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Chapter 1,411 Breakthrough

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    After Yang Junshan secretly returned from outside the territory, he could have chosen to directly try to become a saint in the body to break free from the constraints of heaven and earth.  But Yang Junshan also understands that once he chooses to do this, although he can catch all forces off guard, the process of physical sanctification does not happen overnight. After the initial smoothness, he may have to usher in the sect immortals and world masters.  An all-out sniper attack from a group of forces.  For him, this was originally a matter of no choice!  However, just as he was secretly preparing to ascend to immortality, a jade slip sent from Yanzhou made him aware of an opportunity to ascend to immortality that could minimize the risk!  That Young Master Qing, whose life was completely in the hands of Yang Junxiu, when the major states in the world began to separate from Zhou Tian, ??and when the space turbulence between states was not serious yet, he informed through the jade slip that  I learned something about Yang Junshan: Zhu Lingguang is trying his best to collect various resources to make final preparations for ascending to immortality, and another great demon in Yanzhou, the Golden Crow Emperor Infant, is also suspected of preparing to ascend to immortality!  Yang Junshan once had encounters with these two great demons, and it was clear that both of them were on the path to physical sanctification!  So Yang Junshan decided to wait for these two great demon kings to ascend to immortality first and attract the attention of all forces for himself!  Yang Junshan believed that he would not wait too long, because he noticed a phenomenon from the news from Young Master Qing, that is, the entire Yanzhou seemed to collapse much faster than Yuzhou!  This is somewhat intriguing. In addition to the fact that Yanzhou itself has many volcanoes and magma and that space channels have been opened by outside forces, there is another possibility, that is, the will of all the immortal forces in the Zhoutian world and even the world lord hopes that  To achieve a certain goal through the accelerated collapse of Yanzhou.  And this purpose seems to be more likely to be at the expense of the entire Yanzhou to force these two demon kings to take the initiative and ascend to immortality in advance!  No matter what, Zhu Lingguang and Emperor Ying are both outsiders in the Zhoutian world. Even if their bodies become saints, the impact on the Zhoutian world will definitely not be as severe as that of Yang Junshan, a native!  If this is true, then Yanzhou at this time may be a hunting trap!  Yang Junshan silently planned. His original plan was to continue hiding his identity and wait for the arrival of these two great demon kings to attract everyone's attention to Yanzhou, and then he would look for an opportunity to take the initiative.  However, God is not as good as man, and the forces of the Realm Lord lineage have begun to disintegrate in the Zhoutian world. Taking advantage of the opportunity that communication between the major states has remained unchanged due to the influence of space turbulence after the division, they suddenly attack the Yang family in Xishan.  The purpose of taking action was obviously to eliminate the root cause, and for this purpose, they even did not hesitate to collude with external forces again.  Although the Yang family showed amazing potential when faced with the invasion of foreign enemies whose cultivation strength far exceeded its own, there was still a gap in absolute strength. The Five Elements Lightning Dao Formation was about to be nakedly exposed to the siege of the opponent.  Under this situation, it was only a matter of time before the breakthrough was made. Just when Yang Junshan was helplessly hesitating whether to take action, a turning point suddenly appeared at this moment!  Three hundred miles of purple energy came from the south, and the purple cloud flags swayed and covered half of the sky!  As Yang Junshan, who has also cultivated the Purple Qi Donglai Jue to cultivate his own magical power, he naturally knows the identity of the person coming!  She is finally here!  The destruction of the Yang family is definitely not something that happens overnight. When faced with the crisis of genocide, the Yang family will naturally not forget to ask for help from others, and Taoist Ziyuan, who has always maintained a relationship with Yang Junshan as both a teacher and a friend, is naturally among the Yang family's requests for help.  List.  It's just that most of the strong help comes from Yang Junshan's own friendship. When Yang Junshan can't hide and many people believe that he has fallen outside the territory, how much friendship is left in these so-called "strong aid"?  It's hard to say, not to mention that now that the major states are divided, and there are turbulent space barriers between them, it is not known whether some strong aid from outside the region is willing to risk crossing, or whether they can successfully receive the news!  This naturally includes Taoist Ziyuan whose whereabouts are elusive!  Although Taoist Ziyuan has a dojo in the Kailing Sect in Yao County, this great supernatural power user who was originally a casual cultivator may not be there, and even if he is there, he may not be willing to take action. After all, the Yang family is not Yang Junshan. The fact is  When the Yang family fell into this situation under the siege of a group of great supernatural powers, Yang Junshan originally had no hope for the origin of Ziyuan Taoist.  But just at this most difficult time, Taoist Ziyuan appeared!  For Yang's, the source of the Ziyuan Taoist is not giving charcoal in the snow, but for the Ziyuan Taoist, it is really not a good time now!  Because at this time, a group of great supernatural powers have gained an absolute advantage against the Yang family, Taoist Ziyuan entered the scene at this time, but he was easily besieged by his opponents. Not only was it impossible to change the situation,A fundamental change would be extremely dangerous for her and not very wise!  The real good time should be at the beginning of the siege of Mengyu County. At that time, the Yang family was not at an obvious disadvantage. In the stalemate stage when the two sides were equally powerful, if Taoist Ziyuan came to help, he would most likely become the key to victory.  , which makes it easier to inherit the favor of the entire Yang family.  But it is precisely because of this that Yang Junshan can believe that Taoist Ziyuan really wants to help the Yang family. As for why she chose this time, Yang Junshan originally thought that she came across the turbulent space after getting the news outside Yuzhou.  This was a delay, but when he sensed Taoist Ziyuan's Huangting realm aura that was still rising through the extension of the Tao formation, he suddenly realized that Taoist Ziyuan had obviously just come out of seclusion, and he hurried over after getting the news.  The Ziyun Banner rushed out diagonally, directly in front of Yang Junxiu, blocking the Daojian Dasha and Huangting Ghost King Lu Tu.  "Leave this to me!" Taoist Ziyuan only said one sentence.  Yang Junxiu hesitated slightly, then a voice came to his ear.  Yang Junxiu's expression suddenly changed. She turned her head and looked towards the north. Then she let out a loud roar and jumped into the air. A giant white-fronted tiger whipped up a strong wind and headed towards the north.  The joint sword formation of the three Taoist cultivators "Pine, Bamboo and Plum" was about to take action again, but a roar of a tiger rolled up from the south and headed straight towards the three sword cultivators.  Yang Junxiu's "White Tiger Shocking Roar" attacks the opponent's spiritual consciousness.  Taoist Bai Qing's expression changed, and the flying sword that had disappeared returned to his hand with a move. Then he stretched out his finger and flicked the flying sword, and bursts of sword chants resounded through the void.  But it made Yang Junxiu's tiger roar sound wave invisible.  Yang Junxiu's attack seemed to be in vain, but it actually interfered with Taoist Bai Qing. Taoist Fenghua and Jianzhu had already integrated their swordsmanship into one, but Taoist Bai Qing was a step slower.  There is already a two-color sword light rising into the sky, but it is much slimmer than the previous three-color sword light.  Fenghua and Jianzhu naturally knew that without Taoist Bai Qing integrated into the sword light, the power of the two sword lights would be reduced by more than one-third. Naturally, they had to try their best to keep the sword light from being triggered, in order to wait for the delay.  Taoist Bai Qing, who had taken a step forward, blended into it.  However, Yang Junxiu had already further shortened the distance from the Sancai Sword Formation at this time. Seeing that the sword light was ready to strike, in desperation, the human sword merged to tear the void directly, and once again killed Taoist Bai Qing.  .  Naturally, the Sancai Sword Formation cannot be so fragile. It will collapse with just the slightest interference. Yang Junxiu seems to be recklessly rushing into the formation, but there is no doubt that he is risking his life.  At this time, as long as the three of them have the same mind, they can just turn the soaring sword light in the direction of attack and strike Yang Junxiu on the head. It is enough to kill Yang Junxiu without the cooperation of Taoist Bai Qing!  However, the Five Elements Thunder Light Taoist Formation is not a tortoise shell that only defends but does not attack. When Yang Junxiu took the risk to attack the "Songzhumei" Sancai Sword Formation on his own, because he controlled the Five Elements Thunder Light Taoist Formation, the entire Mengyu County was involved in this matter.  Yang Qinyu, who was well aware of the situation within the territory, regardless of his own injuries, hurriedly mobilized the Nine Ren Yuan in his body again, forcibly fused the formation spirit and summoned the Thunder Giant to cooperate.  The Thunder Giant appeared again over the West Mountain. However, compared with the previous time when it could reveal its body above the waist, at this time the Thunder Giant could only reveal the torso above the chest at most.  However, this was enough. The giant thundering hand was held empty, but two thick five-color thunder light condensed in his palm. As he threw his hands forward, the two five-color thunder light condensed into one in the void.  It penetrated directly into the void, struck first and then struck the sky above the Sancai Sword Formation.  Yang Qinyu originally made an emergency response in a desperate situation, and even took action when he was seriously injured. He was not even sure whether he could summon the Thunder Giant again.  However, just when he was trying his best, he suddenly felt that the five elements earth veins, which were originally under his control and fully cooperated with the operation of the formation, suddenly became extremely smooth during the circulation process, and the original power of the five elements was  When it was transformed in the earth veins and finally gathered in the earth element earth veins, a stream of extremely pure earth element source power suddenly separated and fed back into Yang Qinyu's body.  It is precisely because of the support of this source of power that is basically the same as him that he not only successfully summoned the Thunder Giant when he was almost out of fuel, but even made him control the entire Five Elements Thunder Light Road in an instant.  He gained a further understanding of the nature of the formation, and this understanding was reflected back to himself in an instant, forming a sublimation of his understanding of his own cultivation.  So with the help of the source essence that was continuously separated from the Five Elements Earth Veins, strange phenomena began to form around Yang Qinyu, first of all purpleThe air currents circulated, and these air currents began to merge one by one, and finally formed a patch of strange phenomena like clouds, submerging the entire mountain platform in it.  Then a huge suction force came from the center of the platform. Yang Qinyu's body was like a long whale sucking water, and the thick purple clouds that filled the belly of the mountain were instantly absorbed into the body. In the originally dry meridians, Jiuren Zhenyuan was absorbed.  Like water vapor seeping out from the ground, it seemed to be slowly but quickly restoring the true energy in his body.  Yang Qinyu made a breakthrough before the battle, and successfully advanced to the Qingyun realm when she was almost at the end of her rope!
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