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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 338 Gods (Part 2)

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    "Guang Shi, why did you come to see me?" The person talking to Ling Chen at this time was a Tianshi tribesman with a similar build to him. His name was Hai Shi.  "I have discovered a huge crisis. There is a meteorite from the sky that is hitting our celestial galaxy." Ling Chen said seriously. If you want this race with great potential to take action and grasp the power, you must have a background.  Human beings say that times make heroes, and now Ling Chen is taking the initiative to create times. This extraterrestrial meteorite is the plan that he spent a full fifty years constructing. With his learning ability, he has both the human and Tianshi tribes.  With its technical foundation and extremely long years of experience, it is not too difficult to create a trend.  This guy named Haishi was a new friend he made from the optical network during his planning.  If you want to accomplish something, you can't just rely on yourself. After making preliminary preparations, he decided to win over some people first, and this guy was the first one.  "Oh, it seems that our good days on the ground have come to an end. We still have to hide underground for hundreds of years." Hai Shi touched his head with his huge palm. Since the Tianshi tribe has no pressure to survive, they have to deal with various problems related to survival.  Relevant thinking patterns, such as lies, were extremely rare. He did not doubt what Ling Chen said, and did not even ask Ling Chen how he got the news, or that he was too lazy to ask where the news came from.  .  The other party's reaction was completely within Ling Chen's expectation. He continued, "You can't just hide this time. According to my observations, the size of this meteorite is one percent of the size of the star Celestial Star in our star system."  First, it is not so much a meteorite as a celestial weapon that can destroy stars. Its orbit will coincide with the Tianji star. Even if we hide in the center of the earth, all planets will be annihilated.  , so this is of no use." "How is this possible?" Although he would not doubt Ling Chen, Hai Shi still couldn't believe it. The chance of such an event happening is too small. "If there is such a big threat flying towards the Tianji Galaxy,  "Our planetary observatory should have issued a warning long ago," Lingchen understood the planetary observatory the other party was referring to. This is a kind of observatory similar to the space station outside the Earth's atmosphere. Since the main threat from the Tianshi tribe comes from outer space,  Therefore, their technological development is very abnormal. They have very few military weapons on the ground. They mainly develop weapons to deal with extraterrestrial meteorites, including launch vehicles, unmanned spacecraft, etc., and serve as planetary observation stations for eyes.  It is a step further than human technology, and the range of observation is also precise.  All are surpassed several times.  The gap between the two sides in scientific theory is very small, and even humans still have an advantage in many aspects. However, the Tianshi tribe has its own ability to evolve into corresponding technological items. Many advanced products designed by humans only theoretically, as long as they are useful to them.  If it is of great use, they can evolve it on their own.  This planetary observatory was developed from the four hundred Tianshi clan members themselves. As an early warning measure, they gave up their normal lives and have dedicated themselves to the clan for thousands of years. However, they rotated every two thousand years, and soon it was time to return again.  Time for rotation.  Ling Chen dared to come here to fool Hai Shi. This friend he had known on the optical network for many years would certainly not fail to take this into consideration.  "They are afraid of causing chaos, so they haven't spread the news yet, but I have contact with one of the guys on the optical network, and he told me something. In the past two years, I have evolved into a radio telescope on my own and discovered  "We found similar evidence," Ling Chen said while modulating information through light waves and passing it to Hai Shi.  "These guys dare to hide such an important thing. No, we have to tell everyone immediately." Haishi was quite impulsive. He did not doubt Ling Chen's words at all.  "Wait a minute," Ling Chen stopped him. These days, the Stone Clan people do not have a unified political power. Because everyone does not need to rely on the collective to survive, the collective power structure develops very slowly, and no long-term stable power structure emerges.  The emergence of the optical network was caused by the gathering of some enthusiasts. Promotion relied on attraction, not the coercive force of standards. Only when facing a crisis for the whole family, they temporarily formed some organizations to rely on their own characteristics.  Get through the crisis, and once the crisis is gone, no one will have to worry about it anymore.  Only among ethnic groups with different entertainment cultures can the so-called patriarch appear. He only plays the role of an organizer, not a coercive role.  "What?" Haishi was a little confused. This kind of thing shouldn't be known to everyone as it was in history, and then face it together. First make a technical solution, then design it in detail, and finally who should evolve into what part.  Just proceed according to your own abilities.  "I know you want to tell everyone, and like several incidents in history, rely on the evolution of the ethnic group to survive the crisis, but this time it is different," Ling Chen said.  ? ??What's the difference?  "Hai Shi asked naturally. "Because this time it is likely that some tribesmen will need to make permanent sacrifices," Ling Chen said slowly. This is exactly the core of his plan. Only with oppression can power be necessary.  , a group of people organize to oppress other people and force the other party to accept the loss of interests. ¡°What does this mean?  "Hai Shi was a little confused. Ling Chen didn't say anything, and sent him images one after another, and then explained. "If we want to avoid this crisis, we must build a spacecraft that can fly across the stars. If we want to build it quickly,  To succeed, one-third of the tribe must permanently evolve into various parts of the spacecraft. Of course, life may not be lost, but at least the freedom of movement will be permanently lost. And unlike the planetary observation station, there can still be rotations. If  There is only a small amount of need, and there will probably be many tribesmen who volunteer to come out, but if one-third of the number is needed, then only the power of the organization can do it," Ling Chen said. Haishi was silent. All along, the entire tribe has just passed.  Living a leisurely and leisurely life, the most important thing to think about every day is how to make life interesting, rather than worrying about anything. The several crises encountered in history were actually not major. The final losses caused were greater than those of the entire ethnic group.  Very few. As Ling Chen said, one-third of the tribe must make sacrifices and rely on their own evolution to achieve the parts needed for the escape spaceship. However, it must be calculated based on the standard of ten thousand years.  According to the theoretical design level, the highest spacecraft speed is only 30 to 50 kilometers per second, and the nearest star system is at least 10 light-years away. He only has a rough feeling that it will take more than 100,000 years.  Only then can we fly there. If we think about whether there is a planet suitable for the Tianshi people to live in, and whether we need to change the star system, it will take even longer. Even though the Tianshi people have long lifespans and there are many otakus who don't like sports.  , but asking them to keep their parts motionless for a hundred thousand years cannot be persuaded by words. Only some kind of strong measures can ensure that the tribesmen who make up the spacecraft can maintain a stable state. ¡°Then what you want.  How to do it?  "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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