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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 347 Man and Stone (Part 1)

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    Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's last theorem, the four-color theorem, all the famous mathematical problems that humans have either solved or not completely solved have been published in relevant professional magazines around the world in just one or two months.  , its ingenuity is unbelievable.  Wang Qing was soon found, and he, his students, and assistants were invited to give lectures in various places to explain how to obtain answers to these mathematical problems.  After all, this is modern society, and academic jealousy will not immediately turn into things like kidnapping. After all, these mathematical problems are just reputations. From the perspective of professionals, money cannot compare, but to many people  It seems that only those mathematicians who have obtained bonuses and titles such as professors through this are worthy of their envy and envy, without any thought of the cause-and-effect relationship.  "Teacher Wang, how did you communicate with the mysterious mathematician? Why did the other party remain anonymous?" A beautiful female student asked with admiring eyes.  In this professional field, only those who have mastered the highest knowledge can get this kind of look. This is completely different from those who worship money. It is the worship of a truly strong person. Only money is just appearance, and this knowledge  The possessor is the real strong person. No matter how the external environment changes, knowledge cannot be taken away. Of course, if it is eliminated by force, money and knowledge will be useless.  "I want to state first that the other party has never revealed his name, nor has he told me anything personal. I can answer your first question. I just raised these questions. The two parties just communicated based on mathematical thinking. The latter question,  I can't answer." Wang Qing adjusted his glasses. He still felt a little guilty. After all, he is not one of those professional liars. It is conceivable that he is just hiding something and has not said anything. There is such pressure. If he swallows it himself  Get these results.  If he takes credit for solving the difficult problem, he will be overwhelmed by so many accusations and questions.  There are many cases of theft in academia, but at least it is theft among professionals. The thieves themselves believe that they have the ability to steal and absorb it into something they have mastered.  And he is not a cutting-edge mathematician, and he does not know the top mathematical knowledge, and it is impossible for him to fully master it in just a few months. Therefore, he cannot fully answer the questions raised by top professionals.  of.  How many abilities do you have?  Just eat as much as you want and do as much as you want.  This way at least you can live a solid life.  "Why has such a master of mathematics never been famous? Is it possible that such a hermit still exists in today's world?" A reporter was very surprised. In a world where information is highly exchanged and shared, someone with such abilities and achievements would have long been world-famous.  , at least a leader in the relevant field.  "I can't answer this question either," Wang Qing said.  "Then can you disclose the contact information of this master? We hope to communicate with him directly." This question was raised again.  In the past few months, Wang Qing has answered many similar questions. These people are always like this. Now that they understand that Wang Qing is just a narrator, they all want to seize this channel, but they never know that this master  Communication channels are not something that can be easily obtained.  His own quantum communication experiment was established with a lot of investment, and now he has reached an offensive and defensive alliance with his student assistants. They don't expect to hide it for too long, but at least they can hide it.  some time.  At least their chat records, they have already discovered, there is no trace at all, not to mention that the country has always trusted these workers in academic matters, and there will be no investigation. After all, they are not engaged in secret military industry, a quantum  Communication sounds high-end, but everyone knows that this kind of cutting-edge research has always been experimental in nature, and there will be no special monitoring.  However, Wang Qing also found that from time to time, some superior leaders came to him and asked about relevant situations, specifically pointing out that it would be best to invite this world-class mathematics master to come out.  Where he can do it, he can only shirk one or two things, but he is not worried about offending people. After all, he is a figure in academia. He does not need to be as careful as those bureaucrats and managers when dealing with leaders. With his current reputation, some university generals  He has appointed professors from well-known domestic universities, and there is no shortage of domestic university professors. Now they no longer worry about the so-called leaders, and there are many who criticize them.  "I'm sorry, this master only wants to study quietly and doesn't like to show up everywhere. And based on the information I got, I speculate that this master is not a person, but a group of mathematics experts. They have the same hobbies and personalities, and they are not at all  We care about our ordinary fame and fortune. It is difficult for ordinary people like me to have such pure hobbies and pure devotion to research."Wang Qing is doing self-criticism. He is right. In fact, most people who are engaged in such so-called advanced projects are eager for quick success. When reporting on project results, there are very few who are willing to report the progress honestly.  It's still a small amount. It can be said that certain progress has been made, a lot of improvement has been made, and a lot of gaps have been filled. In fact, it is a waste of manpower and time, studying some outdated things to mix projects and funds, hundreds of thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions.  In fact, Mao did not study any of his research projects, but just some high-sounding written materials on paper. This situation can be seen everywhere.  Some people were silent. They often thought of the various goals of catching up with the world's advancement, but they ignored that advancement must be achieved bit by bit, rather than just following slogans and indicators. They just want to achieve that advanced goal.  , and ignoring the process required to reach advanced levels is bound to be the only outcome of failure.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ ¡°Hai Shi, what do you think is the biggest characteristic of these human beings?¡± ¡°Impetuous, their life span is short, so no matter what they do, they have a feeling of urgency to do well and finish everything.  It is their nature to want to get the best as they please, and to get something for nothing. Anyone who can overcome this nature is an outstanding person and has become an outstanding person among human beings. The so-called seeking truth from facts means overcoming the impetuous mentality.  Do things little by little, respect the process and rules of how things develop, and don¡¯t think about success immediately. You can know this by looking at their history. There are saints, but saints can be non-impetuous at the beginning. After becoming saints, they start to be impetuous.  , Ignoring the laws will eventually lead to failure. The material world will not sympathize with anyone because of his noble spirit or noble morals. Anyone who does not follow material laws will inevitably be unlucky." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better  Update faster!
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