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Chapter 1,798 (continued)

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    In the chaos, Yang Junshan opened his palms. Instead of giving him any guidance about the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the Taichu Xuanguang hovering in his palms was spinning around like a headless fly.  Yang Junshan, who was slightly disappointed, was about to take back the Taichu Xuanguang and continue to try his luck in the chaos, but suddenly he felt a slight shaking in the chaos, as if someone dropped a stone into the water, and the ripples affected him.  Not far away, I am like myself.  Is there someone else who has entered the land of chaos?  The first thing Yang Junshan thought of was this possibility. After all, although Yang Junshan was confident in his own cultivation strength, he was never arrogant. He didn't believe that among the great supernatural power users who entered Fengtian World this time, none of them would be able to enter.  A place of chaos.  Perhaps the cultivation of these people in body training is far from reaching the realm of "rebirth with a drop of blood", but they may not have other means of entering the land of chaos, especially those monks who themselves were born in the great forces of the starry sky, even if they cannot  Although Yang Junshan has been wandering in chaos for a long time, he can at least enter and leave the land of chaos in a short time.  But while Yang Junshan was still thinking about how to deal with other monks entering the land of chaos, a violent undercurrent suddenly surged from the direction where the ripples of chaos originally came, spreading towards the chaos.  Yang Junshan was shocked. However, the restriction of spiritual consciousness in the chaos was too strong, and he had consumed a lot in the communication with the unknown existence. By the time he noticed that the undercurrent of chaos was also spreading towards his location.  When it came, it was too late to avoid it.  In the chaos, Yang Junshan's body continued to retreat under the impact of the undercurrent of chaos, but he still tried hard to maintain control of his body shape until the impact of this undercurrent was exhausted.  Although there were undercurrents in the chaos before, and even these undercurrents of chaos seemed to come from the actions of the Supreme Immortal of the Chaos Realm, but after all, the methods of these great magical powers cannot directly act on the chaotic land of Fengtian World.  Knowing how many layers of weakening it has gone through, the impact is far from being comparable to the potential just now.  Yang Junshan¡¯s expression was solemn. He had realized that the movement just now should not be someone entering the land of chaos.  Although Yang Junshan will not be overconfident, he will never underestimate himself. No one can dare to make such a big noise after entering the land of chaos. This is tantamount to suicide.  But if someone else hadn¡¯t entered the Land of Chaos, things would have been serious.  Yang Junshan already had a bad prediction in his mind at this time, and at this time he also realized that entering the land of chaos might not be a good thing.  Yang Junshan wanted to understand this. After the impact of the undercurrent of chaos, instead of going to the entrance of chaos to see what was going on, he fled deeper into the land of chaos.  Facts also proved that Yang Junshan's choice was not wrong. Shortly after he left the place, two more violent chaos impacts broke out one after another, triggering a larger undercurrent impact deeper into the land of chaos.  The ripples spread.  Although Yang Junshan was as far away as possible at this time, the turbulence coming from behind still lifted his whole body into the air, rolling and rolling in the violent chaotic original airflow, like a floating leaf.  However, what is more terrifying is not the impact of the chaotic turbulence, but the consumption caused to Yang Junshan himself in the process.  Originally, when the origin of chaos in the land of chaos was relatively calm, with the help of his own strong comprehensive strength, Yang Junshan not only would not be eroded by the origin of chaos, but could also refine it to accumulate his own heritage.  However, under the current impact of chaos and turbulence like a stormy sea, how could he dare to absorb and refine the source of chaos? He could only protect himself from being torn apart by the violent chaos and turbulence.  But Yang Junshan soon discovered that the chaotic flow erupting from the entrance to chaos not only did not stop, but became more frequent.  At this time, Yang Junshan was already sure that this was someone who was projecting magical powers into the Land of Chaos from outside the entrance to Chaos, deliberately causing turbulence and impact in the Land of Chaos.  Yang Junshan was even sure that these actions must be aimed at him, but he was a little puzzled by the motives of people outside of Chaos so frequently casting magical powers into the Land of Chaos.  Even if someone has guessed that he has advanced to the fourth level of the Immortal Realm and can walk freely in chaos, but the use of magical powers and magic above the Creation Realm on such a large scale is just to deal with himself, is it a bit of a fuss?  But if it is not just to deal with themselves, then those people outside the Chaos Entrance are so persistent in putting magical powers and magic into the land of Chaos.?What is it?  Yang Junshan knew very well that after he entered the land of chaos, the tricks he had done in the twisted void would be triggered. The immortals from all sides who were blocked behind the twisted void would definitely fight with Yu Bing, Ji Zhang, Zhong Gu and others.  Conflict breaks out.  But now it seems that the conflict between the two parties should have subsided. Perhaps one party was expelled, or the two parties temporarily joined forces to cooperate, but in Yang Junshan's opinion, the latter is more likely.  Because through the previous battle of wits and courage, he knew very well that Ji Zhang, Zhonggu, Liu Zizheng and others were all outstanding among Da Luo monks, and would not give up this opportunity so easily.  So what is the opportunity?  Of course it¡¯s Hongmeng Purple Qi!  Only the Hongmeng Purple Qi can allow the great supernatural powers from all sides to temporarily calm down the troubles and choose to join forces. Only the Hongmeng Purple Qi can allow these people to continuously and willingly put their respective abilities as the bottom of the box in the realm of creation.  The great magical power on the world is placed in the land of chaos.  In other words, triggering the turbulence of the origin of chaos can accelerate the birth of Hongmeng Purple Qi, or is it the birth of the world?  This reminded Yang Junshan of the previous behavior of those Immortal Path Supremes who were suspected of being in the Chaos Realm, causing chaos and turbulence in an attempt to accelerate the disintegration of Fengtian World.  Is there some potential connection between the two?  Despite this, Yang Junshan did not forget to confirm one thing, that is, since the turmoil that caused the origin of chaos may accelerate the birth or emergence of Hongmeng Purple Qi, then there will definitely be some movement in Taichu Xuanguang at this time.  At this time, Yang Junshan was deep enough in the land of chaos. Although he was still affected by the turbulence of chaos, he was able to control his body shape relatively well.  He stretched out his hand to touch the source of chaos, and the source of space emerged from his palm. With the support of his own immortal energy, he temporarily isolated a small space in the chaos, and then a ray of purple mysterious light appeared in it.  However, the moment he saw Taichu Xuanguang, Yang Junshan's eyes suddenly froze, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the depths of chaos pointed by Taichu Xuanguang. There seemed to be a faint purple light that flickered in the origin of chaos.
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