou to  here.  Time goes back to when the three starships fought all the way out of Yanzhou and just entered the starry sky.  On the two Dinghai boats, Red Flame Immortal Lord and Master Tianshi joined forces to command many monks, almost maximizing the potential of the Dinghai boats.  "This can't go on like this!" Master Tianshi's face looked extremely serious. He knew the situation on the Publicis Spirit Boat very well. If this continues, let alone turning defeat into victory, even if we want to preserve our strength as much as possible, we may not be able to do so.  arrive.  "What other means do you have? If you don't come up with it now, I'm afraid there will be no chance!" Master Tianshi said loudly to the Red Flame Immortal Lord.  Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord was a little surprised and said: "What else can you do? Aren't these two Dinghai boats our biggest support?" "Bullshit!" The current situation no longer tolerates Master Tianshi's politeness. This hot-tempered man  The old man immediately cursed in front of many juniors in the boat.  "You and I have worked together for many years, and we are consideredWith these understandings, when did you lose your sense of humor?  When it comes to calculations, you are definitely the number one among the four sects. Hmm, if it weren¡¯t for the current enemies of the four major sects in Yanzhou, your Burning Heaven Clan would probably be isolated by everyone again!  " Master Tianshi seemed to have no scruples in his words. When the Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord heard this, he darkened and said in a low voice: "Are these all forced out?  " Master Tianshi looked at the Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord across the void between the two Dinghai boats, with an inexplicable meaning in his tone, and said: "If you were in charge of the Burning Heaven Clan back then, instead of the Blood Flame Immortal Lord,  Huh, even if you, the Burning Heaven Clan, are still the only one who dominates, at least it is better than the four sects like me now, who can only survive by holding together for warmth.  " This is of course impossible. During the heyday of the Burning Heaven Clan, the Red Flame Immortal was just a Huagai Taoist. What qualifications did he have to be in charge of the Burning Heaven Clan, which was known as the "No. 1 in Zhou Tian" at that time? A trace of anger flashed across the expression of the Crimson Flame Immortal.  , said in a dark voice: "Don't worry, we will definitely make these foreign races suffer a big loss this time!  " Master Tianshi was a little surprised when he heard this and said: "What have you done? Is it possible that you could have anticipated the appearance of this giant ship from outside the territory and set an ambush in this void?  " Chiyan Immortal Lord was so funny that he forgot to glance at Master Tianshi and said: "Old lion, what are you thinking about?  Even if there is an ambush at this time, besides Junshan Immortal, who else in the Zhoutian world can help get an extraterritorial golden immortal?  " "Then you" Master Tianshi was a little confused. However, Chi Yanxianzun calmly said: "Old lion, didn't you notice that there are a few people missing from Tianyang?  " "Missing, who?  " Master Tianshi was still a little confused for a moment. He glanced at the Tianyang Dinghaizhou twice. He suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, where are Hong Lu, Hong Luan and Hong Luo?  The three of them are your favorite disciples, could it be that" Master Tianshi looked at the Scarlet Flame Immortal with some surprise. Seeing his confident expression, he suddenly sighed: "His, Honglu has really stepped out.  Have you taken that step?  Old man, you are so unkind, you even hid this from me!  " Chiyan Immortal Lord nodded and said slightly apologetically: "Not long after he ascended to immortality, Hong Luan and Hong Luo were still protecting him, so they did not follow him this time.  " Master Tianshi knew that it was too late to say anything now, so he could only sigh: "It is indeed worthy of being called the Burning Heaven Clan. Even if it is in decline, the heritage of these thousands of years is still beyond our reach!  One sect and two immortals, old man, it seems that the Burning Heaven Clan is about to revive!  " When the Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "Old Lion, your vision is too short-sighted. The Burning Heaven Clan does have some things left behind, but can one sect and two immortals revive the Burning Heaven Clan?  Now we are in the process of Zhou Tianhua World and our hospital losing control. This is our biggest crisis, but why is it not our biggest opportunity?  "Master Tianshi looked startled and said: "Old man, you mean" "In fact, all the major sects had already understood that the world of Zhou Tian would eventually be integrated into the world when Jiu Ren Daozu tried to become a saint.  How could the starry sky not be prepared for thousands of years?  " Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord said calmly: "In fact, Master Xue Yan wanted to let Burning Heaven Clan take advantage of him, so he took the risk, but in the end his skills were inferior to others and it was self-defeating!  " Seeing Master Tianshi's stunned and speechless look, Red Flame Immortal Lord shook his head, dispelled the sighing expression on his face, and said excitedly: "Let's not talk about this anymore. This time I will wait for the aliens from outside the territory.  The strongest combat power has all been drawn out of Yanzhou, and the hinterland of Yanzhou is bound to be empty. It is a great time to attack Huanglong. This time, these foreign races must be taught a profound lesson!  " Master Tianshi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but his gaze towards the alien flying boat suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "It is speeding up and rushing towards us. Does it really want to fight with us?  Can't?  ¡± The violent attack of the alien flying boat obviously went beyond the original plan of the Red Flame Immortal Lord. The two Zhoutian Immortal Lords worked together to control the two Dinghai boats. Although they resisted tenaciously under tremendous pressure, it seemed that  It is unlikely that he will hold on for too long. Master Tianshi smiled bitterly and said: "Old man, it seems that your plan is not working well this time. If the other party really wants to risk this giant ship, in front of that golden immortal, I am afraid that you and I will be afraid.  I have to explain it here.  " In fact, from the moment when the alien flying boat suddenly stepped up its offensive, the frown of the Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord has not relaxed. At this time, hearing Master Tianshi's posture of being ready to die together at any time, the Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord suddenly said:  "No, the other party wants to retreat!  " "What" Master Tianshi looked incomprehensible at first, and then suddenly said: "You mean Honglu Junior Nephew and the others have broken into the hinterland of Yanzhou, these outsidersThe alien race has received the news and is preparing to return to intercept and kill them. Is this wave of outbreak just to deter us from getting entangled?  " The people of Scarlet Flame Immortal Lord have risen from the deck of Dinghaizhou, hanging on the highest mast of the boat, and said solemnly: "Old lion, we can't let them escape easily, we have to buy time!  " After saying that, a flame appeared on the palms of the open hands of the Scarlet Flame Immortal, one purple and one green. The two-color flames then swelled and began to spread along the formation of Dinghaizhou. After a while, the entire Dinghaizhou body had already  Completely covered in purple and green flames, at the same time, Master Tianshi's flaming lion spirit also appeared in the sky above the Yangshi, and the two Dinghai boats stopped almost at the same time.  After retreating, he turned the bow of the ship and faced the extraterrestrial flying boat, with a desperate attitude. "Hey, the purple-green divine flame?  No, the fusion of twin flames, this is already the immortal level fire Tushita Fire, it seems that he has met an acquaintance!  "In the distant void, Yang Junshan, who was peeping at the battle, murmured to himself.
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