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Baiqueshan Chapter 1840 Feast

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    "The decline of the Burning Heaven Clan is a foregone conclusion!" Yang Junshan's conclusion, which was not too difficult, was recognized by most of the Yang clan present.  "In the next battle with extraterritorial forces, if the Burning Heaven Sect is at a loss again, then all the forces in the cultivation world will not mind resisting the invasion of extraterrestrial forces and at the same time have another gluttonous fight to carve up the once number one sect in the cultivation world.  "Feast!" Yang Junshan's words made many Yang clan members in the meeting hall look stunned. Only Zhou Yi, Yan Qinxi and others looked like they were taking it for granted. However, they were qualified to participate in such a grand event.  It was difficult for them to control their anxiety and excitement.  "In fact, I am afraid that the conspiracy against the Burning Heaven Clan is not limited to outsiders. If my guess is not wrong, then even if the Burning Heaven Clan handles it properly, someone will prompt them to 'make mistakes while busy.' We, the Yang family, are  In this feast, what we have to do is to gain as many benefits as possible while maintaining our own strength." Yang Junshan's words once again made many tribesmen look at each other, even feeling incredulous, but Yang Junshan.  Junshan did not intend to give any more explanations. It would be much better for them to realize this naked struggle for interests in the cultivation world in others earlier than to suffer a big loss in the future.  "As for the matter of fighting against foreign forces, it is up to me to do this. Our Yang family is newly rising and has a shallow foundation. Hasn't the cultivation world always said that the Yang family is a 'family of one person'? So  It just so happens that this time we have confirmed this statement. " Yang Junshan's words made all the dignified Yang clan members in the council room feel embarrassed. Although more and more masters are emerging from the Yang clan, the confidence of the family is also weakening.  More and more, but it is undeniable that all these people combined cannot compare to the sense of security and glory that Yang Junshan alone brings to the entire Yang family.  Yanzhou is a large state. The state is divided into eight counties. The spheres of influence of all parties are intertwined. Generally speaking, there are five forces in Yanzhou that have Dao realm beings.  Among these five factions, the Fentian Sect alone monopolizes the three counties of Lu, Zhu, and Fen. It is the undisputed leader of Yanzhou. It was even once known as the number one sect in the cultivation world. Among the remaining four factions, the Golden Crow Sect  Huang County is classified as the sphere of influence. The main forces of Zhenyang Palace are active in Deng County. Yanyang Clan occupies Ju County. The Deng family, known as the "Fire Lion Family", occupies most of Yan County. In addition,  There are still countless forces and families mainly operating in the fringe areas controlled by large forces in Lian County and other counties.  Yang Junshan has decided to respond to the call of Immortal Palace and go to Yanzhou. In fact, before he entered Yanzhou, he had already received invitations from the other four major forces except the Golden Crow Sect. Of course, the more important ones were naturally  It's not Yang Junshan's Qingyun realm cultivation and strength, but his status as a formation master.  However, after careful weighing and judging from the news that Yang Junhao and Ning Bin came from Yanzhou, Yang Junshan finally declined the invitations from the other three families and rushed to Fentianmen alone.  Although Yang Junshan had already made a severe prediction about the situation in Yanzhou, when he actually arrived in Yanzhou, the deteriorating situation here was still far beyond his imagination.  After the attack on the five Taoist monks of Fentian Clan, although it caused great panic to the entire Yanzhou cultivation world, in fact, the Taoist beings in Yanzhou did not take the threat of the ghost clan to heart.  In fact, this was the news that Yang Junshan only got after he came to Yanzhou. The ghost monks who assassinated the five Dao realm beings of the Burning Heaven Clan that day also paid a heavy price. The two who assassinated the Huagai realm monk Chiquan Taoist eventually died and left.  , the ghost monk who assassinated the two Qingyun realm monks Chishan Taoist and Chiyuan Taoist was both injured by them. As for the two Auspicious Qi realm Taoists who died, they were Hongfeng and Hongyan, the new generation true disciples of the Burning Heaven Clan.  After the two ghost monks who assassinated them were successful, they were besieged by other monks from the Burning Heaven Clan. In the end, one of them was injured and the other captured.  The assassination skills of ghost monks are unparalleled and often difficult to guard against. Once the attack is successful or failed, they immediately escape. Their escape skills are also extremely sophisticated, making it difficult to find their traces.  But for beings in the Tao realm, the space field that protects them has great potential to speak out. No matter how wonderful the escape skills of ghost monks are, it is difficult to escape completely under the interference of space. Six ghost kings attacked five  Although the Taoist monks suffered three deaths and two injuries, they also paid the price of one death, one capture and three injuries. With the presence of Yanzhou Taoist beings on guard, at least in a short period of time, the Yanzhou monks did not have the ghost king level.  Presence takes action.  However, although the Taoist monks are not afraid of sneak attacks by the Ghost King, the existence below the Taoist realm is still threatened by the ghost monks. Even the ghost monks in the Ligui Realm and the Judge Realm are wreaking havoc, making the monks below the Taoist Realm in Yuzhou panic.When traveling, you must form a gang, for fear of being attacked by others when you are alone.  Coupled with the sudden retaliation of the Jinwu Sect, under circumstances that no one expected, the Jinwu Patriarch led a group of die-hard members of the Jinwu Sect to announce that they would join the ranks of followers of the Golden Crow Royal Clan. The Golden Crow Sect immediately fell apart, and many were unwilling to become monsters.  The followers of the Golden Crow Sect were massacred, and foreign forces poured in from different directions. However, most of Huang County has been reduced to a place where foreign forces are entrenched. Even Deng County next to Huang County where Zhenyang Palace is located and where Fentian Clan defends the mountain gate.  Fen County was affected.  The location of Fenjun is roughly in the center of Yanzhou, and its status is roughly equivalent to that of Yujun in Yuzhou.  The mountain gate of the Burning Heaven Clan is located in Fen County, and the Earth Fire Abyss Hell is also at the center of the vast underground world in Fen County. Although it has not been confirmed, most Yanzhou monks believe that the mountain gate of the Burning Heaven Clan is located in Fen County.  The ground is above the head of the Earthly Fire Abyss.  Perhaps it is precisely because of the suppression of the Burning Heaven Clan directly above the Earthly Fire Abyss Prison that the non-territorial monks who continuously pour in from the Earthly Fire Abyss Prison are often distributed in different locations in Fen County when they appear on the ground.  .  When Yang Junshan arrived at Fenjun, although there were Burning Heaven Clan monks from Lu County and Zhu County who were constantly reinforcing the mountain gate station, the situation in Fen County had already deteriorated.  An island is no different.  The difference is that the Burning Heaven Clan sect¡¯s dojo is, after all, the place where the Burning Heaven Clan has been operating for thousands of years. Even if the Burning Heaven Clan has suffered heavy losses before, it is not easy to break the mountain gate and destroy the entire Burning Heaven Clan.  Yang Junshan¡¯s arrival was naturally warmly welcomed by the Burning Heaven Clan. However, the Burning Heaven Clan seemed to be in a leaderless state. Although the reception was very warm, there was never an important Burning Heaven Clan monk who came forward to receive him.  Yang Junshan didn't seem to be in a hurry. He spent the whole day wandering around within the allowed range of the Burning Heaven Gate, but he met many monks from other states who came to help like him, but Yang  After Junshan checked carefully, he found that among these foreign monks, the majority were Xizhou monks.  But not all the monks seemed to be forgotten like Yang Junshan. Most of the monks were quickly assigned duties by the Burning Heaven Clan after being received, and then were incorporated into the patrol establishment of the Burning Heaven Clan monks and left.  If some Taoist ancestors have acquaintances in the Burning Heaven Clan, it would be fine. If not, Taoist monks from the Burning Heaven Clan will come to visit them in a short while. After the two sides talk secretly for a while, they will leave from this place responsible for reception.  Leaving, sometimes two or even three Burning Heaven Clan monks would visit the same Dao Realm monk who came for reinforcements at the same time. These Burning Heaven Clan monks were obviously at odds with each other. When they met each other, they often looked at each other angrily, and even for  Arguments broke out over the whereabouts of a reinforcing monk, but the position of the Taoist being who came for reinforcements often seemed extremely awkward.  However, as the monks who came for reinforcements were arranged by the Burning Heaven Clan and left, Yang Junshan, who had been left alone, became more and more abrupt. Even the eyes of the monks from other forces looking at Yang Junshan became more and more strange.  Burning Heaven Clan's indifference to Yang Junshan lasted for a whole day and night. In the early morning of the next day, the entire Burning Heaven Clan's mountain gate dojo suddenly erupted with violent earthquakes. There were five or six peaks in the dojo.  It collapsed during the shaking, and the bright yellow magma that shot up into the sky had turned into red when it landed. The pungent and thick gray fog filled the air. In an instant, half of the dojo was affected. At this moment, a long-haired man was  The young monk with a bundle draped behind his head hurried over. When he saw Yang Junshan from a distance, he cupped his hands and said, "But in front of fellow Taoist Junshan from Yuzhou?" Yang Junshan smiled and said, "It's Yang, look.  The Lai Gui sect finally remembered that a certain family was here." The visitor looked guilty and said, "Don't blame me, fellow Taoist. It's not that the sect doesn't pay attention to you. It's because we attach too much importance to you and all parties can't argue.  It¡¯s hard to determine the duties of fellow Taoists. "Although Yang Junshan had already guessed, when he heard the monk in front of him admit it, he was shocked in his heart that the struggle within the Burning Heaven Clan had reached such an extent.  "I don't know how to call it. Since there was a dispute before, why do you want fellow Taoists to come now?" Yang Junshan asked with a smile.  "I am Honglu, a third-generation disciple of our sect." The visitor introduced himself, and then suddenly a smile appeared on his face and said: "Actually, fellow Taoist's duties have not been decided yet, but now fellow Taoist has seen the situation,  The foreign cultivators are so rampant in the Hell of the Fire Abyss, but I can¡¯t wait for the seniors of the sect to argue, so I¡¯ll invite my fellow Taoists here first.¡± After speaking, Taoist Honglu narrowed his eyes even more.  Three points of pride and three points of cunning.  "It turns out they are people of the same generation."??¡± Yang Junshan glanced at Taoist Honglu with some surprise. Ever since Yang Junshan advanced to the Qingyun realm, among the monks of his generation, even among those famous sects, there are many who have advanced to the Taoist realm, but most of them have advanced to the Taoist realm.  It¡¯s just the Auspicious Qi Realm, and this Honglu Taoist is the Qingyun Realm monk of the same generation that Yang Junshan has met for the first time. Regardless of the true strength of both parties, in terms of cultivation and temperament alone, the Honglu Taoist has advanced to the Qingyun Realm.  The time must still be before Yang Junshan.
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