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Chapter 1574: Controlling the Star Realm, Garuda Bird

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    Yutian Star Realm, the fifteenth small plane world born in the starry sky world.  The cultivation civilization born in this small plane world has a close relationship with the monster clan. Therefore, after the world disintegrated and merged into the starry sky, it was easily conquered by the monster clan that was in full swing at the time.  The native forces in Yutian Star Realm have not formed an independent race, but because they have succumbed to the demon clan from the beginning, the local cultivation inheritance of this star realm has been continued.  In fact, the local forces in Yutian Star Realm once tried to establish a clan, but in the end they were screwed up.  The local forces in the Yutian Star Realm are not strong, but because of the good relationship they have established with the Monster Race from the beginning, it is entirely possible for them to use the power of the Monster Race to establish a complete race.  The birth, development, and subsequent self-development and evolution of Yutian Star Realm gave its local monks a trait, or talent, that is extremely rare in the starry sky, and that is the ability to easily perceive the nature of hundreds of spirits.  And this characteristic will continue to grow with the improvement of their local practice methods.  And this characteristic of the local monks in the Yutian Star Realm was noticed by all the forces of the demon clan when they first came into contact with the outer starry sky.  This talent for understanding the nature of hundreds of spirits, to put it more bluntly, is the ability to communicate with various living spirits before they become monsters, and to be able to identify their own potential to a large extent.  Although there is a saying among the demon clan that "everything has animism and can be a demon", the chance of truly opening up one's spiritual intelligence and embarking on the path of becoming a demon is extremely random, even for the demon clan.  Among the races with noble blood and long heritage, there is no guarantee that the descendants born will be able to follow the path of the demon clan.  Enlightenment, that is, opening up spiritual wisdom, is always the first hurdle on the road to becoming a demon. It can also be called the most difficult level, because in most cases, the only way for a creature to cross this level is through its own body.  of epiphany. ????????????????????????? However, before the living beings open up their spiritual wisdom, they are already ignorant. How difficult is it to overcome this hurdle?  At this time, the emergence of Yutian Star Realm has undoubtedly given the demon clan a glimmer of hope in this most difficult level.  They have the talent to understand the nature of hundreds of spirits, and to a large extent can get close to many creatures who are still in a state of ignorance, so that they can further try to establish simple communication.  Communication often means having the potential to unlock spiritual wisdom, and at the same time, this potential will gradually grow through slow communication, and eventually cross the threshold of spiritual enlightenment, understand the essence of cultivation, and eventually become a true spiritual practitioner.  Demon cultivator.  Therefore, the sky-controlling star realm monks who have the ability to communicate with uninitiated beings, and can promote the growth of the spiritual intelligence of the creatures, and can distinguish the potential of these unborn demon creatures during the communication process, naturally gain the traction and friendship of the demon clan.  .  At the same time, in the process of interacting with the monster clan, the monks in the Yutian Star Realm were also able to gain huge benefits, so that the cultivation civilization of their own clan that originally developed along multiple paths was eventually only carried forward by Yuyu and became the  The mainstream of Yutianxingjie.  The reason is that among all creatures, not becoming monsters does not mean that the descendants of these races cannot grow. Many creatures that obey animal instincts continue to become stronger in their long lives, so there are fierce beasts, spiritual beasts,  They are called desolate beasts, fairy beasts, and the like, and there are even some powerful beings that can rival immortals such as demons and immortals.  The local monks in the Sky Controlling Star Realm can use their talents and cultivation methods to conquer or obtain the friendship of these undeveloped beasts. They may also use a step-by-step forced method to form master-slave, symbiosis and so on.  relationship, turning these powerful beasts into part of their own strength.  The Yutian Star Realm, which was originally just a small plane world, has greatly increased in strength. With the support of the demon clan, when the Yutian Star Realm disintegrates and merges into the starry sky, they can completely establish a brand new race based on all aspects of the starry sky.  Forest of power.  However, just when the matter was about to be completed, the local monks from the Sky Controlling Star Realm got out of their way.  Monks in the Sky Controlling Star Realm have the ability to communicate with and identify the potential of beings before they become demons to a certain extent. However, those with potential may not necessarily be able to awaken spirits and become demons in the future, but most of those who can eventually awaken spirits and become monsters.  potential.  "However, the monks in the Sky Controlling Star Realm themselves also need to be strong, and their strength is inseparable from potential beast control.  So, if you hide some un-monster creatures that have the potential to become demons from the demon clan, and then subdue and cultivate them as your own beasts to enhance your own strength, this kind of thing will inevitably happen.  However, the monster clan is a huge ethnic group.Being able to become the first race in the starry sky, even if there are many internal factions, it can still rival the major forces in the starry sky. How could there not be such a little trick that can see through the local forces in the Yutian Star Realm?  Therefore, a mixed-race descendant born of a true dragon's one-night romance was "identified" as an evil dragon by a monk from the sky-controlling star realm. He would not have the possibility of opening up his spiritual intelligence in the future. After the true dragon was disappointed, he could easily obtain it.  The "custody rights" of this dragonborn.  However, just when the monk from the sky-controlling star realm was looking forward to the dream of waiting for this dragon-born to grow up and become his own beast-controller, and his strength would be greatly increased, one day a few years later, the mother of the dragon-born received  After the definite news that his child had been disposed of at will by a real dragon, he suddenly came to his door. He had just opened his mind and was being abused by the monks who controlled the sky. They forced him to form a soul seal and became a dragon descendant who controlled beasts under his command.  I looked at it clearly.  A storm of revenge led by an angry true dragon finally descended on the monks in the Sky Controlling Star Realm, and soon implicated many similar incidents involving the descendants of superior demon cultivators. The descendants of demon cultivators who originally had extremely high potential,  He was raised by monks from the Sky Controlling Star Realm in the name of "no hope of becoming a demon", and eventually became their beast control slave beast.  Therefore, what was originally just an act of venting anger by a True Dragon cultivator quickly developed into the anger of the pan-monster clan. How can the local forces in the Sky Controlling Star Realm bear it?  Establishing a clan is naturally no longer possible, and even the ability of the local cultivation civilization of the Yutian Star Realm to be passed on has become a problem.  Fortunately, the monster clan does not completely deny the achievements of the Yutian Star Realm in controlling and raising beasts. These local forces in the Yutian Star Realm also have flexible minds. Seeing that the situation is not good, they have made various promises to invest in a certain family of monsters.  Xiu forces seek refuge.  The final result is that after the demon clan has cleaned up the cultivation civilization in the Sky Controlling Star Realm like sweeping the court and plowing holes, although the inheritance has not been cut off, the remaining essence has almost completely become a demon cultivator.  The vassal forces that serve, and even the life and death of many cultivators themselves are in the hands of demon cultivators.  The monks from the Sky Controlling Star Realm who originally started out as masters of beasts have now become beast slaves and servants under the demon cultivators, because only in this way can the demon cultivators safely hand over their descendants who cannot unlock their spiritual intelligence to the support of these cultivators.  Firstly, these descendants have the blood of these demon cultivators anyway, so they will not be discarded as wild beasts; secondly, they will not worry about these cultivators using their descendants to backfire; thirdly, the improvement of the strength of these cultivators can also enhance their own strength, so  It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone. I have to say that this kind of karmic revenge is really wonderful sometimes.  "However, although most of the Yuxiu lineage has fallen into the control of various forces of the demon clan, a small number of Yuxiu escaped during the demon clan's cleanup.  These cultivators wander in the starry sky. Although they are hostile and strangled by the entire demon clan, it is difficult for them to gather together to form a climate, but at least they can still maintain their freedom. There are also many people who have good luck in the starry sky, and they have been cultivated into extremely powerful people.  The tyrannical beast master, even those from the demon clan are not willing to provoke him easily.  "This time Princess Lanxuan encountered such a wandering cultivator, and it was obvious that he was a cultivator who had a powerful beast master and was extremely difficult to deal with.  As the initiator of the destruction of the local cultivator civilization in Yutian Star Realm, the True Dragon Clan naturally has a hard time liking Yuxiu, but these wandering Yuxiu also regard the Dragon Clan as their lifelong enemies.  When Princess Lanxuan realized that the sea frog that Pang Zhu knocked into the bottom of the sea was actually a beast, the Yuxiu who was standing on the sea smiled coldly and suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar.  The high pitched sound can penetrate the clouds and crack rocks.  "Be careful, he is summoning other beasts!" Princess Lanxuan reminded.  Yang Lizhao, on the other hand, had already been holding back so much that veins were popping out in his temples. After the demon fairy Pang Zhu transformed into his true form, not only was he huge, but the weight was even more unbearable. If he didn't have the buoyancy of sea water to rely on, he felt that his fox tail form could even be used because of his strength.  If not caught, it will collapse on its own.  A loud and long cry suddenly came from outside the sky, and the tremor originating from the blood caused Princess Lanxuan's expression to change instantly.  "Garuda Bird, you damn beast slave, you dare to raise this bird, our Dragon Clan will not let you go!" Princess Lanxuan reached out and pointed at the Yuxiu on the sea, and suddenly there was an endless surge of sea water, towards the Yuxiu.  Trim the top of the head and fall.  The Yuxiu sneered, and his voice was not disturbed by the waves and was clearly transmitted to the sea boat: "I am so lucky to meet a little female dragon who has just ascended to immortality here. Ever since my Yu clan suffered a disaster, we have  I vowed to raise a real dragon as the highest honor to wash away the shame of thousands of years. It is my destiny to have this fate today." Just when Princess Lanxuan took action, Yang Lizhao had already noticed Pang Zhu sinking to the bottom of the sea.  Also driven by the current, he rushed toward the sea.Tightening the fox tail, he pulled Pang Zhu towards Haizhou.  At the same time, as the sea water surged, the sea boat also rose to a height of tens of feet, driven by the sea water. However, as the sea water collapsed, the sea boat did not fall with it, but continued to rise, and even began to rise as the sails flapped.  Soar into the air.  A scream came from far and near, and the demon fairy Pang Zhu, who had transformed into a human form again, was dragged onto the deck, rolling like a big meat ball.  And at this moment, the Yuxiu's voice came from all directions again: "Little female dragon, do you think you can escape with a spiritual boat?" The clouds in the sky suddenly split, and a pair of giant claws that covered the sky poked out from it.  He came out and grabbed directly towards the sail of the soaring spirit boat.  The Garuda bird is rumored to be a kin of the Golden-winged Dapeng. Some regard it as a descendant of the Golden-winged Dapeng. It has a violent temperament and likes to eat dragons and snakes, especially dragon descendants. It was once almost extinct under the encirclement and suppression of the dragon tribe.  But later it was said that he was protected by the Shi clan and escaped the disaster of genocide.
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