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Text 593 The legendary adventure of the Mohuang clan (

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    Fighting head-on is definitely a dead end, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Mo Huang thought hard for thirty years and finally thought of a way. In fact, the way came to him very quickly. He just had to deduce the specific technical means. Even if Mo Huang was in this  To advance to the Perfect Divine Level in time and space, interfering in the affairs of Star God Mo Huang in that time and space is basically a dead end. So what about the ten perfect Divine Levels?  Or maybe it's an army of one hundred, ten thousand, or even endless perfect divine beings!  " If an army of such power really comes, the will of the universe, which must have the power beyond limits, will probably be stunned. The next second, it will kneel down and sing "conquer", because this is an absolute force majeure.  At this moment, Mo Huang tried to find a way to create this force majeure, tearing apart the barrier of parallel time and space, and the clone came to parallel time and space, just to find himself in parallel time and space, then train him, try every means to bring him up, and then let him and the main time and space.  The reason why the main body established the connection is not his own clone is because Mo Huang considered that as a being in a different time and space, after coming to a parallel time and space, he would be subject to a certain unknown rejection. Star God Mo Huang can prove this. I don¡¯t know why,  After Star God Mo Huang came to this time and space, a premonition told Star God Mo Huang that he could not and was not allowed to touch the parallel time and space barriers and related matters. This seemed to be an insurmountable time and space taboo.  , Mo Huang didn¡¯t understand it anyway.  Only Mo Huang in this time and space can tear apart the barrier of parallel time and space. For this reason, Mo Huang asked his clone to let Mo Huang in parallel time and space tear apart parallel time and space and create a connection.  Converging the power of endless parallel time and space may not necessarily allow Mo Huang to surpass the main time and space, but it will definitely be able to create the strongest transcendent power. Of course, there are too many unknown variables in whether the plan can really succeed, but Mo Huang  Huang has made up his mind to take the first step. A clone has already arrived in parallel time and space, and then he will continue to split his clones to go to various parallel time and space.  It doesn't matter if you fail countless times, as long as you succeed once, you don't even need to cultivate Mo Huang, a parallel time and space with perfect divine power. You only need to establish a connection across the parallel time and space barrier and absorb its experience. Regardless of success,  Regardless of success or failure, Mo Huang can continue to improve and improve his methods, eventually leading to ultimate success.  This incarnation of Mo Huang also knows that he has a heavy responsibility and shoulders the endless expectations and hopes of his own self, but he feels endless pain in his balls at this moment.  This is the earth?  Is this really the earth?  Mo Huang repeatedly said to himself, although he had already guessed that the earth in parallel time and space would be different from the earth in main time and space, it would not be that different. Mo Huang had already arrived on the mainland, and then he saw what he saw.  There are endless wild forests, all kinds of weird Jedi, and then there are extremely powerful wild beasts.  Wild behemoths of the human emperor level are definitely not rare. It can even be said that there are one or two in every jungle. And many things and even the laws of this parallel time and space earth are very different from the earth that Mo Huang knows.  Big difference.  A hundred times the concentration of spiritual energy makes everything in this world appear strangely strengthened. Not only are there many giant beasts of the emperor level in the world, but the material in this world is also very hard. For example, the earth in the main time and space,  A human emperor almost has the ability to destroy human society, move mountains and create land, and create turmoil on the continental shelf. But here, a human emperor-level wild behemoth can even destroy a forest. Mo Huang has done experiments himself, and he  A punch of innate level can hit even a giant tree without leaving a mark. Even in the world of divine martial arts, his punch can flatten several large trees of the same size and a space of dozens of meters in radius, but  In this parallel time and space earth, the lethality becomes negligible, because other things are crazily strengthened under the influence of a hundred times the concentration of spiritual energy.  This wild earth makes Mo Huang feel dangerous, not only because of the tyranny of species in this world, which makes his innate power useless, but also because of an inexplicable premonition, which seems to have  Something inexplicable that could cause a fatal crisis to him was observing him.  Mo Huang first restrained his aura, and then found a place to hide, but the premonition of crisis still did not fade away. Mo Huang thought hard for a while, and suddenly realized that there was actually a will of heaven on this earth. At this moment, that consciousness of heaven seemed to be staring, evaluating, and examining himself.  This being who came from the outer starry sky, this earth, actually possesses such an efficacious consciousness of heaven!  ? Mo Huang had a sullen face. The earth in parallel time and space was actually in such an environment. It was completely beyond his expectation. In fact, it was very, very dangerous at the moment. He who possessed a trace of the nature of the Mighty Saint was essentially the same as the conventional species.  A completely different high-ranking existence, even though he is in a state of despair at the moment, as long as Mo Huang is given time, he can still recover his abilities and become a glorious person who transcends all worlds. Obviously, the earth's heavenly consciousness is keenly aware of this, so he is serious  commentEvaluate whether to expel or kill, or let it go silently.  If it really comes to this point, then all plans will be over, unless Mo Huang immediately escapes far away, goes to the universe to practice hard for thousands of years and then comes back again, then he will have the capital to compete with the earth's heaven, but thousands of years later  , perhaps losing the best time to cultivate Mo Huang in this parallel time and space, and if you want to establish contact with the main time and space deity, you absolutely cannot do it by yourself.  After thinking for a while, Mo Huang made a painful decision. He began to crush his own memory, shattering all the memories of the main time and space, and fabricating false memories for himself. He only left one method, which was to tear apart the barrier of parallel time and space. This  It is a method that involves unknown areas. If you don't know the true purpose, you will not be afraid even if it is exposed. It links the main time and space Mo Huang's method, and all others are smashed and obliterated. After completing all this, Mo Huang suddenly prostrates himself,  Praying: "The sky is above. Travelers who wander to this world wish to make this world their home, prosper together with the world, and wither the grass and trees. May the sky witness it!" Mo Huang let go of his body and mind and worshiped devoutly wholeheartedly. In an instant, invisible  The radiance came, the purest and the most supreme. This radiance poured into Mo Huang's body and mind. The first thing he did was to gain insight into Mo Huang's nature and origin and determine what Mo Huang planned to do. This was from beginning to end.  , meticulous and comprehensive observation, if Mo Huang pretends to worship and then harbors evil intentions towards the world, then this power will instantly turn into heavenly punishment.  After a while, after the insight was completed and it was verified that Mo Huang did not seem to have any evil thoughts about the world, and indeed sincerely wanted to join this world, Heaven was delighted, and the power turned into cleansing, leaving a mark on the root of Mo Huang's soul. From now on,  Mo Huang has the legal right to live in this world. If he does something wrong, God's punishment will come, and Mo Huang will have no way to avoid it.  The brilliance faded, Mo Huang stood up, showed a faint smile, and said to himself: "Heaven is so generous, it actually gave me a boost in strength." At this moment, Mo Huang's power has reached the peak of humanity. He only needs to sharpen it, and he will become the emperor of the world.  It was promising, but Mo Huang didn't mind at all, and he began to search his memory.  He remembered that his name was Mo Huang, but he had forgotten where he came from and why he appeared on earth. He clearly knew that he had forgotten many important things, but he also knew that he must have deliberately forgotten it when necessary, and at this moment  He still keeps his mission in mind.  Somewhere on this continent, there is a being who is closely related to him. Find him, train him, and then when he reaches a certain level of strength, teach him a method. This method has incredible power and can not only fulfill his needs, but also teach him a method.  , you can also fulfill yourself!  After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers and crossing the vast land, Mo Huang came to a secluded tribe. The performance during this period of time gave him a thorough understanding of everything in this world.  This is a world ruled by wild beasts. These wild beasts have extraordinary wisdom and powerful force. They occupy territory and rule one side, rule their subordinates, have diplomacy, simple trade, and war, forming a relatively primitive civilization. Mo  Huang called these wild beasts demons, and he named this world the prehistoric earth.  In addition to the prehistoric monsters, there are some other species in this world. The monsters are at the basic level of civilization and are very casual about reproduction. There are poems to prove it. The sun, the earth, the air, and the sky and the earth are all big enough. This says  It's the monsters. This is really not a joke. Mo Huang can't understand that even stones can make you pregnant. How powerful are these monsters? What's more, even a drop of blood spattered out can make the air pregnant.  , giving birth to a pure wind spirit.  Although Mo Huang had no memory and didn't know why he felt like this, he just felt a deep pain in his balls.  "In short, there are many ethnic beings who are born with the blood of the demon clan, but have not reached the limit of wild beasts. Among them, Mo Huang does not know why he particularly likes an extremely weak race.  Apart from their strong reproductive ability and slightly above average intelligence, there is nothing outstanding about this kind of creature, but Mo Huang just likes this kind of creature. These creatures are also ignorant, but Mo Huang gave them a name, called  Be a human being.  There are many human races in the prehistoric earth world. After all, the human race's reproductive ability is really not to be boasted. No matter how crazy the monster race's reproductive ability is, stone and air are within the hunting range, but the gestation period is long, and it takes decades or even hundreds of years to produce one child.  It's nothing but ordinary, but the human race can have one child a year.  Compared to the Monster Clan, the Human Race has a cockroach-level reproduction ability. As long as the Human Race appears in a place, it won¡¯t be long before there are traces of the Human Race in this place. As the ruling class of the Monster Clan, the wild behemoths are divided into separate kingdoms.  On the one hand, the level of civilization is low. They don't think there is anything wrong with the human race everywhere. Instead, they feel a little happy, because although the human race is thin,?, it takes hundreds of humans to defeat one monster, but after all, it is meat, and it can also be included in the diet of the monsters. At most, you can eat more to fill your stomach.  The monsters eat the humans, and the humans eat the monsters. The cruel food chain laws of nature treat everyone equally, but Mo Huang is vaguely transcendent. After a period of travel, he has been promoted to the emperor of the world, and he is comparable to the giant beasts of the ancient times.  If there is a separate kingdom, he can also become a big demon that dominates one party. As long as he doesn't seek death, seek bad luck from some stronger people, or go to some Jedi places, there really aren't many dangers in this world that can trap him.  A secluded human tribe, Mo Huang casually stepped into it and made an invisibility secret. Although he didn't know why he had such a secret, but he could use it and he had no intention of pursuing it so much. According to the guidance of the spiritual sense in his heart,  , came to a cave and waited silently. After a while, a little boy about ten years old, who was dirty and dusty, but could still be vaguely seen, had long hair shawl and was wearing animal skins.  The girl jumped out and ran out.  "Amu, I am hunting!" As the ruling class, the giant wild beasts and monsters do not have a high level of civilization. They exist as food. How can the human race that does not belong to the mainstream have such a high level of civilization, even communication?  His words are all simple? They are just a combination of words.  A thick mother's voice came from the cave: "Mohuang! Be careful!" "Mohuang?" I don't know why, when I heard this name and then looked at the little girl with pink and jade sculptures, Mo Huang always felt full of violation.  It felt harmonious, but he couldn't tell where it was inconsistent.  "If you have to attack yourself as a last resort, does this count as inbreeding?" A sentence with unclear meaning suddenly appeared in Mo Huang's mind, but he had no idea what the meaning of "self-attacking" and "inbreeding" were, which was inexplicable.  The feeling emerged, as if as long as he continued to recall, those unknown memories would be retrieved, but Mo Huang just smiled and smashed and obliterated these suddenly emerging pieces of information.  Perhaps it was because of his magical nature that the erased memories were gradually reunited. Mo Huang didn't know why he deliberately forgot his past memories, but he still remembered that he had a purpose for doing so, and every bit of information related to the past was  It must be erased with the utmost rigor, so he erased this information of unknown meaning again and maintained his memory blank. This seemed to ensure that a big secret would not be leaked.  Mo Huang suddenly appeared, bent down, smiled at the little girl and said: "Girl, I see that you have extraordinary qualifications and extraordinary abilities. Are you interested in learning the Tathagata Palm from me, and then become the overlord of the monsters and have endless expeditions?"  "The sea of ??stars!" "You! Who?" "The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter. If you like it, just call me Haotian Supreme Hongjun Sanqing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"  At the same time, some information began to be traced back. It seemed that these names were related to some information related to past memories. Mo Huang smashed and erased this information at will, but Mo Huang himself did not realize that repeatedly erasing his own memory would  This leads to some not so good consequences, for example, there will be a brief amnesia, so he forgets what he just said, so he introduces himself again.  "The name is just a code name, it's not important. If you like it, just call me the Western Titan Ancestral God, Buddha, the Supreme Creation God!" This introduction seemed to be designed with past memories in mind, so Mo Huang erased his own memory again,  Then he introduced himself again: "The name is just a code name, it's not important. If you like it, just call me Lenovo ASUS Apple Cybertron Skynet and I will kill you three thousand times!" Needless to say, the ending is to erase the memory again.  , instinctively avoided the previous mistake and re-introduced himself using different vocabulary. As for why Mo Huang did not introduce himself by his real name, he himself did not know. There are some things for a person who has lost his memory and who also needs to deliberately maintain his amnesia.  There is no need to pursue it.  Then the little Mohuang girl stood there and listened to Mo Huang introduce herself hundreds of times. Although the level of human civilization is not high and many vocabulary has not been born, the specific reflection of some things still has commonality that transcends time and space.  For example, the look in the eyes of the little girl Mohuang at this moment fully expressed one meaning: "Why are you so crazy!" In this way, in this parallel time and space, the encounter between Mo Huang and the girl started a storm.  An ups and downs epic, in later generations, countless human beings have repeatedly described this scene in magnificent poems or beautiful paintings.  They described it this way: [The first emperor of the human race, Mohuang, who created a new/era/yuan, was destined by fate to meet the legendary great sage, Mr. Crazy. Under his guidance, the great  The First Emperor went on to become an unparalleled cartoonist, novelist, director, singer, chef, and housekeeping expert.This glorious beginning laid the foundation for her to create the Skynet system, create the Technological God Religion, become the ancestor of robots, and use the power of the great nuclear bomb to sweep away all monsters, demons, demons, and snakes!  ] What the Mohuang girl went through under the guidance of Mo Huang does not need to be described, because the process is sad and bumpy, but the end result is always bright. Mo Huang's legend still continues, and belongs to Mohuang  The epic has just begun, and where the Mo Huang family's great adventure will eventually lead, it will take time to slowly describe everything.  The whole article is finished, I¡¯m glad and congratulated, I¡¯m glad and congratulated!  
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